1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

Game Master Insnare

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Interested. Steampunk sounds awesome.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How much wealth do we have for gear? I was reading that you get salary and stipends so I assume it's not average wealth for level.

I'm thinking I can create a character around the Eschatologist theme.

Standard wealth per level so it is 16,000 gp. I would say you should not spend more than 1/3 of it on any one item.

That sounds great.

How it works because the players are members of the RHC they don't collect treasure like normal adventurers would mostly because the "loot" is taken off of injured/dead suspects and it must be handed in as evidence in order to prosecute them or for parts of the RHC to do further busy work investigation(no so interesting for the game).

In certain cases, some NPCs may give constables gifts and they can keep them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's a draft of Iva Skipwith-Darling. Barrister and Investigator for the RHC. Mechanically she is a Slayer (Bounty Hunter Archetype). It was that or Investigator (Profiler Archetype). I'm hoping she will fit with the group. I am open to suggestions about changes. I'm kind of married to the barrister as a profession idea, but a different class suggestion I can work with.

I didn't give her a physical description yet. I like to match that to the alias picture for hair color and clothing. I don't know whats available as steampunkish choices yet.

Thanks for the consideration and feedback.


Female human slayer (bounty hunter) 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, 118)
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +9
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex)
hp 58 (6d10+18)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 kukri +8 (1d4+3/18-20) or
+1 silver kukri +8/+3 (1d4+4/18-20) or
net +8/+3 (entangle) or
sap +8/+3 (1d6 nonlethal) or
sap +8/+3 (1d6 nonlethal) or
sap +8/+3 (1d6 nonlethal)
Ranged mwk longbow +9/+4 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6, studied target +2 (2nd, move action)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +4; CMD 21
Feats Slashing Grace[ACG], Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Grace, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (kukri)
Traits friend in every town, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+3 to jump), Bluff +7, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9 (+10 to navigate underground in Risur), Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +9, Profession (barrister) +9, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +10, Survival +6 (+7 to navigate in the wilderness in Risur, +8 to identify a creature by its tracks, though the use of shoes makes identifying many humanoids difficult or impossible)
Languages Ber, Common, Drakar, Primordial
SQ dirty trick, slayer talent (weapon training), submission hold, track +3
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (50), caltrops, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 kukri, +1 silver kukri, mwk longbow, net, sap, sap, sap, belt of incredible dexterity +2, handy haversack, ring of protection +1, area map[UE], chain (10 ft.), footprint book[APG], mwk manacles, silk rope (50 ft.), sunrod (3), 586 gp
Special Abilities
Dirty Trick (Ex) As a free act on sneak att vs. studied target, no extra dam but dirty trick at +1 per extra dice lost.
Slashing Grace (Kukri) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Sneak Attack +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Studied Target +2 (move action, 2 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +2 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Submission Hold (Ex) When grappling, can take -5 penalty to CMB to deal sneak attack dam.
Track +3 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Two-Weapon Grace Can gain effects of certain feats limited by free off hand when two weapon fighting.

Iva Skipwith-Darling began her career as part of the fugitive apprehension department of the Royal Homeland Constabulary (RHC) in Flint While assigned to that department she studied to be a barrister. Routing out fugitives in the middle of the night gets tiresome. Moving up to Investigator was an excellent career move even if the hours aren’t much better. She found she would much rather investigate the crimes from the beginning than just arrest people at the close. She’s still very skilled at apprehension, and doesn’t mind getting in the trenches from time to time.

Iva has been working several years as an attache to the embassy in Drakar. She reads and speaks Drakar and several other languages fluently, and worked to investigate legal documents and contracts while in Mirsk. Her tour in Drakar has finished and she’s on her way back to Risur for reassignment. That’s the official word. In truth she uncovered some documents that put the current ambassador in a bad light. She chose to do her duty and reported it to the RHC, and is being moved out of the firing line as a political move.

The day she was due to leave Mirsk she received an official missive telling her to contact a group of RHC agents traveling on the Avery Coast Train instead of traveling back to Flint.

While assigned to Drakar she became familiar with Heid Eschatol’s teachings, which focuses on proper endings to all of life’s affairs. She became an Eschatologist while there, and believes there’s a proper end to all things. Using the law to bring things to a clean equitable close just makes sense. Whether it’s a marriage, a business partnership or a will the law can be used to bring things to a proper ending. She works to help fellow RHC agents prepare instructions for their deaths that are legally binding.

Sovereign Court

^--- CariMac is a great participant and should totally get a shot.

OK, Carimac, your character is a prosecutor for the RHC and an investigator. I like it. So you can join if you would like.

We are still open for one more player (I always wanted to have 6 characters). I will send you a PM later today to discuss how you get on the train, if that is ok?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That works for me. I'll get the alias up and ready. Looking forward to your PM

I just noticed this and so I haven't had time to look at the details, but Shane Sangster ran in another PBP of the Zeitgeist world before the GM had to quit.

We had just finished the part where we had to infiltrate an enemy base to try to facilitate an invasion. We had started into a new investigation in the city of a murder at an embassy.

He's a monk kata master 3rd level. Let me know if he would fit. I'll look over the threads and update if I have questions.

Shane was created with a 25 point build at 1st level. So I can bring his abilities down to 20 point buy level. He is currently third level, so I'd boost him up to 6th. His Theme feat was Docker.

His background was that he trained for service as a spy and worked in Flint for a year or so, infiltrating the docks to spy on any revolutionary activity. Got promoted to the constabulary after that. He's low key but good at stealth and hand-to-hand combat. He's also got some soft skills if needed.

Shane's profile does not list skills because the GM in the game he ran in used an alternative system from 13th Age. So I'll have to fill those in as well. He will have some skills like diplomacy, intimidation, and some craft and perform skills that he used when he was working undercover as a docker.

Is starting wealth standard for 6th level character?

How are hit points allocated after 1st level?

I'd like to submit a character, but it will probably be later tonight. I'm thinking of a reskinning of the Arclord of Nex prestige class, since it's all about manufacturing things and suits the steampunk theme.

Alternatively, if y'all don't want/need another straight-wizard guy (I haven't looked , I can do an Inquisitor.

@ Shane, hit points are rolled after level 1. Your GM must have been extremely friendly to allow you to be level 3 before midway through adventure 2. BTW, in this game we don't craft we make.(I personally find the word craft pretentious :) ) Uplevel him and we will see.

Well, we don't have any wizards right now. So that is fine. Theme feat Skyseer? We really need a skyseer.

Skyseer is perfect! In that case, I'll put together either a Magaambyan Initiate Arcanist (fits the Druidic theme of the Skyseers), or a Diviner Wizard/Stargazer (the PrC in Paths of the Righteous, available on Archives of Nethys if you need), if you're okay with either of those being reskinned for not-Golarion?

I have advanced Shane to 6th level, giving him 4 levels of Unchained Monk (Kata Master) and 2 levels Unchained Rogue (Roof Runner). I enjoyed the previous Zeitgeist game I played in. You can look at my posts in that game to get an idea of my style of posts and roleplaying.

If you prefer someone with arcane magic, I can understand that. Good luck.

I am fine with either but try to make them more Lanjyr orientated so make sure to read through the player's guide.

@SS, I will take that into consideration.

I'll write up a thing in the next day or two (it's looking to be a busier weekend than I'd like), but I wanted to at least post the stat-block for you to look at, in case there are any glaring errors or issues.

Alistair Goswick at your service.

He's a Half-Elf Transmuter/Stargazer from Flint. The bones of his story are as follows (to be fleshed out tomorrow/Monday, when I get more than a few minutes to write):
1. Pragmatic human father, wanderer/artist elven mother (who skipped town, so Alistair doesn't know her)
2. Studied arcane arts at his father's direction, so that Alistair doesn't have to be a factory worker like him
3. Barely got into RHC, because he's often a little spacey/day-dreaming, probably something he gets from his mother.
4. Alistair has to sort of balance his own wanderlust and creativity with his learned pragmatism. He's been enlisted by RHC because he's observant and a versatile asset to any team.

Some mechanics/numbers things I want to point out/ask about:
1. I took the Sacred Geometry feat with intentionally low-power/utility metamagics, because it seems flavorful and fun, and because PbP is the only place where the math isn't heinous and slow. If you object to that, I can certainly replace it with a simple Extend Spell.
2. I would love to have a set of spectacles as an arcane bond, rather than a ring. I think it's flavorful, makes for a better fit in the Zeitgeist world, and suits his character. Again, if you object, I'm happy to make it a ring instead.

Let me know what you think. If you'd like samples of my writing (because you're unsure I'll deliver), you can certainly look at my other aliases. I'll draw special attention to Yosiah and Dakash.

Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you and the party (since I assume you're running things by them, too)!

First, in the setting currently magical flight is not available. So a "fly" spell wouldn't be available. Not that flight will never be possible in the setting but it won't be possible through this adventure.

So your theme is Skyseer and are you take its feat:

Immediately prior to sleeping at least 8 hours, during which the night sky is visible, you may receive a prophetic dream regarding one question. Upon completion of your rest you awaken with insights into the future as though you had cast an Augury spell and received a meaningful reply.
Once every combat you may touch an ally and give them insight into future actions. The touched ally chooses one of the following: Attack Roll, Saving Throw, Skill Check, or Concentration Check, and then rolls a d20. The next time the ally would roll for the selected action, they may use the previously rolled result or opt to make a new roll. Other abilities that allow re-rolls may not be used in conjunction with this ability. If the action would have multiple rolls (such as iterative attacks), only the first roll is replaced.

If you want to play a half-elf you need to choose whether your mother was a high elf or a wood elf. In the setting wood elves are normal elves but high elves belonged to the ruling class that enslaved the whole planet. They were vessels through which Srasma (an elven deity) controlled the world but the Deity was killed by the King of Risur, Monarch of Danor and I think one of the minotaurs of Ber. This killing of the deity caused the Danoran dead magic zone, the Malice lands with unpredictable magic as well as the Yerasol Archipelago whose magic is a bit more predictable than the Malice Lands but also weird as well.

The Theme Feat is included on the sheet already. Forgive me, I forgot about the lack magical flying in ZG. I'll update that. As far as the type of elf, I'd assumed Wood Elf when I said it, but High Elf actually sounds like more fun.

Okay, I've updated Fly to Paragon Surge (I 100% do not intend to get abusive or weird with this, mostly just for utility metamagics, etc., since it fits the theme of flexibility/versatility he's got going for him so far).

Additionally, I think that will fit with his half-elf heritage, since I'm going to make his mother a High Elf.

Background story coming, I'm working it out as we speak.

Again, I'm open to any feedback you have, GMEDWIN.

I think this guy could make a pretty good cop when he's not drinking the local pubs out of house and home, (or putting them to shame with his own) Korak is a drunkard and a storyteller, but has a strong sense of justice. I think I need to fix him as last time I remember using him he was a gestalt. His class is Brewmaster from Interjection games.

Korak, please send me the link with the info.

Hedwick, in order to be a half-elf high elf you need a really good backstory. I also cannot find the information from your classes, please send me links to the info. I checked your alias and the two fly spells are still there as well as skyseer theme and feat. Make sure you be specific about why you are in Drakr and on what mission.

I would also suggest to everyone that having social skills should be important. If you don't have either persuasion, bluff, or intimidate you may find yourself at a disadvantage in the game.

The key point here is at this point in the game/adventure having a shoddy alias may get you shot by one of the PCs. This is deep cover espionage and I turned down a decent character concept in November because the player just wanted to "tag along" to the group on the train. I asked her to make it more plausible and nope. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

GMEDWIN, in order to satisfy the social element, and to help provide a more plausible background story (without having to stretch for the Half-Elf thing), I've converted Alistair to human to pick up the extra skill point and a feat to get Bluff as a class skill, as I think it will suit the campaign.

He's all done, and has a background now.

Sent a PM. The other two are there in case you feel they'd make an interesting character.

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HedwickTheWorldly wrote:

GMEDWIN, in order to satisfy the social element, and to help provide a more plausible background story (without having to stretch for the Half-Elf thing), I've converted Alistair to human to pick up the extra skill point and a feat to get Bluff as a class skill, as I think it will suit the campaign.

He's all done, and has a background now.

The feat Cosmopolitan might be a better deal.

For Int-based characters, the orator feat is also excellent, but you need skill focus (linguistics) as well.

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:

GMEDWIN, in order to satisfy the social element, and to help provide a more plausible background story (without having to stretch for the Half-Elf thing), I've converted Alistair to human to pick up the extra skill point and a feat to get Bluff as a class skill, as I think it will suit the campaign.

He's all done, and has a background now.

The feat Cosmopolitan might be a better deal.

For Int-based characters, the orator feat is also excellent, but you need skill focus (linguistics) as well.

Cosmopolitan is great if I could use Cha instead of Int, but I'd like to be good at it, so I think focusing on the one skill is reasonable.

Orator is a great feat! How have I never seen that?! I may have to consider that alternative. If I did that, I'd probably ditch Sacred Geometry (for now) and do the Human "3 Free Skill Focus" thing.

I think the difference between Orator and Clever Wordplay/Liar's Tongue is a fun one, flavor-wise, too. If I'm accepted, I'll let you and the rest of the party decide which you prefer.

Because there are way too many feats anyways.

Please put together what your cover aliases are, how you found out about the mission and so on. You have to deal with what they used to call Moscow Rules.

So, weigh in on the class?

The class is somewhat interesting, but you would need to give me a decent backstory to make the character feasible to join the party in the situation. Here is why, the party is currently in deep cover on a train among an unknown group of wary conspirators and so to have your character not get shot on sight by the party (or tossed from a moving train more likely).

If you want to hand me in an entry, I and my players would love to read through it especially if you have a creative idea but remember to make sure you include a Zeitgeist theme feat which is in the player's guide. The guide is downloadable for free from this website.

Arlind Danior:

Arlind is a former priest of Sarenrae (much like Jameela was, which is where he got his inspiration) who left Crisillyr to spread the word of the Dawnflower and to enlighten/educate people who could afford his tutelage. He has fallen from grace with his Goddess, though he still holds many of her tenets in high regard, and is unafraid to incorporate her teachings. He is a capable orator, historian, and bookkeeper, so he handles logistics and acts as advisor for anybody who hires him.

Also, I just re-read the entire recruitment thread, to learn a bit more about the expectations/party/etc, and realized I'd never answered your initial question:

I imagine Alistair is sort of a combination of Hercule Poirot and Severus Snape - a deep cover agent with a keen eye for observation and a wealth of knowledge to draw upon. Not a tough-guy, but a valuable asset to any team (either law-enforcement or outlaw) for his keen mind and utility. He often seeks employment among outlaws or criminals as a private tutor or bookkeeper.

I assume that Arlind/Alistair is working undercover with the embassy, and received a dead-drop to meet up with the party. The specifics of the actual mission are things I'd be happy to work out, as far as why he was working with the embassy, and why he was re-assigned.

Hi, just an FYI, Sarenrae and the whole Golarionite pantheon doesn´t exist in Lanjyr which is why there hasn´t been any clerics in the campaign. You can take Eschatologism, Millerism and as I recall Seedism.

I plan on making my decision tomorrow, so if you want to submit an application please do so.

GMEDWIN wrote:

Hi, just an FYI, Sarenrae and the whole Golarionite pantheon doesn´t exist in Lanjyr which is why there hasn´t been any clerics in the campaign. You can take Eschatologism, Millerism and as I recall Seedism.

I plan on making my decision tomorrow, so if you want to submit an application please do so.

Ah. Apologies, in the recruitment thread you mentioned using Golarion gods because it was easier. Failing that, Eschatologism is a suitable former calling for the cover identity of Arlind.

Yes I think I did four years ago when I first started the campaign but the gods and goddesses just do not fit the setting so much.

I'll need to know more about the gods and setting then or just more about the current story being played out on the train. As mentioned Korak is a tale teller. Whether it be the honest to god's truth, an amusing anecdote, or a bald faced lie Korak loves stories and loves to tell them. I somewhat picture him as Volstagg from Marvel. Generally quite jovial and enjoying a good fight as well as a good drink. Which given his class those two often come hand in hand.

His cover seems fairly obvious, is there a dining car? He'd make an excellent bartender.

I'll give you his original story and you might be able to make a few tweaks to make it fit.

Korak's father died when he was young and his mother moved them to a nearby monastery. (more in line with the European kind than Pathfinder's.) Korak was a rambunctious sort of kid and eventually started finding his way down to the wine cellars. He got caught by the resident vintner. Choosing to make use of him instead of punishing him the vintner started bringing him along to gather materials to experiment with. He made all kinds of alcohol on the small scale in the wine cellars. Meads, wines, beers, brandys. He was always willing to experiment and as Korak grew this love of experimenting was passed down to him.

Unfortunately, still being a young dwarf and the vintner being an older man he eventually passed away. Despite his age though his mother allowed him become the new vintner when the residents asked him to take up the post. He settled in, grew up, and continued to refine the brewing process by himself while picking up bits and pieces from travelers. Still being the rambunctious sort even as he grew to a man Korak set out looking for adventure.


Here check it out. The guide is free on the website. I must tell you that there is less fighting and more investigation, in addition when there is a fight, it is lethal, I have had four fatalities in this game or technically 6.

This game is not a dungeon crawl but a heavy spy/police game not to say there isn¨t any underground exploration.

Just a quick thing about me, I am dedicated to this AP, and four years running it on the boards should prove that to you. I love it. That is why. I tried running Jade Regent but it fell flat, which I somehow finished in real life. If you want to play a fun game that is different with a GM who is motivated, awesome. My posts range from book length to a sentence depending on the situation.

Good Luck!

I'm fine with that. I don't mind dying so long as it isn't a team mate being a dick for no reason. (I've had two people decide to team up to kill the wookie, or blow my starship out of the sky, few other things.) I hate players being dicks just to be dicks, characters on the other hand getting into a heated fight and s%~@ goes overboard, I'm cool with that.

The last guy who got killed, it was his own damned fault really. He went in by himself without waiting for the team and he fought the big bad on his own. The alien being started to eat his brain and mind controlled him, I being the GM didn´t want the player to feel left out of the game asked him if he could control his character being controlled by the alien, he said yes, instead of attacking the other PCs, he wanted to be overly clever and trick me as a GM and he cast vanish instead of attacking. Another character came from out of the corridor and launched his grenade launcher in the room. He had a feat where he can control where the explosion landed, and since his character didn´t know where the vanished character was he died. Had he just attacked he would not have been killed. Oh well...

I love the emphasis on spy-work/investigation, and I'm 100% okay with fatality in games. I generally dislike the ability to raise dead/reincarnate whenever someone missteps. Makes people brash, which doesn't lend itself to the intricate house of cards that is Zeitgeist.

Alistair feel free to join in. Please write me a pM so we can figure out how to get your character in the game.

Thanks everyone for your entries.

Good Morning!!!

I am reopening my recruitment for Zeitgeist.

Well it seems as though my Zeitgeist campaign is in need of one or two players. Basically, it is steampunk heavy on investigation, espionage, intrigue and I would recommend being able to post once per day.

Please take a peek at the Player's guide so you can pick an appropriate Theme Feat. I would suggest you pick the theme feat first and then class it may help with a backstory. Really good theme feats would be Skyseer, Vekeshi Mystic or Martial Scientist but the others would be fine, too.

The character should be 7th level and have a decent backstory. They should be a member of the RHC. 20pt buy.
We are midway through adventure 5 and we need some good RPing players.
Key skills for characters are stealth, knowledges, diplomacy and decent combat skills. The world is unique and a whole lot of fun to play.

3pp material is welcome if steampunk themed.


Hi, I would love to play a Technician from Drop Dead Studios Spheres of Might if that would be acceptable?

That sounds fine.

Excellent, thanks GMEDWIN, will work one up.


This is an extremely fun detail rich game and you will enjoy running a character.

I'm working on a character, it'll just take a few days as I am a bit busy at the moment and the Technician is a reasonably complex class.

Hi, I am mulling over an Investigator (Empiricist), most likely a Martial Scientist, and a Tiefling to boot :D From what I've read, it feels adequate.

Will try to have something up and running as soon as possible, if it is an acceptable combination :D

EDIT: I was planning on going Dex based Investigator (with Rapier et al.) for Stealth and whatnot, but on second thought, and after taking a look at the rest of the characters, I may instead opt for a STR based build (or an Arcane Trickster, whaaaaaaat?) :D

I'm curious. It looks like you've got 14 active players. Is that correct?

If not, which ones are actually active?

We have four active players. Some of those are GM characters. I will clean it up.

Interested. Will be reading the player's guide today. Are there any specific party roles or areas of expertise you're looking to replace?

We could use an Oracle or divine type for healing. Storywise I would like a Skyseer character in the fold for theme feats or a Vekeshi Mystic.

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