GM Deuce's Mythic Reign of Winter

Game Master A_Deuce

Current Map Loot Sheet

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Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur smirks at Agatha before frowning in Urga's direction, "Life in the north teaches you that winter storms often force the strangest of bedfellows. Such things can not always be helped and one should take care before judging too harshly."

M Dwarf Pal3(Stonelord) | AC 19 or 21, T 12, FF 17 or 19; DR 1, HP 25/25 Saves F+6, R +2, W +2, (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like, +1 vs evil spellcaster magic, -2 vs light descriptor); Per +1, 90' Darksight; Init +2


Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Penny flinches a bit at the suggestion she is a bandit, but makes no real effort to appeal her case. She just adds a few grunts and the observation that "There is no need to spread rumors. I didn't take up arms against the lot of you."

Everybody can get ready to move with a minimum of complaining and hassles. The group takes most of the maps and paperwork from the upstairs meeting room, hoping that it will be useful back at the village.

Perception rolls for those most heavily involved with the fey in the cage.
Perception, Agatha: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Perception, Sildur: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Perception, Sturion: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Perception, Urga: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

As the group looks through the upstairs, the find some items of potential interest in the storeroom.

- three scrolls - Spellcraft (DC23) to identify as Animate Dead
- 2 vials of foul smelling liquid - Alchemy (15) greenblood oil
- small lockbox, locked
- three vials oils - Spellcraft (DC16) to identify as Magic Weapon
- 10 stoppered flasks - Alchemy (DC10) to identify as Alchemist's fire

Once the group leaves the lodge it stands alone and silent, a relic of humanity in the middle of the unnatural winter.

GM roll: 1d100 ⇒ 65

It takes 4 or 5 hours, but you are able to navigate back down the trail, seeing the places you had events or made camp the previous night. As you get close to the ambush point along the road, you can tell that the Lady Argentea is getting more and more unnerved.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Thought the others had searched upstairs already.

Before leaving, Sildur tries the remaining key on Rhokar's key ring on the lockbox.

Later, Sildur notices the lady's discomfort ahead of him, "Are you alright Argentea, you look spooked? Though I imagine there are some memories up ahead you'd just as soon forget..."

Craft(Alchemy): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9scroll

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24scroll

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25scroll

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25potion

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23potion

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9potion

So Id'd two of the potions. She tells the others.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

The last key from Rhokar's ring does fit in the lockbox. In the box, you find:

- 25 pp, 150 gp, 180sp in coins
- a blue quartz gem (appraise DC15 to recognize as 100gp)

You can continue to deal with items and the like on the trip; in the interest of getting things moving faster I'm getting everybody back to Heldren.

The Lady Argentea nods sadly to Sildur, "Many good men and likely my handmaidens died to ensure I lived. That makes my heart heavy." After a few seconds, she straightens her back and adds "We appear to have found half of those responsible. I do hope you would plan on going back for the rest."

Poke around the site or move back up the road to Heldren?

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Does anything look to have changed from last time?

Sildur nods sadly, "Indeed, terrible things were done here. Are they any respects you wish to pay before we head out? Or anything you wish to search for among the wreckage? I for one do indeed plan to see Izoze and her cohorts pay for all they have done, you have my word on that."

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

I hope everybody had a relaxing memorial day weekend, let's get this re-started.

The battle site is largely the same as you had left it. There is a little bit more snow and perhaps some animals have been rooting around, but it is not changed very much.

Lady Argentea shakes her head. "There is not much I can do here. Once we get back to civilization, I will send some priests to concecrate the bodies and bury them safely. I do very much appreciate your steadfast resolve, Sildir."

If you have anything to add, here do it now. I'll get everybody into Heldren tonight if nothing else of note gets brought up.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn continues leading from the front, the cold and the closeness of the village urging him on.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael shakes his head in sorrow at Sildur's words, and follows along Thorn.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur nods solemnly and continues on to Heldren with the others, his gaze flicking occasionally to the fey's cage/chest.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Cheer up, my comrades. We have succeeded. And I feel that this izoze will fall. True good people fell, but they fell with honor, and will be rewarded for that. And we will give justice to those who instigated this.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

The group skirts around the battlefield and takes the short route to Heldren via the road that enters the city from the south. The trip is mostly uneventful and the temperature rises from quite cold and winter-like to merely unseasonably mild.

With the exception of the captured fey which shouts from under the cage at irregular intervals, everybody's mood seems to get a little bit better as you leave the snow in the winter wood behind.

It is the early evening by the time you can see the town. The road passes right by the Silver Stoat, which will likely have food and a place to stay. Thorn's ancestral home is further up toward the north of town, past the clock tower which serves as the town hall.

The Lady Argentea wonders aloud to anybody who may hear. "My original traveling group never intended to stop in this village. Does it have reasonable accommodations?"

Would it help if I re-posted the town map?

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

yes please

Agatha looks at the noble woman, and nods. the inn here is quite good, with good food and drink.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael smiles when he sees the bar, and most of his jovial cheer returns to his voice.
Well my lady, considering we were able to recover quite a bit of your fine clothes and jewelry and sent them back here to Yuln, and the people here are quite wonderful, you should be able to manage. Come my friends! Let us do what we need to, and then celebrate! We rescued the Lady!

He makes his way to the front of the group, then looks at Agatha, and speaks solemnly.
We need to warn the town of the sentinels, of course, and convince them of the threat of the winter, but after that, we must all drink, and rest. We need it.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

And to dispose of our prisoner.
Agatha looks around at the party. also to sell what we have found. And reequip.

M Dwarf Pal3(Stonelord) | AC 19 or 21, T 12, FF 17 or 19; DR 1, HP 25/25 Saves F+6, R +2, W +2, (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like, +1 vs evil spellcaster magic, -2 vs light descriptor); Per +1, 90' Darksight; Init +2

Sturion drains another mug as he gets to town. It's na home, but it's' the ale is serviceable. It's what we been drinkin'. Help me drain it...there ain't much left, an' I'll refill 'er here.

Mostly, Sturion looks at Rikael as he speaks, but his eyes float over the rest of the group, too.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur takes in the town once more, "The ale will have to wait I'm afraid, we should find both Yuln and Ionnia before all else. I'm certain Yuln will be gratified to see the lady here in one piece."

Calling for Dru to heel, Sildur sets off in the direction of the apothecary where Yuln was recovering last the party was here.

Male Bear Proud Animal Companion | HP 16 / 16 | AC 15; Touch 13; Flat Footed 13 | CMD 15 | Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +5

Dru follows Sildur closely, his nose working overtime as he takes in the scents of civilization once again.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

have we outrun the weather?

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

It does appear so.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga nods, "Yes, we should find Yuln at once."

Urga follows Soldur to the apothecary.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn shakes his head.
"I'll inform the elder and bring our captive to her as well. She'll know what to do from here. If anything else I'll be at home."

Saying that, he brings out the cage and heads towards the elder's home.

M Dwarf Pal3(Stonelord) | AC 19 or 21, T 12, FF 17 or 19; DR 1, HP 25/25 Saves F+6, R +2, W +2, (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like, +1 vs evil spellcaster magic, -2 vs light descriptor); Per +1, 90' Darksight; Init +2

Ah, yes...'course. Responsibilities first...Sturion stands there and drains the mug, looking a little lost, as he knows next to nothing about Heldren...or of the earlier events the party was involved with...

Should I get Tom to a stable?

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha looks at Sturion, and thinks pack to the loss he has recently suffered. perhaps I was too harsh on him before. He is still in pain, and needs support

Decision made she says Come Sturion, we will be staying the night, and the inn is quite good, if memory serves. Stabling should be nearby there. Let us attend to that, and then I can get you and Rikael a drink. And something to eat. Then we can sell our loot if we want.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

So we're all splitting up then? It looks like myself and Urga are headed to see Yuln, thorn is heading to Ionnia I believe, Agatha and Sturion are headed to get rooms and stable Tom? Which way is Rikael headed?

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael needs to return Feybane to Yuln, so he'll head there for now. Then he's going to the temple... I mean bar.

Before I do anything though, honor demands I return Feybane to Yuln. It aided us greatly, but it belongs to him. I'll head to the bar afterward to pray to Cayden and thank him for safely returning us.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha looks at rikael. Feybane is linked to you, rikael. It is a promise. Don't give it up so quickly, I think you will need more than ever now. We should make some money from our loot, and maybe a reward from the noble, so buy it off him if you must. Don't surrender it?

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga agrees with Agatha, "The fey threat still looms over the land. I'm sure Yuln will want you to keep the sword until we have ended the fey menace."

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn seeks out Ionnia and feels strange....One on hand he feels unfettered, on the other the bite of loneliness bites even harder...

He shakes his head, after this whole thing is done, it's likely that the group will split after all there wasn't any other reason to stay together then wasn't it?

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Sorry for missing yesterday. I'll get the town map up in the Current Location Map ASAP.

Other things: It's no longer winter in Heldren, just unseasonably cold. It's late summer and in the upper 60's/low 70's, which is probably 20 or 25 degrees cooler than normal. You can get by with light clothes. I also forgot to do exposure checks on the way out, so everybody missed some potential pain with that one.

Last thing: Congrats on level 2!! Heldren is safe, so update your character sheets and the like at your leisure.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6


M Dwarf Pal3(Stonelord) | AC 19 or 21, T 12, FF 17 or 19; DR 1, HP 25/25 Saves F+6, R +2, W +2, (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like, +1 vs evil spellcaster magic, -2 vs light descriptor); Per +1, 90' Darksight; Init +2

Sturion nods at Agatha, and heads into the tavern preparing to celebrate 2nd level!

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

I will level Rikael when I get home later tonight. Congrats everyone for surviving! I know there were a couple of time I thought Rikael was going to bite it, that's for sure.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Map updated! It is fragile, so be careful please.

At the apothecary: Sildur, Urga, Rikael:

After a knock on the door of the shop, the Elven woman Tessaraea opens the door widely. With a slight shock, she exclaims "So, it is you! Coming back to check on Yuln? I have good news. He may never fight again, but he certainly won't die either. Come in and let me go get him."

At the Silver Stoat: Agatha, Sturion, Penny, Lady Argentea:

When the four of you open the door to the tavern, most of the people already sitting at tables or the bar area turn and look, noting that new people are in town.

Kale, however, lights up from behind the bar and shouts a greeting to Agatha, "Welcome back to Heldren, Lady Agatha! We were not sure we would see you again. Would you and your new companions care for a drink or some hot food?"

At the town hall: Thorn:

Thorn opens the door to the largest and most impressive structure in the village. The building is mostly empty, but with a little bit of exploring and noise making, Thorn is able to find Ionnia at her desk.

As Thorn enters the area, Ionnia looks up and smiles. "You continue to surprise us Thorn. After the reports that we heard from Izumi, nobody was sure we would see you again. I'm glad the village still has you."

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Before everyone splits off, Rikael speaks to the group.
Please, once we're all finished, we must meet back at the Stoat. We need to celebrate together, and "pray" to Cayden for his help. Naturally, if any of you don't feel like praying, I'll be more than happy to pray in your stead.

He speaks with his mischievous smirk and his friendly laugh.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Oh, I had thought Lady Argentea would have come with us to see Yuln. He's the only other survivor from his caravan and has her jewelry. Who takes the Fey? Not much point in SIldur taking it to the apothecary.

M Dwarf Pal3(Stonelord) | AC 19 or 21, T 12, FF 17 or 19; DR 1, HP 25/25 Saves F+6, R +2, W +2, (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like, +1 vs evil spellcaster magic, -2 vs light descriptor); Per +1, 90' Darksight; Init +2

Someone needs ta take tha lil' squeaker to tha constable. I'll do it, if anybody knows where that'd be.

Sturion takes the cage, and looks around.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn is takign the fey to see the elders and tell her about alll they have learnt.

"We are back Elder and we have news for you and not all of it good." Dangling the cage.

"Here have a seat and let me tell you all that have befallen us thus far." Having the elder take her seat, Thorn begins to tell her about their adventures culminating in their rescue of the Lady Argentea adn the picking up of their current guest, Penny. He also shows her their captive and what information they have gleaned from her.

Finishing he seats down and waits for her to digest his news.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga nods at Tessaraea,"Thank you. I'm afraid we bring dire news. We have encountered a cabal of evil fey and bandits in the woods, working under the auspices of the winter witches. The witches are some how associated with the supernatural weather. We must return shortly to try to end the theat to Heldren."

Urga will walk in to speak to Yuln.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur greets Yuln warmly as he steps inside Tessaraea's house, "How are you feeling? Tessaraea says the worst is past. We wanted to let you know we met with success. Your Lady is back in Heldren. She is preoccupied at the moment but I am sure she will come see you soon."

"We however will be leaving again, likely tomorrow morning. The fey and their men that attacked you mean to bring eternal winter to every corner of the world. With Argentea safe, we mean to stop them. The men are dead but the fey leader remains. Rikael put your sword to great use in our rescue, it would do us well if you allowed us to keep it for the time being?"

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael nods when Sildur is done.
Yes, the healer says you are in condition to fight yet, but your blade has brought great vengeance to the evil setting foot here. With your blessing, I would like to carry it into battle still. It wishes to bathe in fey blood still. I may not have been born in the north, but I know the ways and the rites of honor. Each kill of this sword brings your family name honor, I am making sure of that my friend.

He then presents the blade to Yuln so that he can see it is still well taken care of, cleaned daily, and notch less.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

I have a plan for the Lady Argentea, don't worry.

At the Apothecary:

Tessaraea does not show much in the way of emotion when she hears the update from the warriors who have entered her store. It appears that years of living among her kind have made hiding her emotions almost second nature.

Yuln is much more animated, befitting his background as a soldier from the northern lands. "Lads!" he exclaims with some strain in his voice, "It is good to see you and hear the news that the Lady is safe. She may not want to see me, seeing as I let her be captured by the bandits."

When his sword is mentioned, Yuln becomes more sullen and gets a bit of sadness in his face. He sighs, saying "I am glad you were able to put my sword to good use. Between my injuries and my shame, I am not sure I will be able to wield it again. Do use that blade to deliver vengeance for me. That is about all I will be able to do to help you with this endeavor."

At the Silver Stoat:

When the Lady Argentea hears about the possibility of food, she says a very proper voice, "Lady Inkeep, a room in the back and a hot meal for me and my companions. The kingdom of Taldor will be in your debt and see you are well compensated."

With a short pause, Kale replies "We have no other rooms here. This main hall is all of the inn. Of course, as loyal Taldans, we are pleased to serve the crown." Then, after a short pause, she asks "Where are the rest of your traveling companions? It is unusual to see a royal traveling without their attendants."

The Lady Responds calmly "So much is true. I can't expect you to take the word of a stranger appearing so bedraggled as I without other proof. I will secure that shortly. In the meantime, do feed those that you know."

At the town hall:

Ionnia Teppin looks at the cage containing the fey with some trepidation. She asks, "Is it dangerous? Does it require any magics or wizardry to keep confined?"

After listening to the story that Thorn tells, Ionnia frowns with concern. "This is quite the unexpected and disturbing news. It has always been clear that something odd is going on, but news of witches from the north, fey, and human allies is much more than anybody expected. Are you and the rest of the group planning on going back and finding this Izoze and her allies? We don't have much to offer in the way of help, but what we do have is yours for the asking."

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

"Backed by the fey, those same bandits proved more than a match for the High Sentinels, there is little shame in such a defeat Yuln. It was you who managed to survive and bring us the news of the fey incursion. Without you Argentea would have been lost."

Thanking Tessaraea for her expert care of the northern warrior, Sildur bids Yuln a farewell, "I'm certain the Lady will be by to see you soon enough my friend. We should re-join our companions."

Stepping outside, Sildur scratches Dru before setting off to join the others at the Stoat.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"The fey I'll exceute as soon as the council has seen this being as proof. We'll be looking for Izoze and allies that's for sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll need to take out the trash.... We don't want any of its friends to come visit this town." Thorn excuses himself and then ends the life of the fey within in short order.

Handing over the cage with its now dead occupant, Thorn heads towards the Stoat.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

harsh. Still, gets rid of a problem

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

At the apothecary:

Yuln smiles at Sildur, but shakes his head. "It's not the defeat that shames me. Do not misunderstand; many great men have been defeated in battle. My shame is in failing my charge. The Lady Argentea was still captured. At the very least, you were able to rescue her. Your group will surely be heroes of legend before this all is over."

Everybody is moving to the Stoat?

As Sildur and Thorn head into the Silver Stoat, they are greeted warmly by Kale. "I was worried when only some of you returned that not all of you made it back from your journey. What can I get for you?", she asks.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Buy sturion a drink, as promised. And rikael of course, when comes in.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur smiles, "All accounted for my lady. Some brandy to chase away the chill in my bones and a warm meal to make me forget it was ever there if you please. Oh, and a slab of some proper meat for Dru if you would, he's certainly earned it."

The ulfen slides into a chair next to the others, "I trust you lot have filled them in on the details of our trip. How have things fared in Heldren Kale?"

Male Bear Proud Animal Companion | HP 16 / 16 | AC 15; Touch 13; Flat Footed 13 | CMD 15 | Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +5

Dru takes a spot on the floor by Sildur's chair, looking expectantly at Kale.

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