G.M.E.W's Rat's of Round Mountain (Inactive)

Game Master Evan Whitefield


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Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

I'd like to try for a few actually:

Silver Crusade:
Defeat an outsider that has the evil subtype and whose Challenge Rating is at least equal to your character level.

Silver Crusade:
Accept the surrender of an enemy combatant (other than an evil outsider or undead creature), and ensure his fair
treatment until he can be safely released, ransomed, or delivered to authorities for justice. Alternatively, allow an enemy combatant with no means of escape to flee without further harm.

Hey fellow Pathfinders, I'd like to invite you to forsake your other affiliations and join me on the true path. Please sign here. . .:
Sponsor another PC to join your faction. To fulfill this goal, that PC must then join the Silver Crusade by spending only 1 Prestige Point per character level (one-third the normal cost). The PC must have at least 6 XP and at least three ranks in any combination of the following skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (planes), or Knowledge (religion).

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar
Voros wrote:

I try. . .:P

Boswick Bumbleberry wrote:
Seeing the situation looks likely to end in a fight. . .

"Don't be to hasty. Just as even a liar can speak the truth on occasion, by sheer happenstance, so too can these morons occasionally make a wise decision and turn from the darkness that surrounds them and step into the light of redemption's difficult, but eternal path."

Liberty's Edge

Tiefling Spy 13 | Immune to Cold, Sleep, Non-lethal damage and Paralysis | Resilient to negative energy | Res. Fire 5 | | HP: 100/82 | DR/- 50/50 | AC: 28 | T: 18 | FF: 22 | CMD: 27 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +19 | Will: +13 [+2 vs EX or SU undead abilities] | Init: +6 | Perc: +22 | SM: +10 | 30ft |
Tracked resources:
Bombs: 18/22 ; Extracts: 1st - 7/7 ; 2nd - 5/7 ; 3rd - 5/6 ; 4th - 5/5 ; Wizard spells: 1st - 3/3 ; Spontaneous Healing 5: 6/6 ; Dex mutagen: 1/1

I guess you mistook this page as the gameplay thread, Igny. :)

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

No, I just didn't want to bog down the game play with my jokes. I'm not actually saying this in game.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

Yes -- very cool that the Faction Journal Cards are out. Ignatious I would join you in the Silver Crusade -- but I'm already there!

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

That one was mostly a joke. :)

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

Did you pass out Chronicles for Part I? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :(

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

No he didn't yet. He asked if anyone was in a hurry for it, if not he would do it later or when done with part 2 or something like that.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry for the delays. Work is as busy as ever and with finals coming up very quickly I've been hard pressed to find time. I'm going to make a concentrated effort though to wrap this up by the end of this week.
I'll get working on chronicle sheets for both 1&2 now so they'll be ready by the end of the game.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

E.W. thanks again for running these scenarios. I've had a blast going from lvl 7 to 8 on Boswick. Excellent GMing and excellent fellow Pathfinders. Thanks all!

Boswick is going to take a break from PbP to be available for IRL games during convention season. But if you run another game soon, I have other adventurers who would love to play in one of your games again.

Thanks again!

Day Job for Part 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Folder Reroll: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 = 22

Liberty's Edge

Tiefling Spy 13 | Immune to Cold, Sleep, Non-lethal damage and Paralysis | Resilient to negative energy | Res. Fire 5 | | HP: 100/82 | DR/- 50/50 | AC: 28 | T: 18 | FF: 22 | CMD: 27 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +19 | Will: +13 [+2 vs EX or SU undead abilities] | Init: +6 | Perc: +22 | SM: +10 | 30ft |
Tracked resources:
Bombs: 18/22 ; Extracts: 1st - 7/7 ; 2nd - 5/7 ; 3rd - 5/6 ; 4th - 5/5 ; Wizard spells: 1st - 3/3 ; Spontaneous Healing 5: 6/6 ; Dex mutagen: 1/1

Thank you all, it was a great experience! :)

DJ (Part 2): Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Oh right, day job.
Day Job (Profession: Librarian): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Sovereign Court

(HP 30/30; DR 1/Cold Iron, Cold Resistance 5; AC 13, FF 12, T 11;F +4, R +5, W +9; Perception +04, Init +05)

lawyer: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

Craft(Alchemy): 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (9) + 27 = 36

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry still working on chronicles. + No need for a dayjob roll. Since you did both scenarios in order you get to take 20 on your day job :)

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Any news on the chronicle sheets? We're about to start Eyes of the Ten, and I'd like to make purchases before we do. Thanks!

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry, I'm making these my #1 Priority. I will have them done by 12:00pm EST.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP


Let me know how they look.

Unfortunately it looks like you kind of get shorted due to the nature of the two scenarios. I couldn't find anything that gives you more gold since taking 20 doesn't do you any good. If I missed something let me know.

Thanks again for playing. Sorry things got bogged down at times. I really didn't expect work to be so busy.

I'm always looking to improve my GMing so if anyone has any questions, comments, or complaints about the game I'd love to hear them.

Liberty's Edge

Tiefling Spy 13 | Immune to Cold, Sleep, Non-lethal damage and Paralysis | Resilient to negative energy | Res. Fire 5 | | HP: 100/82 | DR/- 50/50 | AC: 28 | T: 18 | FF: 22 | CMD: 27 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +19 | Will: +13 [+2 vs EX or SU undead abilities] | Init: +6 | Perc: +22 | SM: +10 | 30ft |
Tracked resources:
Bombs: 18/22 ; Extracts: 1st - 7/7 ; 2nd - 5/7 ; 3rd - 5/6 ; 4th - 5/5 ; Wizard spells: 1st - 3/3 ; Spontaneous Healing 5: 6/6 ; Dex mutagen: 1/1

Thanks a lot GM! :)

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

Thanks EW!

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Thanks a lot for GMing these scenarios, GMEW! These two were quite interesting, even challenging.

By the way, I love the comment/boon you added!

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

Got em! It happens when you hit the high-end of Day Jobs... :(

Was fun, if not nearly deadly for George!

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Would it be possible to turn this campaign to inactive, please?

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

yup sorry about that

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