Dwellers of the Forbidden City--I1 Vintage 1980--Pathfinder Core Only (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

Here a brave party might find riches and wonders--or death! Is your party brave enough to face the terrors of the unknown and find....THE FORBIDDEN CITY
Current Map

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Oracles are not core, clerics are though.

Half martials is the Gygaxian formula.

Good point. I am glad I hadn't started adapting the guy! Sadly I don't have a cleric queued up. I suppose I could roll one up but the last couple of time I tried wasn't able to find my stride and they ended up DOA. If I get inspired in the middle of the night I will share :)

You've got it with Bikmalu. Caster/summoner druid.

Okay--recruiting is closed--we are good here!

Group 2 is the following:
Sandrion - archery ranger4
Kurgan - ranger4 (skirmisher)
Allenin - fighter4 (ranged or melee)
Skirros the savage - druid2/ftr1/rog1
Talon - rogue4
Bikmalu - druid4 (plant domain)
Milhar - monk3/wiz1
Vardlon - back in this group

One will probably be picked to head to Group 1 if their bard does not check in--I am thinking Skirros as he is the original bard. I need to set up a group 2 thread and get the maps ready.

Hope this is as fun for you as it was for me!

guess I need to make the alias

I was reviewing the thread. I looks like Kurgan withdrew. Given That I think I will go Melee. Othwise Talon will be all alone on the front line which really isn't right for a rogue! I will update backstory to reflect sword and board instead of bow. The rest will hold up to the change:)

Kurgan Dorigsson wrote:
Kurgan Dorigsson wrote:
Posting for interest.

Gonna need to bow out. I'll be following tho!

Thanks GM Tribute! Look forward to the game!

I have updated my profile to reflect the melee build.

still here. Once the new thread is set up I'll get the profile together.

Thread is up!Link to group 2's new home

With our latest attrition, group 2 wins the bard contest.

Skirros can move to group 2--I expect we have not seen the last of attrition, so 7 should be enough to find the FORBIDDEN CITY!

Yayyy now to gt to work on the profile.

Just need a surname for the character.

Ok got some stuff together just need the name of the city closest to our starting point. to flesh out the back story some more

Duxchan, in the Lordship of the Isles will be closest to your starting point. Now, the jungle is far from any civilization, so Duxchan is like London, England as a base to go after colonial North America.

Duxchan is a capital and thriving commerce center of an incredible naval power--THe Lordship of the Isles.

well That is a good distance from the Jungle.

GM is that city detailed? info on the city or could I create some stuff for talon's story

(I already have a few chapters of a story for talon which are in the profile - more to come)

the story is pretty much a young Talon living on the streets


Talon wouldn't be all alone of the frontline. There is a freaking Paladin with his trusty riding dog who would back him up. Even if he is a rogue.

Cole, i thought you are the first group

Talon is in group 2

Ah my apologies. My mistake.

No problem

You are welcome to comment on talon's story will have chapter 6 done tonight sometime.

Hi guys,

I'm new to PBP, but I do have some experience with table-top gaming. Im looking for something with CRB rules only and if recruitment is still open, I'm happy to submit a character within the next 10 hours (I'm in Poland and have to head out to work in a bit, but will be free this evening).

Let me know which classes are lacking as I have a few different ideas. As a player I can post up to 2-3 times a day.

If you already have enough players, then I wish you good gaming! :)

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