Felix Bramblethorn |

overland is fine with felix.
updating character profile now

GM Ariarh |

From my current post, overland was ruled out so your party had to move through the narrow kobold tunnel to get to the old quarry.
And thanks, Felix.

Felix Bramblethorn |

ok spelunking it is lol
character updated for level 2

Connor son of Ceorl |

character updated for level 2
Egad, what manner of dark magic is this?
Felix, you only have 9 HP on level 2 - methinks your profile is not yet amended... ;)

GM Ariarh |

Please disregard Connor's last posting. We will go from Rhia's post and play on from there ....
Thanks, guys.

GM Ariarh |

Unfortunately Anila is unable to continue on in the game due to real life responsibilities. I'm not certain about Felix's interest to continue on at the moment (hoping to hear from him). EDIT: Okay, I just heard from Felix and he is continuing on.
I can provide a DMNPC to come along with you and aid you in game, so you still have a party of 4? Or, I am open to other ideas. Happy to hear from the three of you in what you would like to see happen re the group from this point on.
Thanks, guys.

GM Ariarh |

Thanks for your thoughts, hiyumi. :) This module goes from level 1 to level 6. I believe you will need a fourth in your party, especially at the higher levels, even if I reduced the number of enemies or made them less powerful. But as I mentioned, if the group feels they can continue on as a party of three, then I will certainly abide by that decision and make some adjustments.

GM Ariarh |

I have given Riley the go ahead to ask his friend if she would like to join the game. We'll see what happens with that. :)
At this point in the game, what do the three of you want to do? Continue with the kobolds or return to town, plan some more/regroup and then head back to the lair? I'm good with either choice.

Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar |

I'd like to return to town to add the other player and get our ducks in a row. Do you guys agree?
Julie is interested. She is going to post today and thinks she can have a character ready for review by tomorrow or Sunday (US). With that said, what role do you think we could use at this point? Full arcane caster? Felix, are you happy as melee or would you like to go back to archer?

GM Ariarh |

Hello, and, welcome Jules! I believe you will hear from Rhia and Felix soon and I recently sent you a PM. :)
As to the kind of character...if the others have any specific requirements I'm sure they'll let you know. I'm open to you creating a character you would really enjoy playing.
Okay, talk to you and the others soon ... Got to go take care of my sick dog and get my Saturday started - breakfast time! ;)

GM Ariarh |

Rhia and Felix, you okay with moving back to town? Riley said he'd like to return and start from there once Jules is set to go and I can write Connor and Anila out of the game.

Felix Bramblethorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

int based caster would be great! Ariarh, with the departure of Anila and Connor, Jules taking over Anila's niche, we seem to be sorely in need of someone who can stand the line and take hits. Felix is not designed to tank but as a melee striker in a similar vein to Riley. Any ideas for how to remedy that? Can I reskin to go more tanky? Do I need to? Just want to be able to protect the more squishy members of the group lol

GM Ariarh |

Felix, you may reskin to go more tanky, if you think that's best. I leave the decision to you and your fellow PCs. ;) BUT, if you do rebuild Felix, I need it done by the end of the weekend, please.

Braylee Mulciberus |

Hi all! Jules here. This is the character that GM Ariarh has approved. I ended up going with a ranged alchemist. I considered going full arcane caster, but the first three to four levels are rough since spell casting is so limited. Considering the campaign only goes to level six, I thought Braylee would be more effective. I'll be posting a description soon. I plan to save the backstory for in game roleplaying fun unless GM Ariarh would prefer for me to post it here. :)

Braylee Mulciberus |

Braylee is auburn haired and slightly ruddy from her time farming and hunting with her father. She is 26 years old...5'9" tall and has a thin, fit build (small breasts and a long torso). She is usually pleasant, but can be extremely stubborn in certain situations. She worships Shelyn and dislikes shallow people. She agrees with Shelyn's priests who teach that "true beauty comes from within". Due to spending a lot of time with her Father, she is a bit of a "Tomboy".

GM Ariarh |

I plan to save the backstory for in game roleplaying fun unless GM Ariarh would prefer for me to post it here. :)
I'm good with you playing it out, Braylee. :)

Felix Bramblethorn |

No! FELIX NEED BACKSTORY NOW!!! AND HULK SMASH!!!! lol jk I'm good playing it out too. I'm ging to keep felix as is and hope that the best defense is a good offense.

GM Ariarh |

Thanks for the heads-up, hiyumi. Looking forward to your post tomorrow. Get some rest and enjoy your early morning work breakfast.

GM Ariarh |

Yay! Five new posts!
I'm very happy to see the posting! The 1-2 posts a week day was simply a minimum guideline and if people are inclined to post more each day, then I have no issue with that and actually encourage it as it keeps the game flowing/moving. Thanks, everyone! :D

GM Ariarh |

Rhia's player is involved in her reali life game tonight and won't be able to post until tomorrow. You don't have to rely on her diplomacy skills as Emarthine is Talia's friend and the druid's already friendly toward you. If one of you want to bot Rhia for this conversation (or continue on in your own character), you're welcome to so it can be finalised. Thanks. :)

hiyami |

Okay, so there has been a development for me regarding the rest of this calendar year. c:
I'll be traveling in Asia from September 1st - December 6th, be away on a cruise from December 10th - December 19th, and then will probably be getting swamped by holiday fever.
I will have access to the internet while I'm in Asia, but my access will be interrupted by travel and, naturally, the few places where I won't be able to post.
I don't want to slow the game, especially considering that we're working towards keeping things moving smoothly, so... I'll be doing my best to keep everyone apprised of my absences and such, so is there someone that wouldn't mind botting Rhia on the periods that I'm unavailable?

GM Ariarh |

Thanks for volunteering, Riley. :)
If Riley wants to take the botting during combat, I'll bot Rhia during social rp ... or he may take both when Rhia isn't able to post - Riley, I'll leave that decision up to you.
Night from me. See you guys in my morning -- I'm hoping to press forward in game. Thanks.

GM Ariarh |

Thanks, hiyumi. :)
Argh. Emarthine's acrobatics should be +4 not +5. She still makes it, but couldn't edit the post as the hour was up.

hiyami |

As a heads up - I just realized this while I was looking it over - you can pick where you want your bonus to go. The text for it reads:
This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.
So if you want to do a bit of extra damage or we happen to run into a bit of doom, you can use it there c:

GM Ariarh |

A general bit of housekeeping:
Do you guys want to set up a formal marching order? That way, there is no waiting time to decide who will lead etc and I can then go ahead and narrate the action. Please let me know if this is something you would like and provide me with the marching order. :)

Felix Bramblethorn |

fine with me if we have something set up as normal

GM Ariarh |

Formal Marching Order as follows:
A. Riley, Felix, Emarthine, Rhialtyra and Braylee or
B. Riley, Felix, Braylee, Rhialtyra and Emarthine.
Let me know which you would prefer. Thanks, guys.

GM Ariarh |

I have been doing group initiative vs monsters' initiative in combat. Do you want me to continue doing that or would you like to go to individual/separate initiative?