Cool. BTW, you may want to watch the combat, will give you a sense of how I do things. I roll everyone's initiative. I don't conceal saves and AC, so players know when they hit and can proceed to roll damage while posting; players may also roll saving throws for the monsters so they know whether their spell had effect without having to wait for me to post. Likewise I roll the PC's saving throws so the action can continue smoothly. More obscure weaknesses like resistances will be posted only after they are discovered (or are learned from a Knowledge check)--so on round one their Electicity resistance was not posted, but on round 2 it is because they saw that Kahuranga's lightning bolt had so little effect.

Chakam |

I like how fast combat is moving - the downside is really to keep player knowledge separated from character, but the guys seem to be doing a good job :)

Chad Wassen |

Heh... Chad can at least tell you where you are encountering them.... ;)
And yes, this looks like an easy system to keep combat flowing.
That sounds like a likely meeting.


In fairness, Threnody's cohort has Knowledge Religion and Kahuranga has several skills... unfortunately he's just been unlucky on his rolls of late.


Combat will end soon. Once it ends, I'll wrap up stuff for the party on the island and start a side-tale for Chad and Chakam to jump into. Thank you very much for your patience and I look forward to you all joining in.

Chakam |

All good man! I’m happy to be here. Thanks again for bringing us together.

Chad Wassen |

Likewise... besides, it is fun watch the crew in action against the literal forces of evil... Continues to munch on some popcorn.

Kahuranga |

I'm hoping that we will level soon, and that GMDQ might let me retool my spells a bit. I'm not sure what that will mean, but, at the moment, I think I might be stepping on Thren's toes too much with my selection of buff spells.


We're not leveling till we get back into the AP proper but let me know what you are thinking about doing wrt the retool. We can try to work in a retraining scenario since I'm articially holding off your leveling till we hit the right spot in the AP.


I am leaving this out in the discussion thread because I don't want to cloud up the gameplay -- but I want to be sure any bad writing on my part did not obscure the truth that should be apparent to all of you:
There's nothing under the ziggurat. Yoha's party killed a creature that was down there and then collapsed the lower levels completely. They killed the monster, made the lower chambers totally inaccessible, and then took what treasure they found and stored it in the priest's chamber, which you found. (Meta-narratively, the purpose of mentioning the monsters here were just to give more of the backstory of this place and to indicate what the original adventurers were doing here and why the treasure was where you found it. If you guys had found and explored the ship first, Eden's journal would have been a clue as to where to find treasure and to let you know any monsters on the lower level of the temple were killed already). The carvings on the staircase, if any of you paid any attention to them, indicate that whatever original evil was summoned here (the creature depicted on the statue) is long gone. All that was left behind was the curse left behind by that original evil, which you have now sealed away very thoroughly, backed by an ancient cyclops oracle's magic. Although you may want to be sure no one else tries to muck with the ziggurat, there is otherwise no unfinished business here. While in many cases, I am happy letting the PCs think whatever it is they think, I'm trying to steer you back toward the main AP's questline at this point and don't want you to think I am leaving you with more work to do here. You succeeded on this sidequest completely.
Which leads me to the following:
Lark, Thren, and Kahuranga fill your hero points to full (max 3).
You have gained 1 point of Infamy! Plus, ending the curse of Yoha's Graveyard is definitely an event you can brag about at all ports--even those you have already visited and earned Infamy at--to potentially earn more Infamy.

Kahuranga |

Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking since there was still the fog coming out of the shaft that there must be a creature or a portal down there that needed to be dealt with.
As for retraining, I probably don't need to actually retrain. Having the spells I have in my familiar is probably a good idea. I probably just need to buy some scrolls to feed to Taniwha so I can have some differnt options than what Thren can already cast. At the same time, pretty much everyone can benefit from Cat's Grace, so maybe multiples of that are ok. Haste is probably redundant, though.

Lathiira |

Previously, Lee (our former sorcerer) also had haste. It's not a bad one to duplicate.
Stat-boosting spells will be useful for a long time. We don't have any of those in any quantity (that sorcerer had the headband of alluring charisma we found). So cat's grace will be useful for a long time. I happen to know that one too. Bull's strength wouldn't be bad.

Kahuranga |

My initial character creation was based around buff spells (mostly, some utility) and debuff hexes. The spells where we overlap are certainly useful, but as a full caster I think my job is to be able to diversify.

Chad Wassen |

Heh... I simply took things that made sense for an archer to have for my limited spell uses. I will leave the big party-buffing, world-changing magics to folks that get more than 3 spells per day at level 7... ;)
That said, as a divine caster, I do get the ability to change up my list daily as needed... full list is here, though keep in mind that does have options from non-legal sources.

Lathiira |

Debuffs are still on the table; Thren won't be taking those for sure. And screwing with opponents can help keep us alive. Some diversified blasting spells could be useful as you just saw. Divination magic wouldn't be bad, nor protective magic. Which spells specifically? Not sure.

Chakam |

This is my current list. I’m not spontaneous, and I can change it daily as well. Built it for off heals and buffs. Chakam is more of a brawler.
. . 3rd—cure moderate wounds, hydrophobia (DC 16), protection from energy
. . 2nd—barkskin, ironskin, lesser restoration, visualization of the body
. . 1st—cure light wounds (2), endure elements, windy escape[ARG]
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, know direction, read magic

Lathiira |

I think of this in terms of our strengths. Druidic magic does a variety of things and you can change your loadout daily. But where is it strong, where is it weak, and how do you plan to use it with your character's abilities?
For example, continuing with Thren: bardic magic is good at gathering information, playing with people's minds both directly (enchantment) and indirectly (illusion), and for buffing. Bards also make passable healers (though we don't get the heal spell or certain affliction removal spells). Bards aren't very good at debuffs (doable though) or blasting. Bards can summon and have some utility magic.
Thren will be using buffing magic a lot. That's how she's designed so far and how she intends to continue. She'll add some healing magic in as she goes, but spells to protect and enhance the team are her thing. Playing with people's brains and information gathering she won't use much if at all.
Now, witches are different from divine casters who can swap their entire list of ready spells out at a whim or spontaneous casters who only know so much. What a witch can do is based on spells learned. What spells you learn are based on what becomes available in game and what you then choose to pick up, plus your level-based gains. So that depends on the role you'll play in the group as the primary arcane caster.
Oh, and one note, based on conversations we had with our old sorcerer friend: make sure you have fly on your list :)

Chakam |

For Chakam, I focused on off heals and buffs. That’s usually how I go about Druids. I always put an offensive spell or two just in case, but for a matter of pure action economy I’m better not casting spells during combat - I didn’t build him with spell casting in mind, but as a nice addition to his set. For debuff there’s nothing like a witch, or maybe a sorcerer or wizard. As for fly, being a shapeshifter, I’m not sure I’ll find space on my spell list, in all honesty.

Chad Wassen |

I may not be able to fly, but I can give myself and up to 6 of my near by medium sized friends feather fall once per day.
It may not be flying, but it is falling with style...


The fog itself can't be destroyed, just sealed away. I should have had the Oracle say that. It's what remains of the creature that was here.


As for spells -- bear in mind if you are a shapeshifter with the fly spell, you can transform into a non-flying creature and then also still be able to fly. Being able to let the rest of the crew fly is also important. We are getting into higher levels.
Witches have great debuff hexes. The thing witches and druids can provide that bards cannot are really good attack spells (although bards have a few nice sonic spells, it's not the bulk of a bard's repertoire).
For the freebooter--the freebooter also helps buff the party; between Chad and Thren you'll have buffs for days.

Chakam |

Well, fly is not a Druid Spell, neither fly mass. Some of the other transmutation spells can help with it, but the Druid spells for movement are polymorph effects, which won’t work with wild shape regardless. If we need something of the sort, we better think about arcane casters.
As for offensive spells, a different kind of Druid would be better for it, between Lightnings ir hydraulic pushes or things like that... but not a Druid focused on wild shape for combat forms.
If it’s need and all, I don’t mind changing my character into a sorcerer or something of the sorts to better cover these matters - you guys tell me! I’m pretty much here for the ride :)

Chad Wassen |

I kinda want to see Chakam's reaction before giving mine... holding off on my post until tomorrow afternoon (EST) so that he has that chance without backtracking or Previously tags.


??? It's not like you've run into many other survivors of the Kiss. Besides the original party, the only other person was that brawler that joined us for like literally two days before leaving. Which was brief enough I actually had forgotten she existed at all.


Ok, I just don't want the new player feeling like he's old news. I want people to feel welcome in and out of character.

thermopyle |

I think this is everything from Miria's Rest (aka Yoha's Graveyard). It's also all on the loot sheet linked on GMDQ's stat line. Who wants what? Funding our stronghold and paying Kelizar are my priorities.
- The Gryphon Unfettered, it still floats! (but not much else)
-A quiver of 20 mithral crossbow bolts
-a wand of scorching ray
-bracers of armor +2 (appear to be made of some kind of coppery metal usually used by underwater races)
- +1 kukri (of Garundi make)
-cold iron dagger (hilt is burned off, but otherwise of fine make with a maker's mark from Quent)
-mithral buckler (engraved with the image of a flame)
- +1 mithral breastplate
-Potion of Inflict Moderate Wounds
-Tanglefoot bag
-304 gp in ancient taldan coin
-A chest of holding, acts as a bag of holding III
-scrivener's kit with a seal (for making wax seals) from the Taldan Navy, perhaps useful if you want to forge Taldan Naval documents... or to a collector
-A scrivener's kit that has survived the passage of time in a darkwood writing case
-20 goods' worth of marble, wood, and fittings for building (this can also be 1 Plunder if you prefer--yes, 20 goods does not cost out to this much, but it includes fancy trade goods like marble)
-Stone (15 goods for stronghold).
-100 yards of especially fine cotton (can also serve as 1 Plunder)
-hammocks fixable with mending and enough mosquito netting to help protect up to 50 people
-magical pillow, eternally clean, soft, and fluffy
-Masterwork Light Crossbow, 20 bolts (Sandara)
-Campfire Bead
- +1 mithral chain shirt (some of the links have been treated with some kind of mineral to take on shades of blue)
- +1 greatsword (blessed, but not holy ;)

Chad Wassen |

Hm... obviously this would be pending GMDQ's permission etc etc...
... but...
Chad's father runs an established shipwright business in Hell's Harbor. Perhaps he could get the Gryphon Unfettered into a shape that is more "actual seagoing vessel" and less "glorified future floating museum". Given the familial ties, again pending GM approval etc, he might be willing to do so at a discount or whatnot.
Just throwing that out there as my idea for it... obviously cannot make promises and I didn't just bleed for the thing, so no say whatsoever. ;)

Lathiira |

Thren wants the mithril breastplate for down the road. The stone and other Goods are party items I think; I do think Lark should have the fancy stuff for his quarters. The bolts Sandara could use. Thren could use the cold iron dagger if it's fixed, not a big deal though. No strong interest in anything else.
I think we fill the ship with some stuff (keep our own hold full though for the Port Peril trip) and give the ship to Kelizar as tribute. Though I could be persuaded to sell it and just drop a load on his atoll.


The dagger just needs a new leather wrap on the hilt; at a cost of a few silvers (even just to take from your own ship's stores) it can be fixed, unless you're looking for a special custom crafting.
The Gryphon Unfettered is, in the condition it is in, is worth 9,000 gp (it is only worth this much because of the magically reinforced hull and its excellent craftsmanship on the exterior). The interior lower decks were utterly wrecked by the qlippoths and would have to be completely rebuild. With Chad's dad willing to work on it, it would still cost you between 6,000 and 8,000 gp to repair it (parts and labor for complete rebuild of the interior and patching up all the magical bits). Its value would definitely on its own serve as a "cargo hold's full" of "worthy treasure" as a tribute to Kelizar (the older PCs may wish to explain to the newer PCs while they owe treasure to a dragon at some point).
I plan from here to go into an ooc downtime period. By which I mean, we can discuss and declare completed any cleanup/errands you need to run, go back to Ghoral Rey and/or Kelizar's Atoll, talk over any stronghold updates, etc. While I am happy to roleplay whatever it is you wish, my interest is more making sure you have no unfinished business before we proceed with the AP.
You can also roll influence checks for any crew members (each PC can pick two NPCs they want to try to build influence with and either roll 3 skill checks or describe a favor you do for them that you think would improve their loyalty).

Lathiira |

Thren will spend the silver for a new hilt for the cold iron dagger. She doesn't want special crafting, just a serviceable blade.
I also think that the scrivener's kit with darkwood case (not the Taldan one) could go to Yamtisy to help boost influence. She likes to doodle, why not give her a kit with a nice case? She's been rather helpful we gotta admit.
Also, silly idea. Lark, we've still got those big feathers right? From the nest on Brightglass? GMDQ, could they be used to stuff a mattress, make a feather bed?

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

If I am being picky, "feather beds" are soft because they are down, and I am thinking those were more like discarded tail feathers. Of a roc, no less, but probably quite stiff. On the other hand, I like your creative thinking. Maybe give a craftsperson an assignment and see what they can come up with.

Kahuranga |

I can take the bracers of armor +2 if no one else wants them. I'm typically using Mage Armor for 7 hours a day, but I guess +2 in the other 17 hours would be good.
Otherwise, I would just be looking to buy some new 3rd level scrolls to feed to the familiar, but those are beyond my financial means at the moment.

Chad Wassen |

So beyond deciding that his mom was the source of his elemental blood, she and Chase were married for a brief time, and that she (for whatever reason) moved on before Chad could get to know her, I have no other inputs for the former Mrs. Wassen. I would not say that she is a character plot hook as such, as for the most part he is indifferent (on the surface) to her or her fate. That said, Chad wouldn't be "human" if he wouldn't follow up on leads left in his lap.
Translation: I don't see her as a needed character arc, but if GMDQ wants to use her as a hook I am game to chase the lead down the rabbit hole... assuming, of course, that the rest of the party is.