Ku'Hania |

Yup it's martial proficiency so not really useful for the rest of us.
With Dakari gone we should probably redistribute the wands of Flaming Sphere and color spray, and someone should take the wand of mage armor (all very useful in combat)

Rebecca "Becky" Beys |

...and all those wands' spells aren't on the Bard List. :(
If either the cloak of resistance +1 or ring of protection +1 are available, Becky could use those. Not interested in the other stuff.

Ankha Brushbender |

I don't think the wands' spells are on anyone's spell list. So they should go to whoever has Use Magic Device as a class skill, which means bards or alchemists.
Can Becky use UMD? If not, Ankha will take all the wands for now (I added a rank to UMD when we upgraded to Level 4) but Becky should really take them as soon as she has UMD available (since Ankha's charisma modifier is -1).
Just trying to keep track of loot allocation--please let me know if I've made any mistakes:
Ring of Protection +1 -> Braxton
Cloak of Resistance +1 -> Becky
'Sell'/Trade: Meridian Belt, Silver Mirror, two +1 tridents
@Ku'Hania: Can you update the loot sheet? I'm unable to edit it.

Rebecca "Becky" Beys |

I don't think the wands' spells are on anyone's spell list. So they should go to whoever has Use Magic Device as a class skill, which means bards or alchemists.
Can Becky use UMD? If not, Ankha will take all the wands for now (I added a rank to UMD when we upgraded to Level 4) but Becky should really take them as soon as she has UMD available (since Ankha's charisma modifier is -1).
No, I haven't invested any ranks in UMD yet. (Becky uses most of her skill ranks to pump up her Knowledge skills so she can be an insufferable Know-It-All.)

Ku'Hania |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah not having a full arcane caster is likely going to hurt us with being able to use a lot of the stuff we find.
Updated. Marked off the things we plan to sell. Not much we can do about the value unless we actually have someone to sell/trade to so they'll kind of just sit there until then (I'll cross them off once we ca actually unload them)
Once everyone's updated their sheets with the items they claimed let me know and I'll cross those off the list.

Rebecca "Becky" Beys |

Once everyone's updated their sheets with the items they claimed let me know and I'll cross those off the list.
Done! (And thanks!)

Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Huh--just realized I never posted Becky's updates when we hit 4th level. Very convenient screw-up on my part--now Becky can attempt to use those wands.
REBECCA “BECKY” BEYS Level 4 Updates
4th-Level Bard (Archivist)
Ability Score Boost: +1 Int
hp: 31 (+7; +5 average, +1 Con, +1 FC)
Saving Throws: Fort +1 (cloak), Ref +2 (cloak + level), will +2 (cloak + level))
BAB, CMB, CMD: all +1
Bardic Performance: 12 rounds (+2 level)
New Bard Spells Known: 2nd--cure moderate wounds, sound burst
New Spell Slots: 2nd-—2 total (+1 level, +1 Cha)
Skill Ranks (10 total; +6 class, +3 Int, +1 skilled)
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Climb
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Disable Device
+1 Knowledge (arcana)
+1 Perception
+1 Perform (oratory)
+1 Sense Motive
+2 Use Magic Device
Background Skill Ranks (2)
+1 Craft (alchemy)
+1 Sleight of Hand

Ankha Brushbender |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Once everyone's updated their sheets with the items they claimed let me know and I'll cross those off the list.
Ankha has already claimed the Shield Cloak and the Swarmsuit on her sheet. Could you also deduct 460 gp for brewing potions and meditation tea? I believe that would leave us with 111 sp. Thanks!
@Becky--Those wands look good on you. They'll fit especially well with how she curses when they don't work the way she wants. :)

Ku'Hania |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Done! Everything claimed has been taken off the sheet, and I've color coded the stuff we definitely intend to sell.

Ankha Brushbender |

@GM: I’ve described 1 week of downtime for now, so that we can see what Eliza says after her mind control wears off. Should I describe my activities for the full 6 weeks of downtime, or should I wait for you to post for Eliza first?
Also, Ankha is about to transform into a potion factory, so let me run my plans by you first to make sure they’re okay. Thanks to her Brew Potion feat, and because making a potion costs half the price of selling it, she can:
a) Brew 4 1st level potions at CL 4 in one eight-hour day. She can give two of these potions to the colony in exchange for the materials to make all four, leaving her with effectively 2 such free potions per day (i.e. 400 gp/day).
b) Brew 2 2nd level potions at CL 4 in two days. She can give one of these potions to the colony in exchange for the materials to make both of them, leaving her with effectively 1 such free potion every 2 days.
Does this sound okay to you?
For my teammates: I plan to keep some potions for party use, and the rest can be sent with the next ship to sell/trade for something fancy (e.g. +2 ability score item), though shipping will be a bit slower than Amazon Prime.

GM of the Ruins |

Should I describe my activities for the full 6 weeks of downtime, or should I wait for you to post for Eliza first?
Hold on a bit, I'm posting now. Your downtime stuff will happen sorta in the background as we go through various events throughout the six weeks. I don't want to go day by day of course, but things will happen during the time. Presumably you'd like to explore the sunken Azlanti boat, at the very least.
The only issue with the free potion thing is obviously the economy and expected value of treasure. I'll have to look into what the book and other rules say about stuff like this before giving you an answer on that. I'm leaning towards "yeah sounds good (minus any expensive components)" but I'd like to check to make sure that won't wildly unbalance things and require more work on my end to challenge the group.

Ankha Brushbender |

Your downtime stuff will happen sorta in the background as we go through various events throughout the six weeks. I don't want to go day by day of course, but things will happen during the time. Presumably you'd like to explore the sunken Azlanti boat, at the very least.
Definitely! So I won't do the crafting all in one lump, but maybe week by week, or in the gap between events.
The only issue with the free potion thing is obviously the economy and expected value of treasure. I'll have to look into what the book and other rules say about stuff like this before giving you an answer on that. I'm leaning towards "yeah sounds good (minus any expensive components)" but I'd like to check to make sure that won't wildly unbalance things and require more work on my end to challenge the group.
This totally makes sense. Maybe you could give me an upper gp limit and I can only generate up to that amount of potions/gold?

GM of the Ruins |
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Maybe you could give me an upper gp limit and I can only generate up to that amount of potions/gold?
This is the solution I have landed on, yeah. I actually came up with an interesting idea (in my mind, at least) in the form of tying the gathered ingredients to the 'treasure per encounter' numbers' as a guideline for expected amounts of extra fake gold in ingredients to use for potions and other alchemical items.
For this specific first instance, I'll say the colony has enough spare time to spend on searching for ingredients to equal two CR 4 medium encounters, or 2,300 gp for these six weeks. This system allows me to scale the gold awarded in ingredients to your level and the circumstances of the colony.
I'll continue to use this system in the future to supplement the treasure the AP assumes you'll have.

Ku'Hania |

We have a list of the available NPC's somewhere right?

Ankha Brushbender |

We have a list of the available NPC's somewhere right?
Yes, you can find them in the free Player's Guide.
@all: Any other requests/preferences for what you'd like Ankha to generate through crafting? Would you like a specific potion, or 'gold' to purchase something nice from the mainland (with delayed shipping)?

Ku'Hania |

Ku'Hania wrote:We have a list of the available NPC's somewhere right?Yes, you can find them in the free Player's Guide.
Thanks Ankha
So I was considering using the downtime to Retrain my companion Haplo to the Mauler archetype
By the retrain rules it would take 15 days (5 days for each ability swapped out) and cost 750g (which is the barrier at this point)

Ankha Brushbender |

Okay, it’s easier to put this here rather than in ooc text in the gameplay thread. This is a record of Ankha’s crafting activities over the 6-week downtime.
1st week - done previously
2nd week - Income generation: as described earlier in the Discussion, Ankha can make the equivalent of 400 gp/day (brew 4 1st level potions at CL4, all for the colony). So six day’s worth of work earns the 2300 gp cap.
3rd week – Scribe spells/formulae
Level 2: Bear’s Endurance, False Life (80 gp cost, 4 hrs)
Level 3: Arcane Sight, Nondetection, Tongues, Fly (270 gp cost, 9 hrs)
--Take 10 on Craft (Alchemy) for 26 to make Potion Sponges x9 (craft DC 15, increase to DC 25) for 6 gp cost over 2 days.
--Brew 1st level potions: Enlarge Person x3, Ant Haul, Endure Elements, Touch of the Sea x3 (200 gp cost, 2 days)
4th & 5th weeks – Cast Crafter’s Fortune and Take 10 on Craft (Alchemy) for 31 to make Air Crystals x3 (no DC listed, but if I’m allowed to set it at DC 30, then I can make 3 of them in 2 weeks for 50 gp cost.
6th week – Brew 2nd level potions: Bear’s Endurance, Invisibility x3, Cure Moderate Wounds x2 (1200 gp cost, 6 days)
Total Cost: 1806 gp
I’ll sell/trade her old fauchard for 7 gp to offset that annoying 6 gp, so that leaves 500 gp from her 2nd week income generation for the rest of the party to use.
Question: Does Kelpa’s +1 CL apply to water/swimming potions Ankha brews too, or just to her extracts?

GM of the Ruins |
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Apologies for the silence, guys! My mom was put into the hospital with some serious health issues and my route changed my off days at work which has thrown me off completely, what with learning new things.
Will get a post up tomorrow afternoon after work! Thank you for your patience, sorry for any inconvenience.
Question: Does Kelpa’s +1 CL apply to water/swimming potions Ankha brews too, or just to her extracts?
Just the ‘casting’ of extracts.

Ku'Hania |

Hope she recovers soon.

Rebecca "Becky" Beys |

What Ku'Hania said. Hopefully she'll get past whatever issue(s) she's having as soon as possible. 'Til she does, keep your priorities on family and get to us when time permits.

Braxton Horatio Wynters |

Wish you the best with your family and job stuff <3
How many days of our downtime would Braxton be able to use to Generate Capital for his inn?