Well it seems as though my Zeitgeist campaign is in need of one or two players. Basically, it is steampunk heavy on investigation and I would recommend being able to post once per day.
Please take a peek at the Player's guide so you can pick an appropriate Theme Feat.
The character should be 2nd level and have a decent backstory. 20pt buy.

Dreaming Warforged |

I'm thinking. For now, I'm having a look at your campaign and the PG.
EDIT: Looking at the other characters, would a human bard (archaeologist) with the Spirit Medium theme, fit your campaign? I would go for some kind of detective flavor.
I'm not sure how long it will take me to put it together though, but I'll do my best. Let me know what you think.

Dreaming Warforged |

You know what is too bad, is that this campaign or AP is one of the greatest I have ever seen and it is so hard to get players. I put up a request for Jade Regent and I get swarmed with potential players.
Oh well, if you could do it by Sunday so then I can introduce you.
I agree, which is why I am here :)
I'll see what I can do about Sunday.

Mihajlo Velickovic |

OK, after a lots (and I do mean a LOTS!) of deliberation of what kind of character I would like to play, I've decided on the human urban ranger. Some brief outline - very interesting (some would say "strange") concept with high INT and DEX (no real mechanical advantages, I just see him as a smart guy), most probably with veteran theme (but could be even a docker, still deciding on the backstory).
A few short questions:
- starting level 2, correct?
- average starting gold (175 Gp) for a ranger, or more (1000 Gp as suggested wealth at lvl 2)?
- How do I handle HP for 2nd lvl? Roll here or half(+1)...?
- any advice from other players/GM as to what they'd want to see/what they're lacking in terms of skills and abilities are more than welcome.
- if I take Yerasol Veteran, does it make sense that my favorite enemy is Human?
- favored community and Knowledge (Local) checks - apply to Risur overall, or I have to choose communities like Flint, Slate, Shale etc...?
- in addition, I have no idea what to do with Wild Empathy class ability. It simply does not fit the vibe I'm going for with this character - can I exchange it for some minor feat/trait/skill/whatever?
Which police officer/soldier or spy from fiction your character would be closest to? Nathan Muir from Spy Game (Movie) left a deep impression on me in terms of spies using their brains over brawls, so it would be either him, or any of the three leading characters on the Ripper Street series - so colorful and full of life that I love them. We'll see where the backstory leads me.


It sounds fine. I would put your skills in either perception, knowledges or diplomacy.
Bring an open mind and have fun cross examining. Our last player left because investigating wasn't in his character's makeup.
2nd level.
Full hp for 1st and then roll for second.
Standard gold for 2nd level.
Knowledge Local would be (while in Risur, all of Risur, the campaign does leave Flint in later adventures)
Wild Empathy is a minor bonus to diplomacy with animals, may as well keep it... a full feat is a way too much of a switch... how bout you take a third trait.
Human as a favored enemy makes perfect sense, although Danor is the home of Tieflings, the majority of citizens are actually human.
A docker would also be good, or a Eschatologist

Mihajlo Velickovic |

Thanks for your answers, just a few more confirmations/clarifications.
First of all I am perfectly fine in taking 1 more trait instead of Wild Empathy, thank you for that.
In terms of traits, I was planning the following:
- Armor Expert (Combat), nothing unusual about it
- Extremely Fashionable (Equipment, LINK), although I would like to "spend" the needed 150 Gp on something a bit different instead of clothes, let's say a combo of highly fashionable walking cane (perhaps with a hidden weapon in it, or encased in silver, so it may be used as an equivalent of a light mace maybe?), plus a very fancy silver ring, or a watch let's say. Of course I would pay the full amount, so if for example you agree on a cane/light mace combo, that would cost me 150 Gp + 5 Gp for light mace. Diplomacy would be chosen as class skill here.
- Under Siege (Religion,LINK), showing his dedication to philosophy/works of William Miller (Player's Guide page 26). Sense Motive would be chosen here as class skill.
This would allow me to have both Diplomacy and Sense Motive as class skils, with additional total bonuses of +2 on Bluff (not a class skill) and +1 on Diplomacy, Sense Motive and Intimidate (class skills now). Do you consider this as OK?
2nd lvl HP: 1d10 ⇒ 7


Dreaming Warforged |

Ok, I looked at the Investigator. It looks like a nice class, but I'm not sure it does what I want in terms of information gathering, especially when it comes to spells.
So I'm inclined on sticking with Bard (Archaeologist).
I'll have a look at the Extended APG now.
I'll post on the game thread to be able to follow it.


Well it seems as though my Zeitgeist campaign is in need of one or two players. Basically, it is steampunk heavy on investigation and I would recommend being able to post once per day.
Please take a peek at the Player's guide so you can pick an appropriate Theme Feat. I would suggest you pick the theme feat first and then class it may help with a backstory.
The character should be 6th level and have a decent backstory. 20pt buy.
We have just started adventure 4 and we need some good RPing players. Key skills for characters are stealth, knowledges, diplomacy and decent combat skills. The world is unique and a hole lot of fun to play.
3pp material is welcome if steampunk themed.


I guess it depends how familiar with the story. If you have played the first one or two adventures, it is fine or even GMed them. It would also make it easier for you to come up with a character that fits.
I don't have a problem at all really.
Make a character.
Currently, we have a Steamwright/Technosmith, Bard/Spirit Medium, Sorceror/Skyseer and a Oracle/Vekeshi Mystic

Burnscar |
I'll take a look at the book. Before looking at anything though, the basic idea I'd like to go with is an Elven Unchained Rogue with the Hidden Blade 3pp archetype, if that's something you think might be okay.

Ashweather Huxley |

This the alias for a PC I submitted for another Zeitgeist Campaign. I will need to adjust him to 6th level and add two traits. Right now he is an unchained rogue but I could easily change him to an investigator if that is a better fit for your party, just let me know.
Name: Ashweather Huxley
Class: Rogue (Unchained Rogue)
Race: Human
Theme Feat: Display of Heroism (Yerasol Veteran)
COMBAT: Skirmisher, Switch Hitter, and debuffer using rogue talents.
OUT of COMBAT: Scout, Investigator, minor knowledge
Portrait: Huxley
Ashweather Huxley sits at his desk in the Headquarters for the Flint Branch of the Royal Homeland Constabulary. The door to the office is shut and he leans back in his chair, with his hands interlaced behind his head. Although his desk is covered in papers there is very little work for him to do at the moment. However, a storm of activity is raging outside the cramped little office, voices raised as security is finalized for the dedication of the Royal Naval Ship Coaltongue. Huxley sits, in silence, and picks up his pipe, raising it to his mouth, taking a long pull while he wonders, Is today the day they realize I’m not a hero?
<You lived and the others didn’t. That’s what makes a hero in Risur today,> his inner voice inside his head states matter of factly.
I am still alive, Huxley reluctantly concedes to himself.
While Huxley ignores the commotion in the hall he smokes his pipe, thinking back upon his life. His earliest memories are of growing up in Flint among the steam and soot. His parents were hard working members of the common class and it seemed that Huxley was destined to follow in their footsteps. Looking to avoid that fate he enlisted to fight in the latest incarnation of the war in Yerasol.
For most of the war Huxley served as a scout using his wits, awareness, and stealth to keep himself alive. That all changed a few months before the end of the war when he led his unit into an ambush. The fighting was brutal, his entire unit was wiped out, and Huxley awoke to raven pecking at his skull. Among the carnage there was one other survivor, the captain of the Danor forces. The captain was in worse shape than Huxley and was easily taken into custody. Fortunately, this captain was carrying important dispatches and Huxley was credited for capturing the enemy captain and securing the dispatches he carried as well as heroics in the battle.
Soon after Huxley’s recovery from the battle the war was over and he was offered a place at RHC. Although Huxley has a knack for investigating he feels that he doesn’t deserve to be at the RHC and is kept around because of his military record. Paraded around like a show pony for the public to see during important investigations.
The door to the office opens and Huxley is startled from his reverie. Dima, a dwarf constable with a fondness for paper work enters and announces, ”Get moving the chief wants to see you.”
Tap, tap, tap the raven beats on Huxley’s head with its beak as his bloated body lays on the ground in a steamy jungle along the Yerasol Archipelago. Huxley tries to scream but no words come out as his mouth is stuffed with dirt. The raven begins again tap, tap, TAP.
Huxley's eyes pop open, his head still pounding, but he sighs with relief as he realizes he is in his bed, safe in his cramped little apartment. He concludes, it’s just that dream again. He lays in his bed breathing erratically with sweat pouring off his body. The sour odor of his unwashed body mixes with the smell of alcohol and his breath creating something noxious. Huxley shakes his head as he begins to work his jaw, making sure his mouth isn’t filled with dirt. No I’m still alive, he decides as the pounding in his head grows louder. The other voice in his head, his inner voice, reminds him as the pounding continues, <true but you're closer to the grave today then you were yesterday.>
It takes him a second to realize that it isn’t just his skull that is pounding but someone is also knocking at the door to his apartment. A voice that is not his own echoes in his mind and warns, <Careful, it could be trouble!>
”You always think it’s trouble,” Huxley rebuts aloud before he realizes what he is doing. I have to stop that, he admonishes himself. But admits, probably is trouble.
Slowly Huxley throws his legs over the side of the bed and sits up. He runs his fingers through his thick hair as he reaches with his other hand for the mostly empty bottle next to his bed. Greedily he brings the bottle to his lips and finishes off the contents. He tosses the bottle aside and carefully gets up, the bed groans in relief as his slight frame is lifted. Sluggishly he makes his way over to the water basin which is sitting on the dresser against the wall. As he splashes water on his face he looks up and catches his reflection in the small dust covered mirror that sits above the dresser.
He scowls at his likeness, it was a look that would make a mother hide her children or a weak man to tremble. He mused that while he was not yet 30 years old the reflection looking back at him seemed older.
<Weary looking,> the other voice inside his head remarks.
I do look weary, but it’s more than that, he surmises.
As Huxley continues looking at his reflection he noticed his eyes, They are same color of the sky right before a storm. <When they’re not blood shot,> the voice in his head adds with a laugh. But it is more than their color that draws Huxley’s attention, his gaze appears knowing and penetrating. His eyes are deeply set in a narrow oval head and a weathered face which is framed by thick black hair with long sideburns that extend past his earlobes. His face is highlighted by a blunt chin and a straight nose that gives him an aristocratic look.
Huxley is startled from his reverie by the unrelenting knocking on the door. He admonishes himself, stop admiring yourself, there is business to attend to. He shakes his head thinking, probably trouble.
He begins to make his way across the room and the floor creaks in protest even though Huxley is thin and light on his feet. He has a thin but athletic build and is tall, just over six feet in height. He continues the journey across the small room and he carries himself with an air of confidence. The swagger of a veteran, a hero, he hopes.
Another snide comment from the voice, <swagger of a drunkard.>
“Go away,” Huxley says halfheartedly not sure if he is talking to the voice in his head or whoever is knocking on the door.
Again his thoughts are interrupted by the other voice, <probably someone here to kill you.> Huxley hesitates for a second then makes a fist as he places his other, callused hand upon the knob. You’re probably right, He reluctantly agrees with the voice.
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 180lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray
Huxley stands a little over six feet tall with a thin but well-muscled build, he looks older than his years and carries himself with an air of confidence. His face is lightly tanned, slightly weathered, and covered with a perpetual five o’clock shadow. He has slicked back, shoulder length, dark black hair, the color of a raven’s wing, with long sideburns that extend below his ears. Huxley’s eyes are grey like storm clouds and he has a penetrating gaze.
No matter the weather Huxley is always wearing a dark long cloak and a bowler style hat. He favors dark colors in his dress and attire. He can often be seen mumbling or talking to himself and frequently laughs at his own jokes.
If there was one word to describe Huxley it would be paranoid. He believes the world is out to get him (and at times he is right). He is plagued by self-doubt and haunted by the demons of his past. However, he is able to suppress these feelings and push forward. He is used to operating in the shadows but when the need arises he can be personable and insightful. He is clever and isn’t afraid to let people know it as well as possessing a cutting sense of humor. Both attributes don’t win him many friends. Although he is perceptive and a shrewd investigator he is always trying to prove himself, as he believes that he was offered a job with the RHC just because of his war record.
Why he joined the RHC
Huxley believes that he was given the job with the RHC for his supposed military heroics, a plumb assignment for a job well done. While his military record might have gotten him the position his abilities as an investigator have kept him there. Unfortunately, Huxley feels that he is kept from meaningful assignments and is used primarily for public relations. Paraded about in front of the public and dignitaries alike, more of a show pony to be seen during important investigations. This belief has caused him to pursue every investigation with the zeal of a fanatic. Despite his doubts and the demons that haunt him from the war Huxley looks at his job with the RHC as a chance for redemption.

oyzar |

I've had a few ideas for guns recently, though sadly most have been gestalt. I can see if I can adapt it for this. Would you be ok with gunsmoke mystic, a desperado warlord or a polymath alchemists all from path of war expanded? What levels of guns is it, emerging or commonplace, or some custom level? Perhaps with the Gunsmith theme feat. Both the desperado and the gunsmoke mystic got ways to reload as a free action. Though the desperado probably need an extra hand in order to do so (it treats a one handed firearm as a light crossbow for loading which with rapid reload is reduced to a free action), or what do you think?
Would you allow using a blinkback belt and simply dropping the guns? This would allow firing then dropping the guns followed by drawing one again so you can reload it without having both your hands occupied.


@Burnscar, I don't have a problem with the idea of an unchained Rogue hidden blade. Due to the upcoming mission, I would choose maybe a different race. But the rest is ok.
@Hux, it seems ok, I would consider if you can link yourself missionwise to the lands north of Risur, which would get you attached to the team. We are moving into a more spy phase than CID phase.
@Oyzar, I couldn't find any info for the gunsmoke mystic or polymath alchemist. The Desperado seems fine. If you could link me to your information that would help. Well, how many pistols do you plan on carrying? It says the blinkback belt is for melee weapons. It would only be able to hold two. So I guess you would want to have three pistols locked and loaded one in a regular holster and the other two in the belt. You would need to explain it to me better.
When making your character please have something in your Background probably having to do with working in Northern Lanjyr or better said the countries of Danor, Drakr, Chryssilir or the Malice Lands. Please look at the players' guide.