GM Giuseppe |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone! So it seems like we have enough players to start the recruitment for this campaign. Please take a look at the interest check thread for additional info about this campaign and how I'll handle it. Here I just want to make sure that the character's creation process is clear enough to everyone, so let's start:
- Ability Scores: 20 points buy
- Ability Scores Restrictions: No dump stats below 8
- Starting wealth: Average starting wealth
- Legal Sources: Only what was available when SS was being published (check the complete list here)
- NO GENERIC PCs: All PCs must be originally conceived for the Serpent'S Skull Adventure Path.
- Character Traits: 1 Serpent's Skull's campaign trait and 1 character trait chosen from the legal sources.
- Necessary Readings: Serpent's Skull Player's Guide (available for free here on paizo.com)
- Suggested Readings: Ethnic or Racial entry of your character's ethnicity or race in The Inner Sea World Guide; Mwangi Expanse and Sargava entries in The Inner Sea World Guide; Sargava, The Lost Colony; city and/or nation-specific books concerning your character's origin nation and/or city (ask to me if you don't know where to look)
- Suggested Deities: Gozreh, Nethys
- Suggested Alignments: All (no in-party kills will be allowed, though)
- Other Suggestions: Existing relationships with one or more of the NPCs detailed in the Player's Guide are encouraged; mind affinity with one or more of these factions: Pathfinder Society, Aspis Consortium, Red Mantis Assassins, Sargavan Government, Hellknights, Free Captains of the Shackles; see the Player's Guide for other suggestions.
- Party Assortment: We'll try to have all specializations covered, but the particular way by which we reach this balance can vary and will be flexible.
The next thing I'd like to talk about is my evaluation criteria:
- N° of Characters : 4
- Posting Rate : Minimum 1/day
- Background and Personality : This will be the first criterion for my choice. I'll prefer characters who have rich stories and personalities, and above all those whose stories and personalities are strongly tied to their hailing place and to the campaign flavor.
- Character's Motivations : My preference will go to those characters whose motivations are in line with the AP as described in the Player's Guide.
- In-Game Statistics Flavor : My preference will got to those characters whose game statistics are inspired by a theme fitting the AP and reflect this inspiration in terms of game mechanics (when it's possibile, of course)
- Previous PbPs : I'll attentively look at player's previous posts in PBP games as a sort of "quality certificate". If you're a new player I suggest you to heavily invest in your character so I can take that work as quality certificate: I'm open to recruiting 1 or 2 new PbP players, so there's no need to worry for new players.
- Party Assortment : I'll try to form a party with compatible aligment, motivations and affiliations, so if everyone is proposing Good characters you'd better think twice about proposing an irredeemable Evil character.
Now I'm going to focus on the submissions' modalities and deadline:
- Deadline: September 7th 2015
- Requirements: I plan to work together with the players who get selected to adjust and improve their characters' backgrounds, motivations and so on. Incomplete submissions could be accepted, especially if the character is so deep and detailed that needs some extra efforts and time to complete.
- Questions: You can ask whatever you might need directly to me in this thread. I'll try to follow up and answer as soon as I can.
This said, good work to everyone and let's hope that some excellent characters may make their way to the untamable wilds of the jungle!
**I'll edit this post regularly to show the existing applications so everyone can see them and think about them if necessary.**

DekoTheBarbarian |

I have a couple of ideas for this, but one needs a question answered: Since Gnomes of Golarion is legal, can I make a Bleachling Gnome? Been wanting to make/use one since I first read it, but never really been in a game that I could work it in, or found some new toy (read: new stuff that came out) that I wanted to try. If not, that's totally fine and I can come up with something different, just thought I'd give it a shot.

Giuseppe Capriati |

I have a couple of ideas for this, but one needs a question answered: Since Gnomes of Golarion is legal, can I make a Bleachling Gnome? Been wanting to make/use one since I first read it, but never really been in a game that I could work it in, or found some new toy (read: new stuff that came out) that I wanted to try. If not, that's totally fine and I can come up with something different, just thought I'd give it a shot.
No problem with a bleaching gnome, but as stated in Gnomes of Golarion you'll be making a Will saving throw each year to avoid the terrible effects of the bleaching.
I'm thinking of an elf barbarian. Her name is Sizara which means Cheetah of Storms in Elven. Since her spirit animal is a cheetah. I hope I have time to finish her up. Busy with work. Stats are easy. It's the background and description that are the hard parts.
I know it's hard, but it's supposed to be that way. I like the character's concept, maybe you could think about making her a savage elf (Ekujae tribe). Unfortunately we know so little about Ekujae, but in my opinion it's a concept that deserves to be explored. Spirit animals will play a big role in the campaign, so the connection is appropriate.
I still have a lot to do. For the back ground and personality.
If I am picked. I will add the other party members. To the back ground in appropriate places, in the journal.
But here is the beginnings.
I've read the back story and analyzed the crunch. It seems pretty solid and thematically fitting (I've especially appreciated the familiar choice). Only one question: the weird punctuation is done on purpose? I don't want to be pedantic, but in a game entirely focused on writing and reading a wrong punctuation could make everything harder, especially when it comes to roleplaying posts.
Only home on Sunday. But will try then to bring a character to life.
Orc Rogue. Wanting to go Red Mantis eventually
Orcs are allowed but be warned that this campaign is very focused on RP and building relationships with NPCs, so maybe an orc could have hard times, but you're free to try the challenge.

DekoTheBarbarian |

DekoTheBarbarian wrote:I have a couple of ideas for this, but one needs a question answered: Since Gnomes of Golarion is legal, can I make a Bleachling Gnome? Been wanting to make/use one since I first read it, but never really been in a game that I could work it in, or found some new toy (read: new stuff that came out) that I wanted to try. If not, that's totally fine and I can come up with something different, just thought I'd give it a shot.No problem with a bleaching gnome, but as stated in Gnomes of Golarion you'll be making a Will saving throw each year to avoid the terrible effects of the bleaching.
Actually, I'm wanting to play a Gnome that's already become a Bleachling. They have to start out at middle age with appropriate ability adjustments, and they no longer have to make any saves as they are immune to any further effects of the Bleaching.
If you'd rather have me play a Gnome who's suffering and trying to stave off the Bleaching, I can do that as well, though it wasn't what I had originally intended to play.

Giuseppe Capriati |

My idea just backfired.
Will have to look at other racesAnd no. Its not because of the social part... something else...
So either Aasimar or hobgoblin. If you allow them?
I allow every race in the legal sources that has the "x characters" wording, such as "orc characters", "tiefling characters" and so on. Hobgoblins and Aasimars included. Of course, the problem here is the same as for the orc: I'll develop a very precise setting and as far as I know from my readings, hobgoblins are considered monsters by the common people, so pacific interactions may prove difficult. Aasimars don't have this problem at all: to the contrary they tend to be accepted and sometimes even made the center of a lot of attentions and pressures. Developing an aasimar's psychology could be challenging, but aasimars are far and away more fitting to the campaign compared with hobgoblins. My world will be populated mostly by humans and so races like goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, orcs, tiefling, etc. must face the fact that probably will be trated with ostility or feared by the common folk, will have hard times trying to get the NPCs acceptance and so on.
Actually, I'm wanting to play a Gnome that's already become a Bleachling. They have to start out at middle age with appropriate ability adjustments, and they no longer have to make any saves as they are immune to any further effects of the Bleaching.
If you'd rather have me play a Gnome who's suffering and trying to stave off the Bleaching, I can do that as well, though it wasn't what I had originally intended to play.
I simply misunderstood your intents. I'm fine with a bleachling, even if as I said above I expect that a he/she has a very deep psychology, which must reflect the pains he/she has endured and the new way of thinking and acting that becoming a bleachling entails.

John Whyte |

I am interested and have some questions:
The first one is mostly for completeness's sake : Are the replacement classes in Unchained allowed or are you sticking to the classes as originally published?
My initial thoughts are a character who was part of the crew on the ship and really would like to get back home to his family. It would enable the stubbornness of the dwarf to come through. With that I'd suggest he have a relationship with the free Captains and has worked on their ships? Or is being part of the crew relationship enough?
As a concept how does that sound?
Also if you are wanting the party's background/fit to balance more than the actual class combos do you want me to make an application with suggested classes (the above could work as a background for a rouge, ranger, barbarian, or fighter class and honestly the class has always been secondary to backstory for me anyway) or would you prefer I pick a class and stick with it?
There is an alternative racial trait for a dwarf entitled 'salt beard' which is in the advanced race guide, but I know the guide copies a number of traits from smaller publications. Do you know if it is the dwarfs of Golorian book?

Azule son of Abendago |

I still have a lot to do. For the back ground and personality.
If I am picked. I will add the other party members. To the back ground in appropriate places, in the journal.
But here is the beginnings.
I've read the back story and analyzed the crunch. It seems pretty solid and thematically fitting (I've especially appreciated the familiar choice). Only one question: the weird punctuation is done on purpose? I don't want to be pedantic, but in a game entirely focused on writing and reading a wrong punctuation could make everything harder, especially when it comes to roleplaying posts.
i shall endeavor to fix my grammar. I don't do a lot of typing/writing.

GM Giuseppe |

I am interested and have some questions:
The first one is mostly for completeness's sake : Are the replacement classes in Unchained allowed or are you sticking to the classes as originally published?My initial thoughts are a character who was part of the crew on the ship and really would like to get back home to his family. It would enable the stubbornness of the dwarf to come through. With that I'd suggest he have a relationship with the free Captains and has worked on their ships? Or is being part of the crew relationship enough?
As a concept how does that sound?
Also if you are wanting the party's background/fit to balance more than the actual class combos do you want me to make an application with suggested classes (the above could work as a background for a rouge, ranger, barbarian, or fighter class and honestly the class has always been secondary to backstory for me anyway) or would you prefer I pick a class and stick with it?
There is an alternative racial trait for a dwarf entitled 'salt beard' which is in the advanced race guide, but I know the guide copies a number of traits from smaller publications. Do you know if it is the dwarfs of Golorian book?
1. Only classes as originally published.
2. Guess that working on the Jenivere is a strong tie by itself, since lets you know all the passengers and the crew members. If you wish to push for that pirate affiliation, though, just do it, it cannot hurt.
3. I like the concept. You can always expand it, delving into the psychology of a dwarf who has been distant from his family for a long time.
4. I would prefer you to pick a class since I especially enjoy when class abilities get justified in the story of a character. So, if you don't have a class, you can't do that.
5. The "salt beard" racial trait makes is very first appearance in Advanced Race Guide; that handbook draws on material previously published in the Advanced Player's Guide but unfortunately that specific trait you mentioned was not present in APG. Dwarves of Golarion doesn't contain any racial traits, only race traits (such as those published in APG).

Giuseppe Capriati |

The game content guideline mean that races are limited to core races correct?
No. It means that only the core races AND all playable races from the Bestiary and Bestiary 2 are allowed. Of course, I already had the opportunity to say that because this is a heavily RP oriented campaign, my suggestion is to avoid monsters such as hobgoblin, orcs, tieflings, etc. since they could experience a very hard integration into the campaign.

Gargazon |

So I have an idea for an, um, Dwarven Inquisitor of Groetus. He'd be a seeker of ancient, ruined places to try and find his god in the darkness within them. He'd obviously be bonkers (he worships Groetus, after all) but I wouldn't be playing him as a violent maniac (heck, I see him being impossibly patient and uncaring for threats on his life), more an incredibly eccentric archaeologist with a bizarre, quasi-nihilistic view on the world.

Marcus Olgran De Macini |

I've expanded the background story. Fixed what grammar issues I could. That is about as good as it will get. I only have a little bit more to do. At least till the group is picked and if I make it. I am building a personality through the background. I will put a description down as a separate "spoiler". In the near future.
I am open to suggestions to the background and character build.

DekoTheBarbarian |

I've got all his crunch done and a brief bit of his background thought out. Still working on finalizing it. He's gonna be a Bleachling Gnome Druid with the Jungle archetype who was born in a small Gnome village in the Mwangi forest. He became a Bleachling while away from his village and is on his way home to let his family know. I figure he'll be a cousin of the gnome who works on the boat and is visiting him on the trip before getting off at the last stop before making his way home.
Quick question: I went with the Animal Domain (Feathered Sub-Domain) instead of an animal companion, and you get a companion at 4th level. I was just wondering, if I do get into the game, how do you want to roleplay me finding my companion? I have a couple of ideas for it, but I'd like to flesh it out with you before hand.

GM Giuseppe |

I figure he'll be a cousin of the gnome who works on the boat and is visiting him on the trip before getting off at the last stop before making his way home.
Gelik Aberwhinge, the gnome I think you refer to, doesn't work on the ship. He's from Magnimar and he's traveling to Sargava just like any other PC. Pay attention to the Player's Guide, it's absolutely necessary that everyone reads it carefully.
Quick question: I went with the Animal Domain (Feathered Sub-Domain) instead of an animal companion, and you get a companion at 4th level. I was just wondering, if I do get into the game, how do you want to roleplay me finding my companion? I have a couple of ideas for it, but I'd like to flesh it out with you before hand.
I think there will be plenty of opportunities to actually stumble into it. In my home games I tend to make my character choose their companions from the animals they bump into or that they're able to purchase in the cities or catch in the wilds. Not a huge fan of "piloted companions meeetings".
Are catfolk make the cut I think they are bestiary 3?
They actually are in Bestiary 3, so I won't allow them.

DekoTheBarbarian |

Sorry, I misread it, then. I coulda sworn it said that he worked on the ship... Anywho, I'll fix that part of his background, then. Thank you for pointing that out for me.
And thanks for letting me know about how you do animal companions. I have a couple ideas on what kind of animal I'm wanting, but love the idea of just stumbling upon a random animal and feeling an instant connection.

Seth86 |

Introducing Serenity, from the Isle of Mediogalti!
Female human (Azlanti) ranger 1
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sawtooth sabre +5 (1d8+3/19-20) or
. . sawtooth sabre +5 (1d8+3/19-20)
Ranged longbow +1 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre), Weapon Focus (sawtooth sabre)
Traits boarded in cheliax, cultist lineage (mediogalti island)
Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (geography) +4 (+6 to navigate underground in Mwangi Expanse), Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +4, Stealth +2, Survival +4 (+6 to navigate in the wilderness in Mwangi Expanse), Swim +5
Languages Azlanti, Common
SQ track +1, wild empathy +3
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), longbow, sawtooth sabre, sawtooth sabre, ioun torch ioun stone, area map, bedroll, belt pouch, fishhook (2), flint and steel, hip flask, masterwork backpack, mug/tankard, sewing needle, signal whistle, string or twine, thread (50 ft.), trail rations (7), whetstone, 1 gp
Special Abilities
Area map (Mwangi Expanse) A geographically relevant map grants a user a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks made to navigate in the wilderness. It also can be used to grant the same bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks made to navigate underground.
Boarded In Cheliax +2 Knowledge (Geography) in the Mwangi Expanse.
Crimson Whether a progenitor or a parental figure (like a mentor or teacher), a parent often embodies the sense of debt and responsibility a character has for his origins and past.
Adventure Hooks: For younger characters, parents might represent an authority of some kind, with power to bring them back home or to any other place where the parent needs some kind of service or duty performed. For older characters, parents can represent the need to repay all the debts and kindnesses of being reared. Some adventure hooks include:
• Your father calls you back home from the frivolity of adventuring to mind the family lands or to take over for the family business.
• Your retired adventurer mother asks you to settle one last quest that she failed to complete.
• Your elderly grandfather is facing death (whether from a curse, disease, or natural causes), spurring you to quest for a cure or locate lore on extending life. This may be an altruistic choice or to spare you the burden of inheriting his responsibilities.
Roleplaying Advice: Most parents are driven to guide their children - even well into adulthood sometimes. If you learned magic by studying your father's spellbooks and have now surpassed his ability, he might still offer advice and "lessons" on the proper use of magic. If your mother is knowledgeable about world events, she might withhold key information to prevent you from taking on a dangerous quest. A competitor parent might walk the line between maintaining the relationship and manipulating you for some ultimate goal.
Growing the Relationship: One of the easiest ways to show growth is for a parent to become less directly involved in your life. As you achieve higher levels and more prestige, your parents may come to accept that you're a competent adult. Her acknowledgment of your skill could lead to a mother shifting from guardian to mentor. Your parents could become well-meaning but exasperating antagonists who constantly test you. A competitor father whose talent is surpassed by yours might oppose you because he believes you're ungrateful, or even become a villain in the campaign.
Cultist Lineage (Mediogalti Island) Draw light weapon as a free action during surprise round.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Peacebloom Whether a progenitor or a parental figure (like a mentor or teacher), a parent often embodies the sense of debt and responsibility a character has for his origins and past.
Adventure Hooks: For younger characters, parents might represent an authority of some kind, with power to bring them back home or to any other place where the parent needs some kind of service or duty performed. For older characters, parents can represent the need to repay all the debts and kindnesses of being reared. Some adventure hooks include:
• Your father calls you back home from the frivolity of adventuring to mind the family lands or to take over for the family business.
• Your retired adventurer mother asks you to settle one last quest that she failed to complete.
• Your elderly grandfather is facing death (whether from a curse, disease, or natural causes), spurring you to quest for a cure or locate lore on extending life. This may be an altruistic choice or to spare you the burden of inheriting his responsibilities.
Roleplaying Advice: Most parents are driven to guide their children - even well into adulthood sometimes. If you learned magic by studying your father's spellbooks and have now surpassed his ability, he might still offer advice and "lessons" on the proper use of magic. If your mother is knowledgeable about world events, she might withhold key information to prevent you from taking on a dangerous quest. A competitor parent might walk the line between maintaining the relationship and manipulating you for some ultimate goal.
Growing the Relationship: One of the easiest ways to show growth is for a parent to become less directly involved in your life. As you achieve higher levels and more prestige, your parents may come to accept that you're a competent adult. Her acknowledgment of your skill could lead to a mother shifting from guardian to mentor. Your parents could become well-meaning but exasperating antagonists who constantly test you. A competitor father whose talent is surpassed by yours might oppose you because he believes you're ungrateful, or even become a villain in the campaign.
Sasha Nevah Use this option to add a custom relationship of your choice.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Serenity was born in the small villiage of Cuttle. From a young age, her mother and father taught her the ropes. The way of the Mantis. The Great Achaekek. Life was tough and hard. Training from morning to sunset. She needed to be tough, she needed to be strong, yet need to be able to show a soft side, a side that others needed to see. To stop them from seeing who she truely was.
She had very few friends, she met even less people than she had friends. Cuttle was almost off limits to the outside world, and one needed to pay or do many things to be able to do business there. And as her folks taught her, do not mingle with the pirates. They were not her concern.
And so it went, till finally she was accepted and sent to Mosquito Island. The famed training ground for her order. She was excitted to go, from now on, once she made it out, she would be able to train with them at the Citidel. She would be considered one of them. It was a hard place to be, everything there was created, bred, trained to kill you. She was never as agile as some of the others, but the creatures were almost kin to her, made for one thing, killing. She formed an odd bond with most, and so survived the days she spent there.
Finally, when she was done, she was where she wanted to be. Only now, did the real work start. She wanted to prove herself, she wanted to make a name for herself. Serenity. Yes. Peace with tha around you. Her name was chosen. She never had a real name, her parents made sure she knew why. But now, now hse did. And she was going to make it a great one. Vernai. Yes. She would become part of the council. If the One who Walks in Blood so deemed her worthy.
The start of her training, away from home, the first time in 18 years, she was going to the Mwangi Expanse. There she needs to hone her skills, train her body. Reach the point where the Blood Mantis would bestow his great gifts on her. The last stretch to reach her goal.
As a true assassin, she did not board from a place where suspicions would be on her the moment she boarded, no, not from Ilizmagorti. Rather from Cheliax, one of their ports. Her first guise, a young explorer named Iomeda. Out to explore the great Expanse.
She tried to socialise at first, but she was still a bit new to this and did not make any friends or the like. Fianlly the ship went past her origin home, Mediogalti. A woman named Sasha Nevah boarded. She decided to keep an eye on her, one does not simply come from those islands unless you have quite the story to tell. And her missing finger shouted louder tan even the captain of the ship...

TheWaskally |

DM Giuseppe, I present to you Zabitu, a young witch doctor currently enjoying a cruise on the Jenivere.
I had Zabitu's backstory written, but the website timed out on me. I'll need to write it offline, then cut and paste it to Zabitu's character page.

Hymenopterix |

So i've changed tack and am now planning a Half-elf Ranger (rather than a gnome alchemist). The basic idea is for her to be a half Ekujae elf (raised by the elves) however, there seems to be very little information anywhere about them. The image in Elves of Golarion implies that they're 'white' like other (non-drow) elves and that they go in for facial tattoos. According to Heart of the Jungle they live in the northern Mwangi jungles, they have issues with the Aspis Consortium and they have some tribal taboos.... and that's about all that's ever been written about them!
My question is, therefore, to what extent will original content about the Ekujae be OK? (beyond the vague information above)? Is there anywhere else (e.g. in the AP) where original content might be contradicted?
Here's a very preliminary overview. Thought I'd check whether there's anything that should be changed, or if there are any references i've missed before writing her up properly.
Race: Half-elf (Ekujae)
Class: Ranger (Skirmisher)
Campaign trait: Boarded in the Mwangi expanse
Ranger stuff:
Favoured enemy: Humans
Weapons / Combat style: Thrown weapons (Spears)
(Evental) companion: Probably a small cat (i.e. jaguar)
Background (to be expanded):
Unknown father... yet to decide how her conception came about,... was thinking rape (maybe) but that can be a bit overdone as a storyline...
Raised as an elf (Doesn't see herself as a half-human, see below)
Trained as a Ranger (i.e. a hunter)
At adulthood (i.e. around 20 years old) given task of hunting down an Aspis consortium agent who broke a major tribal taboo (maybe killing a sacred animal) as a coming of age quest. This takes her to Bloodcove and then, in pursuit of her father, towards Eleder aboard the Jenivere.
Original stuff about the Ekujae:
* Half-elves considered to be elves (rather than 1/2 humans) but are pitied - kind of like being born with a disability (i.e. Character doesn't think of herself as half-human).
* Don't use bows, instead use spears, bolas and other more 'primitive' weapons.
* Have a quest as a coming-of-age ceremony
* Maybe have a taboo against killing a type of animal (prob same as eventual animal companion - at this stage jaguars, but could change....)

Hakeem Ibuk'o |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey there GM Giuseppe
I'll be using this alias for my submission, but only the avatar and name are final as of yet.
After some considerations I'm thinking about Monk for class, and Mwangi for ethnicity. Specifically the Bas'o tribe of the Zenj ethnic group.
"Among the native peoples of the Mwangi interior, there are many cultures which forego armor and manufactured weapons, preferring the increased mobility and spontaneity unarmed combat allows as they face unsuspected threats in the dangerous land; a Mwangi monk may lack fangs and talons, but his natural weapons are no less effective than those of the jungle’s most ferocious beasts."
Also had a question regarding the throwing-club the Zenj are known for, the Iwasa or Knobkerrie
Are there rules out there for it/ under our restrictions?
Most likely looking at "Mwangi Scholar" for campaign trait, with him having boarded the Jenivere probably at Bloodcove or Senghor in the Mwangi expanse
EDIT: concerning the Knobkerrie, there is a this entry for it from Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox © 2014 So I suppose it's a no go, mechanically?
No worries, if so he'll just carry around a decorated club and call it a Knobkerrie

Hakeem Ibuk'o |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crunch largely completed, just have to transfer from sticky note to the profile here, disregard whats on there now, I promise to not be a lizardfolk in disguise haha.
No time to delve into backstory tonight, far too tired for that.
I have a lot of the concept in my mind though... Hermit-ish self-made monk, Gozreh/ Nature worshiper; eschews most arms and all armor. Intensely curious about Mwangi history and Mwangi ruins...I'll have to expand and refine this later.
But I put a slight spin on the traits chosen, and that gives some hints at what I'm thinking.
Campaign Trait: Mwangi Scholar The Mwangi Expanse is one of the richest regions in all of Golarion, and also one of the most mysterious. Despite its history of countless years and its fostering of nameless empires, very little is known of the Mwangi Expanse by outsiders or even Hakeem's fellow natives of the primeval, jungle-covered land. Hakeem is an exception, having long studied the region and its lore from within , he counts himself among a small handful of genuine experts throughout the Inner Sea. The Jenivere provides an ample opportunity, and the hermit Ibuk'o of the Bas'o tribe eagerly awaits a firsthand look at the deep jungles and cyclopean ruins of the Expanse's interior. He speaks Polyglot and receive a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge
(history) checks regarding the Mwangi Expanse
Race Trait: Adventurous Explorer Hakeem hails from the warrior culture of the Bas'o tribe. Living a nomadic life in the foreboding Mwangi Expanse, Hakeem has encountered frightening opponents and developed an ability to persevere even in the face of fear. When frightened or shaken, he only takes a -1 penalty on rolls instead of -2.

Faratim |

Ok, I read what you said about uncommon races and that is totally fine. I have always wanted to play a grippli, and this is the perfect opportunity! Presenting Faratim: grippli hunter and mapmaker and lover of cheese! I was hoping to use grippli toxic skin, but alas it won't be allowed. He will use poisons on his blowgun later, might even multiples, but we will have to see.
I have crunch and basic background for him, will do more in depth background and more specific appearance tomorrow. Too tired for now, and have job testing tomorrow starting early, followed by like 4 hours of driving.
Hope Faratim and I get picked!

GM Giuseppe |

Complete submissions so far:
- Marcus Olgran De Macini: LN male human wizard (conjurer)
- Serenity: LE female human ranger (Red Mantis Assassins affiliation)
For everyone that has submitted a character I wish to say that I won't review their characters now. I'm reading everything you post day by day, but I won't be reviewing anything: most of the time I would have to stimulate a player to improve some parts of his background or to fix an error in his character's sheet, but if I do this, then I would have no way to make a choice. So don't take this lack of reviews as a sign of inactivity or indifference: I'm just trying to keep things fair. As I said above, after the recruitment is closed I will work with my players to improve their story and fix every possibile error.

GM Giuseppe |

My question is, therefore, to what extent will original content about the Ekujae be OK? (beyond the vague information above)? Is there anywhere else (e.g. in the AP) where original content might be contradicted?
I know, Ekujae has got no love until now. The bright side is that you can add whatever it seems fit to you about them. As I said above, I won't be reviewing characters; if you'll be selected, then we'll work together to fix possibile things that you intoduced about Ekujae and that I don't like. But for now is completely ok to add something of yours, and I really appreciate it!
concerning the Knobkerrie, there is a this entry for it from Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox © 2014 So I suppose it's a no go, mechanically?
No worries, if so he'll just carry around a decorated club and call it a Knobkerrie
This is exactly what I would have suggested!