From any number of ports in the world, whether fleeing from or toward something, you found your way to a life on the sea, on the privateer sailing ship Aurora’s Kiss. Your captain was a man named Golly Fleetfoot, whose jovial demeanor belied shrewd sailing skills. While you mainly carried cargo and fought the occasional sea monster, you battled pirates as well, although as the youngest members of the crew you had yet to see a good deal of action. Still, as mercenary mariners, many saw you as little more than pirates yourself.
Headed to Port Peril to turn in a monster bounty—only to find your ship accidentally caught in the middle of a battle between the Chelish Navy and the Free Captains of the Shackles—Cheliax had been trying to wrest control of the Shackles, and the Free Captains were successfully fighting them off. Flying no colors of your own, your ship was quickly presumed by both sides to be the enemy’s hired help (nor were you especially keen to assist, however accidentally, the Pirate Lords or the devil-loving Chelish). While Captain Golly skillfully steered the ship to the edge of the fray, avoiding the worst of the great battle, your ship was rocked by fireball blast from a formidable pirate ship with a dragon-shaped mastheard: the Wormwood. While your fellow crew scrambled to evade the ship, Captain Golly jumped to fire your ship’s one ballista and managed to seriously damage a chunk of the Wormwood’s deck, knocking at least four pirates overboard in the process. However, a huge Garundi man manually tossed a whaling harpoon at your Captain. The harpoon cleanly pierced him through the middle and nailed him to the mast behind. The mast shattered moments later, and as it toppled, your ship became unbalanced enough to capsize. Only you few made it safely to the ship’s lifeboat.
You managed to get to Port Peril, but with no Captain and no ship, you were stuck in the dangerous city with few trustworthy prospects and little plan of how to start over. Your letters of marque were damaged or lost in the scuffle. After a week of looking for reliable work—and failing—you’d sought solace in some grog and gambling at the Formidibly Maid Tavern. One evening, before heading back to your boarding house while tired, disheartened, and probably a little drunk, you were caught unawares by the five thugs appearing out of nowhere in the alleyway. While you fought as best as you could, you had little useful gear on you and were unable to gain advantage. The leader of the five, you recall, was notably fast and hit hard. Overwhelmed by your foes, unidentifiable due to bandanna-masks and the shadows around you, the last you remember is more sap-blows to the head and darkness.


- Ability Scores: 20 point buy
- Books used – Pathfinder RPG line with exceptions/specifics listed below. Anything used can be found in the Pathfinder Reference Document (www. paizo.com/pathfinder/prd). Do NOT use d20pfsrd.com as it mixes in 3rd party and setting stuff I am not using.
- Races: Core plus planarkin (aasimar, tiefling, ifrit, oread, undine). This list is firm. You may use alternate racial traits and favored class abilities from the Advanced Race Guide. I am allowing a player to use some alternate tiefling abilities from Blood of Fiends; I don’t have the equivalent books for the other races but if you want to use abilities from them, please run them by me before presuming (you CAN link appropriate stuff from d20pfsrd for that purpose).
- Classes: Core, Advanced Player’s Guide (EXCEPT Summoners), and Brawler from the Advanced Class Guide. Paladins are discouraged due to the campaign premise.
- Archetypes for allowed classes are fine, unless they incorporate features of disallowed classes (e.g., an archetype that gives characters summoner class features would not be acceptable). Of course the piratey archetypes in Ultimate Combat and the like are of course particularly appropriate.
- Alignments: No evil alignments.
- Traits: 2 traits, chosen from those listed in Ultimate Campaign and/or from the campaign traits listed in the Skull and Shackles Player’s Guide. You do not HAVE to take a campaign trait as one of your two, it is an option (and of course you can ignore the flavor text about being poisoned, etc.).
- I will be using hero points as described in the APG. HOWEVER I will not be allowing feats, spells, etc. that alter the use of hero points—I like the points themselves find but the other related mechanics too metagamey. You will regain hero points when you level and/or with adequately heroic stunts, excellently in-character behavior, worthwhile risk-taking that makes you the adventurers you are, and other things that mark your PCs as truly amazing and exemplary heroes, not losers who cower in the corner and hope the bad things go away.
- Please include a brief physical description of your character
- Please include a brief background of your character, 1-2 paragraphs long. Include the answers to the following questions:
---- What drew you to the life of a sailor/mariner/privateer/pirate?
---- What job did you perform on the crew of the Aurora’s Kiss?
---- What was your favorite thing about serving on the Aurora’s Kiss?
---- What are your goals as a sailor/mariner/privateer/pirate?
- A note on Firearms: I would like to keep firearm usage to a minimum. They do show up later in the AP itself, so I will not ban them, but they will not necessarily be plentiful. Bear in mind also you will start without much gear.
- Gear: Instead of buy gear normally, just list 1-2 small, mundane items that you could reasonably have concealed on your person or would not be considered a threat/left alone by the pirates. If you have 1 rank in Sleight of Hand, you can conceal some items others wouldn’t be able to. You may not have alchemical items beyond those listed. Example items:
- holy symbol
- small knife (1d3)
- one brass knuckle
- a book or journal of ordinary binding (not a spellbook)
- pen and/or ordinary ink
- candle
- flint and steel
- 1 tindertwig
- A cheap lockpick. This works like thieves tools, but is good for picking locks only (not disabling traps). Failure on a Disable Device check by 5 or more means it breaks.
- 1 flask of alchemist’s kindness, bloodblock, soothe syrup, or smelling salts
- Hunk of bread, cheese, dried meat, or dried fruit
- Deck of common cards
- Pouch of marbles
- Ball of twine/thread/string
- sewing needle
- fish hook
- Dagger or similar concealable, small, light weapon (req. 1 rank in Sleight of Hand)
- 2d4+2 gold (req. 1 rank in Sleight of Hand)
- Any descriptive, non valuable item (a wooden ring, etc.)
You can run by me something not listed here. Spell component pouches, spellbooks, formula books, etc. would have been confiscated, but you can try to get them on the ship. Note that if you choose a weapon there will be people unhappy if they find out you have one.
Presumably you were ambushed when you were not fully equipped and any gear you had was lost or stolen. You will have opportunities to recover/gain new gear.
For familiars or animal companions – run by me what you’d like them to be. Depending on what they are, you might either get the familiar as a new familiar aboard the ship, or your familiar might have snuck on board/followed the ship, etc. We’ll come up with something that fits the story; you might be without your friend for the initial story opening but get them back shortly.
Build Notes: While there will most certainly be combat in this adventure—potentially brutal at times, indeed—it is often reliant on a lot of skill and ability checks, and a well rounded party in this area is going to find the most opportunities. Also, of course, bear in mind a great deal of the story will take place on a ship, on the sea, and Profession (sailor) is used extensively. Not everyone has to have it, of course, but it is used a lot.


And finally, welcome to my Skull and Shackles game! Please create your characters and aliases for your characters. You can discuss that, ask any questions, and generally gab here.
Here is a useful guide for basics of posting/posting etiquette for play-by-post games. If you need any specific guidance all you need to is ask. The hardest part is getting started.
Please do not post yet in the gameplay thread.

Threnody 'Thren' Nocturne |

Class/level: Bard (arcane duelist archetype) 1
Alignment: CG
Ability scores: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 16
Combat stats:
BAB: +0
Full attack: +1 by weapon, dmg by weapon +1
AC: 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +2
Hero Points: 1
HP: 9
Weapons/Armor: Proficient in all simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip. Proficient in light armor and shields, no arcane spell failure for using bard spells in light armor.
Feats, traits, and skills:
Feats: Eschew Materials, Arcane Strike (bonus)
Traits: Charming (+1 Bluff/Diplomacy if target could be sexually attracted to me, +1 DC language dependent spells used on such creatures), Resilient (+1 trait bonus on Fort saves)
Skills: Stealth +8, Climb +5, Perform (vocal) +7, Profession (sailor) +4, Swim +5, Disable Device +3, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Intimidate +7
Racial abilities:
Native Outside: Thren counts as an outsider with the native subtype.
Size: Medium, speed 30'
Darkvision: 60'
Skilled: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks
Fiendish resistances: Fire res 5, cold res 5, electricity res 5
Prehensile tail: instead of fiendish sorcery, Thren can use her tail to retrieve small objects as a swift action (ARG p. 169)
Thren doesn't have the darkness SLA but also suffers no racial penalty to her Charisma score (already reflected above).
Languages: Common, Infernal, Halfling, Dwarven
Class abilities:
Bardic performance: 4 + Charisma mod rounds/day, +2 rounds/level after first. Starts as standard, maintain as free.
Types of performance: 1) Rallying cry: may make an intimidate check each round, allies in 30' may use the check instead of a save against fear/despair effects or make a new save each round. Audible components, replaces countersong. 2) Distraction. As bard. 3) Fascinate: As bard. 4) Inspire courage: As bard.
Spells per day: 2 1st (includes ability score bonus)
Spells known:
0-detect magic, prestidigitation, mage hand, dancing lights
1-expiditious retreat, grease
About Threnody:
Threnody's goals for the future are to enjoy her freedom (once she gets it back-again!), stick it to Cheliax from time to time, and see what life throws her way. She's not used to being free to do what she wants, so she's still working this out.
Threnody is an attractive woman-at least when she's well-fed. Thren is curvy and her muscles are toned from time spent working on a ship. She has pale skin, but between sun, wind, sea, and grime her skin has taken on a darker complexion. Her distinctive tiefling features include a tail with a mind of its own (or so it seems), her horns (curving up and back from her forehead; they can break off and hurt but grow back, they're not useful in combat but do keep the hair out of her eyes and she's fond of them), and her eyes (red, with slit pupils). Some swear she has fangs too, but she'll just tell them she bites hard! Her thick black hair is usually blowing free in the wind if she has a choice in the matter, though she does have an affection for good hats. Anyone who looks at her can readily recognize she has Cheliaxian blood in her veins to go with her fiendish blood.
Other notes:


Looks great! Only very minor thing I note is your Perform skill should be "oratory" or "singing" (there is no "vocal").
I think you went ahead and did this, but yes, you can swap your Charisma penalty for the loss of the SLA.
Could you please---and this goes for Keith and Eli too when they get here--do the following (even though this messes up how you've set up your sheet a bit):
In the "Race" field of your alias, please put the following:
(Race) (Class/Archetype) (level) [ HP: nn/nn AC nn T nn FF nn | CMD nn | Fort +n, Ref +n, Will +n | Init +n Perc: +n]
Obviously filling in the parenthetical bits and "n"s with actual stats.
This will make these stats appear under your name in the campaign threads. This makes it easier for me and others to be aware of your defenses and status and helps make combat go more smoothly.
You can also add things you want to track like rounds of performance per day/spells per day. Sometimes folks put their skill bonuses in the "class" field.
You can look at my aliases to see examples of what that looks like.


I will say what I said to KeefX offline -- y'all can decide to do what you want, and what will or will not step on other folks' toes. You're experienced enough players to know how to balance a party (or intentionally unbalance one for fun and profit). This campaign would not suffer from having the PCs be (mostly) bards. I do fear that for some of the tougher fights you may not be able to produce high enough damage output, although bards do have some buffs to help with that.
If you decide to go that route -- or if at least KeefX also wants to build a bard -- I would strongly suggest vastly differing archetypes. One thing to note in particular is that while there are many bard archetypes that grant trapfinding or something akin to it, none of them actually grant Disable Device as a class skill (although there are traits that may do that).


KeefX has since told me he's now leaning toward sorcerer anyway. :)
With a melee bard and a sorcerer, potential roles left are focused-melee, ranged, divine, scouting, traps (Threnody has Stealth and Sleight of Hand scores and did train Disable Device, but she doesn't have that as a class skill).
Given the nature of the game, I would note skilled characters are important, both with social skills, as well as some knowledges as well as good old physical skills like Acrobatics, Climb, Stealth, etc. I would suggest melee over ranged, but either could be useful. And yet on the other hand, there are always problems brute force might solve best.
I don't know KeefX's plans for building social skills; some Sorcerers go that way, some don't.
There is an NPC that depending on how things go, might assist with some divine support (but of course the nature of NPCs is they're not always there).
With the obvious exception of paladins, which just don't fit well with this game, most classes I'm allowing could find a good role here. With two arcane casters, the only thing I would strongly suggest veering away from is more arcane spellcasting. I can tell you what _I'd_ play with the group, but I don't want to push you in a direction you don't want to go.


BTW, you can use these non-PRD archetypes (ONLY these ones); this is from Pirates of the Inner Sea:
Buccaneer Bard (not to be confused with the buccaneer gundslinger)
Corsair Fighter (not to be confused with the Corsair swashbuckler)
Please do not use this site for other resources as it uses a lot of books we are not using.
This is not to push anyone in a certain direction but just to be sure y'all are aware these are available.


Clarification to my note above -- the archetypes are the only non prd archetypes I'm allowing; of course other archetypes in the PRD are allowable. Just in case anyone read that the other way.
There are a lot of things a rogue will be very good at in this campaign. But yes, you may well struggle in some fights and will have to coordinate well with the bard to flank to optimize your damage output.
I didn't mention this in my creation rules because I thought we would have more people and it would complicate things adding too much stuff (some players I invited had varying experience/tolerance for added material), but I am willing to allow Unchained (revised) versions of core classes--especially since it is a party of three. I don't know if you've seen Pathfinder Unchained, but the Unchained Rogue is here. (Guess I'm using that site more than I thought. Ah well.) This is a revision of the rogue that gives the rogue Weapon Finesse for free and a limited ability to use Dex for Strength for damage with finessable weapons, as well as a couple other things. Most abilities are added on, nothing is taken away, and it's easy enough to still use archetypes. If you are considering the rogue this may make it look more viable. (There's also the unchained barbarian and monk.)
Sorry for adding stuff halfway through all of your working on character creation but I realized for this smaller group this would make sense and give some added flexibility.

Threnody 'Thren' Nocturne |

Looks great! Only very minor thing I note is your Perform skill should be "oratory" or "singing" (there is no "vocal").
No problem. It should be singing.

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KeefX if you can get your character alias at least started that would be awesome (the way Lathiira has made Threnody). If you need instruction on that let me know.
If you can also talk amongst yourselves about any existing party dynamics... you all served aboard the same ship so you know each other to at least some extent.
You're about to be thrown into a situation full of strangers, many of them hostile, so determining how you three work together and get along ahead of time will be beneficial to you.
Go to the Queen City Creamery and ponder the sorcerership over some ice cream. :)

KeefX |

"Would that leave us dangerously under-powered in a stand-up fight?"
Stand-up what?
"Go to the Queen City Creamery..."
Their weekend breakfasts are supposed to be excellent.
"KeefX if you can get your character alias at least started that would be awesome (the way Lathiira has made Threnody). If you need instruction on that let me know."
I was going to look at the raw html, but if there's a shortcut I would love it.


For making an alias:
- Click on "My Account"
- On the left hand side, below messageboard settings, there should be a window that says "messageboard aliases." Inside that there should be a shiny button that says "Create Alias." Click it.
- It will take you to a page where you can name that alias and select an avatar for it (you can change your avatar later at any time, and you can change the name within the first 10 posts). Do that.
- You have an alias! This will now show up in your aliases tab in your profile.
- NOW: Click on your alias's name to enter its profile. It doesn't have one!
- Fix that by clicking the "Edit My Profile" button to the right of the page.
- Now you can enter your character sheet.
---- I recommend ignoring the fields on top at FIRST, and just putting your whole sheet in the space below them. Because I believe you are using PCGen for character creation, you can display your character sheet in PC Gen with one of the textbased statblocks (I suggest statblock5.htm) and copy and paste that straight into the text editing box below, which is easy. You'll have to add bbcode formatting for bold, italics, etc. Some other character generators like sCoreForge do generate BBCode automatically for you (and I wonder if a CodeMonkey has made a bbcode sheet for PCGen somewhere...)
----- Then in the "race" field do as I asked Lathiira to do with Threnody.
----- Of course you can fill in the other fields if you want, it's just not necessary.

Lark Greenwood |

Here's my first pass at a character background and Alias. No character profile yet (it's bed time!). Let me know if any of this is too setting or tone-breaking:
Prosperity ‘Lark’ Greenwood
Lark comes from a large family of missionaries. Avoiding punishments for impiety and greed first taught Lark the joys of hiding contraband. When his teenage rebellion hit hard he took those skills to the open sea and sought fortune from the illicit cargoes that flow endlessly through the Shackles.
Lark enjoyed the positive attitude encouraged by Golly and found a taste for adventure as well profit. As much as Lark repudiates his family’s teachings their morals still linger. He's learned to enjoy a good fight, but has no heart for cruelty or needless slaughter.
Always eager to reverse the indoctrination of his youth, Lark would have immediately tried to befriend Threnody. As they were wrong about so many things he expected and was glad to find her freedom-loving and basically decent. If Threnody takes it in good humor Lark might habitually ask for her opinion on moral questions, then teasingly chide her for answers that aren’t sufficiently “fiendish.”

Threnody 'Thren' Nocturne |

Always eager to reverse the indoctrination of his youth, Lark would have immediately tried to befriend Threnody. As they were wrong about so many things he expected and was glad to find her freedom-loving and basically decent. If Threnody takes it in good humor Lark might habitually ask for her opinion on moral questions, then teasingly chide her for answers that aren’t sufficiently “fiendish.”
Thren isn't one for deep moral questions. She's more of a 'well, so long as people are free to do what they want, what's it hurt?' kind of person at most. She takes teasing well, for the most part.


Thermopyle, the concept looks good! Who were your family missionaries of? (My guess would be Iomedae) -- or were they just of a certain ethical ideology (e.g., the Prophecies of Kalistrade from Druma (which I just happened to stumble upon this morning))?
It may not become relevant but could be useful to know.

Lark Greenwood |

Thren isn't one for deep moral questions. She's more of a 'well, so long as people are free to do what they want, what's it hurt?' kind of person at most. She takes teasing well, for the most part.
That's just the response Lark is looking for to play against the "bad demon" stereotype. When the attempts at humor get tired just box his ears - he's used to it.
Who were your family missionaries of? (My guess would be Iomedae)
Iomedae sounds about right. I've not done all my homework, but the family definitely eschewed worldly rewards in favor of spiritual ones. That's a big part of why Lark is running in the opposite direction and is all about the doubloons.
Welcome aboard! If you enjoy hunting rats and keeping them out of the ship's stores then we are extra glad to see you!


Yay! I'm getting excited! Looking good, guys. KeefX did you decide to stick with arcane sorcerer?


KeefX, while by all means stick with the one you've got if you like it, there is a more cat-like cat avatar if you search under "aberrations." Don't ask me, I didn't make the avatar filter. (I like your new one for your default by the way.)


Why does Muffin have traits? Or are they your traits?
Statblock looks good though. Good example of what an alias's character sheet should look like. Just remember in the "Race" field to put in his/her defensive stats, as noted above.


Your familiar should not have traits (as amusing as it may be, and even if PC Gen allows it). :) However, if you give yourself, for example, a trait that boosts your saves, she'll benefit from it because familiars can use your saving throws if they're better than their own.
Rock on!


Have a good trip.
If I find someone else who might be interested, would it be okay to invite someone else to play, since we're still generating characters?


I've got the .pdf and I think Lathiira has it too, but thanks!
I'll let you figure out how to show it to thermopyle. ;)
How are those character sheets coming?
PS: Lathiira, can you please paste all of Thren's character sheet into the "about" field of your profile?

Lark Greenwood |

Now I'm real boy!
Classes/Levels Rogue - Unchained Rogue 1, Gender Male, Size Medium, Age 19, Alignment NG
Ability Scores Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 13 Cha 15
Acrobatics +7, Appraise +2, Bluff +6, Climb +5, Craft Carpentry +3, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +8, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7, Heal +4, Intimidate +2, Perception +5, Perception Trapfinding +6, Profession Sailor +5, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Survival +1, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +6
Feats - Dodge +1 AC, Improved Initiative +4 Initiative, Weapons Finesse (Unchained Rogue)
Traits - Ship’s Surgeon +1 Craft Carpentry +1 Heal (Heal is class skill), Resilient +1 Fortitude save
Other - Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
Languages Common, Gnome, Elven
Initiative +7
BAB: +0
Full attack: +3 w/ Light wpn, +1 otherwise, Wpn Dmg +1
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10
CMB +1 CMD 15
Fort +2 Ref: +5 Will +1
Hero Points 1
HP 9
Weapons/Armor Proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. Proficient with light armor, but not with shields.


LOL. Great minds.
Looks good. Am I calculating this right that your CMD is including your Dodge feat? Which is correct--just remember if you lose Dex to AC you lose that dodge bonus as well to CMD as well as AC.
What's your favored class bonus in? (I did not count up skill points so I realize it may be there.) Same question for Threnody; forgot to ask (just want to be sure y'all take the bonus).
The ship's surgeon feat should come in handy!

Lathiira |

I've got the .pdf and I think Lathiira has it too, but thanks!
I'll let you figure out how to show it to thermopyle. ;)How are those character sheets coming?
PS: Lathiira, can you please paste all of Thren's character sheet into the "about" field of your profile?
Sure, give me a bit. My favored class bonus went into skill points, for the record.

Lark Greenwood |

Am I calculating this right that your CMD is including your Dodge feat?
What's your favored class bonus in?The ship's surgeon feat should come in handy!
Yes, that CMD number includes the Dodge feat. With my favored class (surprise! it's Rouge!) I took an extra skill rank.
I was glad to find a campaign trait that I liked and that fit with Lark's goals. I've fleshed out the background I wrote to include Lark's work on the ship and some of his goals. I'll include it here behind a spoiler tag.
Lark comes from a large family of Iomedaen missionaries. His parents brought them to the Shackles in a misguided (he feels) attempt to save the souls of the pirates and their victims alike. Growing up on the islands (he was born during the ocean crossing) Lark has always felt at home on the water and never tires of traveling from one port to the next. Where he never felt comfortable is within the strictures of religion as practiced by his family.
Avoiding punishments for impiety and greed first taught Lark the joys of hiding contraband. When his teenage rebellion hit hard he took those skills to the sea and sought to make his fortune from the illicit cargoes that flow endlessly through the Shackles.
Lark enjoyed the positive attitude encouraged by Golly Fleetfoot on the Aurora’s Kiss and there he found a taste for adventure as well profit. As much as Lark repudiates his family’s teachings their morals still linger. He has learned to enjoy a good fight, but has no heart for cruelty or needless slaughter.
On the Aurora’s Kiss Lark worked with the ship’s carpenter and the cargo master. He was happy to learn all he could about keeping valuable goods safe, unbroken and hidden when needed. He imagines much of his future wealth will come from moving goods through the Shackles and past local authorities. Lark also sought to become one of the crew’s go-to sources for special items. Extra grog and unspoiled food were a forte. He is not yet sufficiently skilled in reading value to turn much profit from small luxury items.
Lark is young and looks even younger. Almost gawky, he doesn’t appear to have finished growing yet. He isn’t as charming as he thinks, but his large, hazel eyes help with his much-practiced “innocent look.” He is deeply tanned from a life outdoors, and the sun has bleached blond highlights into his longish hair. It’s often worn in a bun or topknot.


Thermopyle: Quick thing, I realized you have not given yourself the two items I am allowing for gear (or I at least am not seeing it on your character sheet). The revised bio looks great. Were your family always nomadic or did they come from a particular place (e.g., Andoran or Taldor, etc.?) (There's a wiki to reference on that here: http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Golariopedia)
KeefX: Overall looks good. I take it you also put your favored class bonus into skill?
Minor things: I'll let the sling fly even though you don't have a rank in SOH. You could probably wrap the cord around something and make it look innocuous.
I note Muffin DOES, creatively, have a rank in Sleight of Hand. I'll allow this even though Muffin does not have hands (Per the rules: "Regardless of a familiar's total skill modifiers, some skills may remain beyond the familiar's ability to use") but she cannot conceal items on her "person," (or yours); I will allow the cat to use the skill to hide appropriately tiny items in unexpected places (e.g., hide a small vial under a box, a dead mouse in a pirate's house, dice under the couch, poop in your shoe, etc.).
I do like Muffin's added extraordinary ability. We'll see if that extends to Hurricane Kings...
Where was your family from? Golly can be presumed to have sailed into a number of ports. Probably not Cheliax, as they have a habit of enslaving halflings. This is not crucial information but might be relevant at some point.
Oh, one more thing: I will leave it to you to play Muffin in combat and RP as you like, but is it okay if I use him as needed for certain narrative points (e.g., if he notices something you don't, etc.)? Also so I can bring him in at the beginning. :) I promise not to hijack him unnecessarily.
Right! think we're it and I'd like to get started. There is time to do final tweaks as needed. But I am heading over to the gameplay section, which will now be officially open for business!
If you cannot post for more than a day or so PLEASE give me a heads up so I can bot you if needed to keep things moving (mostly if we are in combat).
If _I_ have to go somewhere and we will be in the middle of combat, I will try to fast-forward to the end so you are not waiting for my response. Hopefully that can be avoided.
As a reminder, dialogue goes in Bold. Under the posting box there's a thing that says "how to format your text" if you need a reminder on how to do that.
Please put brief, game-related ooc commentary in (ooc) tags: this is an ooc comment.
Please put longer and/or non-game related commentary in this here discussion thread.

KeefX |

"Overall looks good. I take it you also put your favored class bonus into skill?"
Yes, though I forget which skill I applied it to.
"I'll let the sling fly even though you don't have a rank in SOH. You could probably wrap the cord around something and make it look innocuous."
A Hafling sized sling does the same damage as the allowed small knife and while less useful seems more in character. It is a wrapped leather bracelet with a symbol of Desna on the back of the pocket.
"I note Muffin DOES, creatively, have a rank in Sleight of Hand. I'll allow this even though Muffin does not have hands (Per the rules: "Regardless of a familiar's total skill modifiers, some skills may remain beyond the familiar's ability to use") but she cannot conceal items on her "person," (or yours); I will allow the cat to use the skill to hide appropriately tiny items in unexpected places (e.g., hide a small vial under a box, a dead mouse in a pirate's house, dice under the couch, poop in your shoe, etc.)."
I agree with all that. He's extraordinary but still a cat.
"I do like Muffin's added extraordinary ability. We'll see if that extends to Hurricane Kings..."
It's amusing...
"Where was your family from? Golly can be presumed to have sailed into a number of ports. Probably not Cheliax, as they have a habit of enslaving halflings. This is not crucial information but might be relevant at some point."
Absalom. It is in my bio now.
"Oh, one more thing: I will leave it to you to play Muffin in combat and RP as you like, but is it okay if I use him as needed for certain narrative points (e.g., if he notices something you don't, etc.)? Also so I can bring him in at the beginning. :) I promise not to hijack him unnecessarily."
Please feel free to make use of him as you wish. When I'm running him I'm resolved to run him as a cat, not a mindless minion.