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166 posts (833 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.


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40 +5comrade=45:: 1d100 ⇒ 48damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

"C'mon baby, you've got one more in you, right?" I say, as I level the lasgun and squeeze the trigger...

Ah! In that case I will try and clear the Jam

"Sodding thing!" I snarl, snapping the powerpack from my lasgun, and fumbling in the replacement...

1d100 ⇒ 12

"That's got it!" I snap.

Congratulations to all those who were selected! Enjoy the game!

Ponies were an option?!?

Kinda feels like they're better in their own setting thou...

So, just to review in outline:

Painterlily Fighter, Sorceress or Cleric - details a bit unfixed, but am innocent looking to explore the world, avenge themselves on their creator and have children


Human cleric of village deity who crossed the river.


I'm falling more and more in love with the idea of a Painterlily. If I create a Sorceress, it'll definitely be a Painterlily rather than a human.



I'm going to have to drop out - I'm a bit over-committed at the moment.



Fine by me.

Sam "Heavy" Jankins wrote:


Well I wasn't sure how to spell it and Flak is a German acronym for anti aircraft canon so ... That seemed wrong to me xD

I could easily be wrong, that said I always thought it came from the anti-aircraft cannon name, either because it's not too effective and neither are ground based guns against planes, as a joke that it is super-effective enough to protect even against artillery fire, or as a reference to the exploding shells i.e. Something like anti-shrapnel armour.

On maps theatre of the mind works for me.

Flag armour? I guess the Emperor Protects...

Any idea how high level the game will get?

Huh? But, dot, I guess?

Happy to be guided by Sam on this. Micro-beads definitely get my vote. They'll be more scope for RP if we can talk to each other.

Interested! Thinking of a good-aligned cleric.

Any idea of what level this might cap out at? I'm thinking of going Sun domain, but a big part of the reason for that would be the spells available at 14th level and up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


There was once a great and powerful wizardess, who’s through great effort became one of the most skilled arcane mages in the land. Her only rival was a sorcerer as charming as he was powerful, and she hated him more than anyone in the world, for the rewards she worked so hard for seemed to flutter to his fingertips like gifts from the sky. One night, she challenged him to a duel on midsomer’s eve, six months hence. He agreed, and as was the custom of that place, offered her the choice to duel of magic or steel.

So the wizardess hatched a cunning plan. She contracted with the greatest swordmaker of that great city to craft her a blade she might wield, and searched far and wide with her magics for an armoursmith to craft her a suit she might wear, that she intended to enchant and enhance with all her powers so she might cut down her enemy, whom she found in the village of Barlily. The armoursmith drew many drawings, designed many designs, until finally they agreed upon the one perfect form that would protect her.

Yet whispers of the wizardess’s plan reached the sorcerer, and he seduced the swordmaker to his side, that he would craft for him a blade just as wickedly deadly as the one he’d forged for this wizardess - and of this, the wizardess could do nothing, for the laws of that place prevented it. Yet she remained sanguine, for she and only she would have the magnificent, perfect armoured suit for their duel, that would keep her safe. As the date of the duel grew closer, and the sorcerer boasted of his confidence, the wizardess only grew more nervous. So when the she and the armoursmith had completed their great work, fitted perfectly to her body, just as in the sketches, she paid him - and with a bolt of pure magic, slew him.

“Why?” He asked, for he had come to love her.

“Lest you betray me,” she answered, with tears in hers, for though she had not realised it she had grown to love him in turn.

Then the sketch stepped from the parchment and ran her clean through, for it had been given life by her magic and his soul, and wept tears of ink across their bodies.

So passed the great archmage of that distant city, and the great smith of Barlily, both replaced by lesser men - but to this day, beautiful charcoal artworks can be bought from the old smithy in Barlily. Yet the artist too, is sad, for none of her daughters will quicken to life as she had, and she fears she will be ever lonely.

Character concept: A two-handed fighter Painterlily, seeking something, somewhere that will allow her to quicken her drawings to life - perhaps the wizardess’s rival, who knew much of her magic, whom she knows nothing of but that he lives in a distant city, of which she knows neither name nor direction.

Personality: Petalslice can be rude and forthright, with an intimidating air about her, but she has a good heart and is unfailingly kind.

Painterlily Two-Handed Fighter
16, 14, 14, 13, 10, 8
STR16, DEX10(14-4), CON16(14+2), INT8, WIS8(10-2), CHA15(13+2)
Feats: Blind-fight, Extra Traits (Merciful Blade, Oathbound/Armor Expert)
Climb (Str) +7=+1+3+3, Handle Animal (Cha) +6=+1+2+3, Intimidate (Cha) +6=+1+2+3, Survival (Wis) +3=+1-1+3, Craft (Int) +3=+1-1+3
Weapon: Falchion, Full-plate armor

Since we're 22(!) would you consider running more than one group?

Siobhan Sable wrote:

Putting up a list of submissions, ordered by birth position. :)

Nikolaus D'Shade - Siobhan Sable, Mesmerist vmc Oracle. (1st)

Phntm888 - Arcavic, Antipaladin. (3rd)

Whiskey and a Bonesaw - Vytharia T'unavor, Drow Toxicant Vivisectionist Alchemist. (5th)
Jonahkan - Ralya, Cleric. (6th) Went with the more recent submission since it had it's own alias...
Warforged Man - Nilonim Vatharia, Harbinger. (7th)

Black Dow - Hurk'kagg, Fearsome Defender Barbarian. (-)

thzero - Zanthisar, Bladebound Magus. (?)
rungok - Vierdra, Inspired Blade Swashbuckler. (?)
Darkness Rising - Sh'assaria, Cleric (?)
Jovich - J'Victus, Unchained Rogue (2nd male)

Haven't tried to keep a track of those who have dotted. :)

Yep, that's correct - I changed the name.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For me. Because then I won't have to,

Okay, so I've got a few of possibilities in mind. It kind-of feels like what the group could do with is an ordinary village human, an everyperson type to look at the world with wonder... so some options...

1) Death domain cleric of Flicker. A young boy of the village who crossed tHe river to play in his youth, he's indelibly touched by death. I'd use the dhampir race to represent this, channel negative energy and use spells for healing. He'd be a favourite of the goddess pushed out into the world to experience living a little.

2) A young words-of-power Sorceress, itching to get out of the village and see the world.

3) Somrthing similar, but with a fey theme, either a painterlily, or a trig or pixie


Okay, well, I was considering playing one of her clerics - am I free to makeup domains, favoured weapon etc?

Alternatively, how would you feel about a Words-of-Power sorceress?


Can you tell me a bit more about the goddess Flicker?



Repost without lascannon

Ingrid Ingorsen

Alphabetically assigned together by an administratum functionary, Ingrid and Tatania are a capable heavy-weapons team. Neither are particularly strong, so they tow their lascannon around on the standard rubber-tyred truck. They work well together, but rarely get close to anyone else. They know they’re likely to die in battle, but some parts of this life aren’t too bad, and they figure if they keep their heads down they’ll at least get a few good experiences in before they bite the lasbolt.

Ingrid is short and stocky, whilst Tatania is somewhat taller. Both have the characteristic Teutonic blond hair and blue eyes.

Heavy Gunner: Ingrid Ingorsen. Comrade: Tatania Ingorson. Weapon Skill 28, Ballistic Skill 40, Strength 37, Toughness 40, Agility 33, Intelligence 28, Perception 34, Willpower 40, Fellowship 30

XP Spent, 550/600. Comrade Advance: Stabilise, Comrade Advance, Loader

Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence, Fellowship, Offence, Perception, Toughness
Starting Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (Imperial Guard, War, Tech), Intimidate, Tech-use
Starting Talents: Iron Jaw, Weapon Training (Solid projectile, Low-Tech, Heavy), Nerves of Steel, Die Hard, Tank Hunter (Add Degree of Success to penetration when attacking vehicles, add BS bonus to penetration against vehicles)

Equipment: Common Craftmanship Heavy Stubber, standard equipment

Wounds 12 (10+1d5)
Fate points 6 (1d10=10, grants 3 fate points +3 for structure)

I'd prefer Estoc or Elven Curved Blade for the weapon.

Okay! I'll go for that then. Any particular Talent I should take to make best use of it?

In that case, I'll make it a missile launcher, if Sam's okay with two in the group? Which would make us a kind of heavy-weapons section, I guess... is there some option to switch out my Frag missile for Krak (then we could swap a few in-character and each have a mix of both)?

I don't mind switching, but my copy of the core book says Heavies can pick regimental favoured heavy weapon. Has it been errata'd?

Medium Neutral Evil Drow Patron Cleric 1

Background (to follow)


Age 141, Height 5’9”, Weight 135lbs, Languages Undercommon, Sakvroth, Common, Abyssal
Superior Darkvision 120ft
STR8, DEX16, CON12, INT8, WIS17, CHA18
Reflex +3 = +0 Base + 3 Dex
Fortitude +5 = +2 Base + 0 Con
Will +5 = +2 Base + 3 Wis
Light Sensitivity (racial): Dazzled in areas of bright sunlight
Base Attack Bonus +0
Touch, Attack: 1d20-1
Rapier: Attack: 1d20-1 (-1 STR + 0BAB), Damage: 1d6-1)
Cat ‘o Nine Tails ‘Slaver’s whip’, Attack: 1d20-1, Damage 1d4-1, disarm, nonlethal
Hand Crossbow: 1d20+3, 1d4, 19-20/x2
Initiative +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed 20' (30’ unarmoured), Stalker: No difficulty navigating underground, Nimble Moves as bonus feat (move 5ft through difficult terrain as if it were not)
CMB -1 (0 BAB - 1 STR)
Channel Negative Energy 1d6, 30ft radius, DC14 save halves, 7/day
Madness Domain: Vision of Madness, Melee Touch, Duration 3 rounds. Target gains +1 to one of attack rolls, saving throws or skill checks and -1 to the other two. 6/day
Chaos Domain: Touch of Chaos, Melee Touch, Duration 1 round. Target must roll twice whenever they roll d20 and take the worst result. 6/day
HP: 8hp
AC: 18 = 10 + 4 Armor + 3 DEX + 1 Shield
Defensive Training: +4AC vs. aberrations
Touch: 13 Flat-footed: 15
CMD 12 = 10 + 0 BAB - 1 STR + 3 DEX
Favored Class: Cleric (+0.5*level/day additional use of domain power)
Skill points/level: 3
Heal +7 (+1+3+3), Sense Motive +7 (+1+3+3), Diplomacy +1 (+1+3+4), Perception +3 (+0+0+3),
Background Skill points/level 3
Knowledge (Religion) +4 (+1+3-1), Linguistics +2 (+1+3-1)
Devotee of a Dark Power, Terrifying (+1 Intimidate, +1DC of Fear Spells), Religion (Flames of Hell) +1DC channel energy
Selective Channeling (exclude up-to 4 from channel energy)
Hide Armor, Rapier, Slaver’s Whip (Cat o’ Nine Tails), Hand Crossbow

Ingrid Ingorsen

Alphabetically assigned together by an administratum functionary, Ingrid and Tatania are a capable heavy-weapons team. Neither are particularly strong, so they tow their lascannon around on the standard rubber-tyred truck. They work well together, but rarely get close to anyone else. They know they’re likely to die in battle, but some parts of this life aren’t too bad, and they figure if they keep their heads down they’ll at least get a few good experiences in before they bite the lasbolt.

Ingrid is short and stocky, whilst Tatania is somewhat taller. Both have the characteristic Teutonic blond hair and blue eyes.

Heavy Gunner: Ingrid Ingorsen. Comrade: Tatania Ingorson. Weapon Skill 28, Ballistic Skill 40, Strength 37, Toughness 40, Agility 33, Intelligence 28, Perception 34, Willpower 40, Fellowship 30

XP Spent, 550/600. Comrade Advance: Stabilise, Comrade Advance, Loader

Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence, Fellowship, Offence, Perception, Toughness
Starting Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (Imperial Guard, War, Tech), Intimidate, Tech-use
Starting Talents: Iron Jaw, Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech, Heavy), Nerves of Steel, Die Hard, Tank Hunter (Add Degree of Success to penetration when attacking vehicles, add BS bonus to penetration against vehicles)

Equipment: Common Craftmanship Lascannon, standard equipment

Wounds 12 (10+1d5)
Fate points 6 (1d10=10, grants 3 fate points +3 for structure)

I'll definitely be making a character for this! I had in mind a cleric (perhaps a combat-focused one, since the group is weaker in that aspect at present) - how would that work given that the patron deity is a bit ill-defined at this stage?

Also, any thoughts about how to handle healing, since I'd presumably have to channel negative energy since all the demon lords are evil?

Me too, but I do want to get a character out.

I have to say, looking at it seems like it's better to start Weapon Specialist and pick up the heavy weapon skill than it is to actually go heavy gunner? Or am I missing something?

So I dug out my rulebook and it says we're allowed one re-roll, so for my 24 I will go again:
2d10 + 10 ⇒ (7, 10) + 10 = 27
Bleh, of course that should be 37, it's +20, not +10

Okay, I also need to roll wounds
10 + 1d5 ⇒ 10 + (2) = 12

And fate points
1d10 ⇒ 10, which goes to 3 fate points

Character updated with equipment and so forth


Skivven is a gutter-rat(folk) from the slums of Flint. The runt of the litter, he was neither strong nor charismatic enough to lift himself up, eking a barely-tolerated survival on the nimbleness of his feet and the quickness of his wits. In an attempt to pick the wrong pocket, he was collared by Inspector-Academic Griswalde, who, recognising something admirable in the young ratfolk, took him in as a scholarship-student of the academy. Skivven’s talents of alchemy flourished in the academy’s laboratories, amongst the smokestacks and chemical factories of Flint, where the space and materials for experiments deemed excessive or dangerous could always be found by a nimble ratfolk. The academy, it seemed, would be Skivven’s home, an institution blind to race and prejudice, its gears driven by merit alone. Yet this proved to be a mirage, a concoction of chemical smoke and optikal mirrors, for whilst a student was the lowest of the low, ratfolk no more or less than human, Skivven could find only assistant scutwork, whilst his peers found success as journeymen. Knowing he would never be a master, Skivven retreated into the RHC, following Inspector-Academic Griswalde’s route. Even there, his talents were put to use as a Spy in the shadows, rather than an Inspector in the light, but at the least he is truly valued in the organisation, and in its shadowy upper reaches he still hopes to find promotion and success.

PS: I’ll do equipment if selected, if that’s okay(?) - also, I’ve taken three traits and a drawback, if that’s acceptable? If not I’ll drop one of them.

Small Chaotic Good Ratfolk Alchemist (Grenadeir) 6
Age 14, Height 3’9”, Weight 71lbs, Speed 20ft, Initiative +5
Darkvision: Ratfolk can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
STR 6, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 18, WIS 12, CHA 8
Reflex +9 (+2 vs evil) = +5 Base + 4 Dex
Fortitude +8 (+2 vs evil) = +5 Base + 3 Con
Will +3 (+2 vs evil) = +2 Base + 1 Wis
Bomb 10/day, 30ft, 1d20+8, Reflex DC19
3d6+4 fire, 5’ splash 7 or
Frost Bomb 3d6+4, 5’ splash 7 and Fort save and Staggered next round or
Smoke bomb Fog cloud 10’ or
Stink bomb, as fog cloud but nauseous, fort dc19 saves
CMB 2 (4 BAB - 2STR)
HP: 30(.5)hp (8+4.5*5)
AC: 20 (+2 vs evil) = 10 + 5 ARMOUR + 4 DEX +1 SIZE
Touch: 15 Flat-footed: 15
CMD 14 = 10 + 3 BAB - 2 STR + 4 DEX -1 SIZE
Skill points/level: 8
Craft (alchemy) +15=+6+4+3+2, Disable Device +13=+6+4+3, Perception +13=+6+1+3+1+2V, Sleight of Hand +13=+6+4+3, Spellcraft +14=+6+4+3+1, Bluff +11=+6+4+1, Diplomacy +5=+0+4+1, Stealth +18=+6+4+4+2+2, Knowledge (arcana) +8=+1+4+3, Knowledge (nature) +8=+1+4+3, Use Magic Device +3=+1-1+3, Survival +5=+1+1+3, Heal +5=+1+1+3, Fly +8=+1+4+3, Sense Motive +1=+0+1; variable +2 changable daily, currently Perception
Skulk (Racial): Some ratfolk can blend easily into their environments, and move with surprising grace. Ratfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks, and take only a –5 penalty on Stealth checks made to hide from creatures they have distracted with a Bluff check (rather than the normal –10 penalty). This racial trait replaces tinker.
Rodent Empathy (Racial): Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.

Firebug, Student of Philosophy, Focused Burn, Drawback: Mark of Slavery
Technologist: Disposable Simulacrum, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ability Focus(?)
Tumour Familiar, Protector-archetype Greensting Scorpion
Precise Bomb (Grenadier)
Directed Bomb (Grenadier)
Frost Bomb
Smoke Bomb
Stink Bomb
Favored Class: Alchemist (+1 /6 discovery)
Extracts Known
1st level: Heightened Awareness, Comprehend Languages, Shield, Monkeyfish
2nd level: Alchemical Allocation, Detect Thoughts, Alter Self
Equipment: Dagger 1gp, Light Crossbow and bolts 37gp, Bombchucker, 12gp Bandolier x2 2gp
Spring-loaded wrist-shealth x2 10gp, Formula Alembic 200gp, Hybridisation Funnel 200gp, Muleback Cords (enhances strength for CC) 1000gp, Mithral Shirt +1 1100gp, Masterwork Alchemist’s Lab (portable) 125gp, Masterwork Backpack (50gp)

Deep Red Sphere Ioun Stone Cracked (+1 Stealth) 200gp, Magenta Prism Cracked Ioun Stone (+2 to any skill, changeable daily) 800gp, Mulberry Pentacle Cracked Ioun Stone (+1 to Diplomacy and Bluff) 400gp, Pale Green Trillian Cracked Ioun Stone (+1 to stealth) 200gp, Scarlet and Blue sphere Cracked Ioun Stone (+1 to intelligence skill, spellcraft) 200gp, Incandescant Blue Sphere Cracked (+1 Perception) 200gp + Wayfinder 500gp (Blind-fight)

Hat of Disguise 1,800gp (Disguise at-will)

Sleeves of many Garments 200gp

Cure Light Wounds 50gp, Enlarge Person 50gp, Reduce Person 50gp, Endure Elements 50gp, Jump 50gp,
Barkskin +2 300gp, Invisibility 300gp, Resist Energy (fire) 300gp, Restoration, Lesser 300gp, Delay Poison 300gp, Haste 750gp, 3 rounds, Tongues 750gp, Fly 750gp, 3minutes.

Alchemist’s fire x2 40gp, acid x10 100gp, elemental flux x2 40gp
Dessicating Lubricant x2 (60gp), Holy Water x3 (75gp)

10gp remaining

I'm pretty certain I will go with heavy weapon user. Otherwise it will be Weapon Specialist (as I understand it, the 'default guardsman').

Is, uh, everyone just waiting for someone else to go first with making their character so they can see an example of how it is done?


Hi! I'll throw a marker on the drow side.

I'd imagined blasting our way through hordes of orcs... or elves... or rohirrim... would be part of the fun. That said, they could always overwhelm us by force of numbers, and there's certainly Nazgul and wizards and Dragons and Balrogs and Balrog-slaying-elven-warriors and Sauron, and that's without even considering 40k threats such as Eldar, feral imperial guard ratling squads hiding out amid the halflings, tyranid bio-pits bubbling in the dead swamps, necrons hiding out beneath the mountains of the dead and on and on and on... and quite apart from that there's the risk of picking up an innocuous looking ring and being taken over by the taint of chaos and shot by your own side, or worse, not shot by your own side...

I had in mind to do equipment if selected, if that's okay? I can do it in advance if necessary, I'm just starting to get invested in the character already, so if I do anymore I expose myself to disappointment...

Is there a level below which you get a do-over? I'd quite like to reroll my 24... although I suppose it'd make for an interesting character since this is a one-shot initially...

Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 10) + 20 = 37
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 7) + 20 = 33
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (1, 8) + 20 = 29
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 4) + 20 = 32
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 2) + 20 = 30
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 10) + 20 = 37
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (2, 6) + 20 = 28
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (10, 4) + 20 = 34
Characteristic: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (1, 3) + 20 = 24

"Here's the thing... we observed this being stolen today. So the person we saw it stolen from must've been the thief who took it from you."

So, how reliable are these weapons? What I have in mind is...

Cleric 10/(Gunslinger (Technologist)5/Paladin 5)

...probably wielding the Heavy Plasma Gun, if that's acceptable, which would remove most of the unreliability (though of course that's pointless if it is perfectly reliable).

Small Chaotic Good Ratfolk Alchemist (Grenadeir) 6

Skivven is a gutter-rat(folk) from the slums of Flint. The runt of the litter, he was neither strong nor charismatic enough to lift himself up, eking a barely-tolerated survival on the nimbleness of his feet and the quickness of his wits. In an attempt to pick the wrong pocket, he was collared by Inspector-Academic Griswalde, who, recognising something admirable in the young ratfolk, took him in as a scholarship-student of the academy. Skivven’s talents of alchemy flourished in the academy’s laboratories, amongst the smokestacks and chemical factories of Flint, where the space and materials for experiments deemed excessive or dangerous could always be found by a nimble ratfolk. The academy, it seemed, would be Skivven’s home, an institution blind to race and prejudice, its gears driven by merit alone. Yet this proved to be a mirage, a concoction of chemical smoke and optikal mirrors, for whilst a student was the lowest of the low, ratfolk no more or less than human, Skivven could find only assistant scutwork, whilst his peers found success as journeymen. Knowing he would never be a master, Skivven retreated into the RHC, following Inspector-Academic Griswalde’s route. Even there, his talents were put to use as a Spy in the shadows, rather than an Inspector in the light, but at the least he is truly valued in the organisation, and in its shadowy upper reaches he still hopes to find promotion and success.

PS: I’ll do equipment if selected, if that’s okay(?) - also, I’ve taken three traits and a drawback, if that’s acceptable? If not I’ll drop one of them.


Small Chaotic Good Ratfolk Alchemist (Grenadeir) 6
Age 14, Height 3’9”, Weight 71lbs, Speed 20ft
Darkvision: Ratfolk can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
STR 6, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 18, WIS 12, CHA 8
Reflex +9 = +5 Base + 4 Dex
Fortitude +8 = +5 Base + 3 Con
Will +3 = +2 Base + 1 Wis
Bomb 10/day, 20ft, 1d20+8, Reflex DC19
3d6+4 fire, 5’ splash 7 or
Frost Bomb 3d6+4, 5’ splash 7 and Fort save and Staggered next round or
Smoke bomb Fog cloud 10’ or
Stink bomb, as fog cloud but nauseous, fort dc19 saves
CMB 2 (4 BAB - 2STR)
HP: 30(.5)hp (8+4.5*5)
AC: 15 = 10 + + 4 DEX +1 SIZE
Touch: 15 Flat-footed: 11
CMD 14 = 10 + 3 BAB - 2 STR + 4 DEX -1 SIZE
Skill points/level: 8
Craft (alchemy) +13=+6+4+3, Disable Device +13=+6+4+3, Perception +10=+6+1+3, Sleight of Hand +13=+6+4+3, Spellcraft +13=+6+4+3, Bluff +10=+6+4, Diplomacy +4=+0+4, Stealth +16=+6+4+4+2, Knowledge (arcana) +8=+1+4+3, Knowledge (nature) +8=+1+4+3, Use Magic Device +3=+1-1+3, Survival +5=+1+1+3, Heal +5=+1+1+3, Fly +8=+1+4+3
Skulk (Racial): Some ratfolk can blend easily into their environments, and move with surprising grace. Ratfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks, and take only a –5 penalty on Stealth checks made to hide from creatures they have distracted with a Bluff check (rather than the normal –10 penalty). This racial trait replaces tinker.
Rodent Empathy (Racial): Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.

Firebug, Student of Philosophy, Focused Burn, Drawback: Mark of Slavery
Technologist: Disposable Simulacrum, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ability Focus(?)
Tumour Familiar, Protector-archetype Greensting Scorpion
Precise Bomb (Grenadier)
Directed Bomb (Grenadier)
Frost Bomb
Smoke Bomb
Stink Bomb
Favored Class: Alchemist (+1 /6 discovery)
Extracts Known
1st level: Heightened Senses, Reduce Person, Shield, Monkeyfish
2nd level: Alchemical Allocation, Detect Thoughts, Alter Self

Since it's a siege regiment I guess I'll go for a heavy weapon user - either lascannon or missile laucher team member sounds pretty good. Not sure how to do character creation though. I'll look some stuff up but it is a busy week for me.

It's worth seeing in 3D if you can - look up where the sweet spot for your theatre is and try to sit there.

If you're too close - I.e. In front of where the camera was filming the scene the 3D image overlapped in such a way that the solution should be behind you. Your eyes can see it - its projected on a flat screen, after all - but you brain can't interpret it correctly.

If you're too far away it might as well all be flat.


Okay, I have in mind a Ratfolk Alchemist Technologist with an emphasis on bombchucking and spy stuff like stealth and bluff. I'll expect to have him ready tomorrow.

Can you advise on flamers, plasma and close combat weapons?

I'm thinking of either a power-sword and plasma pistol setup

Or some kind of plasma gun or flamer, possibly the heavy version.

GMEDWIN wrote:

@Philo, I like the idea. Sure if you could link your accessing the powers with maybe one of Finona's expeditions or something.

@Jonahkan, it is a little on the nose. the group really doesn't need another sorceror.

Okay! I could do a blasting focused wizard (selective meta magic rod lets you exclude certain squares from the blast), or even a cleric, or a bomb tossing alchemist. I was basing that idea on Cretien's note that some AoE attacks would be useful. That would be either in the naturalist Skyseer direction or the Technologist direction (particularly the alchemist).

I can't see how to make a gun-wielding class work and a bow-ranger feels kinda odd in a modern game, but that was my other idea.

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