Expedition to Tharkad-Kûl

Game Master Patrick Curtin

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Female Teifling Bard 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Crystal D'glaese wrote:
Wellard wrote:
you should in fact roll the damage for the critical twice..ie 2d6 +10 not 1d6+5(x2)


Rolls Damage from Critical:2d6+10->[1,1,10]=(12)

*looks at result* Riiiight...........-_-

Actually, take the 10 damage from 1st Attack you already rolled, then just roll a second 1d6+5 and add that number to the total ..

Doing as commanded by the DM.

Rolling and adding:1d6+5->[4,5]=(9)

So 9+10=19 Damage from the Crit sword and 5 Damage from the non crit sword. Total of 24 points I do believe!

Okay, the big lug is going to feel that!

Sorry to mess things up *bows in appology*

Male Human 3rd

Heh ya got me in the wrong spot but ok it's cool I will move to M-7 and cast grease again on O-9 or 10 which ever I can catch the most folks with

Navorn hurry's to help Sevlta

Bribes always welcome

Initiatives Rd four:
Svetla: 24 [attack-miss]
Navorn: 23 [Greezy]
Divel: 22 [attack-hit]
Rootabega: 20 [under wagon-summon swarm]
Crystal: 19 [flare]
Ingrahild: 19 [sheilding Borondon]
Merzhan: 19 [casting-flaming orc]
Borondon: 19 [attack-oooh so close]
Sondergang: 17 [shoot-miss]
Orcs: 12[attacking-bows/running to wagons]
Big Ogre-thingy:9 [attacking]
Eitri: 8 [Move to ogre]

OK, sewing up Round Four ...

Svetla tries to engage the ogre with her new magic sword Xorn Claw:

Svetla: 1d20+4=9, 1d8+3=10

The blade bounces off the beast's hide armor

Root's spell goes off and the chittering of hundreds of bats suddenly joins the cacophany of battle. The orcs howl as the swarm hits them. Need a Concentration [+2] roll for duration of spell Root. Root emerges from under the wagon and tucks his square of red cloth away in his pocket, satisfied with the result.

Will adjutate what the swarm is doing today :)

The four remaining entangled orcs plink their bows, two on Merzhan, two on Svetla:

Merzhan: 1d20+1=17, 1d8+3=5, 1d20+1=18, 1d8+3=10,Svetla: 1d20+1=13, 1d8+3=10, 1d20+1=13, 1d8+3=8

Merzhan takes two arrows. Svetla manages to dodge the others. The untangled orcs sprint towards Svetla's location, arriving in time to become bat chow.

The fiendish ogre whirls his giant club and brings it down on Borondon:

1d20+12=15, 2d8+11=26

The giant club misses the doughty dwarf.

OK, on to Round five. Crystal has already posted her smack-down for this round, everyone else post an action.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (favoured class)

Wasn't wanting Sondergang moved into combat with the thing but what the hell.

Sondergang takes a step back laying his hand on borondon and intoning a prayer..

Cast Bulls strength on Borondon.

Hopefully the Ogre will be too occupied with the others

Male Elven Druid 3

Root hears the happy sounds of feeding bats in the background as he juggles brings his elven blade to the ready position and charges, screaming elven profanities, at the winged creature I wonder what that club feels like?
1d20+9=14 well, I was hoping for a better result than that. not going to bother rolling damage. I am trying to draw any attack of opportunity toward Root. The bats have this round to torment their victims before they do whatever it is they do at the end of the spell

Male Elven Druid 3
Crystal D'glaese wrote:

Sorry to mess things up *bows in appology*

Wow, you should mess things up all the time!

I've played with people who like to roll once and multiply. It can be hard on players though (think 'great axe' and '12' and 'x3').

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Sondergang Wulfsson wrote:

Wasn't wanting Sondergang moved into combat with the thing but what the hell.

Sondergang takes a step back laying his hand on borondon and intoning a prayer..

Cast Bulls strength on Borondon.

Hopefully the Ogre will be too occupied with the others

My bad! I'll move you back a bit. Mea Culpa

Sondergang's spell fills Borondon with a surge of strength. He grips his axe and readies to smite his foe

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Rootabega Flanus wrote:

Root hears the happy sounds of feeding bats in the background as he juggles brings his elven blade to the ready position and charges, screaming elven profanities, at the winged creature I wonder what that club feels like?

Root charges the large winged ogre screeching like a deranged satyr. His blade just misses when the ogre fiend twitches from Crystal's painfull strike

And in regards to that ...

Crystal D'glaese wrote:
Okay, the big lug is going to feel that!

Yes, in fact he will.

Crystal finishes casting her flare, then watches as the large winged brute attempts to smoosh Borondon. She hears the small voice of Lady Arianna Mellifleur echo from within the carriage she stands on:

“Be careful Crystal!”

Her three guards are busy striking down another group of white-face painted orcs. Crystal sees the carriage window curtain twitch aside and a young girl’s pale oval face stares up at her with wide eyes.

Crystal gathers herself and leaps at the horrific club-wielding fiend. Her main blade strikes true, carving a large hole it the thing’s back between its large batwings. The orge bellows in pain and a gout of stinging green blood splashes her as she flips back off his scaly hide.

>Rd 5 starting map<

Sondergang assume you are farther back from the ogre, and I'll update this next map. I have Crystal placed behind big ugly after her attack, and Svetla moved up to strike at him. I moved Eitri up and he can now either attack, or move back as Sondergang did, his choice.Root, I also forgot to move your token. Assume you are by the beast as well.

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Initiatives Rd 5:
Svetla: 24 [pending]
Navorn: 23 [pending]
Divel: 22 [pending]
Rootabega: 20 [Attack-miss]
Crystal: 19 [Super smackdown]
Ingrahild: 19 [pending]
Merzhan: 19 [pending]
Borondon: 19 [pending]
Sondergang: 17 [Bulls Strength]
Orcs: 12[attacking-bows/bat chow/pratfall]
Big Ogre-thingy:9 [attacking]
Eitri: 8 [Pending]

OK, round five...

The bats swarm the running orcs, distracting them and drawing agonized howls at the same time as their sharp teeth inflict a multitude of small razor cuts on the skull-faced raiders. The two running in front manage to escape, only to pratfall in front of Navorn on his Grease spell. O9/N10 are now prone.

Crystal's attack has wounded the big winged beast sorely. He casts about for his attacker. Borondon swells with divine strength, ready to strike this foul abomination.

Post them actions folks!

Male Elf Rogue3 (favoured class)

Divel moved up along the brushline on Round 3 he should be at c18, I think.

The elf slinks further along the brush c26, then bobs up and fires another arrow at the entangled orc j23, but misses in his haste.

Attack roll 2+8=... zzzzzz.

Male Dwarf Fighter 3

Round 5

Borondon feels a surge of strength rush through him.

Attack: 1d20+13=26
Damage: 1d10+8=15

In Dwarvish:

"How do you like the taste of dwarven steel!"

Male Elven Druid 3

Saliva and sweat flying (and dripping) from his rage-twisted face Root presses his attack.
1d20+7=14, 1d10+4=6, 1d20+7=19, 1d10+4=10 oops, a formatting error there. I'll go with the first set of rolls and that looks like a miss!

Female Dwarf Cleric 3 (Favoured Class)

Ingra shields Borondon granting him a +3 to AC +2 from shield; +1 from magic bonus of shield

The Exchange

Male Human Sorceror 3

Merzhan assesses the situation around hom, trusting his allies to handle the ogre. With a somewhat sinister smile he directs the burning ball of flame toroll ont one of the sleeping orcs move action to direct 3d6=9 He then turns and unleashes a bolt at one of the shooters.

1d20+2=7, 1d6+1=4

Female Teifling Bard 2

Crystal takes a five foot step backwards, flourishes her rapiers and taunts the shaggy behemoth.

rescitation"Come! Let us see if beauty can slay the savage beast!"

Casting 'Prestidigitation' to try and pluck a nose hair, or some such annoying little cantrip type spell.DC=13 aginst the Ogre's, um, *scratches head* what can she poke to pique it's anger?

She crouches, her blades held defensivly and ready to strike or riposte the Ogre's actions.

Defensive, one handed attack:1d20+5->[2,5]=(7)

And a good thing too! Crystal's AC should be 18 due to her being careful.

Bribes always welcome
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Initiatives Rd 5:

Svetla: 24 [pending]
Navorn: 23 [pending]
Divel: 22 [C26-miss]
Rootabega: 20 [Attack-miss]
Crystal: 19 [Super smackdown]
Ingrahild: 19 [Sheilding Borondon]
Merzhan: 19 [burn orc, miss bolt]
Borondon: 19 [attack-hit]
Sondergang: 17 [Bulls Strength]
Orcs: 12[attacking-bows/bat chow/pratfall]
Big Ogre-thingy:9 [attacking]
Eitri: 8 [Pending]

OK, quick update. We need Navorn, Svetla and Eitri to post attacks for rd 5. Root and Crystal you are getting ahead of the game in your excitement-you'd already posted actions for this round. :P

Borondon's axe hisses through the darkness with preternatural speed and takes a healthy chunk out of Big Ugly's leg. The fiendish beast bellows, green ichor spurting from his new wound. One of his wings looks limp, perhaps damaged by Crystal's blow.

Divel's shaft goes wide in the darkness, hitting only dirt. Merzhan's bolt also goes wide, but his dropped ball burns an unconcious orc to death.

OK, I have Crystal's and Root's attacks for next round, which I'll keep on ice. If those who haven't posted don't post by tomorrow morn there will be some DMPCing in the AM :P ..

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"In the name of Torag I call upon the earth it's self to aid me!" says Eitri, casting a Soften Earth and Stone spell on the ground beneath the ogre's feet.

What about my attack in the previous round?

Male Human 3rd

Navorn will hold his ground and ready to attack any orc that gets though

Staying put, holding an attack for any orc that makes it though, feel free to roll it if needed

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Eitri Bronskjold wrote:

"In the name of Torag I call upon the earth it's self to aid me!" says Eitri, casting a Soften Earth and Stone spell on the ground beneath the ogre's feet.

What about my attack in the previous round?

Sorry Eitri, in the confusion I thought you just wanted to advance to the ogre. Take hte spell cast as your previous action and post a new one for this round.

EDIT: I went to the PFPRD to look up the effects of your spell, and saw that it is druid-only now. Do you wish to pick another spell to replace it?

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Navorn wrote:

Navorn will hold his ground and ready to attack any orc that gets though

Staying put, holding an attack for any orc that makes it though, feel free to roll it if needed


Female Teifling Bard 2

So, I'm assuming Crystal's five foot step backwards would take her from J=13 to J14?

Crystal takes a five foot step backwards, flourishes her rapiers and taunts the shaggy behemoth.

rescitation"Come! Let us see if beauty can slay the savage beast!"

Casting 'Prestidigitation' to try and pluck a nose hair, or some such annoying little cantrip type spell.DC=13 aginst the Ogre's, um, *scratches head* what can she poke to pique it's anger?

She crouches, her blades held defensivly and ready to strike or riposte the Ogre's actions.

Defensive, one handed attack:1d20+5->[2,5]=(7)

And a good thing too! Crystal's AC should be 18 due to her being careful.
Just putting the post into its order. :)

Female Dwarf Cleric 3 (Favoured Class)

Ingra attempts to bash the ogre in the leg, and buckle his knees to hit 14; to damage 6After the pathetic attempt at hitting the ogre, Ingra raises her shield to deflect any incoming blows to her or Borondon.

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Initiatives Rd 5:
Svetla: 24 [pending]
Navorn: 23 [holding]
Divel: 22 [C26-miss]
Rootabega: 20 [Attack-miss]
Crystal: 19 [Super smackdown]
Ingrahild: 19 [Sheilding Borondon-miss]
Merzhan: 19 [burn orc, miss bolt]
Borondon: 19 [attack-hit]
Sondergang: 17 [Bulls Strength]
Orcs: 12[attacking-bows/bat chow/pratfall]
Big Ogre-thingy:9 [attacking]
Eitri: 8 [Pending-cast spell?]

OK, I haven't heard from Svetla/KMD so I am DMPCing her move. Eitri/Lord Z I need a descision on that spell for this round. The one you had mentioned is now druid only. Once I have that I can advance to the orcs&Big Ugly's moves.

Svetla's blade sinks into the big creature's side:

1d20+4=23, 1d8+3=5

This wound hit a major artery. The winged ogre screams and collapses, green blood pumping from the several wounds the party has inflicted.

"CURSE YOU ALL TO THANATOS! THE SKULL LORD SHALL PREVAIL!" The scaly beast shouts before groaning and slipping into Death's embrace.

The orcs let out a howl of anguish, seeing their raid leader fall. The prone ones are trying to regain their feet. The bat beset ones are dancing about, the coppery tang of their blood scenting the air. One collapses in a heap.

The trapped orcs aim their bows at Merzhan, Svetla and Crystal

Merzhan: 1d20+1=2, 1d8+3=9, 1d20+1=3, 1d8+3=5, Svetla: 1d20+1=10, 1d8+3=8, Crystal: 1d20+1=19, 1d8+3=6

The shaft aimed at the dramatic tiefling sinks home

All around the beseiged camp orcs are retreating, to the cheers of the defenders.

Just clean up at this rate ...

The Exchange

Male Human Sorceror 3

As he directs the flaming ball to roll over the next unconsious orc, an arrow riddled Merzhan walks back toward the caravan.

Male Elven Druid 3

Panting, eyes crazed, it takes Root a few moments longer to shake off the bloodlust, but seeing the beast dead and the orcs fleeing, he cancels the entangle spell, sheaths his sword and then turns his attention to Merzham.

'Ouch' he mouths: "let me help with your wounds". And he casts a healing spell. clw d8+3=8 hand rolled

"Anyone else feel like some healing, or do we move straight to drinking?"

Male Elf Rogue3 (favoured class)

Divel follows Merzhan, plucking out arrows gently.

"Arrows. Good."

Bribes always welcome
Rootabega Flanus wrote:
but seeing the beast dead and the orcs fleeing, he cancels the entangle spell,

The trapped orcs beat feet as soon as their legs become untangled

Female Teifling Bard 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

"CURSE YOU ALL TO THANATOS! THE SKULL LORD SHALL PREVAIL!" The scaly beast shouts before groaning and slipping into Death's embrace.

The orcs let out a howl of anguish, seeing their raid leader fall. The prone ones are trying to regain their feet. The bat beset ones are dancing about, the coppery tang of their blood scenting the air. One collapses in a heap.

The trapped orcs aim their bows at Merzhan, Svetla and Crystal

Crystal: 1d20+1=19, 1d8+3=6

The shaft aimed at the dramatic tiefling sinks home

All around the beseiged camp orcs are retreating, to the cheers of the defenders.

Just clean up at this rate ...

Crystal gasps as the enemy barb sinks home. Clutching at the wound, (Where did our heroine get impalled, perchance?) she staggers towards yon carriage (Dramatically, of course! ;) )

"Ah! The fleeing currs!" (Take ten on perform skill check: 10+6=16) As she stumbles, falls and 'swoons' at the carriage steps.

(^.~) Got to make it look good for the audience!

Bribes always welcome
Crystal D'glaese wrote:

Crystal gasps as the enemy barb sinks home. Clutching at the wound, (Where did our heroine get impalled, perchance?) she staggers towards yon carriage (Dramatically, of course! ;) )

"Ah! The fleeing currs!" (Take ten on perform skill check: 10+6=16) As she stumbles, falls and 'swoons' at the carriage steps.

(^.~) Got to make it look good for the audience!

Well, I'd say in the back somewhere since you had your back to them at the time, so ...

The orcish arrow dangles from Crystal's left side, pinioned in the lateralus muscle. She grips it, blood pooling from the wound. She swoons on the carraige steps and the door is flung open, revealing the young Lady Arianna.

The young lady looks to be about seventeen, with blonde hair and sea-green eyes. Her tresses are arrainged artfully, with several jeweled combs holding the assemblage up. She is wearing a nice blue gown, but a rather plain unadorned one, obviously 'travelling' gear. An older beak-nosed woman in black dress is just visible beyond her screeching

"Get back in this carraige young lady!"

Arianna ignores her companion and bends to the prone tiefling

"Lady Crystal, what can I do to help you?"

Male Elven Druid 3
Divel Divellios wrote:

Divel follows Merzhan, plucking out arrows gently.

"Arrows. Good."

Root unships the party wand of cures and prepares to treat Divel. Instead, he stares fixated on the spectacle caused by Crystal and then at the young woman who emerges from the carriage.

He continues waving the wand idly, staring at the scene as a grin; part lascivious, mostly approving, spreads across his face.

"You should be fine now Divel..."

The Exchange

Male Human Sorceror 3

Merzhan grimaces as the arrows are removed breathing sharply as the spell begins knitting split flesh.

"You can have these as well Divel, I believe I am done with them."

Male Dwarf Fighter 3

Borondon spits on the dead ogre. "Thats all you got?" Then he yells after the fleeing orcs in common.

"That's it, run! And tell yer friends not to be robbin' this caravan!"

Female Teifling Bard 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Well, I'd say in the back somewhere since you had your back to them at the time, so ...

The orcish arrow dangles from Crystal's left side, pinioned in the lateralus muscle. She grips it, blood pooling from the wound. She swoons on the carraige steps and the door is flung open, revealing the young Lady Arianna.

The young lady looks to be about seventeen, with blonde hair and sea-green eyes. Her tresses are arrainged artfully, with several jeweled combs holding the assemblage up. She is wearing a nice blue gown, but a rather plain unadorned one, obviously 'travelling' gear. An older beak-nosed woman in black dress is just visible beyond her screeching

"Get back in this carraige young lady!"

Arianna ignores her companion and bends to the prone tiefling

"Lady Crystal, what can I do to help you?"

Crystal winces and hisses slightly. As her movement causes the imbedded arrow to flex within the wound ( I don't know about folks but having an arrow in you wold probabbly feel like a splinter magnified by a couple of thousand points of pain.)

"M'lady...please, do as...your governess asks,..." Crystal is trying to both play up to her audiance as well as think about how to actually remove said problem with as little extra pain and suffering as possible.

Perform Check Take Ten, since Crystal is not 'rushed': 10+6=16

"Would you have any healing herbs? Bandages?" Crystal winces and grimaces again. "The shaft, I can't reach around to it.." She indicates around towards her back with one hand, her other trying to hold the shaft still and lessen any bleeding. She looks up at the young woamn who has come to her aid.

Rescitation,"Perhaps, you could aid me? Please, be gentle." Cast 'Charm Person' DC=16 Will save.

Ah, the suffering one must do for one's art.

The Exchange

Male Human Sorceror 3

Wow that's uhm...kinda fncked up

Female Sylvan Elf of Olidammara

Divel notices where Merzhan points and steps over to the carriage.

"Fine," and he pulls the arrow out of Crystal's back with the twist while she is busy spellcasting. "Thanks."

Bribes always welcome
Pharris Cophalis wrote:

Divel notices where Merzhan points and steps over to the carriage.

"Fine," and he pulls the arrow out of Crystal's back with the twist while she is busy spellcasting. "Thanks."

Divel this is a new side to you! LOL

Bribes always welcome

IC down: Will 1d20-1=0 ... uhhhh oops? >.<

Arianna's dark pupils in her sea-green eyes widen until no green can be seen. She breathes out and shakily says:

"I will try and be gentle Lady Crystal .."

At this moment Divel walks by and twists the arrow from its shallow wound. Crystal feels a stabbing pinch, and a bit of warmth as some blood flows sluggishly from the clotting wound. Lady Arianna looks up angrily.

"How dare you! Lady Crystal could have been in peril! Cad! Bounder!"

She rips off the hem of her garment and makes an ersatz bandage. She applies it to Crystal's wound.

"I fear I have little of the chiurgeon's arts. I think the wound is clotting up Cry .. umm my lady."

Arianna blushes furiously

The older lady in the carraige leans out and screeches at Arianna:

"You are making a spectacle of yourself in front of this entire caravan Arianna! Return to this carraige at once and let the proper authorities handle this!"

Two of Arianna's guards/footmen return to the carraige. The third is nowhere to be seen. The sergeant who spoke rudely to Crystal earlier brings fist to chest and says:

"Tovar fell in battle m'lady. We are going to go see to him. Is all well?"

Arianna nods as she applies the cloth to Crystal's side

"Aye Ser Frobert, all is well. Lady Crystal will see to my protection."

The sergeant, Ser Frobert, frowns and nods reluctantly.

"As you wish m'lady."

He moves off, other guard in tow, both grabbing shovels that were strapped to the side of the carraige.

Male Elf Rogue3 (favoured class)
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Pharris Cophalis wrote:

Divel notices where Merzhan points and steps over to the carriage.

"Fine," and he pulls the arrow out of Crystal's back with the twist while she is busy spellcasting. "Thanks."

Divel this is a new side to you! LOL

The way he is shooting arrows, he needs as many as he can get. In fact..

Divel raids the dead orcs looking for the best of their arrows. Then he fills a couple of extra quivers, just in case.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"I don't think we get the bounty if the orcs run away. We can't exactly go after them when we're supposed to be guarding the caravan, though."

For future reference, Soften Earth and Stone is an Earth domain spell.

Bribes always welcome
Eitri Bronskjold wrote:

"I don't think we get the bounty if the orcs run away. We can't exactly go after them when we're supposed to be guarding the caravan, though."

For future reference, Soften Earth and Stone is an Earth domain spell.

AH! Thanks for the info! Well, you saved it, no need to cast since ogre boy is down

Male Elven Druid 3

Root's head bobs this way and that, trying to follow all of the action.
Holding his wand out by his belt, he makes a halting step towards the carriage: Arianna, little peach...
Just then he recognizes the importance of 'soldiers with shovels' and with a sigh he follows them to their fallen comrade.

On the way he overhears Eitri's comment and stops long enough to hand him five gold pieces. "There, if you're ever called on to slaughter me for gold you can say you've already collected. Careful when you're collecting scalps dwarf, in addition to disease, these orcs sometimes coat their topknots with poison in anticipation of just such a scene as this..."

Root then continues on the the location of the fallen where he makes sure the soldier is dead, and then takes his turn shoveling. He offers around a flask, and drinks heavily.

if anyone needs cure light wounds (clw) from the wand (currently 50 charges) just let me know how many charges you used and roll the d8+1 yourselves. I recommend saving your potions for when you REALLY need to heal yourself.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1 (favoured class)

Sondergang contemplates the cooling corpse of the winged Ogre for a moment then tirns his attention to the living.

He moves towards crystal arriving as the young noblewoman begins tending her wound.

"Aye thats a good job there M'Lady...but I think I can help further.."

Calling on Torags power he unleashes a wave of healing energy.


Female Teifling Bard 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Arianna's dark pupils in her sea-green eyes widen until no green can be seen. She breathes out and shakily says:

"I will try and be gentle Lady Crystal .."

At this moment Divel walks by and twists the arrow from its shallow wound. Crystal feels a stabbing pinch, and a bit of warmth as some blood flows sluggishly from the clotting wound. Lady Arianna looks up angrily.

"How dare you! Lady Crystal could have been in peril! Cad! Bounder!"

She rips off the hem of her garment and makes an ersatz bandage. She applies it to Crystal's wound.

"I fear I have little of the chiurgeon's arts. I think the wound is clotting up Cry .. umm my lady."

Arianna blushes furiously

The older lady in the carraige leans out and screeches at Arianna:

"You are making a spectacle of yourself in front of this entire caravan Arianna! Return to this carraige at once and let the proper authorities handle this!"

Two of Arianna's guards/footmen return to the carraige. The third is nowhere to be seen. The sergeant who spoke rudely to Crystal earlier brings fist to chest and says:

"Tovar fell in battle m'lady. We are going to go see to him. Is all well?"

Arianna nods as she applies the cloth to Crystal's side

"Aye Ser Frobert, all is well. Lady Crystal will see to my protection."

The sergeant, Ser Frobert, frowns and nods reluctantly.

"As you wish m'lady."

He moves off, other guard in tow, both grabbing shovels that were strapped to the side of the carraige.

At the action of Divel Divellios, Crystals gives a real gasp of pain as the Orcish arrow is briefly twisted in the wound before being yanked free of her flesh.

(O.o) Yowch! If there is something wrong with making a friend, please do not hesitate to enlighten me. -_-

Crystal gasps around the pain she suddenly feels a-fresh,

"No, M'lady," She winces, "It is I who am troubling you. You should see to the concerns of those to whom you are beholden." Though Crystal does take the offered cloth to press against the oozing wound in her back.

"You should listen to your guardian. The men whos lives it is to protect you, need your understanding." Crystal winces as she tries to stand, and smiles in thanks if/when the kind lady helps.

SondergangWulfsson wrote:

Sondergang contemplates the cooling corpse of the winged Ogre for a moment then tirns his attention to the living.

He moves towards Crystal, arriving as the young noblewoman begins tending her wound.

"Aye thats a good job there M'Lady...but I think I can help further.."

Calling on Torags power he unleashes a wave of healing energy.


As the healing magic washes over her, Crystal sighs in relief from the pain. She smiles radiantly in thanks to Sondergang.

"Much thanks, friend. Glad I am that strong arms such as yours were there to deal the telling blows against the beast."

Crystal turns and, smiling, again thanks the kind ministrations of lady Arianna.

"Perhaps it is best if you return to the safety of your carriage? The night air grows cold." Crystal's voice is comforting and friendly to the young woman. "Again, I thank you for your kind help. Perhaps we can chat later, after the more mundane items have been taken care of?" Crystal helps the lady Arianna back up into the care of her hopefully less shrill keeper.

Once the carriage door is closed Crystal picks up her rapiers, retrieves her scabbards and while bucking them about her shapely waist, saunters casually over to where Flanus is helping the remaing two guards of Arianna's entourage.

"So, what in the realms is a giant, winged beast such as that," Crystal indicates the fallen enemy. "Doing flapping around here, do you think? Seems rather convenient that it and that mob of murderous Orcs just happened along tonight, doesn't it?" Crystal lets her ideas drift amongst the group.

"Was the beast the actual leader of the Orcs, do you suppose? Or are such brutes more the simple hench-creatures to smarter and more cunning foes?" She looks off to where the fallen adversaries are being collected, searched and prepared for their own interrnment. When Flanus stops to rest from his shoveling, Crystal leans closer and,


"Did you perchance get a good look at the fallen guard? What felled him? Was it an enemy arrow, or somthing else?"

I didn't think a Bard's casting of spells was/would be so noticable? given how 'sorcerer' like they seem to be in Pathfinder? Enlghtenment, please?

Bribes always welcome
Rootabega Flanus wrote:

Pressed for time today, sorry for quicky update

Root helps shoveling with the two guards. The third guard is indeed dead, a gaping orcish swordwound in his stomach. His comrades have taken his armor and weapons off and put silver pieces on his eyes. They lay his sword back on top of him and then once the hole is deep they place his corpse inside and fill the hole with dirt and stones.

"He was a good man, Tovar." The sergeant says. He looks at Root

"You a priest? Any words to say for a departing soul?"

Bribes always welcome
Sondergang Wulfsson wrote:

The corpse is big and smelly, as ogres are wont to be, but this one's skin is scaly as a lizardman's and red. His head is topped with impressive ram-like horns. Then there are the big old batwings. A huge pendant symbol of Orcus hangs from the ogre's thick neck, and a large leather belt holds up a ragged kilt. The belt has several trophies attached to it, as well as several crude cinched belt pouches.

Bribes always welcome
Crystal D'glaese wrote:

Lady Arianna reluctantly returns to the carraige. Her companion scowls at Crystal.

I adjucated that no one saw your Charm Person. I think Divel was just being a noodge ..LOL

Sondergang's magic heals the wound entirely, leaving only a faint pink spot to mark its passage.

Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Rootabega Flanus wrote:

Pressed for time today, sorry for quicky update

Root helps shoveling with the two guards. The third guard is indeed dead, a gaping orcish swordwound in his stomach. His comrades have taken his armor and weapons off and put silver pieces on his eyes. They lay his sword back on top of him and then once the hole is deep they place his corpse inside and fill the hole with dirt and stones.

"He was a good man, Tovar." The sergeant says. He looks at Root

"You a priest? Any words to say for a departing soul?"

"Well, he died with a sword in his hand and facing his foe; good for him. He gave his life for us, so here's hoping he gets some special consideration in the afterlife..." Root launches into a stumbling recitation of the Druidic rites for the dead and coaches the two guards through the supporting parts. He ends the ritual with a round from his flask and a generous portion poured onto the new grave.

"Best we leave no marker for him here. Carry it in your heart."

The funeral over, Root shares what he knows with Crystal.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

"I hunt these beasts because they do things like this!" says Eitri pointing at the body of Tovar and staring at Root. "The money is only a means to an end. It allows me to buy things like food and better weapons, so I'm better equipped to fight monsters like the ones we just defeated. But if we allow these creatures to go unchecked they will commit more atrocities and kill more good men. I think I'll keep this, if you don't mind. I'm sure I can put it to better use than you."

Female Teifling Bard 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Rootabega Flanus wrote:

Root helps shoveling with the two guards. The third guard is indeed dead, a gaping Orcish sword wound in his stomach. His comrades have taken his armor and weapons off and put silver pieces on his eyes. They lay his sword back on top of him and then once the hole is deep they place his corpse inside and fill the hole with dirt and stones.

"He was a good man, Tovar." The sergeant says. He looks at Root

"You a priest? Any words to say for a departing soul?"

Rootabega Flanus wrote:

"Well, he died with a sword in his hand and facing his foe; good for him. He gave his life for us, so here's hoping he gets some special consideration in the afterlife..." Root launches into a stumbling recitation of the Druidic rites for the dead and coaches the two guards through the supporting parts. He ends the ritual with a round from his flask and a generous portion poured onto the new grave.

"Best we leave no marker for him here. Carry it in your heart."

The funeral over, Root shares what he knows with Crystal.

As Flanus helps carry the rites for the passed guard Crystal does her best to join in the impromptu ceremony.

As the two guards return to their duties, she tries to offer words of comfort and sympathy of her own. When Flanus describes the fatal wound of the fallen guard, Crystal hangs her head and blushes in shame that her mind could even hold such cheapening thoughts.

"Um, I should go back to guarding as well, I suppose." She mumbles quietly to Flanus. Turning and walking back towards the caravan.

"If I had not been so vain as to divest my self of armor, perhaps there might not have been such a dampening of our victory?" She muses softly, her mind trying to replay the chaotic events through in her mind, desperately trying to think of how things could have been done differently and so produce a better outcome for all.

Is there some sort of Bardic skill to allow one to 'muse' over events? I would gladly roll some numbers, but am unsure with what modifiers. I still think it odd that the guard has passed. I do wonder where in the tumultuous battle the incident happened. Also, should I post less? Am I putting too much into these replies? Comments? thoughts? Ideas?

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