GM Tribute |

Okay--recruiting is closed--we are good here!
Group 2 is the following:
Sandrion - archery ranger4
Kurgan - ranger4 (skirmisher)
Allenin - fighter4 (ranged or melee)
Skirros the savage - druid2/ftr1/rog1
Talon - rogue4
Bikmalu - druid4 (plant domain)
Milhar - monk3/wiz1
Vardlon - back in this group
One will probably be picked to head to Group 1 if their bard does not check in--I am thinking Skirros as he is the original bard. I need to set up a group 2 thread and get the maps ready.
Hope this is as fun for you as it was for me!

William Allenin |

I was reviewing the thread. I looks like Kurgan withdrew. Given That I think I will go Melee. Othwise Talon will be all alone on the front line which really isn't right for a rogue! I will update backstory to reflect sword and board instead of bow. The rest will hold up to the change:)
Kurgan Dorigsson wrote:Posting for interest.Gonna need to bow out. I'll be following tho!

GM Tribute |

Thread is up!Link to group 2's new home
With our latest attrition, group 2 wins the bard contest.
Skirros can move to group 2--I expect we have not seen the last of attrition, so 7 should be enough to find the FORBIDDEN CITY!

GM Tribute |

Duxchan, in the Lordship of the Isles will be closest to your starting point. Now, the jungle is far from any civilization, so Duxchan is like London, England as a base to go after colonial North America.
Duxchan is a capital and thriving commerce center of an incredible naval power--THe Lordship of the Isles.

polskiwi |

Hi guys,
I'm new to PBP, but I do have some experience with table-top gaming. Im looking for something with CRB rules only and if recruitment is still open, I'm happy to submit a character within the next 10 hours (I'm in Poland and have to head out to work in a bit, but will be free this evening).
Let me know which classes are lacking as I have a few different ideas. As a player I can post up to 2-3 times a day.
If you already have enough players, then I wish you good gaming! :)