Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

Hi guys, i'd like to inform you that i am bowing out of the game. I do not like where it has brought me and what it has come to. I do not enjoy what the game has become and am no longer having fun. I would like to say that it is not the fault of anyone here for making me lose interest, or that there is any one reason that i wish to bow out. I've simply come to find the system too tedious to keep up on a day to day basis, and struggle to find fun in such a system. I hope that you will respect my wishes, and i'm very sorry if i held up the game at any point.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

Whooo... Okay, I guess I should have seen that coming. I didn't, so that's on me, but yeah, I didn't see Celios as another GMPC until now.
Hindsight, that should have been obvious. Sorry, Iaz, you were right.
And Warlord, dude, you were right too.
Still, with three of the remaining civs being GMPCs or near enough to them, this is going to be a slog to finish. Good luck to you, Darjuu, and Iaz and Warlord, if you're still in this.

Alosvalophos |

Whooo... Okay, I guess I should have seen that coming. I didn't, so that's on me, but yeah, I didn't see Celios as another GMPC until now.
Hindsight, that should have been obvious. Sorry, Iaz, you were right.
And Warlord, dude, you were right too.
Still, with three of the remaining civs being GMPCs or near enough to them, this is going to be a slog to finish. Good luck to you, Darjuu, and Iaz and Warlord, if you're still in this.
Hey hey hey, Uta - I am sorry to give you any sort of impression whatsoever that Celios and I are conspiring. The only conspiracy I have with him right now is to bet on the outcome of an attack because I thought that'd be kinda fun to do.
He is not my sock puppet or anything of the sort. The only PC played by me is Fraemaour, which is clearly shown on the player page and which I spoke about during pre-launch discussion.
If you think I'm cheating, twinking, or doing anything shady, I sincerely, sincerely apologize, and hope you will tell me how I am doing that.
As it stands, though, I do not see anything that I've done as wrong. Grotar and I decided it would make sense to take you out from the perspective of the competitive game. This game is a game of war. The winner is he who accumulates the most points, primarily by attacking other players and building up huge armies and empires. That you fell under my attack is a consequence of this game strategy.
I thought I've been as fair as possible. I've distributed power for mistakes, I've built massive new areas on the board, punished myself for mistakes, and other such things. If I've given you a reason to think I'm power gaming in an inappropriate manner, I am sincerely sorry, but I don't see it.

Alosvalophos |

Hi guys, i'd like to inform you that i am bowing out of the game. I do not like where it has brought me and what it has come to. I do not enjoy what the game has become and am no longer having fun. I would like to say that it is not the fault of anyone here for making me lose interest, or that there is any one reason that i wish to bow out. I've simply come to find the system too tedious to keep up on a day to day basis, and struggle to find fun in such a system. I hope that you will respect my wishes, and i'm very sorry if i held up the game at any point.
Man, that really sucks. Are you for real about this? I would love to keep you in the game.
I really hate to lose you.

Alosvalophos |

Vote: Given the departure of Darjuu, Iazamaz, and potentially Uta, who would be interested in continuing the game?
I myself vote "nay". I'd prefer to start a fresh game if Uta leaves, though if we did continue, I think we need someone to come in to play.
This is only if Uta leaves. If he doesn't, play on says I.

Alosvalophos |

Unfortunately, I don't plan on continuing.I really don't see much fun in the game anymore.it was an awesome experience though, I'm just not too great on being forced to murder.
I understand. Not all of us are hardened war criminals like the rest of us.
We're all filthy RPG Nazis here! (I am kidding, of course.)
Or am I?
Ein Gott, ein (gras)Volk, ein Fraemaour!