GM Alice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi! This is a semi-private recruitment for a Wrath of the Righteous play-by-post campaign. If you were not invited, but you still want to chuck your hat in the ring (particularly if I've gamed with you before!), send me a PM before you apply, thanks.
The Worldwound tore reality apart at the dawn of the Age of Lost Omens, murdering the nation of Sarkoris and unleashing a ravenous demonic horde upon the world. Only the quick action of several other nations of knights, barbarians, and heroes stemmed the demon army and contained it within lost Sarkoris, and for the next century, crusade after crusade tried to defeat the demons only to fail time and time again.
Their greatest success, the line of magical artifacts known as wardstones that stand sentinel along the Worldwound's border, barely manages to contain the demons. So when one of the wardstones is sabotaged, a city falls and the demons within surge out in a massive assault like none before.
Even before the Fifth Crusade has begun a city has fallen and some of the crusaders' greatest defenders and heroes are slain. Can anyone rise up against the demon host to prevent the armies of Deskari, the demon lord of the Locust Host, from swallowing the world?
A few things to note
* I'm looking for 4-6 players for this campaign. Please have a read through the Player's Guide before applying; it’s quite essential knowledge!
* I'm aiming for at least a daily posting rate. Even more sometimes would be nice! I'm also hoping to not have to replace players much (if at all); the relative continuity of this AP is incredibly important. So... basically, I’m looking for dedication and reasonable pacing, in other words.
* I really don't like powergaming. Mythic can get incredibly dumb very quickly, particularly if you’re already playing a cheesey, tricked-out build... but that also allows for characters that maybe normally would be "sub-optimal" to come into their own.
* Story > Mechanics, always. If you want something, I'm happy to work together to fit it in somehow, if possible.
What do I want from you?
I’m a fan of long and ponderous character vignettes, but really, all I want to see is an interesting and well thought out concept. It doesn't have to be long (although it can be); it just has to let me see some spark that fascinates me. Interesting characters that break the mould are fine and dandy, but so too is the quintessential stereotype done in a particularly nice way.
Characters will begin in Kenabres, a city in Mendev along the border of the Worldwound. You don't have to be from the city, but you need some reason to be there. Luckily, the beginning of the campaign starts with a festival--Armasse!
Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden's death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle re-enactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of war.
Character creation rules
* Ability score generation will be 20 point buy with a maximum score of 17 and a minimum score of 8 AFTER racial modifiers. This is meant to encourage a more balanced spread of modifiers and unique (but not necessarily “optimal”) characters while discouraging min-maxing.
* All core races (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, human), aasimar, and tieflings (including variants) are allowed by default. Alternate races may or may not be allowed on a case-by-case basis. (Ask me first!)
* All Paizo-official classes and archtypes are allowed except for gunslingers (and gun-related archetypes). The playtest classes from the Advanced Class Guide are also acceptable, with the caveat that certain aspects may be modified or disallowed. Non-Paizo classes (e.g., 3PP or 3e) may be considered on a case-by-case basis, but don’t count on it.
* Good alignment ONLY. C'mon, this is the best excuse to be a hero ever!
* All characters can select one trait of their choosing. In addition, all characters must select one of the Wrath of the Righteous Campaign Traits (as listed in the WotR Player’s Guide). Rich Parents (as well as any other trait that modifies starting gold) and Reactionary (as well as any other trait that improves initiative by more than +1) are banned. I'll consider disadvantages, but run it by me first.
* All characters receive a free skill rank per level. This rank may only be placed into Craft, Profession, or Perform skills, as befits the character’s background.
* All characters receive maximum HP at 1st level. Average hit points (rounded up) gained thereafter (i.e., 4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10, 7 for d12).
* All characters receive average gold for their class.
* Lastly, no, you're not locked in to the Mythic Path associated with the Campaign Trait you select.
Bonus information!
Here is a preliminary house rules document. Things can be changed, and things will certainly be added, but it's a good start.
Following are some write-ups of the local area I did for the players of my live WotR game. You may find them handy. I strongly suggest you don’t dig around the site too deeply unless you want spoilers. ;)
* The Worldwound
* Mendev
* Kenabres
* The Crusades
Feel free to ask me anything, either here on in PM! And thanks for being interested! :)

GM Alice |

@Rysky, I don't feel this campaign suits an evil (or evil-leaning) character at all. The constant themes throughout are "good triumphing against impossible odds" and "redemption towards the light" - and there are plenty of other adventure paths where moral ambiguity is much more appropriate.
@Jrcmarine, since you're not someone I'm broadly familiar (hence the semi-private part) with I'd prefer if you PMed me first. Character applications should be on this thread, but I want to do some general vetting of people I don't already know.

Shi-ru |

(Dien here.)
Okay, so after saying I'd wait and see what other people have, lol, I've decided to brush off Shi-ru from my stable of abandoned characters (rather than Sanjay...)
Shi-ru is best described as 'your meddling Tien grandmother'.
Human Monk, Sensei archetype. If anyone else wants to play a bard, let me know. There's considerable overlap (that won't stack) between bardic performance and the sensei's advice, and I don't really want to make a bard feel like the bardiest thing they do is already being covered. I could easily go with something else if someone is really aching to play a bard.
Over the years, Shi-ru absorbed a little bit of the monks' regimen by osmosis and observation-- copying the stretches the initiates did in the courtyard, for instance, in order to keep herself spry and limber. The monks had a library, and when she had time from her duties, Shi-ru would read the scrolls of gathered knowledge, learning more about the world than her peasant origins would have ever allowed.
News of the Worldwound reached all the way across Golarion to the monastery. Several of the younger monks, filled with the desire to test their skills against foes not of this world, voiced a desire to travel to the Worldwound and join the battle against the abyssal forces. The masters said that this was unwise and arrogant, but that they would not stand in the way of the young would-be heroes. In the end, seven monks set out... with Auntie Shi-ru an unofficial eight, because, as she pointed out, 'someone has to go along and make sure they remember to eat, and wash their clothes, and keep them out of trouble.'
It was a long and arduous journey, but ultimately the monks, and Auntie, reached Kenabres. The monks set out to make their name on the front lines of the battle, and Shi-ru settled into what she expected would be a quiet life within the walled city-- assisting with the many unglamorous tasks that go on behind the scenes in a city such as Kenabres.
When 'her' monks returned from the front lines, she was ready for them with a cup of tea, a bowl of soup, a listening ear for their struggles, and bandages for their wounds.
But one-by-one, the monks fell to the horrors of battle. Shi-ru mourned the first of 'her children' to fall, and has endured the loss of several others now as well.
Yet, though she is bitter over the loss of the promising students, her heart is not yet hardened. She will stay in Kenabres as long as 'her' children need her: there to give them a home, and something worth fighting for.
She doesn't really consider herself a 'fighter', just someone who'll tag along and make sure nobody else gets hurt. If that means she has to wrestle someone to the ground to keep them from hurting one of her charges, well, she'll do that.
I have her alignment written as lawful good, because as a monk she mechanically has to be lawful, but I really am not seeing a classic LG paladin here. Her heart is definitely in the right place, but Shi-ru doesn't see anything wrong with a lie here and there, or sneaking some booze from her hip flask, etc. (If this is going to be a problem for you, GM, let me know.)
Stats are in the profile, although I need to tweak them back to level 1 and full accordance with campaign rules. Also, may I just say it is painful to have only 35 GP to start with...? Stupid monks.

Jaali Vors |

(Korriban Balros/tieflingwizard here)
I modified this character to fit your requirements. I made him for WotR but he never got chosen.
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 146 lbs
Skin Tone: Tan
Hair Color and Style: Short blonde
Eyes: Light Blue
Outfit: Simple farmer outfit with a brown cloak, brown leather boots, and simple leather armor over it, wearing silver holy symbol of Aroden around his neck and hidden under his shirt.
Region: Taldor
I picture him as green as green can get. He's a farmer. He knows nothing of adventuring. And he's being thrown into the lion's den. He's Neutral Good. Always wanting to help people. His character arc would be finding out he's not human and trying to understand Aroden and why the simple man was chosen as a herald.

GM Alice |

After four hours of lectures, an hour of travel and an hour and a half of karate, I've finally managed to get through the slew of PMs I got sent. :P Let me know if I missed ya'.
To all, stats are like the least important thing I'm worried about now. I'll be frank - unless you're doing something weird (cough, Quylle, cough) I will probably not look at your stats much at all until I decide on players. So don't sweat that stuff. Make your character shine in other ways!
@Jaali, hmm. I hesitate to use Aroden. I'm not entirely sure that the truth behind that deity's death has been printed somewhere, but I am fairly sure it's been made clear that he's dead and gone. His priests no longer gain power from him. THAT SAID, an oracle who thinks he's blessed by Aroden is interesting... but you'd be implicitly accepting that (a) your character is possibly a little nutty, and (b) the real source of power is left up to me to decide upon... heh heh heh. :P
@Ebon, take your time mate!

Impatiens Pallida. |

Here is Impatiens Pallida, tiefling barbarian at large. :)
I'll flesh her back story out more, later.

![]() |

Following my PM to Alice I am considering applying for this but because it is mostly by invitation, I didn’t want to step on any toes in terms of character selection.
So for my own sake more than anything, I have compiled a list of submissions to date;
Shi-ru – Human Monk (Sensei archetype)
Quylle – Strix Slayer
Jaali Vors – Aasimar Oracle
Ebon Kai – Paladin of Iomedae
Monkeygod – interested but no submission yet (through the recruitment board anyway)
Impatiens Pallida – Tiefling Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager archetype)
Eben the Quiet – interested but no submission yet
Gethric Orted – Human Warpriest of Reymenda
So from this list so far, it seems like a couple of elements are missing – skills, ranged support and healing in particular. So on that basis I am tempted to submit either a bomber alchemist (the houserule changes to disable device would make him a useful trap finder amongst other things) or an archer bard who as well as buffs and ranged support could be a useful secondary healer. Shi-ru, I know you mentioned you might reconsider a sensei if someone wanted to play a bard but I am only here on the off-chance, not by invite :)

Tessara Omelian |

Alice, per our PM discussion, here is a version of our PFS friend, Tess. I haven't broken down the figure for gold, or gold spent, but I will clean that up this evening. Other than that, I think she's ready for review.
As always, I'm willing to change anything you would like. Thank you for your consideration.

Osric Barnesdale |

Hey Alice, Derek here. I've had a number of ideas for characters, but wanted to submit the one I was most ready for.
Osric is a human Inquisitor of Erastil. He was originally created as a ranger for a Dragon's Demand game that ended early. I've updated his basic stats and re-worked his background pretty extensively. It's no novel, but I think it gives a good idea of what he's about. I have picked a campaign trait and feats, but I'll re-do this if needed.
He can easily be built to handle skills as well as his ranged duties. Now, I don't want to step on toes. I am also very interesting in playing a human cavalier (though he would ride a horse, at least initially). So I can submit another character concept if you so desire.

tieflingwizard |

Hey, Alice. Jaali seemed to be okay in concept. In the first game I submitted into, the GM had set up a thread in the Discussion thread where all of the submitters interacted with each other in character. And there were a few worshipers of Aroden in the submissions. But it could be interesting to have some other force that gave Jaali power.
Hey, I was wondering if I could submit another character. It would be a more healing based character. But since, you would be the GM, I just wanted to check with you first.

GM Alice |

Worshipping Aroden's an interesting idea, but mostly the purview of people who desperately refuse to admit that he's gone, since he doesn't actually give cleric spells anymore. Most of his worshippers have jumped ship over to Iomedae (his second-in-command in the past).
(Of course, other GMs might have a different impression in their own 'Golarions', but I tend to skirt closely to the canon in this regard.)
You can throw in another character if you prefer!

gigz |

(Gadriel here)
My first thought is a goblin rogue, who is trying very hard to be a good squire but sadly doesn't have the willpower to enact it. This of course would require you to allow a Goblin, so I'm asking nicely. ;)
I have other ideas, including a Barbarian that can eventually go all Hulk and treat a demon like Loki, an Alchemist who's a bit too fond of fire, and a sickly cleric who's very adept at healing. The rogue would be my first choice though, so I'll wait to hear from you before fleshing out one of the myriad of other ideas. :D

gigz |

Oh wow... I just finished your secondary rules doc, and you are allowing something I was dying for! A large bear! I have a Barbarian / Druid hybrid that I've been wanting to run with a bear companion. Would you allow the Boon Companion feat that allows 4 levels of non-druid classes to add to the effective level of a druid's animal companion? Not above total HD, of course. :D

Jens Varmodsson |

Following my PM, I'd like to submit Jens Varmodsson for your consideration. Middle-aged Ulfen cavalier (and I'm willing to take the age effects), honor guard archetype, focusing on mounted combat, heavy shield use (working to bashing), and the Guardian mythic path, complete with a self-sacrificing attitude and a willingness to put himself in harm's way to protect those younger than himself. Even though the full range of druid companions is allowed, I'd stick with the horse, because really, I can't see him on anything else.
In the interest of full disclosure, I've read the AP, as I was planning on running it on these very forums for a group of friends. I'm good at seperating in-character knowledge from my player knowledge, though, and am more than happy to be called out on anything I do that seems metagamey.
I'm open to any suggestions and feedback on my character. I know I have to adjust his statblock, as he currently has 18 strength, but I'm happy to do that at any point.

Gethric Orted |

But when regarded closer, as ever, looks obfuscate and disguise. His grey colored eyes have a hint of steel and his gaze is steady. The sallow complexion on his face is belied by otherwise fair health and the grey flecked beard not dismissing a muscular physique. Even his ramshackle appearance deceives - as his patchwork armor is only ill-repaired by looks and with his grooming is instead maintained for efficacy above all. And though his stance is tired, it is still balanced and solid.
Catching your eye is a single solitary shimmer upon an otherwise drab raiment. Around his neck is hung a simple worked golden band upon a leather thong.
He does what is asked, without complaint, and the sorrow he bears is an ancient hurt that has cut so deep as to be beyond healing. The only time that emotion seems to cross his face is when battle is joined. He becomes a man possessed, subsumed within his reckless fervor. Ever to the front, ever bold and forthright, and ever with little regard for his own safety.
Reymenda's domains are 'Chaos, Destruction, Good, Healing' so I've assumed the Good and Healing blessing are valid choices.
His campaign trait is Exposed to Awfulness, and he intends to follow the Guardian mythic path. As he grows in resolve and mythic power... he will get harder and harder to kill / incapacitate. He's a grim faced terminator.
He actually has a mostly complete set of crunch in his profile if you're interested to see it. I'm working on updating the background and shall provide a character vignette for your perusal as well.

Leopold Rumblehold |

The soldiers of Kenabres line up, reporting for their morning routine. A regime of elven soldiers stands in strict formation, eyes unblinking. As you scan the stony faces you notice a gap in the nearly unbroken line of long-eared warriors. "That's right, down here!" a grumpy voice calls from somewhere near the elves' knees. Looking down you spot a gnome with the most elaborate of mustaches and wearing a bright red robe that stands in stark contrast to the gleaming armor of the elves near him. "Leopold Rumblehold, if you please. Excuse the height difference. I'm an elf at heart, truly!"
Leopold grew up in Kyonin-in Omesta, one of the few places in Kyonin where a non-elven race flourishes and dominates. The gnomes there live in the trees above the elves, using pulleys and winches to move about. Leopold was born with a curious birthmark and at a young age sought the knowledge of the elves to assist him. He learned of its meaning-the Sign of the Seeker's Spiral, the mark of the Riftwardens-and took it as a sign. He enlisted with the elves as a guard along the border of the dreaded Tanglebriar, growing up away from his family. In any event, Leopold has always lived amongst elves and now joins the forces in Kenabres on the border of the Worldwound to help fight against the demonic invasion!
I have been playing Pathfinder for several years now and an avid PbPer for about one and half years. I have several long-standing APs running myself so I have the dedication to stick with this one. Posting once a day is usually no problem for me and I can generally post several times a day. I also enjoy more well-rounded characters and I hope Leopold suits your interest (and the need for some arcane in the party!). Leopold is a sylvan sorcerer so he will be bringing along a dinosaur companion (because I'm a biologists and, hey, dinosaurs!).
I have not bought equipment for Leopold yet and have not uploaded the dino's stats but everything else is complete. I will finish those soon.

Voren the Outsider |

A strange cloaked and hooded figure peaks around the corner of a building. He scans the streets, making sure it's safe to continue on. He makes his way down the street, adjusting his robes and making sure his head his completely in his hood. He moves his robes slightly and whispers, "This is it, Ayne. We're in Kenabres. Now we need to find mom and dad's killer, as well as remain anonymous. I wonder if we can find out who mom and dad were." A scorpion scuttles out of the robes, walking under the hood and circles the man's head, as if comforting him. It then makes it's way back into it's hiding spot. The strange man continues, a faint sound coming from as he walks... like a horse's hooves on the road.
Hello! Tieflingwizard here. Here's my second character. A healing focused tiefling witch! Hope you enjoy, Alice! Now the hard part is deciding if I want to go the Archmage mythic path or the Hierophant mythic path.

Flynnvas Merryweather |

Jamzilla here with my submission.
So in the end I went with a character I really wanted to play rather than what it seemed like was lacking in submissions so far. That said, if I don't get selected on that basis, good luck to everoyne who gets through :)
Submitting Nathaniel Harker, Half-Elf Oracle of Battle.
It is a little known fact that when a man weighing just 160 pounds is dropped only four feet from the gallows trap, the head will detach from the shoulders.
It was certainly a fact that Nathaniel Harker; trainee Knight and anointed Champion of Iomadae could testify to. Although, now that the deed was done, he wished more than anything he had remained ignorant of this knowledge.
The hanged man was slight and misshapen though his eyes were sharp and dark with evil malice. Since mid-morning the crowd had begun to swell and press together, the smell of sweat and anticipation growing strong despite the chill in the air. The square had not been so full since the declaration of the last crusade.
Kanebres was a hard city. From a young age, all it’s citizens had learnt to wield a blade or bow or spell - even to a basic standard - because living in the shadow of the threat of evil was a grim burden to bare. Crusaders found comfort where they could in the long nights and dark days of the war and the extra-marital indiscretions of Sir Leonard Harker with an elven sorceress on the front lines went without judgement. But Nathaniel was born of their tryst.
It was strange where his mind would wander in these sombre moments but even as the condemned man’s eyes burned fiercely into Jim’s, the Knight never let his gaze falter.
Nathaniel, resplendent in the silver and black ceremonial armour of the Kenebres Guard approached the condemned man and placed the noose around his neck. Dark eyes fell on him and the condemned spat onto the Black Tower, the Harker sigil, that adorned his armour. He gritted his teeth, but did not react. In a clear, strong voice he said;
For your crimes against this community, against our Lady of Honor you are cursed to this fate. May Iomedae have mercy on your immortal soul, for you shall find none here.
The cultists had started to become a growing problem. Kanebres was relatively safe from demon attacks with the ward stone in situe, even after Nathaniel’ father had died in the last assault nearly ten years ago. But attacks from within had grown more frequent. Since the fateful day nearly five years ago when Nathaniel had been taken, drugged and tortured, thrust into some dark ritual – he had awaited justice, perhaps vengeance. He didn’t think Iomedae would begrudge him either. Whatever the cultists had planned to do with him that day, it had failed. He remembers little of it, just lights and shapes and then awakening in the streets miles away from where he was taken. But he still wore the scars, within and without.
For the past four months he had hunted this man with the other paladins and oracles of Iomedae, finally trapped him, defeated him and brought him to justice. Three of his Order, paladins much more seasoned than he, had to tear him away from the fallen man lest he beat him to death with his bare hands.
With foul curses the man mounted the three gallows steps, the last he would ever take, with burning hatred in his eyes he refused the black hood and with whispered promises of eternal vengeance, the executioner pulled the lever. The man fell four feet, the rope tightened and blood sprayed in the mid-day sun.
Thank you, Brother. Nathaniel said afterwards, you performed your duties with honour.
That was not meant to happen, the crowd will talk about it for years. Women and children crying, men I have known for years gagging at the sight. The executioner, Rodahl, replied.
He deserved his fate, Iomade decreed it and I only regret I was not permitted to deliver her justice at the edge of my blade.
Still, he is dead now.
A pity we could only kill him once. Nathaniel replied with some resignation. He ran his eyes over the crowd and idly wondered in Tenevriel was in attendance, the magnificent dilver dragon that was such a bastion of hope for the the people of the city. A thousand deaths would not be undeserved.
You really hate them that much? the man asked, eyebrow raised.
After what… they did to me ...they’ve done, betraying their own kind to demons and devils. Yes, I hate them that much.
Growing up on the front lines was difficult. Both parents took part in the fourth crusade and without any siblings, Nathaniel was raised largely by the priests of Iomedae, so prevailant in the city. The paladins had been pleased enough with his martial abilities but he cared little for religious doctrine, more often studying the arcane arts of his mother’s side. However, long had the Harkers paid homage to Iomedae and he had done the same, though more for tradition than belief. Given the extent of the powers that seemed to be growing within him, and the strange language he had begun to utter in times of stress, it appeared She believed in him more than he believed in her.
But it was the events at the hands of the cultists that defined him. He swore that one day he would help to reclaim this lost land, to push back the darkness and bring those who would see the world ruined brought to justice.
Nathaniel retains his mother’s slender frame and his father’s dark eyes. He is tall and slim but broad in the shoulders and skilled with a blade. Nathaniel is usually serious but sometimes in possession of a dry, dark humour. Even the most dire of situations can be expected to be met with gallows humour and a desire to go down fighting. He is still a raw recruit to the crusade but proud of his family’s legacy and keen to live up to the expectations his father had for him – even if it is too late for his father to see his achievements in life. This is a trait which can see him act rashly or to try to face impossible odds to prove that he isn’t just the bastard son of some minor noble, but a Knight – brave and true.
Crunch to follow but as a Battle oracle he is a very capable melee fighter focusing on the trip manouver with his fauchard and with the Ancient Lorekeeper archetype, he will also have a good selection of spells to add utility. Skills are centred mostly on diplomacy so he will make a decent party face also.

Leopold Rumblehold |

Also, archaeopteryx is the best dino. And ankylosaurus.
Yeah, almost went with archaeopteryx. Probably my favorite non-sauropod dinosaur, followed closely by microraptor gui, but Pathfinder hasn't seen it fit to stat that one yet :). I try to fit as many dinos into my characters as possible. In PFS I've got a beast rider cavalier on a brachiosaurus and a witch with a compsognathus familiar.
Elephants are probably my favorite non-dinosaur animal but we already have a girl locally who plays a gnome druid with an elephant named Penelope and I didn't want to copy her.