GM Tribute |

Note: The tasloi champion isn't holding a rope to the net, so it is unattended with an AC of 4, hardness of 0, and 5hp!! You can just attack it. If someone is holding the rope to the net and wins an opposed strength check, you must make a sunder attempt vs their CMD to hit it--but this is not the case here. I would rule it takes 10 hp from bludgeoning and 15 from piercing to cut it. Slashing weapons do make the most sense.

GM Tribute |

Using some dramatic license to move things along.
Terion fights bravely to defend his fallen comrades, but the mass of Tasloi wear him down. Bundled into nets and tied tightly, Terion is hauled off with the cleric and wizard to the lower city. He tries to look around and keep aware of his surroundings as he is led across a rope bridge and through a large amphitheatre of stone. He glimpses many reptilians worshipping stone statues.
Terion looks to the sky as he is lead into a huge depression hundreds of feet below the ground in a large hole in the jungle. The treacherous terrain makes it almost possible to enter this huge area by any but magical means or wings.
You are lead to a chamber where a forty year old man holds court with the small frog men. This man with a pointed wizard hat and embroidered robes with vines and snakes on a purple velvet background addresses the restrained party. A large human uses magic to bring everyone to full consciousness.
"Why do you trespass in our domain?"
The comely young female native is nowhere to be found, but Terion did glimpse her slip out of sight before he was overwhelmed.

GM Tribute |

We are having problems with posting rates, so we will conclude the adventure with the group captured.
If you wish to see the next encounter and a description of the last two encounters in the tournament scenario, you can check out the other thread where they almost died on the bridge.
Note, they took time to rest and be scryed by the master wizard of the dungeon. You probably would have been able to power through if we hadn't had the attrition we had.
I will inactivate this thread in a few days.
This is one of the hardest modules I ever went through, so there is no shame in not succeeding. With a full party you may have made it.
Many didn't get past the crocodiles.

Fornitado |

Yeah thanks. Seems we are not up to the tasks of your "deadly" dungeons. Two TPK's and I'm out :-).