G.M.E.W's Rat's of Round Mountain (Inactive)

Game Master Evan Whitefield


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The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Character Name:
Day Job:

We have 4 players definite. I'll plan on starting up things on Monday.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Hello all.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Hello everyone, and thanks G.M.E.W for GMing this two-parter for me! I'm looking forward to it.

Name: Cyril Corbaz
Character Name: Kynrac
PFS# 76446-1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Profession (librarian): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Init: +5 Roll 3d20, keep the best one!
Perception: +15
Will: +10 (+2 enchantment, +2 mind-affecting, +1 while flat-footed or during the surprise round)

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

By the way if we're looking for people, I know a bunch of very friendly folks who have high level characters in range. Let me know if you wish me to ask them!

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

Name: David
Character: Boswick Bumbleberry
PFS #: 90071-1
Faction: Silver Crusade
Day Job: prof (solider): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Init: +2
Perception: +1
Will: +10

Thanks G.M.E.W. for running this and including Boswick. I'm looking forward to it.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Name: DM Beckett
Character Name: Ignatious, the Seeker of the Holy Flame, (Silver Crusader)
PFS# 5,274-
Faction: Silver Crusade
Day Job: Temple -> Heal Take 10 for 26 total
Init: +2 Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Perception: +10 (Darkvision) Perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Will: +11 (+2 vs Evil, constant Protection from Evil) Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

A few quick notes. Immune to Evil mind manipulation, Sleeps only 2 hour. Immune to Fear, Immune to Cold and Hot Environments, Acid/Cold/Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10, does not eat or drink. Darkness is not a threat. Very strong vs Undead. Next level "evolves/ascends" to "true" angel/deity when I grow wings.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

So,. . . an Oracle, a Paladin, and a Cleric walk into a bar. . .

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

We are waiting on 2 more to show up. This gives us a table of 5.
Do we want one more?

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

5 should be fine. We have 2 big blasters, 1.5 tanks, 3 healers, and 3 support in a party of 3 as it is.

It kind of looks like we could rock just about anything right now minus a scenario that forces a bunch of stealth checks. Even that, possibly, and we are still waiting on 2 more players. :)

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

I'm fine with 5 or 6, just glad to be on the team.

Will post Boswick's intro later tonight or first thing tomorrow. As I've been ask to GM 6-10 irl on short notice tonight, so i'm cramming for it.

Sovereign Court

(HP 30/30; DR 1/Cold Iron, Cold Resistance 5; AC 13, FF 12, T 11;F +4, R +5, W +9; Perception +04, Init +05)

DaWay checking in. Need to update profile. Will have it done in a couple hours.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Hey, what's going on DaWay. Nice to see you again. Ready to rock this?

Sovereign Court

(HP 30/30; DR 1/Cold Iron, Cold Resistance 5; AC 13, FF 12, T 11;F +4, R +5, W +9; Perception +04, Init +05)

Yes I am Beckett. I think this is a monumentous occasion. I believe this is the first time we are on the same side of the dice.

Sorry forgot the previous information.

DaWay/Dale Ross
Birgit Birgirsdottir
Sovereign Court
day job lawyer: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Init +5
Perception +4
Will +9

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

It might be. :)

I'm curious, (and hope it's not a sore subject), but how is Alan after some of the rules changes? He was a beast earlier. Still destroying everything with a flick of the finger? :)

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

Hello everyone!

Character Name: George
PFS#: 73433-1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Take 10 for a 42 (Craft Alchemy at +27 and Crafter's Fortune for +5)
Init: +6
Perception: +10
Will: +2

Sovereign Court

(HP 30/30; DR 1/Cold Iron, Cold Resistance 5; AC 13, FF 12, T 11;F +4, R +5, W +9; Perception +04, Init +05)
Ignatious the Seeker of Flame wrote:

It might be. :)

I'm curious, (and hope it's not a sore subject), but how is Alan after some of the rules changes? He was a beast earlier. Still destroying everything with a flick of the finger? :)

Yep, he Wreck, and Omrax are tearing through some morlocks at the moment. I think in one round Alan and Wreck killed 9.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Looks like we have excellent company! Looking forward to starting this scenario.

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6


Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

My brother's (ranged) alchemist character has just finished playing a module and he's level 7. Is it alright if he joins?

It looks like we're playing low subtier anyway.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

I'm not the DM, but I don't have an issue with it. 5 or 6, I don't think it makes too much difference.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

+1 okay with me. What's better than 1 alchemist, 2 alchemists!

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Both alchemists are very different, as George is built as a melee/assassin character, and Voross is a 100% ranged one. I'll wait for our GM's permission before inviting him, then.

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sure thing send him the link.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Thanks! He'll post on Monday (he's abroad for the weekend).

Liberty's Edge

Tiefling Spy 13 | Immune to Cold, Sleep, Non-lethal damage and Paralysis | Resilient to negative energy | Res. Fire 5 | | HP: 100/82 | DR/- 50/50 | AC: 28 | T: 18 | FF: 22 | CMD: 27 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +19 | Will: +13 [+2 vs EX or SU undead abilities] | Init: +6 | Perc: +22 | SM: +10 | 30ft |
Tracked resources:
Bombs: 18/22 ; Extracts: 1st - 7/7 ; 2nd - 5/7 ; 3rd - 5/6 ; 4th - 5/5 ; Wizard spells: 1st - 3/3 ; Spontaneous Healing 5: 6/6 ; Dex mutagen: 1/1

Hello! Thanks for the opportunity to play! I'm looking forward to play with you all ! I'll update Voros' sheet monday evening (gmt +1).

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

So, I have just been made aware that all Online PFS play has been made illegal, through a new inadvertent ruling. I plan on continuing on in hopes that this will be fixed, but as it currently stands, as far as I can tell, unless you can hand me a physical copy of your character sheets and all Chronicle Sheets, Online PFS play is now illegal. Even Dropbox is a NoGo. Of all of my current games, I have 1 player out of maybe 30 that I could get a physical Character and all Chronicle Sheets from right now.

Now, I'm not trying to cause a panic, or anything, but at the same time, I think it might be a good idea to get in contact with your local Venture Officers let them be aware of this and hopefully deal with it. I've already Emailed Jesse Davis (online VC). And again, I plan on continuing with my Online games, as this seems like both a hasty decision made without looking at all the sides and also not intended to make Online Play illegal or unofficial.

Benjamin Falk wrote:

Chris Mortika made that point before, there are many people who´s handwriting is just a mess. Some of those are also very special at keeping documents or organizing them, but still want to play more complicated characters with lots of attacks/buffs/stuff.

You make the investment to buy the books and herolab, be welcome to use both. Just stick by the rules, meaning own what you play and have the legal resources at hand if necessary.

As written in the guide if you play at a table, please bring printed chronicles. It´s fair to bring copies of the chroncles and not carry around the originals i guess.

thejeff wrote:

I don't understand the point of requiring physical chronicles, especially if copies are acceptable. Apparently it is, or will be, the rule, but what's the advantage?

If you have a boon on a sheet that is required to be crossed off when used, it's hard for the GM to do so if it's on your tablet.
Mike Brock wrote:
Physical sheets are required. As a GM, I'm not comfortable with someone handing me their tablet. What if I drop it by accident and it breaks? Am I going to be required to replace it or pay for repairs? We don't want GMs to come under that sort of pressure.
Mike Brock wrote:
Physical sheets are required.
Jiggy wrote:
To clarify: Chronicle sheets, character sheets, or both?
Mike Brock wrote:


The thread itself was locked the same day that this ruling was made, and as far as I can tell, no mention of how terrible this would be for Online play has been made. I could be wrong, and I'd love to see a link showing how this is false. :(

Silver Crusade

Active Buffs:
HP: 127/127 | AC 32 | T 16 | FF 27 | Fort +23 | Ref +16 | Will +23 (+2) | CMD 28 | Initiative +0 | Perception +6 | Sense Motive +20 | Acrobatics +13 | Diplomacy +22 | Kn.(A/L/P) +8 | Knowledge(D/E/G/H/Na/No) +4 | Kn.(R) +13 | UMD +7
Ki: 6/6 | Lay on Hands: 11/11 | Elemental Fist: 7/7 | Stunning Fist 10/10 | Smite Evil/Chaos: 2/2 | Spells: 5/5 | Wands: Longstrider: 40; CLW: 13 | BoS: 10/10

1. As long as the GM doesn't require physical copies, then you are fine.

2. His concern seemed to be about handling electronics which doesn't apply in Online Play.

3. Until an official ruling about this rule applying to Online Play arises, I believe everyone will continue with business as usual.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Jesse said he's going to talk to Mike about changing it to exclude Online play. So, not freaking out, just wanted to make others aware, as it's hidden in a locked thread I just happened to see.


Liberty's Edge

Tiefling Spy 13 | Immune to Cold, Sleep, Non-lethal damage and Paralysis | Resilient to negative energy | Res. Fire 5 | | HP: 100/82 | DR/- 50/50 | AC: 28 | T: 18 | FF: 22 | CMD: 27 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +19 | Will: +13 [+2 vs EX or SU undead abilities] | Init: +6 | Perc: +22 | SM: +10 | 30ft |
Tracked resources:
Bombs: 18/22 ; Extracts: 1st - 7/7 ; 2nd - 5/7 ; 3rd - 5/6 ; 4th - 5/5 ; Wizard spells: 1st - 3/3 ; Spontaneous Healing 5: 6/6 ; Dex mutagen: 1/1

There I am, sorry for the delay. Voros' sheet is up to date. :) Thanks again for letting me in!

Name: Sylvain
Character Name: Voros
PFS# 93583-1
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day Job: Craft (Alchemy): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32
Init: +5
Perception: +10
Will: +4

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Welcome aboard.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin of Iomedae Lvl 13 | HP 108/108 | AC 3229 (FF 3028 T 1613) CMD 3330| Init+3| Saves F +20,R +15,W +19 | Per +2, SenMot +15| Spd 20'/30|Immune charm, disease, fear
1st 5 -End Elem, Hero's Def, Lib Cmmnd, Lesser Rest, Word Resolve| 2nd 4 -Fire of Entan, Remve Paralysis, Resist Energy, Zone Truth| 3rd 3 -Daylight, Mass Ghostbane Dirge, Remve Blind| 4th 1 -Grtr Angelic Aspect
Tracked Resources:
Smite Evil 5/5, Lay on Hands 13/15, Channel Pos Energy 7/7, DivWpn Bond 3/3, Boots of Speed 8/10, Freedom of Movement 1/1, Feather Fall 1/1, A Sure Thing 1/1, Channel Revival 2/2

Hey EW had such a great time running the Stroval Stair I ran it for my local group last week.

Stroval Stair Spoilers:
They had a blast and also had the most trouble with the harpies. My sons big bad fighter failed the will save and almost died. He was having a fit.

The biggest thing that struck me when preping was that both those NPCs Tatho and Ravo were evil bad guys...boy Boswick let those slip by...lol.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP


Awesome! its a fun scenario to both play and run!
Did the king and witch at least get to D-Door down to the landing and take some swings at some casters?
Yeah, those guys were evil but they were low enough level to not have aura's. It would have bee interesting to see what you did if they had detected as evil though.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Yeah the they were able to D-Door in, but the party got good Fort saves against Stinking Cloud. The King got in a couple of swings, but the big Fighter was able to get over there quickly and then it was all over.

That's one thing that gets lost in the older scenarios, due to no longer using the faction missions. But it's still one of the funnest ones I've played in a while. Nothing too complicated, well designed fights, and a cool premise. And good GMing as well!

The Veteran's Vault: MAP


Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Just wanted to point out again that as of tomorrow I'm going out into the field for a week, and there is a good chance I may not have any internet. Please feel free to bot me, just in case. Also, if I do have internet, I will not be able to edit the maps. :(

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

Apologies for the absence. Sickness overtook me and left me incapacitated for a while.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

no worries. Glad your feeling better.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Same. Hope it doesn't spread or return. Get better soon.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP


No worries, everyone needs help with rules now and then. Next time please just use a spoiler tag or post it here in the discussion thread.

OK Magical light and darkness. Sorry if I confessed anyone. When ever I use the term "Supernatural Darkness" I am using in reference to the Deeper Darkness spell.

PRD wrote:
Areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark. This functions like darkness, but even creatures with darkvision cannot see within the spell's confines.

emphasis mine.

As Ignatious pointed out its not a actual mechanics term but it is a useful descriptive term

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Just letting you know tht I'll be abroad this week-end, thus unable to post. See you on Monday!

Grand Lodge

Active Buffs:
Addiction: Angel's Trumpet
Assassin 10 HP: 63/63 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | Fort +9 | Ref +14 | Will +4 | CMD 22 | Initiative +6 | Perception +13 | Sense +0 | Disable +22 | Kn.(Arc./Local/Nat./Rel.) +20
Mutagen: 1/1 | Bombs 19/19 | Extracts - 1st: 7/7; 2nd: 6/6; 3rd: 5/5; 4th: 1/1 | CLW Wand - 31 charges | Poisons: -- (DC --) 6/6; -- (DC --) 5/6

In a weird deadspot with sporadic Internet. Will try to keep updated.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Just a heads up. Beginning around mid April, I will be gone for training fir a solid month plus, and I know there will be 2 weeks or so I will not have ANY electronics. I had figured we would have been done, but now not sure, so I wanted to let everyone know. Not complaining, just wanted to make sure I let everyone know just so it doesn't seem like I vanished. And again, this is still a few weeks away.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Thanks for the update. sorry for the lag in posting. Things have been a lot busier than I expected lately.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

No worries, and like I said, not complaining. I've been there, so I get it.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

I was wondering if we could hasten things up, since the group who I'm going to play Eyes of the Ten with right after this scenario has been waiting for me. Thanks!

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

I'll try to get things wrapped up soon.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Just letting you know that I'll be away for one week - on vacation - so please DMPC my character as appropriate. I'll be back on the 17th April.

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

Also, just a reminder, I'm down to 2-3 days from this post. Once I leave for a month long training, I honestly have no idea if I will have internet or not. If I do, I'll try to do what I can.

But just in case, here is my info

DM Beckett // Ignatious // 5,274-18 // Silver Crusade // Day Job Heal (Temple) (+2 from Green Market Boon)

DarthBeckett at Gmail dot com

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

I honestly don't remember if we rolled for these earlier for part one, but just in case.

Heal part 1: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 -> 75gp
Heal part 2: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 -> 20gp

Silver Crusade

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar

I just wanted to throw out that these new Faction Cards are out.


Also here is a PbP related post;

John Compton wrote:
Hrothdane wrote:
Logistically, how are we to handle these cards in PbP?

I recommend a player provide an out-of-character notice to the GM that he is attempting to complete one of the Faction Journal Card's goals during play (and provide the relevant goal's text). At the end of the session, the GM can confirm whether or not the PC fulfilled the conditions and instruct the player to check the relevant check box.

Since these do not require direct GM signatures, this process should not require constant scanning and sending of files.

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