[PFS2] 2-20 / 2-22 / 2-24 Breaking the Storm trilogy (GM Watery Soup)

Game Master Watery Soup

2-22 Slides
Hero Points: Cal 1, Crunch 3, Eliadyr 1, Krankenweg 2, Isaku 2, Rhaegal 1
Challenge Points: 20
Aspiration Points: 5
Old Slides: 2-20

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(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Go ahead and make your rolls, Isaku and Cal. Cal, you have a +2 item bonus from the mutagen, and a +1 status bonus from Aid/guidance. If Isaku crit succeeds, Cal will have a +2 status bonus, and Isaku can't crit fail with a +15 (a nat 1 would be a failure, rather than a crit failure).

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Thievery Aid: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33


Grand Archive

Male CN Gnome Rogue {Scoundrel} 9 HP 116 / 116 | AC 27| F +17 R +20 W +15 | Perc +16 (M) (Darkvision) Default Exploration = Avoid Notice w/ Trap Finder| Active conditions: none

Cal looks a bit abashed at all the help his colleagues are offering. He chugs down the Doktor's mutagen - mmm, pineapple flavor? - before cracking his knuckles and getting to work. He even tries recalling a lesson he learned in the Grand Archive about handling easily damaged loot delicate manuscripts.

Thievery M, all the helps : 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 20 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 27
Thievery M, all the helps : 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 20 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 28
Did I account for all the bonuses? Sorry, should have let one of the better rolls take the lead. 

Roll advantage: Steady Hand [free-action] (fortune) Roll twice and take the higher result on a Thievery check. You can only activate this ability before rolling the check. 

But perhaps there were just too many chefs in the kitchen.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Perhaps the caltrops are just too stuck to Crunch's feet!

Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 3 vs DC 15

Since I have a decent idea of how you guys are going to approach this, I'm going to bot the checks. I'm going to have Crunch Aid Cal, and if it's a Success, Isaku can Aid Eliadyr, and Eliadyr make a check. I'll assume Herr Doktor gives Eliadyr a mutagen, too.

Crunch Aid: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 vs DC 15
Isaku Aid: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25 vs DC 15

Cal Thievery: 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 20 + 2 + 2 = 35 vs DC 30 Aid doesn't stack.
Eliadyr Thievery: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 15 + 2 + 2 = 28 vs DC 30

Crunch Persistent: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 1 vs DC 15

Crunch Persistent: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 6 vs DC 15

Crunch Persistent: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 2 vs DC 15

Crunch Persistent: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 20 vs DC 15

--Round 5
Crunch (93/123)
Cal (98/116[98], drained 2, doomed 1)
Rhaegal (94/94)
Herr Doktor (70/86[70], resist fire 5, drained 2, doomed 1)
Eliadyr (89/86[78], drained 1)
Isaku (96/96)

Hit Point damage is easily recovered after a few minutes.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Moving to Slide 7.

A short set of stairs ascends five feet to a viewing platform within the head of the Colossus. Reinforced glass forms the eye of the Colossus, and it offers a stunning view of the landscape beyond: one currently wreathed in a supernatural firestorm. Magical runes move around the edge of the glass, while reliefs of cyclopes decorate the central support column.

A thin, multifaceted sliver of the statue’s eye rests beneath the lens at the western end of the room. This enchanted shard of crystal is not only incredibly valuable, but it acts as a wand of mirror image.

With Dolok Darkfur’s help, the Pathfinders can use the enchanted lens here to syphon some of the energy away from the Disciple of Urxehl’s ritual. By spending 1 Aspiration Point (reminder: you have 6, but you can use up to 4 on the final battle, and need 1 to help Dolok return), the PCs unleash a one-time cleansing energy that triggers these effects, in the following order: 1. The energy restores 1 Focus Point to each PC. 2. The energy reduces each PC’s drained or slowed condition by 1 (PC’s choice). 3. The energy casts a 5th-level, 3-action heal spell on everyone in the room.

Please decide how many Aspiration points you'll use to clear drained (I assume the other effects are relatively worthless). You'll find out how the Aspiration Points are used later (for now, all you know is that you can spend up to 4).

Envoy's Alliance

LG Goblin Champion 9 (they/them) | HP 123 | AC 30 (32 w/ Shield, +1 vs Evil) | F +19 R +15 (17 vs Dmg) W +15 (+1 vs Evil) | Perc +14 | Stealth +12 | Speed 35' | Explore: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

The potion healed Crunch to full, which ends the persistent damage.
I should've called that out.

Of course, if we're firing off a 5th level heal, it's all immaterial. =D

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The party feels Dolok's energy wash over them.

Current party status:

Crunch (123/123)
Cal (107/116[107], drained 1)
Rhaegal (94/94)
Herr Doktor (78/86[78], resist fire 5, drained 1)
Eliadyr (86/86)
Isaku (96/96)

You are headed out of the head, across the arms, and into the offering bowl of the Colossus, for a pretty obvious confrontation. If you have any 10 min+ buffs that you'd like to apply, please do it now. Also, if you all could remind me who has weapons poisoned, and buffs like fire resistance, it would be helpful.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

10+ minute buffs -- nope. Anything Isaku can make will be during the battle as they're only at lvl 5 (mistform, numbing tonic [x temp hp per turn], cheetah, elixir of life, stone fist). I'm planning to gulp a mistform and probably a numbing tonic at the start of combat. Anyone else want something? I learned of the mistform elixir tactic from an equally wise alchemist when I ran 04-15 :)

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Alchemist (Mutagenist) 8 | HP 86/86 | 2 Hero Points | Perception +11 (Darkvision) | AC 27/25 | Fort +15; Ref +15 (+16)/+13 (+14); Will +14 | Hands: Empty
GM Watery Soup wrote:

You are headed out of the head, across the arms, and into the offering bowl of the Colossus, for a pretty obvious confrontation. If you have any 10 min+ buffs that you'd like to apply, please do it now. Also, if you all could remind me who has weapons poisoned, and buffs like fire resistance, it would be helpful.

As usual, I'm under Titanic Fury Cocktail (so Large) and Isaku is under Insight Coffee. Crunch's weapon and mine have their Weapon Siphon reloaded. I'm the only one with remaining poison on my weapon. He-Thing doesn't hold a thing. I always have resist Fire 5.

For 10-minute buffs, I'll just grab a Moderate Bloodhound Mask, it's sometimes useful and Herr Doktor will be able to smell the door to determine what could be inside.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |
GM Watery Soup wrote:

You are headed out of the head, across the arms, and into the offering bowl of the Colossus, for a pretty obvious confrontation. If you have any 10 min+ buffs that you'd like to apply, please do it now. Also, if you all could remind me who has weapons poisoned, and buffs like fire resistance, it would be helpful.

Is this about the time where we would be casting Bless, Prayer, Haste, Strength, Minor Globe if we were playing AD&D 2e? (and making multiple saved games in case something goes south) :)

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 8 | HP 94/94 | AC 26 (28 w/shield) | Resist Acid 5 | F +15 R +16 W +17 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +16 (darkvision) | Battle Cry (Intimidate +17) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Hey, we were doing it as late as PF1 ago. I had an inquisitor who would be a beast if given a few rounds of prep time!

Rhageal stretches up to his height of nearly 4 foot and flaps his wings in anticipation.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Alchemist (Mutagenist) 8 | HP 86/86 | 2 Hero Points | Perception +11 (Darkvision) | AC 27/25 | Fort +15; Ref +15 (+16)/+13 (+14); Will +14 | Hands: Empty

Herr Doktor moves to one of the double doors, ready to enter if someone opens it for him.

I've positioned myself close to the top door, I think we should only open one of them as there's no point in arriving from 2 different places.

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 8 | HP 94/94 | AC 26 (28 w/shield) | Resist Acid 5 | F +15 R +16 W +17 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +16 (darkvision) | Battle Cry (Intimidate +17) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal sniffs around the room for other magical auras before he and the others move towards the bowl.

Just thought we should check for anything else in the first room. Casting Detect Magic.

Vigilant Seal

CG male elf magus (starlit span) 8 | HP 86/86 | AC 26 |F +15 R +17 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +19 | Focus Points 2/2 |Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 40 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Conditions: Tailwind

Eliadyr will cast darkvision (1 hour) and then see the unseen (10 min). And he'll move up to be behind Herr Dockor. Just before the combat he'll cast haste (1 min) on himself.

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 8 | HP 94/94 | AC 26 (28 w/shield) | Resist Acid 5 | F +15 R +16 W +17 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +16 (darkvision) | Battle Cry (Intimidate +17) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal will also cast Haste on himself when he sees Eliadyr do so.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Isaku also has his dueling pistol drawn. He also takes the time to write in his notebook - "who is the force driving the evil." New Investigation - the force of evil behind this (Devise should now be a free action)

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

I'll put all the 1-minute buffs down as 9 rounds remaining out of 10 (casting just before you enter, and taking a round to enter).

Crunch (123/123, weapon siphon 3/3)
Cal (107/116[107], drained 1)
Rhaegal (94/94, haste 9/10)
Herr Doktor (78/86[78], resist fire 5, drained 1, titanfic fury, bloodhound mask, weapon siphon 3/3)
Eliadyr (86/86, darkvision, see the unseen, haste 9/10)
Isaku (101/96, insight coffee, mistform 9/10, numbing 9/10)


Rhaegal doesn't detect any magic that isn't obvious (such as the eye). When approaching the door, Herr Doktor will detect the presence of one humanoid.

Will open the doors IRL-tomorrow morning, Cal can retcon. I will assume that you use all 4 Aspiration Points for the fight, leaving 1 for Dolok, since there's no other use for them.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

oh cool. thanks!

Grand Archive

Male CN Gnome Rogue {Scoundrel} 9 HP 116 / 116 | AC 27| F +17 R +20 W +15 | Perc +16 (M) (Darkvision) Default Exploration = Avoid Notice w/ Trap Finder| Active conditions: none

Getting caught up now. It's still morning here for me too. 

He doesn't really have any buffs to prep, but he does have permanent Fire Resistance 5 from the dragon wing tattoo.

Cal will approach the door and while others sniff and wiggle fingers checking for magic, he comments, "It's Drendle Drang inside. Those Drendlesticks won't be the only surprise he'd leave."

Check for Traps: +16 (M) including Trap Finder. 

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Alchemist (Mutagenist) 8 | HP 86/86 | 2 Hero Points | Perception +11 (Darkvision) | AC 27/25 | Fort +15; Ref +15 (+16)/+13 (+14); Will +14 | Hands: Empty

"Ich smell one humanoid inside. If it's Drendle Drang..."

Herr Doktor tries to remember what he knows about him.

Society +14, in case of

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