Barbarian 1/Cleric of Gorum 3 \33/36 _HP+0 nonlethal dmg | 18/16 AC/raging | 12/10 T | 16/14 Ff | Fort+7/Ref+3/Will+4(+2 Fort and Will while raging) Perception:+6
medium, 6'2"
Special Abilities
fast movement, rage9/12 rnds /day, Channel positive energy1/2per day 2d6
Chaotic Good
common, Shoanti
About Ebon Kai of the Skoan Quah
Pathfinder Society # 4141-1
Ebon is a fairly tall, dusky skinned, bald human. He has whorls of dark tattoo's all over his arms and shoulders, with a large skull on his right one. The whorls are actually made up of many tiny skulls in a pattern that look similar to Celtic knots. On his left forearm is a birthmark in the shape of a crude Greatsword. He wears beat up Leather armor and has a Greatsword and an Earthbreaker slung in an X across his back.
Ebon is determined to find his sister's killer, even though so much time has past. He is learning to live again after years of grim and tireless determination. So he sometimes comes off as focused and maybe rude, sometimes as easy going and fun. It has been a long mourning period.
As a young boy Ebon was awed by the might of Gorum. He learned all his peoples beliefs, about his ancestors, but always returned to Gorum. He was in training to become a shaman of the Skoan Quah, or Skull clan, to be a keeper of their lore and of the dead. In an effort to appease his family he suppressed his beliefs and undertook all that they bade him to do.
Half way through his coming of age "ceremony", a 3 year trial of travelling around the clans, he learned of a kidnapping among his village. Three young women were missing, including his baby sister, Elcia. He immediately started to return home.
Upon arrival, he was censured for returning early from his age test, and told to return to the trial. He refused and was threatened with exile.
While the council elders delayed him and focused on his disobedience, the 3 women were found dead and mutilated. Two of them had their tongues cut out, and all had been ritually tortured.
There were some clues however.
An expedition from Magnimar had come thru, just before this had happened. It was mostly comprised of scholars and the like (looked down upon by the Shoanti), but there were some soldiers and bodyguards with them.
One of which always wore a black outfit with a deep hood. He also had a very distinctive dagger, with Infernal or Abyssal writing on the blade ( the council weren't sure which). He called it his 'special' Knife.
Enraged that the elders would focus so much on him, while his sister was being slaughtered, Ebon lost it. He got into a brawl with them and was beaten and held by the clan. Told he was now an Exile and mustn't return on pain of death, he was allowed to retrieve his belongings and escorted to the edge of the Clan holdings.
His Uncle Raith, told him what the council had learned and pointed him in the direction the caravan took. He never found them.
Ebon never got over his sisters death. He carries a fire within him that threatens to burst out whenever he sees something that he perceives as wrong or unjust. This boils over when he fights, causing a foaming at the mouth and a berserk reaction to violence.
That was when he was 16. He is now 23 and has been searching for Elcia's killer ever since.
Ebon has been living in Magnimar for the last 3 years, as this is where the trail went cold. He spends his time hiring out as a bodyguard, and studying at the local temple of Gorum. He has denounced his Ancestors, and left his clan and family behind him.
Nearly broke and in despair that his sister will never rest in peace, Ebon is looking to make some coin. Desperate for something to take his mind off of his failure, Ebon started joining adventure groups.
On one such escapade he fell in with a group of Pathfinders and found them to be reliable and worthy. He asked about membership, and was refered to Heidmarch Manor.
Present day...
Fast Movement Rage 12/day
Aura, Channel energy 2/day, Domains, Orisons
Earthbreaker,{ 2d6 /X3 Bludgeoning},MW Greatsword (his fathers){2d6 19-20/X2 slashing},Composite Longbow (str+3),20 arrows, Breastplate{+6 AC,+3 max dex,-4 Penalty},Backpack, flint and steel,3 torches, 1flask of oil, 1 common lamp, 20 silver arrows, 20 cold iron arrows, cold iron dagger, silver dagger and a Wand of CLW 27 charges.
Exile-Campaign trait-+2 to initiative, APG
Birthmark-Faith trait-+2 to Will saves vs charm and compulsion, can be used as a divine focus (holy symbol) for spellcasting, APG
Strength-touched target gains 1/2 level(minimum 1) to strength for 1 round, to melee att, CMB checks, str based skill checks and strength checks.4/4 per day.
Domain spells:1st Enlarge person, 2nd Bull's str, 3rd Magic Vestment, 4th spell immunity, 5th Righteous might, 6th stoneskin, 7th grasping hand, 8th clenched fist, 9th crushing hand.
War-touch creature as a std action to grant 1/2 level (minimum 1)to melee damage rolls for 1 round.4/4per day.
Domain spells:1st magic weapon, 2nd spiritual weapon, 3rd magic vestment, 4th divine power, 5th flame strike, 6th blade barrier, 7thpower word blind, 8th power word stun, 9th power word kill.
purchased Breastplate-200gp, new Earthbreaker-40gp, 20 silver arrows-3gp, 20 cold iron arrows-2gp, silver dagger-22gp and a cold iron dagger-4gp. Spent 300 gp for a spell from friend Norine to make father's sword MW, Nobles outfit( sleeveless)80gp.
FP: 17
PP: 13
- First Steps II: To Delve The Dungeon Deep
- Mists of Mwangi
- Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
- The Beggar's Pearl
- The Voice in the Void
- Decline of Glory
-Infernal Vault
-Tide of Morning
-Thornkeep-The forgotten Laboratory
Spent 2 PP on a CLW wand,2 PP on a dragonslayers kit.