![]() Bill Dunn wrote:
In a similar vein (hit point modification) I've been following someone's advice around here to increase monster hit points to 85% of maximum (up from 55%). So far this is working well, although I have 'gulped' at some of the new totals. Please note, I have not 'pathfinderized' monsters at all. If I have the time, I'll have a go at it for some of the more level-heavy baddies (Embril and her 2'nd in Command for example) Overall increased hit points keep the horrible monsters around long enough for the party to experience more of the monster's flavour. I'm starting to see utility spells and abilities like 'shield other' and bardic music used more often by the players. ![]()
![]() hopefully we'll pick up speed now. I'm interested to see all the feats in action. I saw a 7'th or so level fighter played with the whirlwind attack and it sucked. I'd always thought it would be super-powerful, so it was a shock to realize there is often no advantage in hitting several powerful enemies once (you'd think the lesson would have transferred from CRPG's where the successful strategy is almost always to target one monster after another). Spring attack always seems to work awesomely, but I'd like to see trip/disarm and even the sunder feats used by a pc Anyway, I don't think 'we've' [my pen and paper groups] ever had another character with combat expertise, so this will be interesting. We've also only had one monk. He lasted long enough to be pulled apart by some sort of giant crab / octopus (AoW). Maybe someone will try a monk now that we are 'pathfinderized'. Fighter/cleric is going to be an awesome combination! My alternate choice was a monk/cleric, which I decided on with the help of a handy website. ![]()
![]() no, yes, lets do it here. if either of us forgets to check here, maybe a reminder on the game thread. So, Leaf's been in the city for 38 days now after apparently being booted out of Celestia. He's formal, a little bit autistic, not 'with the program' or really aware there is a program. He's an Archon and LG, but he's got the infernal bloodline and some sort of diabolical pact powering his Warlock skills. When he bothers to think about it, Leaf is convinced there are pieces of more than one soul jammed together inside of him. Interacting with him might involve:taking pity on him; having been casually tasked ('hey, if you run into this idiot Archon...')to help him; being more aware of whatever plot made him what he is; just attracted to an 'obviously' friendly 'face'. I'd appreciate it if the initiative came from your character - I'm trying to keep Leaf low-key: part of the supporting cast. Partly because I'm having fun figuring out his personality as we go and partly because I think he's got some abilities that would be annoying for everyone if I used them all of the time. Sorry if this is extra-convoluted...typing while prepping dinner.. ![]()
![]() I think I misunderstood.
I thought it was start with one and then take two feats. Regarding your example: At fifth level how often will a Cleric want to fire off a 3d4 fireball centered on herself? Neat that he CAN do it, but this will be like the 'shield of blinding' - sorta neat but weak for the level and can't be used without hurting the party too...except for the odd time the character is off by themselves and has nothing better to do. I still say leave the clerics to channel positive energy. Maybe let them spend a spell slot to power 'x' uses of the domain channel ability. Anyway, just an opinion. Hope you get some playtesting in. I will steal (as in no footnotes) this idea to add some WTF factor to a couple of NPC clerics, and I've got a player about to start a new cleric character...I'll point him to your post and let you know what he goes with. I wish this site had some PM ability to facilitate followup. ![]()
![]() Aehrick Oddskeeper wrote:
Sounds good. 'Against the grain' is a great way to quickly build personality. ![]()
![]() I think I like the idea. You're not going for balance right? I say this because of the difference between the effect of channeling the strength domain and the charm domain. Seems like you took the long way around here though. If channeling positive energy (and spontaneous casting) is meant to free up clerics to take more fun/utility spells then removing the ability to channel positive energy means more of their spells will likely be used to heal. Will the new abilities make up the difference - likely not (for example a 5th level cleric channels for 3d6 in an area - arguably the equivalent of a 2nd or 3rd level spell). And instead of being able to choose from a wide variety of spells, the cleric has to use the same 'new channeling' power(s) all of the time. I think what this does is give the appearance of more variety while actually limiting options. Maybe keep channeling of energy and instead allow spontaneous casting of domain spells (with some tweaking if you are also going to allow spontaneous cures). Make the different types of channeling you came up with into feats available only to clerics (hey, there are fighter-only feats) and scale their powers so they come roughly in line with other feats. Ok, so I don't like the idea after all. Hope the feedback is useful. Why not 'tenletters'? ![]()
![]() oh poop, the party is 5'th level:
So it's a weakened fifth level party about to take on a CR 8 monster. Anyway, sounds like good advice. Now as long as it doesn't score a nasty crit while it is in the 'could be dead' stage! ![]()
![]() the t-rex is CR 8. It is appearing just after a combined CR5 (two ogre zombies) and CR 8 (two spawn of kyuss) encounter. The party cleric hoped to group all of the undead together in order to maximize the effectiveness of his 'channel energy'. This is definitely one the party should run from (especially at this stage) but they've come at the encounter from an unfortunate angle and may not realize they have the option to retreat. ![]()
![]() So, I've followed someone's advice to bulk monster hp up to about 80% of max (from 55%) in order to give 'Pathfinderized' Characters a more enjoyable/reasonable level of challenge. This has worked well with minions and even bosses so far. But I am worried about the skeletal t-rex however: my formula boosts its hit points up to about 160 and this looks...ridiculous. So, for people out there who have dm'd this bit, how much of a difference to the fate of your party would this 25% extra hit points have made? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Olaf the Stout wrote:
Well, one of the ogres critted the party cleric for 41 points, so I can see how that sort of thing could lead to a death. In other news, the next-door-neighbors to the ogre-zombies managed to inflict a one-two punch of 1.fear and 2.a worm on the soulknife. Sadly, the player was away for this. Even worse, we let his character in the Age of Worms campaign get 'kidnapped'(?) by a giant spider when he missed a session for that game too. He's a tad irate, but finds hope and joy in the party now being between his 'zombie' and a nightmarish t-rex skeleton.![]()
![]() Dungeon Monkey wrote:
"Well, he died with a sword in his hand and facing his foe; good for him. He gave his life for us, so here's hoping he gets some special consideration in the afterlife..." Root launches into a stumbling recitation of the Druidic rites for the dead and coaches the two guards through the supporting parts. He ends the ritual with a round from his flask and a generous portion poured onto the new grave. "Best we leave no marker for him here. Carry it in your heart." The funeral over, Root shares what he knows with Crystal. ![]()
![]() FabesMinis wrote: I'm thinking of incorporating some stuff from Tailblazer to maybe bolster the effectiveness of the PCs, as even these encounters showed the fragility of everyone. Except Pendrick :D Definitely more stressful playing Pendrik, he's been one good hit away from zero for quite some time. ![]()
![]() EATERoftheDEAD wrote:
Advanced vrock eh? No-one in our group has ever faced a beholder, so I really want to have us experience that. Must be my inexperience, but once again I have no idea how they are going to survive. ![]()
![]() Mykull wrote: As long as you don't refer to him as "Orbius." That was waaaay too much of a dead giveaway. I mean, its not quite as bad as Professor Lupine or Sirius Black, but it's pretty bad. Especially with the pronunciation "orb" "eye" "us"! I'm going to drop the name at the flood season ball and see what happens.Either that or I'll retroactively change his name to 'Lord Vader'! ![]()
![]() My party tends to police each (in their 30's-40's though).
![]() Thanks for the good advice - and for the tidbit about skaven's journal - I had overlooked that. Yeah, Skaven screams to be played intelligently (and the diviner school makes him an awesome foe). They can expect to be 'rocked'. I didn't read the book closely - I have the belief the undead section (at least the 'spawn' area) is closed off. I don't expect skaven to control the undead, just let them out to wander (I'll give it a closer read and see what he can do!) ![]()
![]() Triel and her door nearly killed my party only a lucky 'decapitation' critical from the deck saved them. Idiot play got them into the mess.
Then the party started happily exploring the complex, not bothering to map! Am I being too much of a jerk having Skaven bottle up the party like this and then ruthlessly attempting to slaughter them? I'm pretty sure he'll call out a mocking warning so the party knows 'what's up'...(and one member of the party had a 'forshadowing' encounter with Skaven in the hallway outside of Triel's room - Skaven cast a phantasmal killer at him). My feeling is this presents a cool, perhaps fatal, challenge for the party. If they are successful they might forget about their pasting by Triel. The party did kill the demon in the lake on the way in, and I'm considering having Skaven and his crew kill the other critter (Kopru?)just to make things easier to follow. I've considered having Skaven open the doors to the 'undead section' too... Any feedback would be helpful. ![]()
![]() I let the Stormblades bring the house down. It added a nice feeling of finality to the Stormblades success at the expense of the party. Although I did have the mimic ride out on the back of one of the constructs under a cloak (I was thinking of Andre the giant et al in 'The Princess Bride'. The duo ended up at the home of a pc with the noble trait. Currently the mimic is 'hanging out' guarding their treasure and the construct is available as a companion. The construct was a big morale boost for the party when it accompanied them on their attempt to kill Drathkar. ![]()
![]() mevers wrote:
Greek and hebrew? Good for you! I'll never speak either, but I've recently been reading lots of A.N. Wilson and Chris Hedges...anyway... Your project reminds me of a recent CD release. I think there were too many collaborators involved for copyright issues to be sorted out. In the end the artist released a nice package containing a blank CD...Maybe your project could be a celebration of the end of the 'edition wars' and the good faith of paizo and wotc could be harnessed? No? No. ![]()
![]() I hear there are some differences between the magazines and the hardcover (which I have). There may even be details around here somewhere? Sounds like an epic job you've set for yourself. I don't play 4E, but it would be great if you could split the task over several DM's. However you get it done, if you manage to make it available, it will be quite the legacy! Have you tried using google to see if another retailer is offering a pdf version of this adventure path? ![]()
![]() I think smite will turn out to be 'just right'. Many (most?) (all?) of the evil extraplanar/undead monsters many feel will be 'liquified' by paladins under the pathfinder rules have a host of other abilities and minions to keep them safe. Paladins still have movement hurdles to overcome (and those with fancy mounts can't use bonded weapon abilities - even after 'Trigger' bites it). So, it's a big IF whether or not Peter Paladin is going to make it next to Larry Lich long enough to punch his card. Likely, it will still require all the elements that make RPG's fun for a party to put the Paladin into this position. A raging barbarian with the right weapon, or an undead killing ranger with a...well maybe not (I was going to go with 'good sling' and I suppose that is possible - are there a lot of people going with 'sling builds' these days?)....anyway lots of other character classes are very dangerous and will (must) kill mean creatures in one or two rounds. And most good Adventure Paths / Modules will give a party a heads-up about what is coming up. For example, I'm currently playing a paladin in Age of Worms, and I doubt we'll be facing unrelenting waves of demons as we finish the campaign! ![]()
![]() Quote:
I agree whole-heartedly with the two of you. I think I see what KaeYoss is saying, and I'd suggest this is starting to happen with the fighter - the long list of 'fighter-only' feats could be taken out of the list of feats and dropped into the fighter class description. Reminds me of Monte Cook's approach in the Tome of Experimental Might. I do see PrC's continuing though: as a means to accomplish the truly weird (Mystic Theurge) and the campaign specific (Wormeaten(?) from the Age of Worms Adventure Path, for example. ![]()
![]() Ok, I used the online d20 SRD to help with templates. Sticking with the monk/cleric idea: Perhaps a githzeri with the stone-boned template? Half vampire is also appealing. This cluster of possibilities is power gaming motivated, though. Otherwise, playing a pixie would rock, but shoe-horning it into a monk class seems to be an exercise in justification and would rob the character of some, if not all, of the pixie flavour. A pixie cleric/rogue would be awesome. If there is some way to make a lantern archon into a viable character, that would be fantastic! I've always wanted to take one as a cohort, to play one could be a lot of fun (it might also turn out to be too limited to be fun...still, the floating skull in Torment was one of the best parts). Your guidance at this point is appreciated! Canada eh? My mind was BLOWN yesterday when a courier dropped off my very own copy of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook!
![]() Hey, noticed this game in the recruitment thread along with the "no player limit". I'd love to give it a go. I have some experience with PbP's and, to be honest, I have to look up what 'gestalt characters' are. edit: looked them up :O Love to play a monk / cleric and....so many choices for racial levels...