About KynracIn the year 4716 AR, the Decemvirate made a bold move that would have repercussions over a span of decades. It was decided to found a new lodge in Kyonin, in the gateway city of Greengold, and thus establish a permanent embassy between the secluded elves and the Pathfinder Society. The skilled diplomat, competent lorekeeper and recently appointed Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion was chosen to oversee the integration of that lodge, as well as to see the relationships between elves and Pathfinders bloom. This also meant the lorekeeper would end his self-inflicted exile and make his peace with his inner demons. While little was known initially about the Decemvirate's motivation, it is now believed that learning more about the elves's exile on Sovyrian, and understanding the arcane workings of the artefact known as the Sovyrian Stone, may have led to it. What's more, the Silver Crusade used that opportunity to find a new crusade to focus on after their victory in the Worldwound, and lent considerable help to the elves in fighting the overwhelming demonic hordes of Tanglebriar. -- The Pathfinder Chronicles Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion
Active effects None Conditions None Resources & Macros:
Daily spells / powers / items Spells (1st) 8/8 Spells (2nd) 8/8 Spells (3rd) 8/8 Spells (4th) 8/8 Spells (5th) 8/8 Spells (6th) 8/8 Spells (7th) 7/7 Spells (8th) 5/5 Persistant Rod (->6th) 3/3 Reach Rod (->6th) 3/3 Mnemonic Vestment 1/1 Knowledge of Ages 9/9 Time Flicker 17/17 Time Hop 34/34 Time Sight 17/17 Rewind Time 3/3 Haste/Slow 3/3 Diverse Training 1/1 Riftwarden 1/1 Folio Reroll (4 stars) 1/1 Blessing of Fervor: Don't forget to pick one of the following bonuses each turn!
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +30; SR +21)
Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) Spells Known (CL 17th; concentration +30; SR +21): 8th (5/day)—create demiplane, cure critical wounds, mass, euphoric tranquility, limited wish 7th (7/day)—bestow curse, greater (Will DC 26), cure serious wounds, mass, delayed blast fireball (Ref DC 26), disintegrate (RTA +13, Fort DC 26), particulate form, restoration, greater 6th (8/day)—banishment (Will DC 25+bonus from hated items), cure moderate wounds, mass, dispel magic, greater, heal, stoneskin, communal 5th (8/day)—breath of life, cure light wounds, mass, enervation (RTA +13), planeslayer's call, plane shift (Will DC 24), wall of stone 4th (8/day)—blessing of fervor, cure critical wounds, debilitating portent (no save, but everytime Will DC 10 + 1/2 clvl + Cha = 26), fly, freedom of movement, restoration, wall of fire 3rd (8/day)—communal resist energy, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, glitterdust (Will DC 22), magic circle against evil, prayer 2nd (8/day)—cure moderate wounds, flaming sphere (Ref DC 21), grace, lesser restoration, oracle's burden (Will DC 21), scorching ray (RTA +13, three rays), silence, sound burst, vanish 1st (8/day)—burning hands (Ref DC 20), cure light wounds, liberating command, prestidigitation, protection from evil, sanctuary (Will DC 19), shield of faith (+4), tap inner beauty, unbreakable heart 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, stabilize Statistics
Feats Breadth of Experience, Combat Casting, Extra Revelation, Extra Revelation, Run (Fleet-Footed), Spell Penetration, Divine Interference, Steadfast Personality, Quicken Spell, Destructive Dispel Traits Dangerously Curious, Observant (Perception) Skills
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Thassilonian SQ elven lore +8, elven magic, evasion, mysteries (time), revelations - knowledge of the ages +9 (9/day), rewind time (3/day), temporal celerity, time flicker (15 minutes/day), time hop (34 5-ft increments/day), time sight (17 minutes/day, as true seeing) Consumables
Gear to lend to party members:
Staff of Travel (+10 to base land speed)
Slotted magic items
Other Gear
Special Abilities
Venture Captain Diverse Training: Once per scenario, may attempt a skill check as if trained. Bonus on roll = 3+GM stars, no other modifier. (Student of Scroll GM Star Reward) Moreover, add number of stars to knowledge rolls at the start of a scenario. House Thrune's Favor: +3 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy to influence high-standing members of House Thrune, Chelish government, or Hellknight order. (4-11 The Disappeared) Formidable Renoun: +2 Intimidate to demoralize worshippers of Lissala, and demoralizing is a move action against them once per encounter. (4-S Race for the Runecarved Key) Harvestman's Bane: +2 Intimidate against worshippers of Zyphus. (3-08 Among the Gods) Gift of the Ghaele: Can cast Aid, Detect Thoughts, Lesser Restoration or See Invisibility. Cross from the chronicle sheet when used. (4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes) Magnimarian Debt: One Raise Dead, Resurrection or True Resurrection costs half gold/prestige. Cross from the chronicle sheet when used. (4-S Race for the Runecarved Key) Nemesis of the Aspis: Immediate action: force an Aspis agent to reroll a single d20 and take the worse result. Cross from the chronicle sheet when used. (4-07 Severing Ties) Crisis Averted (5-01 The Glass River Rescue) Foiled Plans (4-14 My Enemy's Enemy) Twin Tomes Learn Infernal (Song of the Sea Witch) Thurl's Bane (The Traitor's Lodge) Writings of Rachikan (Fate of the Fiend) Impressive Influence (The Hellknight's Feast) Return the Favor (The Sealed Gate) Siege-Hardened (Siege of the Diamond City) Defender of Nerosyan (Impressive Defense) (Siege of the Diamond City) Sight of the Unseeing (Legacy of the Stonelords) Introduction:
One of the attendees is a well-dressed, clean elf with blond hair and timeless blue eyes. By his looks, you can tell that he likes everything to be neat and spotless, just like his enamelled mithral breastplate bearing the open palm of Irori. His gestures are precise and never made in vain. Yet one thing contrasts with the elf's shiny appearance: his hands, up to the elbows, are severely burnt, to the point that it'll probably never heal. Those burn marks are in the open, a reminder of the vicissitudes of his past.
Addressing his companions, the elf displays a no-nonsense attitude, even adding a touch of humilty as he bows to the other attendees. He's obviously an experienced socialite, adapting to his environment rapidly. "I am Kynrac Chronarion, librarian of the Scrolls and apprentice of Master Shaine. Well met." Appearance:
A well dressed, clean elf with blond hair and timeless blue eyes. Usually wears a mithral armor enammeled with the holy symbol of Irori. His hands are severely burnt up to the elbow, rendering the elf unable to wield any weapon efficiently. He can usually be seen in Skyreach reading a book about the cosmology of the planes. Background:
Kynrac was born in a small town near Tanglebriar in southern Kyonin. His parents belonged to a long line of lorekeepers, considered among elves to be the guardians of the memories of ages past and of secrets lost. He was a bright child, but also rash and careless in many respects. From an early age, he was taught to become a lorekeeper as well. Too curious for his own good, Kynrac once ventured alone in ruins deep inside Tanglebriar. No one knows for sure what happened there, but the only thing the elf will reveal is that his own actions caused his father's death, and the loss of invaluable memories to the elven people. It seems it was also at that time his hands were burnt, and have proven unable to heal since then. Choosing exile to prevent himself from putting his loved ones in danger again, Kynrac roamed the world in search for redemption and meaning of life. That life changed forever when he met Master Kreighton Shaine of the Scrolls, and the Kyonin elf soon became the Master's apprentice, joining the Pathfinder Society. However, the phantom of his guilt still haunts him daily to this day.
PFS information for the GM:
PFS #76446-1 XP: 50 (normal advancement) Faction: Grand Lodge Fame: 106 / Prestige: 40 Kynrac's additional resources are all scanned and available on demand for GMs, please ask via PM. Chronicles applied: