Divinity Forge Game 2

Game Master Alosvalophos

Competitive world building where gods do battle to ascend to true divinity.

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To go from 2V to 0W is eight steps. To reduced the difficulty down to the minimum, you would need Survival +7, I think.

Weapons go against Armor, so if you have Weapons +4 and your opponent has Armor +9, you have a one in six chance of destroying his army.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One wrote:

To go from 2V to 0W is eight steps. To reduced the difficulty down to the minimum, you would need Survival +7, I think.

Weapons go against Armor, so if you have Weapons +4 and your opponent has Armor +9, you have a one in six chance of destroying his army.

Yeah. Some of the advancements are essentially infinite, whereas others are capped at a certain level.

Weapons and armour are effectively infinite.

Religion is infinite, but its use is capped.

Seafaring is manifestly not infinite. Mostly because there was no way to really make it useful beyond 4 without breaking the game.

Survival has a pretty hard cap at 7.

Warlord, two things:

First, when attacking, please make sure you say ATTACK. It makes it a lot easier.

Also, you can't just jump from one settlement to another when it is occupied. You have to use a counter-attack (I clarified this about two turns ago) or a charge.

If you want to attack deep into Celios' territory like that, you'd have to snake around the side or counter-attack and then inspire forces.

Your turn was super good, strategically, but please tweak it.

Okay guys, I gotta go to work. See you guys tonight.

I fail to understand.

If I'm supposed to Counter-Attack to do the same thing, he has no armies so it costs me 0 then to move my armies since he has none?

If I use the charge is for chasing enemy armies, so I just pay 2 Power then to do the same moves and jut keep advancing into his territories instead of paying 5 to inspire them?

The wording on the charge/counterattack rules is exceedingly poor, but here's how I'm reading them:

You may only use Counter-Attack if your army hasn't already moved (or, presumably, if you use Inspire Army on it). It's meant as a defensive maneuver, so it probably doesn't apply here. The Charge miracle is essentially a souped-up Counter-Attack, which I'm assuming means it's still meant primarily defensively. I don't think either grants movement without the use of an Inspire Army miracle.

What Alos is saying is that you can't move through a square that has an army in it without using either Charge or Counterattack. I think your armies moved through A6, which has 5 of my armies in it. You should be able to change your move so you go through C6 instead; none of my settlements between there and B10 are occupied. The distance would be the same, but you wouldn't be bypassing one of my armies.

I think more importantly, you aren't applying the distance cost for miracles at range--you're supposed to add 1 to the cost for each tile between your nearest settlement and the target tile (unless you have Wizardry; your move is probably a prime example of what the Wizardry domain is good for). This is added before you halve the cost.

Also I don't think you can capture a settlement unless your army is there at the end of the turn?

rcrantz wrote:
Also I don't think you can capture a settlement unless your army is there at the end of the turn?

That's correct. Your army has to be there at the end of the turn to capture it.

The Warlord wrote:

I fail to understand.

If I'm supposed to Counter-Attack to do the same thing, he has no armies so it costs me 0 then to move my armies since he has none?

If I use the charge is for chasing enemy armies, so I just pay 2 Power then to do the same moves and jut keep advancing into his territories instead of paying 5 to inspire them?

Let me expand my clarification, as I was unclear!

Generally speaking, counter-attack is meant to be a defensive manuever. However, as I put in a rule clarification, the idea is this:

You can't just go through someone else's territory without paying some penalty. To charge through an occupied target, you have to pay the counter-attack price.

Yeah. I see the problem: It's the enemy army price. If no enemy armies, then no price.


Okay. Here's my ruling.

First, to clarify: An army must be in the tile at the end of turn to capture that tile. Passing through a tile is not sufficient to conquer it.

That's a rule that is already in the rules.

Secondly: The counter-attack thing was not capable of clarifying matters as I thought it did. Accordingly, I am creating a new MILITARY MIRACLE that can be cast.

Rampage: After casting Inspire Forces and when armies are in an enemy controlled territory, a player may elect to cast RAMPAGE. The cost of this miracle is determined is 10 power + the amount of worshippers in the enemy tile currently occupied + the amount of enemy armies in the tile + how many armies are being moved + distance to target from nearest base (or force if one has wizardry).

All armies must rampage.

The result of the rampage miracle is that all the armies are able to move past the original tile they entered to attack the new target tile. The new target tile must be contiguous with the originally occupied tile. Another INSPIRE FORCES and RAMPAGE must be cast to go even farther.

This may not be combined with Seafaring.

So, if an army of 5 Bearmen are in a tile of 5,5,0, going to a target that is 2 tiles away from the nearest tile, it would cost:

10 to RAMPAGE + 5 from the worshippers + 5 from the amount of enemy armies + 5 from your army total, + 2 distance = 27 power. This total would be halved by militarism (rounded up).

This miracle will now be officially part of the game in TURN 11. That means that this turn it is NOT in game, so Warlord may, if he opts to, run through Celio's troops with Inspire Forces only. But he will not conquer any tile that armies do not remain in.

Okay everyone.

Mogar has officially left the game...

However, as I don't like going in with fewer and fewer characters, I've asked an acquaintance of mine from other RPGs to take her place.

The new character will change Mogar's domains, but take her worshippers, tiles, and advancements. However, as one domain will be discovery, and Mogar didn't have discovery, his base science upgrade cost will be 17. So his first two new advancements will be 17 and 17, then 18 and 18, then 19 and 19, et cetera.

I'll leave it up to him to introduce himself at this point.

This change will take place this turn.


Rampage (10 + amount of worshippers in occupied tile + amount of armies in occupied tile + amount of your armies + distance to new target from nearest settlement [unless wizardry]). If halved, round up. After casting INSPIRE FORCES in an enemy’s tile (or where enemy forces are), a player may elect to cast RAMPAGE. When they do so, the army will move to a contiguous tile (whether of the enemy, another enemy, or empty). All armies must move with rampage, you cannot split the army. Further, it cannot be combined with seafaring at any level. The originally occupied tile will not be harmed by the army that rampaged. You cannot enter a tile in which a rampage action took place with further armies that turn. Any further action after a rampage by that army requires another INSPIRE FORCES followed by another RAMPAGE (if in an enemy tile).

The pre-Mogar leaving Last Turn Advantage Modifier is in effect.

Oh shoot, I forgot to give Darjuu a quest. I'll do that this coming turn. Sorry Darjuu - you'll get your chance.

I guess I am better off not even trying then, it will take for ever to do what I did and the expense is to big, I guess the Militarism Domain was kind of a weak option all things considered, since most fight are determined by Advancements then actual use of Military Miracles.

Should have gotten Discovery, very overpowered for what I can see and the way it changes the playing field.

I will not leave like Morgar, but it is somewhat of a disappointment. I will post later today when I get a chance, since I'm just posting of my phone.

The Warlord wrote:

I guess I am better off not even trying then, it will take for ever to do what I did and the expense is to big, I guess the Militarism Domain was kind of a weak option all things considered, since most fight are determined by Advancements then actual use of Military Miracles.

Should have gotten Discovery, very overpowered for what I can see and the way it changes the playing field.

I will not leave like Morgar, but it is somewhat of a disappointment. I will post later today when I get a chance, since I'm just posting of my phone.

No no no no no, Warlord. I think you have significant chances to do something cool here. Please, please, please don't get discouraged. You have a strong position with plenty of opportunity to do something to take on Celios, although you are currently at a disadvantage in some respects.

Really, don't get upset. I mean yeah - the next game is going undermine discovery a wee bit.

And rampage actually benefits from your militarism. And is not in effect this turn.

Then i will just not attack Celios at all for now (still using phone), I'm just not making much sense, but maybe you should wrap some domains around with some Advancements, as to give all domains a discount to some advancements, which would make feasible that people will take other advancements.

I stand firmly now by my decision, the Domain of Discovery is to powerful and just make no sense to even try and compete against such opponents lol.

Good Job Celios, You may pillage and plunder my lands, I'm not putting much of a fight as there is no point what so ever to even try.


Get discovery, then. You have three domains now. Pick it.

I gave the new domains (remember, you asked for this in PM a few turns ago?) because yeah, discovery is a bit powerful in this game if you don't prepare to face it.

SPOILER ALERT: Here is a way to beat discovery (performed by yours truly last game).

1. Expand.

2. Grow.

3. Pump your science into religion.

4. Get crazy amounts of power.

5. Build tons of armies.

6. Cannon-fodder your enemy to death with miracle support.

Alosvalophos won the last game with War/Travel doing this.

Admittedly, the rules were quite different last game, but I actually was in Warlord's position with a player playing like Celios.

I'ma take the Nature domain.

Yes, please follow Celios' example in postin' your new domain here.

I'm changing map now. Then I will open the game to another turn.

We've got another domain? This was just announced, right?

It's in the latest post in the Gameplay thread.

Ah, edited after I read it. Travel it is, since the other one I wanted is blocked.

I'll take protection as a domain then. It follows the weird monk protector domain I have going on.Plus I'm always paranoid about more smites on my land.

Can I get a clarification on what protection does? Like does it mean if someone else wants to smite my settlement he has to spend 3 power+ the population of the settlement to do so?

I think it means you pay the base cost (6, in this case), plus the number of worshipers.

rcrantz wrote:
I think it means you pay the base cost (6, in this case), plus the number of worshipers.

Sorry about that, guys. My net had gone down for an hour and I couldn't update, so I didn't see these questions until now.

But yes, protection works like this:

Base cost + your worshippers.

So it would be 6 + distance + your worshippers = smite cost.

Protection is a good choice.

Map corrections: There should be no armies at I1, and 6 at J1. As well, J1 should have 5 population.

Edit: J3 Should have 5 pop, and K2 was changed by miracle to forest last round.

Beginner's Guide

Hey everyone - check out this awesome Beginner's Guide written by Rcrantz (Celios) and edited by me. It is a bit late for its use now, obviously, but it might be useful to look over anyway. It shall be especially useful next game.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One wrote:

Map corrections: There should be no armies at I1, and 6 at J1. As well, J1 should have 5 population.

Edit: J3 Should have 5 pop, and K2 was changed by miracle to forest last round.

Fixed. Sorry about that.

I shall be going protection for domain 3.

I changed the map again with the new land as I realized that the location of the new land would make conquest very difficult. Considering conquest is a goodly portion of this game, I thought to move it to the right, under the other island.

I've also split it into two so it doesn't doesn't become too big for anyone who lands there without some difficulty of settling it.

Okay guys. I will check back in several hours to see if anything needs to be done.

It really doesn't matter to me anymore, I can't fight back celios with the loss of my territories and my armies all he has to do is keep going forward one square at the time and vanish me, for I will never amount to his power per turn+armies, so good luck to the rest of you. Hope the best wins, and if I play a third iteration of this game, I will just pick discovery since if you don't start with it you just kind of wait for someone with it to break you.

what are the rules on entering an opposing god controlled territory with a force? (e.g one of my settlers wants to settle in a territory controlled by Fraemaour) i'm mainly referring to acts of non-aggression here.

Iazamaz, he who walks among us wrote:
what are the rules on entering an opposing god controlled territory with a force? (e.g one of my settlers wants to settle in a territory controlled by Fraemaour) i'm mainly referring to acts of non-aggression here.

I've generally assumed a "do not enter someone else's territory", but provided there is a public alliance, it it is permissible with permission.

Ask permission publically. If "yes", the action can go through.

The Warlord wrote:
It really doesn't matter to me anymore, I can't fight back celios with the loss of my territories and my armies all he has to do is keep going forward one square at the time and vanish me, for I will never amount to his power per turn+armies, so good luck to the rest of you. Hope the best wins, and if I play a third iteration of this game, I will just pick discovery since if you don't start with it you just kind of wait for someone with it to break you.

Warlord, I specifically gave you a third domain in order to even out the discovery bonus. You'll note that many of the good domains are not available in a third choice specifically to even up discovery's benefits.

You can and ought to rebuild.

Including this turn, there are 10 turns left.

Please, please, please reconsider leaving the game.

I have to get to work and go to supper afterwards. I'll be back near midnight EST to check in on things.

I may or may not be considering an interesting change to the world then. I don't think I will, but I am waiting to hear some thoughts on it before I do so. We'll see.

Yep: Apparently Mogar never bothered to tell me I forgot to keep her stuff at A13.



Ha ha ha. That was awesome.

Wow, man, I feel like crap for wet blanketing this, but...

Protection domain adds 20 power cost for each player hurt by armageddon. That means you have like...a lot more power necessary to do this.

Might I suggest smiting like crazy instead?

Also: Which new domain?

Darjuu, which domain are you taking, too?

Lastly, Warlord again:

You can't rebuild after armageddon as armageddon takes place at the end of turn before combat (like all destructive miracles).

To everyone:

If anyone feels generous and wants to let Warlord do what he did, please speak up. I wouldn't mind it, but you know, since everyone is hurt by this, I'd like to bring it up for everyone to decide.

For my part, I'm willing to -20 my new protection domain power (for Fraemaour) by refusing to initiate it. If anyone else wants to join me (no pressure) you can.



Really? You are acting like a spoiled brat. Yes, this is not an easy game to get into. Yes, we've ALL (Including the GM) made mistakes. That's no reason to go off to a corner and sulk.

The point of the game is to have fun. Rule Zero, right there. You act like you want to just ragequit because things haven't gone your way.

You really want to be remembered for something like that?

Chill out Niteflier, it's only natural to feel miserable after seeing someone take away your chances. We've already lost mogar (most unfortunately) and i wouldn't want to risk losing another player from this game. perhaps there are still chances migrating to the new lands the gm has set out. Perhaps it was unfortunate for you especially, warlord, your character being one of a military person. I do hope you'll stay on with us, even though you might not have a chance of winning.

Niteflier wrote:



Really? You are acting like a spoiled brat. Yes, this is not an easy game to get into. Yes, we've ALL (Including the GM) made mistakes. That's no reason to go off to a corner and sulk.

The point of the game is to have fun. Rule Zero, right there. You act like you want to just ragequit because things haven't gone your way.

You really want to be remembered for something like that?

I wouldn't say armageddon is itself a type of spoiled brat manuevre. It was certainly unexpected, but wasn't spoiled. However, despair (which Warlord has shown) is totally counter-productive. And as you've noted: We've -all- made mistakes and most of us have attempted to come back from it.

Let's avoid getting too heated about things, but yes, I quite agree: Rule zero is "have fun". It's the most important part of playing a game.

We all can do well by remaking our bases and continuing to play to win. Armageddon is a desperation move that will likely mess you up, and as I noted, is actually likely not to work under the rules clarified 24 hours ago.

If people are going to react as passionately as you to this, I would prefer to throw the blanket on the fire and defer to the rules. But if other people are not so passionate, the offer of "conceding your protection domain so Warlord could theoretically cast armaggedon" is still up.

I assume that you are -not- on board with that (which is 100% fine).

Iazamaz, he who walks among us wrote:
Chill out Niteflier, it's only natural to feel miserable after seeing someone take away your chances. We've already lost mogar (most unfortunately) and i wouldn't want to risk losing another player from this game. perhaps there are still chances migrating to the new lands the gm has set out. Perhaps it was unfortunate for you especially, warlord, your character being one of a military person. I do hope you'll stay on with us, even though you might not have a chance of winning.

The new lands were specifically put there for the sake of someone who might be in trouble (Warlord) having an easy way out to go somewhere, where things are a bit greener.

So yes. I would hope people would avail themselves.

But yeah, it sucked that Mogar left. Good that Grotar came in, but definitely sucked that Mogar left and I don't want to see that, if we can, repeat itself.

Okay guys, I have business to tend to. I shall be back tonight to check on things.

IF anyone wants to concede their -20 power to prevent armaggedon due to protection, they may. If not, then it would seem Warlord hasn't the power left to do armaggedon.

It's immaterial to me.

But if I come back in later tonight and no decision is made, I'll have to invalidate it for want of power.

Just to clarify the Protection Gods are:

Fraemaour: Yes. -20
Darjuu: ?
Iazamaz: ?
Utatnaphor: No.

Armaggedon + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 180. Right now it is 160 with Fraemaour's concession. I believe it'd take 140 minimum for him to pull it off.

Do. Not. Feel. Pressured. If you don't want this to go down, then don't let it go down. It is not at all imperative on you to help out Warlord on this action. In fact, it might be dramatically counter-productive for you.

I wouldn't even recommend (or dissuade) you to do anything.

Do as you please.

I can give two damns since I don't like to express my self in a more improper way on a post, how you remember me ;) and if I go IC to a corner to sulk while I just killed my worshipers in rage for their failure and then realize what I do and go sulk int he corner IC that is one thing.

I thought about leaving not because it's a hard game or getting beat up, I can come back like Darjuu, but I do suggest to in a further iteration of this games to tie Domains to advancements and get rid of Discovery domain itself, unless it's more of a focused on Sorcery miracle types, that's just my humble opinion and take it s you will.

I also pointed out how overpowered a single Domain can be that just really overshadows all other ones and you can't really do anything against someone that starts with it at mid point, no matter how hard you try, for they will already have a power established and you are basically relegated to attempt to survive on the board.

I thought that the cost of Armageddon was increased per player with protection and there is only one, so I thought I could afford it.

It's fine by me if I can't have any settlements this turn because of that miracles, I'll just do it next turn.

I'll take the Nature domain and I'll not concede my power.

The Warlord wrote:

I can give two damns since I don't like to express my self in a more improper way on a post, how you remember me ;) and if I go IC to a corner to sulk while I just killed my worshipers in rage for their failure and then realize what I do and go sulk int he corner IC that is one thing.

I thought about leaving not because it's a hard game or getting beat up, I can come back like Darjuu, but I do suggest to in a further iteration of this games to tie Domains to advancements and get rid of Discovery domain itself, unless it's more of a focused on Sorcery miracle types, that's just my humble opinion and take it s you will.

I also pointed out how overpowered a single Domain can be that just really overshadows all other ones and you can't really do anything against someone that starts with it at mid point, no matter how hard you try, for they will already have a power established and you are basically relegated to attempt to survive on the board.

I thought that the cost of Armageddon was increased per player with protection and there is only one, so I thought I could afford it.

It's fine by me if I can't have any settlements this turn because of that miracles, I'll just do it next turn.

Yeah dude. The settlement thing is becaues it occurs at end of turn (unlike say Bounty or Climate Change which would occur immedidately or NEXT turn).

Anyway: You can do as you want ICly but sadly right now the power is a little too low. Iazamaz hasn't chimed in, but as I said, I'd give everyone several hours.

I'd suggest editing your turn so you can start with rebuilding, or else do some long range smites from the location of your nearest settlement beforehand. I won't be updating the turn tonight, so you have plenty of time to accomodate the changes on your end.

If you don't edit it, you'd start next turn with no settlements (as that'd still be valid) but with a ton of accumulated power. You'd miss out on any religion bonus from settling THIS turn, so I'd suggest settling this turn with some power and saving up enough to cast armaggedon NEXT turn, which you could probably do.

But yeah. We're going to make a lot of changes to Game 3. Some new domains, some tweaks, et cetera. I'll post a list of potential changes soon so people know what we'er planning.

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