GM Alice's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Alice Margatroid

A few brave heroes band together to save Golarion from the worst of fates, standing against the hordes of the Abyss at any cost.

Current Map - The Kenabres Underground

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LOL. F5! F5!

Sorry all you impatient folks, I had girlfriend-time yesterday instead of Paizo-time. :P

Currently in a 3 hour break between classes; I'm hoping to get a 'short list' narrowed down today (if not more than that).

When Impatiens changes her song, Voren's tail starts bobbing to the beat of the new tune. Ayne also changes her dance into what you assume to be a waltz.

Voren seems to be a bit nervous and says, "O-oh. Well, I hope you stop the Witches from taking your homeland and reclaim the stolen parts. No one should have their land take from them." 'I can speak from experience.'

@Elf Wizard
Voren looks at the elf wizard and shrugs. "Sure. I don't see why not. When would you like to meet? Also, would it be too much trouble that I ask for your name?"

Can't wait!

The wizard inclines his head in a practiced court like gesture.

"Not at all, I beg your forgiveness for not offereing it sooner. My name in common is Terrameille and I hail from her Majesty the Queen's Great Wood. I traveled here quite some time ago by human standards from the port of Greengold. Perhaps you have heard of it? My homeland also suffers under a demon incursion of a sort. Have you heard of the Treerazer?"

Brother Shoka wrote:
Jens Varmodsson wrote:
He glances down at the gnome as he clambers back on his stool, adding, "I'm frankly surprised your mouth didn't give you away."
He's an angry Ulfen...

Thank you for that; I needed a good laugh! And yeah, guys, I can't stop refreshing. I doubt there'll be any print left on my F5 key soon... Alice, I hope your girlfriend understands what you're doing to us! :P

Jens regards Hedrick with a wary look, then eventually sighs, placing down his mug and leaning back on the bar. "Mendev seemed like a good place to settle down," he says with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "When the mercenary life grew tiring, I married one of the women in my band and set up here. Deselde, her name was, a Varisian dancer with eyes that shone like the stars." His own eyes seem to stare through the far wall. "Since I had a horse of fine stock, I bought a breeding mare and began selling horses, like my father did before me. Crusaders need mounts, after all, and mine were some of the finest" There's a hint of pride in his voice, but deep regret to go with it. "In 4692, myself, my wife, and our two children were in Kenabres for business, when the Storm King attacked. After that day, I decided I'd be better off fighting demons than raising horses - it would be a finer death than I could have hoped for elsewhere." He finishes his mead with a grimace and calls for two ales for himself and Hedrick. "But it seems to have escaped me thus far."

"One should not hasten death, but if a good one finds you let it be a glorious one. You will join your wife and children in fair and warm fields someday and you will not be afraid to show your face to your ancestors. Even so I am sorry for your sorrow on this world. I regret that I may never have a son, but my god called to me and I answered. Our people need me so I joined the Ravens. Many paths are open to us in life, but we only have time to choose to walk a few of them. The rest of our life we can question and make wishes about decisions and happenings, but we must live in the present and look to our eternal futures."

At Terrameille's question, Voren scratches his chin in thought. "I think so. He's a demon lord, yes? I'm afraid that I probably haven't heard of him. I've only been to Mendev and Ustalav. So I wouldn't know of your country, sorry to say."

At Jens's story, Voren's tail droops to the ground in sadness. "I'm sorry to hear that, friend. If there's anything I could do to possibly help..."

Cut her some slack guys, she is running 2 BpB for gameday and this and playing in at least 2 others that I know of. Busy lady!
But on the impatient note, I'm also tryin out for a Mummy's Mask game. The Dm is waiting to get it in the mail and all the applicants are chomping at the bit....

I've cut y'all down to 16 from like 24! PROGRESS! *snip snip snip*

Yes, I'm a busy lady who hates to say no to people but keeps beating herself over the head with the fact that NO you just do not have the time to run two groups of this. :P But I love everyoneeeee /whine

"Any time, Voren. We all have moments of weakness," she says with a nod

Marleeri listens to Jens' tale intently, her tail defining sweeping waves parallel to her stool's legs. "Kenabres needs more people like you, Jens. I can't say I seek death- though some would say we do merely for coming here- but the fact that you're willing to devote yourself so fully and risk so much to defend others tells me your heart is pure." She speaks quickly and with fervor in her voice. "I hope you change your mind about dying, but if your death does find you, I'm certain it will be a worthy, glorious one. I don't think you'd allow anything less."

Flynn Palomere wrote:


But on the impatient note {More snippage}

*Glares* That's my gig, buddy...


Damnit, Alice, the suspense is killing me! :P

Hearing the responses of these strangers to his tale, Jens chuckles, shaking his head slowly. "Seems folks still appreciate a good tale of woe," he smiles, clapping Hedrick on the shoulder. "Well, my brother, I fear my wife is far beyond my reach. She sleeps among the stars now, with Desna watching over her. I feel my eternal rest will be elsewhere. And worry not - I'll simply welcome it. I'm not quite ready to go seeking it out on my own yet. Have you finished that swill yet? The ale's far better."

To Voren, he chuckles, taking a swig of ale and wiping the froth from his beard. "Nay, lad. There's not much anyone can do - the demons are beyond the control of a single man, and I doubt my Deselde would even want to come back into a world full of such evil. Listening to my tale is all the support I need." Marleeri's words make him laugh, and he raises his mug to her. "Indeed! I'd settle for nothing less than a glorious end!"

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... ;-)

Hi all,

I've had some difficult application stages to sift through in my PbP history, but this takes the cake for "Oh god why did I even do this to myself". For the past 8 hours or so I've been deliberating about different permutations of about a dozen different people.

In the end, I have to cut out a lot of people that I would dearly love to play with and some character concepts I liked a huge amount! In the end, a mix of familiarity with folks, enjoyment of the writing and characters I've seen, and an attempt to get character traits and party balance even remotely acceptable swayed me.

Sooo... the lucky crew!

Aurica Firehammer
Jens Varmodsson
Voren the Outsider
Flynn Palomere
Osric Barnesdale

Please head on over to the discussion thread. I have some minor things to discuss with each of you, backstory tweaks and the like for the most part. And maybe I'll actually have a look at what your character sheets look like. :P

To everyone else, thanks for applying! I'm sure with such amazing characters you'll get into the next WotR game you apply to. I wish I could accept everyone!

Best of luck to all!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Huzzah! Sorry to miss out on further gaming with so many of you, but it's been fun!

Suddenly a bright red gnome head appears in front of the elf:
You're from Kyonin. Thats so cool. I visited there once. The gnomes have this wonderful town hanging from the trees. It is called Omesta. Have you ever been there? I was only there a short time. Then I went to visit the elves. They were boring so I left. [Most likely he was asked to leave or thrown out.] What is Treerazor like. Is he purple and does he have a horn in the middle of his chest? And why would he want to shave trees? Usually people just cut them down. Shaving them seems very foolish. They don't even have beards like that dwarf over there. [apparently he has now forgotten that Aurica is a female and does not have a beard.]

Bah, and just as I was typing more comments.

Have fun all. Should be a great game. Too bad you will not have the logic and cool of a gnome with you.

Good luck to those who made it. Have fun slaying some demons!

The more I see people post here the sadder I am that I can't make a massive 20 person game so nobody has to be sad ;_;

Good luck all! See you another time GM Alice!

Well I'm not sad. Sometimes you ride the wave, and sometimes the backwash ;)

Congratulations to the selectees, I'm sure you're in good hands.

Good luck, have fun, try not to get killed. :-)

Actually, having seen DMs that decide to run two or more games because there are "so many good applications", I am glad you didn't. Rarely if ever is the DM capable of running both - I have had several where this happened and I think that perhaps 1 out of 5 is successful. On top of that, invariably people start to drop out quickly.

Once more, thanks for the consideration and should anyone drop out and you think you need a cheerful gnome, let me know.

Grats, guys.

Congrats to those who made it in! Fierce competition, I don't envy the GM's position in making the decision!

Good luck to Alice and to her chosen crew!


Ah well. Congratulations to those who made the cut.

Have fun all! :D

Yes, congratulations to those of you who made it. I think you will have a top tier experience. Obviously those of us who were not selected will feel disappointment, but it was fun to brain storm and then role play with many of you.

DM Alice, I really appreciate the guidence and the fact you took the time to give each applicant. If someone needs to drop out, disappears or it turns out you need to add a support character, heck if you need someone to play a 5th level shrubbery, please drop me a line.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jens, Aurica, and Voren, your characters and your writing skills are great and I could really get a feel for them. Voren, you definately have an original feel. I will be reading along to find out his backstory.


Thorvald the Black Shield wrote:

Jens, Aurica, and Voren, your characters and your writing skills are great and I could really get a feel for them. Voren, you definately have an original feel. I will be reading along to find out his backstory.


Oh. Well, thank you! Don't think I've gotten a compliment like that before. But then again, I seem to create unique characters. I'm playing a mute flute-playing bard in a Jade Regent PBP. Hope you enjoy reading!

Again, congrats to those selected and good luck to those that weren't.

Congratulations on getting into the game. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed, but I wish you all the best. Hopefully Alice will consider us dropouts if anyone needs to leave the game. :P

Thorvald the Black Shield wrote:

Jens, Aurica, and Voren, your characters and your writing skills are great and I could really get a feel for them. Voren, you definately have an original feel. I will be reading along to find out his backstory.


Very kind, thank you!

I will indeed contact people here if, heavens forbid, we get a dropout.

Congrats to all, and have a great time! :D

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