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Merzhan Al-Kahadiim's page

226 posts. Organized Play character for Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

Full Name

Merzhan al- Kahadi'im




Sorceror 3








Chaotic Neutral




Halls of Tharkad-Kul


Common, Draconic, Elven

Strength 10
Dexterity 15
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 17

About Merzhan Al-Kahadiim

Merzhan possesses a confidence that borders on arrogance. He has been raised to think of himself as better than other men by birth, destined for greatness, and he sometimes has difficulty keeping this out of his tone. He is fiercely loyal to those who show him friendship, and expects the same in return. Betrayal and disrespect is met with a burning anger that is surprising in one so young.
His nobility shines through in his actions more than his words as he is quick to raise a hand against those who would take advantage of one weaker than themselves, often making him enemies in the process.

HP: 41 Current: 41 ( 4xMax(24)+ 3xCon(9)+Toughness(5)+3xFavored Class Bonus(3))

STR 10(+0) DEX 15(+2) CON 16(+3) INT 14(+2) WIS 10(+0) CHA 17(+3)

AC:12 (16 with mage armor) Touch 12 (12) Flat footed 10 (14)

Speed: 30


Fire Ray Attack +4 Ranged touch Damage 1d6+2 (Fire) 6X/DAY

Ranged touch spells Attack +3

Initiative +2

Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +3

Trained Skills:

Bluff (+7), Intimidate (+7), Knowledge Planes(+10), Spellcraft(+8), Knowledge Arcana(+8), Use Magic Device(+9)

Useful Untrained:
Stealth(+2), Acrobatics(+2),Diplomacy(+3) Escape Artist(+2)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Ignan

Special Abilities:

Fire Bloodline
Elemental Ray (Fire)
Energy Resistance 10 (Fire)
Bloodline Arcana : Can change any damage dealing spell to fire
Bonus Feats
Bonus Spells (Burning Hands)
Bloodline Powers



Eschew Materials (Class Feature), Spell Focus Evocation, Toughness (Human Bonus feat), Point Blank Shot


Forbidden Secrets

During you quest for arcane knowledge you have stumbled upon several blasphemous texts that detailed the workings of Heaven and Hell. You receive a +2 to a Knowledge (Planes) skill.

Desert Traveller

You have spent many years traveling in the arid deserts of your homeland and as a result have developed a touch of the camel's constitution. You gain a +2 bonus to all Fort saves or Con checks to avoid taking damage due to thirst or dehydration.


Light: 33lbs
Medium: 66lbs
Heavy: 100lbs

Racial Abilities:

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first
level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Spells Known:
Cantrips (At will):
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Flare(DC15), Mage Hand, Disrupt Undead

1st (6/day) Already cast:2
Mage Armor, Color Spray(DC14),Ray of Enfeeblement, Burning Hands(DC 16)*

Equipment:(26 lbs)
Explorer's outfit,Backpack, Waterskin, 10 pcs Chalk, Vial of Ink, Ink Pen, 10 Sheets of Parchment, Belt pouch, 3 days trail rations, small Steel Mirror, 4Flasks of Oil.

Wand of invisibility (4 charges)

2 Potions Cure Light Wounds

2 Large scroll cases:
Scroll 1: True Strike.
Scroll 2: Glitterdust,
Scroll 3: Protection from Fire
Scroll 4: Mirror image, See Invisibility
Scroll 5: Floating Disk,Shocking Grasp,Erase,Expeditious Retreat,Identify, Detect Secret Doors.

60 gold
13 silver

Substitute levels:
3rd level Arcana (3rd)
Spell Recall (4th)
Knowledge Pool (7th)
Heavy Armor (13th)

1 pt permanent Con loss upon bonding with blood blade. During this ritual, the Bloodblade magus forges and enchants a falcion with sigils, quenching the blade in 3 pints of his own blood. The dark magics bind both weapon and weilder by blood granting the ability to weild a powerfully mystical weapon.

Manifest bloodblade.
Absorb bloodblade

3rd level Bladebound
This ability changes the Arcane Pool class feature and replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level.

Diminished Spellcasting
Myrmidarchs cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level.

The bloodblade goes through a daily ritual, alasting one hour, during which he etches scar based tattooes on his arms and upper body. These scars represent his daily selection of spells

Level 2 Sorceror
Skill feat :Arcane Sense (detect magic at will) Innate
Sorceror feat: Cantrip expansion (2 new Cantrips: Ghost Sound, Read Aura)
+1 1st-level per day
+1 0-level known (to replace detect magic)
+1 1st level spell known
+6 hp
+1 to proficiency levels