rcrantz |

Celios, the Trickster
Power Roll
6d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 6) = 23 + 101 (religion) + 16 (third) + 3 (last turn) = 143
Science gained: 39 (13 volcanic settlements). New science total: 43.
Settlement at A3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 143.
Settlement at A4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. FESTIVAL (gain 2 power). New power total: 144.
Settlement at A5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 134.
Settlement at A6. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 124.
Settlement at A7. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 115.
Settlement at A8. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 106.
Settlement at A9. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 97.
Settlement at A10. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 88.
Settlement at A11. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 79.
Settlement at B3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 79.
Settlement at B4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. FESTIVAL (gain 2 power). New power total: 80.
Settlement at B5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 2 to 3. FESTIVAL (gain 2 power). New power total: 81.
Settlement at B6. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 71.
Settlement at B7. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 62.
Settlement at B8. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 53.
Settlement at B9. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 44.
Settlement at B10. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 35.
Settlement at B11. MAGIC SHIELD x3 (cost: 9). New power total: 26.
Settlement at C2. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 26.
Settlement at C3 GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 26.
Settlement at C4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 2 to 3. FESTIVAL (gain 2 power). New power total: 27.
Settlement at C5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. FESTIVAL (gain 2 power). New power total: 28.
Settlement at C6. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). New power total: 30.
Settlement at C7. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). New power total: 32.
Settlement at D3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 32.
Miracle at C13. LOWER TERRAIN (cost: 4), sink tile into Shallow Water. New power total: 28.
Miracle at A13. ALTER BIOME (cost: 4), jungle into forest. New power total: 24.
Armies at A11. MOVE to B12.
Armies at B10. MOVE to B11.
Science Spends. Weaponry to 11 (21 points; 22 points remain). Armor to 12 (22 points; 0 points remain).
Miracle at A4. ALTER BIOME (cost: 3), crater into volcano. New power total: 21.
Miracle at C3. ALTER BIOME x2 (cost: 6), barren into crater, crater into volcano. New power total: 15.
Miracle at A3. ALTER BIOME x2 (cost: 6), scrubland into barren, barren into crater. New power total: 9.
Miracle at B9. ALTER BIOME x3 (cost: 9), scrubland into barren, barren into crater, crater into volcano. New power total: 0.
A3: 2
A4: 4
A5: 6 (3 shields)
A6: 6 (3 shields)
A7: 6 (3 shields)
A8: 6 (3 shields)
A9: 6 (3 shields)
A10: 6 (3 shields)
A11: 6 (3 shields)
B3: 2
B4: 4
B5: 3
B6: 6 (3 shields)
B7: 6 (3 shields)
B8: 6 (3 shields)
B9: 6 (3 shields)
B10: 6 (3 shields)
B11: 6 (3 shields)
C2: 2
C3: 2
C4: 3
C5: 3
C6: 5
C7: 5
D3: 2
A3: 10
A5: 5
A6: 5
B3: 9
B5: 6
B11: 3
B12: 12
C3: 8
C2: 4
C6: 3
Agriculture: 4
Armor: 12
Religion: 6
Seafaring: 4
Survival: 7
Weaponry: 11
Total: 44
Terrain Alterations
New volcanoes: A4, C3, B9
New craters: A3
New forest: A13
New shallow ocean: C13
Power remaining: 0
Science remaining: 0
The Wayfarers, having achieved their conquest, begin crafting clever illusions to misdirect the destruction hostile gods might rain down upon their volcanic cities. Meanwhile, a large hunting party moves its way to the south, and Celios sends an emissary to Grotar.
"Earth-shaker! We are sending an expedition to hunt the beasts that prowl the open seas. In exchange for your non-interference, I have tamed the wild lands in your westernmost settlement."
Even as the messenger speaks, the jungles dry up and become less wild--and a nearby jungle is sunk into the ocean, all the better for the Wayfarer fleet to embark into the great blue oceans to the south.

The Warlord |

Power Left +100
Religion +4
Power 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6
Turn +12
Total Power 122
Move Settler to P16
Move Settler to P17
Move Settler to P19
Move Settler to Q19
Move Settler to R19
Move Settler to S16
Settlements: R16 (3), R17 (2), R18 (2), R19 (2), Q16 (2), Q18 (1), Q19 (1), S16 (2)
Agriculture +3
Armor +9
Religion +3
Seafaring +1
Survival +2
Weapons +6
Worshipers 15
Armies 0
Power 61
Science 7

Fraemaour |

6d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3) = 28
134 power + 28 (dice) -0 from turn = 162.
12 science + 3 = 15.
All my growths have no difficulty due to 7 survival.
GROW SETTLEMENT at I12: (7 * 2 = 14 pop -5ag) 9. New pop: 8.
GROW SETTLEMENT at G12: (6 * 2 = 12 pop -5ag) 7. New pop: 7.
GROW SETTLEMENT at F11: (6 * 2 = 12 pop -5ag - 4 ag bonus) 3. New pop: 7.
GROW SETTLEMENT at F13: (5 pop -5ag) 1. New pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J12: (5 pop-5ag) 1. New pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K13: (2 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L12: (1 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L9: (4 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M9: (3 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M10: (1 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT at H6: (4 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 5
GROW SETTLEMENT at G6: (2 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT at I6: (3 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at I9: (5 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J8: (4 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 5.
Cost of growths: 33.
MAGIC SHIELD x4 at K9, K10, K11, and I8. Cost: 4 * 3 = 12 * 4 = 48.
ADVANCE: L12 (8), K12 (8), K13 (3), J12 (6), J13 (8), I13 (8), I12 (8), G12 (7), F11 (7), F13 (6), I6 (4), H6 (5), G6 (3), G7 Axis Mundi (2), J8 (5), J13 (8) L9 (5), L10 (2), K8 (8) = 111 + 15 = 126.
Rectifying an old mistake. Way back in turn 4, I accidentally did: Buy: Religion +4 (5), Armour 2 (6), Weapons 1 (7). This has screwed up my advancement costs ever since. Right now, I have 40 advancements (Survival 7 Religion 8 Agriculture 5 Armour 6 Weapons 10 Seafaring 4). I will start counting my advancement costs (with discovery) from 40 (40/2 = 20). This should rectify matters as well as possible.
BUY: Weapons +11 (20), Weapons +12 (21), Weapons +13 (21), armour +7 (22), armour +8 (22) 106. 20 remains.
Create 4x armies at I9 (3 + 1 = 4 from scrub) at a price of 4 a piece (hills).
Move 4x armies from I9 to G6.
Move 3x armies from O8 to 07 to ATTACK Grotar!
Move 1x army from O9 to O7 to ATTACK Grotar!
Move 1x army from 09 to 06 to ATTACK Grotar.
CAST SMITE x3 on Grotar's armies attacking Darjuu at R8. Cost: 6 + 5 = 11 * 3 = 33.
45 power left.
CREATE ARMIES x2 at M10. Cost: 4.
CREATE ARMIES x2 at M9. Cost: 4.
Cost of armies: 8.
37 power left.
Move 2x armies from M10 to O7 to ATTACK Grotar!
Move 2x armies from M10 to O6 to ATTACK Grotar!
CAST SMITE 3x on 3 of the 4 armies of Grotar attacking S8. Cost: 6 + 6 distance = 12 * 3 = 36.
1 power left and held in reserve.
Move 4GV armies from F11 to E10.
Move 1GV armies from F11 to D10.
Turn Summary:
Settlements: 25. M10 (3), M9 (4), L12 (8), L10 (2), L9 (5), K13 (3), K12 (8), K11 (8), K10 (8), K9 (8), K8 (8), J13 (8), J12 (6), J8 (5), I13 (8), I12 (8), I9 (6), I8 (8), I6 (4), H6 (5), G12 (7), G7 Axis Mundi (2), G6 (3), F13 (6), F11 (7).
Worshippers: 148.
New magic shields: 4x each at K9, K10, K11, and I8.
Power: 1. Science: 20.
New advancements: BUY: Weapons +11 (20), Weapons +12 (21), Weapons +13 (21), armour +7 (22), armour +8 (22)
Armies attacking: 6x GV armies ATTACKING Grotar at O7. 3x GV armies ATTACKING Grotar at 06.
I'm also smiting all 3 of Grotar's armies attacking R8 and 3 of 4 at S8.
Deployed: 4x new GV armies at G6. 1x new GV army at D10. 4x GV armies at E10.
Otherwise, the other armies are from the previous turn and have not moved. These include: 6GV at G8. 3 GV at F7. 3GV at F6. 3 GV at G6. 2GV at F5. 3GV at G5. 4GV at I6. 4GV + 3GB at H6. 4GV at F8. 5GV + 1 GB army at F9. 2GV at E8. 3GV at D10. 9GV at G7 (Axis Mundi). That appears to be all (phew).
The acceleration of Grasvolk military might is frightening: Granted a brief respite of peace and prosperity, they dispense with a physical foundation for their weapons at all, and channel now the pure, living embodiment of their god's power, and that of life itself, into runic wands that can exude the power to form any weapon that is necessary.
And they use this power.
Grasvolk raiders assault the Earth Shaker's domain along Eastern Shores, using the advantages of their swift ships to blitz two separate settlements. Meanwhile, the Orc Lord's armies that attack Darjuu's domains are subjected to the wrath of Fraemaour realized in the power of the Earth. Like in earlier ages, the plant life of Darjuu's barren wastes come alive to realize bloody vengeance upon the Goblins. Cacti, however, are the main forms of attack this time, as a horrifying march of barbed plants first surround, and then crush beneath razor-sharp spikes, the pinned warriors of Grotar. The sands turn rusty, inundated with the crimson runoff of the massacre.
But the act of intervention is not one of beneficience. No, it is an act of war, "Darjuu, this world brokers no mercy for weakness and folly. Alas, for an Enlightened one, your wisdom has sorely lacked: I, and my vassal, have extended the olive branch of peace to you. You have spurred our advances, and now we make war where once there was peace. A pity, for your people are a kindly one, and my Grasvolk shall mourn their passing from the world."
"Iazamaz, conquer. Darjuu's lands are yours, and if he resists, I shall exterminate him to the man. He has no place in this world if he does not flee your sight."
"As for you, Orc: I have dealt with your Goblin minions before, but yours is an aggression that even Mogar, the Broodsow, did not have. But perhaps you also have foresight which she so sorely lacked: Content yourself with peace and it shall be granted to you. Darjuu's domains are my vassal's to claim, not yours, and these lands which I shall assuredly conquer are now mine, and shall reman so in perpetuity. Pursue your war with the Syphinx - I care not, nor shall I intervene against your action against him - but the holdings of my vassal you shall not imperil.
"Spurn this treaty at your own loss. I've the might to destroy you pitiful ease. Let your aggressions march West, for if they turn South, you shall fall."

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

power: 4d6 + 24 ⇒ (5, 1, 5, 4) + 24 = 39
total power=39
Growing settlement at Q10,increasing population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
Growing settlement at Q11,increasing population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
Growing settlement at Q12,increasing population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
Growing settlement at P10,increasing population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
Growing settlement at P11,increasing population from 3 to 4 (3 power)
Growing settlement at H11,increasing population from 1 to 2 (1 power)
Growing settlement at H12,increasing population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
Growing settlement at H13,increasing population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
Magic shield on H12 (3 power)
making 2 armies at P10 (4 power)
making 2 armies at P11 (4 power)
making 2 armies at P12 (4 power)
Moving all armies to Q10
Science generated this turn=24
Religion 5(10 science)
Armor 6(11 science)
remaining science= 3
Turn summary
Increased population of all settlements by one
Generated 2 armies at settlements Q10,Q11 and Q12
Threw a magic shield onto H12
Moved all armies in the eastern region onto Q10
the mood is grim and there are few smiles over in the eastern mountains. The monks are grim as they scale the peaks of the mountain range, converging on a single point.
Iazamaz visits Fraemaour once more, now in his true form, or so to speak.
"My lord. i beg of you. Give the God Darjuu one more cycle to respond.I am unprepared for such war."
The sound of horns echo from all settlements controlled by Iazamaz.
It is a hollow, bitter, empty sound.

Fraemaour |

He-Who-Gives-Life-to-the-Land is less than pleased.
"Not all battles can be held off, and opportunities wasted are a loss. You have failed me, Iazamaz, and must show yourself worthy upon the next cycle of the world.
"The damage is done. Prepare. Darjuu now knows our plans. You've till the next turn, or I shall give Grotar free rein to take those lands, or perhaps I shall conquer them out of necessity."

Darjuu |

Turn 12
Gathering Power: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4) = 8
Total Power: 8 + 32 Remaining + 11 Religion = 51 Power
Grow Settlement (R8): Cost: 4 (Pop + 2 Difficulty - 2 Survival) Pop: 5
Power: 47
Grow Settlement (S8): Cost: 4 (Home Terrain) Pop: 5
Power: 43
Grow Settlement (S9): Cost: 4 (Pop + 2 Difficulty - 2 Survival) Pop: 5
Power: 39
Advance Settlement (R8): Cost: 1 (2 Difficulty / 2) Science: 5
Power: 38
Advance Settlement (S9): Cost: 1 (2 Difficulty / 2) Science: 5
Power: 37
Smite Armies at S7: Cost: 18
Power: 19
Science: 24
Advance Weapons: Cost: 9
Science: 15
Advance Weapons: Cost: 10
Science: 5
Final Results
S8 = Pop 5, 2 Armies
R8 = Pop 5, 1 Army
S9 = Pop 5
Religion 3
Survival 2
Armour 2
Weapons 4
Deployed Forces:
Q8 = 1 Army
Power: 19
Science: 5
Darjuu grew violent like a raging storm. "Grotar! Leave my Children be or this shall be your fate!" The clouds above the armies of goblins began to swirl and grow dark. As they gained strength, three cyclones descended from the sky and engulfed a vast number of the little beasts. When they faded to nothingness, not a single sign of the goblins engulfed remained.

Alosvalophos |

Turn 12 Concludes
The Progress of War
Reference: Mermaids +1 and +1. 7 points.
Sirens: +2 +1. 10 points.
Smoke monster: +3 +3 and war. 15 points.
Combat at S8: Grotar attacks Darjuu's 2 armies with 1 army (3 killed by Fraemaour's smites).
Darjuu has armour 2 + weapons 4, Grotar has weapons 1 + armour 3 and war.
Grotar:2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Darjuu:2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9
Grotar and Darjuu's armies annihilate eachother. The tile is unconquered. Grotar: +3 points. Darjuu: +3 points.
Grotar with 3 armies takes on the Mermaids with 2 armies at N3.
Grotar:6d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 3) = 18
Mermaids:2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Grotar kills without loss. Grotar: +7 points. 3 armies at N3.
Grotar takes on the Smoke Monster with 5 armies at P8.
Grotar:10d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1) = 25
Smoke Monster:2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6
Grotar kills the Smoke Monster, losing 1 army. Grotar: +15 points. 4 armies at P8.
Grotar 6 armies v. 4 sirens at S3.
Grotar:12d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 5, 5, 3, 1) = 42
Siren:4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5, 6) = 17
The Sirens kill 3 of the 6 Goblin armies. Grotar: +10 points.
3 Grotar v. 3 Mermaids.
Grotar:6d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2) = 23
Mermaid:3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) = 7
Grotar kills without loss. 3 armies at R4. +7 points.
Grotar conquers undefended L3 gaining 1 army + a tile with 1 pop.
Grotar: +45 points all together (including v. Darjuu).
Fraemaour attacks Grotar at 07 with 6 armies with weapons +13 and armour +7 v. Grotar's 4 armies with weapons +1, armour +3, and war.
Fraemaour:6d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 1, 5, 5) = 26
Grotar:8d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1) = 23
Fraemaour conquers without loss, gaining a tile of 1 population. Fraemaour: +12 points.
Fraemaour conquers the undefended O6 gaining a tile of 2 pop.
Uta's 4 Syphinx armies weapons 5 and armour 6 v. the Mermaids at K3.
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 4) = 7
Mermaids:2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Indecisive. 1 mermaid killed.
Uta4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 5) = 19
Mermaids:1d6 ⇒ 4
Uta kills without loss. +7 points.
7 Armies Moves to to L4 Attack 3x Sirens.
Uta:7d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5) = 23
Sirens:3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6) = 14
Uta kills the Sirens without loss and conquers L4 gaining a settlement with 1 pop. 7 armies present. +10 points.
Uta: +17 points all together.
More updates to come in the map and what have you!

Alosvalophos |

You have armour +5, not 6. You have weapons +5, that's probably where you got confused.
Do me a favour and give me the turn summary in this form:
Settlements (with pops):
Worshippers total:
It makes it a lot easier to transfer.
Turn 13 Begins
A distaste for miscegenation and cohabitation compels the Lord on High to act to curb the diversity of peoples below:
"How bothersome is it for the peoples of this world to be subject to control of a foreign god! Let it be so: That no god may ever again command another's kind, and upon conquest, the population shall be replaced rather than assimilated."
RULE CHANGE: You no longer gain armies of another race when conquering a tile. The population shifts and becomes populations of your type. The map has been updated to reflect this.
Alosvalophos: God of the Far-Right, clearly!
"The time of the Gateway has arrived. Shortcuts to Eastern Lands are now available. Make use of them, ye gods. I favour the bold and look kindly upon the daring!"
Clarification: You may elect, or may elect not to, warp to the locations if you land forces/settlers in the warp areas.
Last Turn Advantage Modifier:
1. +30 power.
2. +25 power.
3. +20 power.
4. +15 power.
5. +0 power.
6. -20 power.
7. -25 power.
40 pop is the new disadvantage limit as the power totals are now becoming significant.
En Guarde!

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

Gathering Power: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3) = 24
Power: 24 + 266(Last Turn) + 68(Religion) = 358
H1 Pop 6
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9, Forest +3)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 7
End H1 Pop 7
I1 Pop 6
Grow City Power Used: 2 (Agri +9, Flat+1)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 7
End I1 Pop 7
J1 Pop 5
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 6
End J1 Pop 6
K1 Pop 2
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 3
End K1 Pop 3
H2 Pop 6
Create Settler Power USed: 15
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Move Settler to G1
End H2 Pop 6
G1 Settler 1
Create City!
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 2
EndG1 Pop 2
I2 Pop 2
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 3
End I2 Pop 3
J2 Pop 5
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 6
End J2 Pop 6
K2 Pop 5
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 6
End K2 Pop 6
L2 Pop 3
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 4
End L2 Pop 4
H3 Pop 6
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9, Forest +3)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 7
End H3 Pop 7
I3 Pop 6
Grow City Power Used: 3 (Agri +9)
Create Army Power Used: 5 (Hilly) Armies Created: 5 (Scrubland)
End I3 Pop 7
J3 Pop 6
Grow City Power Used: 2 (Agri +9, Flat +1)
Create Army Power Used: 10 Armies Created: 5 (Scrubland)
End J3 Pop 7
H4 Pop 3
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9, Forest +3)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 4
End H4 Pop 4
J4 Pop 6
Create Settler Power USed: 16
Move Settler to I4
Miracle! Inspire City!
Create Settler Power USed: 17
Move Settler to J5
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
End J4 Pop 5
I4 Settler 1
Create City!
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 2
End I4 Pop 2
L4 Pop 1
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9, Forest +3)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 2
End L3 Pop 2
J5 Settler 1
Create City!
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri +9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 2
End J5 Pop 2
I3 5 armies Miracle! x2! Move Armies to L3 Attack Grotar
J3 5 armies Miracle! x3! Move Armies to N3 Attack Grotar
K3 4 armies Move to L3 Attack Grotar
H4, I4, J4 4 armies each, standby
L4 7 armies Move to M4 Attack Grotar
Power Remaining: 242
Advancement! Science Gain: 61 + 3 (Last Turn_ + 3 (Volcano!) = 65
Advancement Gain: Religion +7 (16 Sci) Weapons +6,+7 (16,17 Sci) Armor +7 (17 Sci)
Science Remaining: 1
Settlements: G1 2, H1 7, I1 7, J1 6, K1 3, H2 6, I2 3, J2 6, K2 6, L2 4, H3 7, I3 7, J3 7, H4 4, I4 2, J4 7, L3 2, J5 2
More Miracles! Alter Terrain at G1 to Forest
Power Remaining: 236 + 30 (Turn Bonus)
The Lords are shocked at the rising goblin horde! Never before had any settlement of the Prides come under attack. Their fervent pleas to their god are answered as the waves of soldiers pass over the ground like a swift breeze to meet their foes.

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

power: 5d6 + 32 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 1, 3) + 32 = 54
total power=54
changing climate at Q9 from barren to crater (6 power)
changing climate at Q9 from crater to volcano (6 power)
growing settlement at H11, increasing the population from 2 to 3 (4 power)
growing settlement at Q10, increasing the population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
growing settlement at Q11, increasing the population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
growing settlement at H12, increasing the population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
growing settlement at P11, increasing the population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
growing settlement at P12, increasing the population from 4 to 5 (4 power)
remaining power= 16
moving armies from Q10 to Q8
rolling for movement(at least 2): 1d6 ⇒ 4
Settlement advancing at Q10, generating 4 science
Settlement advancing at Q11, generating 4 science
Settlement advancing at Q12, generating 4 science
Settlement advancing at P10, generating 4 science
Settlement advancing at P11, generating 4 science
Settlement advancing at H11, generating 3 science
Settlement advancing at H12, generating 5 science
Settlement advancing at H13, generating 5 science
total sicence=60
Religion +5(11 science)
Armor +6 (12 science)
Armor +7 (12 science)
Armor +8 (13 science)
science remaining =12
Turn summary.
increased population of all settlements except those at H12 and H13 by 1
changed Q9 from barren land to a volcano
Moved army into Q8 to attack
got 3 ranks in armor (+8 now) and 1 rank in religion (+5 now)
Iazamaz prepares to send his warriors into war. He blesses them once more, so they will be the walls and the floors of the land they step into, invisible, ever changing, like water. shapeless, formless, a rather fitting end for a god like Dajuu to meet."monks... No. You are no longer protectors. You are warriors. You are Shinobi.You know what you must do."
iazamaz goes to war.

The Warlord |

Power Left +61
Religion +14
Power 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
Turn +20
Total Power 97
Move Settler to S18
Move Settler to S17
Move Settler to S19
Settlements: R16 (4), R17 (2), R18 (2), R19 (3), Q16 (3), Q18 (2), Q19 (2), S16 (2), S17 (2), S18 (2), S19 (2)
ADVANCEMENT Q16 - 3 Science
ADVANCEMENT Q18 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT Q19 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT R16 - 4 Science
ADVANCEMENT R17 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT R18 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT R19 - 3 Science
ADVANCEMENT S16 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT S17 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT S18 - 2 Science
ADVANCEMENT S19 - 2 Science
Agriculture +3
Armor +9
Religion +3
Seafaring +1
Survival +2
Weapons +6
Worshipers 24
Armies 0
Power 61
Science 36

Fraemaour |

150 power from religion + 6d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6) = 24 + 15 from turn = 189
20 science + 3 science = 23 science.
Religion +9 (23). 0 science remains.
All survival totals 0 due to survival 7.
GROW SETTLEMENT at K13: Cost (3 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M10: Cost (3 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M11: Cost (4 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L9: Cost (3 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at L10: Cost (2 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 9.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J8: Cost (5 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at F13: Cost: (6 * 2 = 12 - 5ag) 7. Pop: 7.
GROW SETTLEMENT at I9: Cost: (6 * 2 = 12 - 5ag) 7. Pop: 7.
GROW SETTLEMENT at I6: Cost: (4 pop-5 ag) 1. Pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT at H6: Cost: (5 pop-5 ag) 1. Pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at G6: Cost: (3 pop-5 ag) 1. Pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at F11: Cost: (7 * 2 = 14 - 5 pop-4ag bonus) 5. New pop: 8.
GROW SETTLEMENT at O6: Cost: (1 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 2.
GROW SETTLEMENT at O7: Cost: (2 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 3.
Cost: 28.
161 left.
CREATE SETTLER at J12: 27/2 = 13.5 = 14. New pop: 5. Move settler from J12 to J11 and create settlement.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J12: Cost (5 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 6.
GROW SETTLEMENT at J11: Cost (1 pop-5 ag) 1. New pop: 2.
Cost together: 16.
145 left.
CAST GLOBAL MIRACLE: Bounty. Cost: 100. World population expands by 1 in all settlements.
45 left.
ADVANCE: L12 (9), K12 (9), K11 (9), K10 (9), K8 (9), J8 (6), L10 (4), L9 (7), M9 (6), M10 (5), I8 (9), I9 (8), J11 (3), J12 (7), J13 (9), I13 (9), I12 (9), G12 (8), F11 (9), F6 (6), H6 (7), G6 (5), G7 Axis Mundi (3), O6 (3), O7 (4) = 172 + 23 science = 195.
BUY: Armour +9 (23), Armour +10 (24), Armour +11 (24), Armour +12 (25), Weapons +14 (25), armour +13 (26), Armour +14 (26) = 172.
23 science left.
Create armies: 4 (5/2 2.5 = 3 + 1 = 4 scrub) at a cost of a 1 piece (hills) total: 4 at K13.
41 left.
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at F11 to Scrubland.
MIRACLE: Raise terrain at F11 to Hills.
Cost together: 6 (3 a piece).
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at J13 to Scrubland. Cost: 3.
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at K11 to Scrubland. Cost: 3.
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at G6 to Scrubland.
MIRACLE: Raise terrain at G6 to Hills.
Cost together: 6.
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at H6 x2 to Scrubland. Cost: 6.
MIRACLE: Alter terrain at I8 to Scrubland.
MIRACLE: Raise terrain at I8 to Hills.
Cost of miracles together: 30.
11 left.
Create armies 5 (4 + 1 scrubland) at F13 at one a piece (hills). Cost: 5.
Move 4 of those armies to F16 to ATTACk the Mermaids there.
Move 2x GV from F9 back to F11.
6 power left.
GIFT Grotar 6 power + 23 science. (The danegeld referenced below).
Move 4x armies from K13 to ATTACK the Kraken at L15.
Move 6x armies from O7 to M6 to ATTACK the Sirens.
Move 3x armies from O7 to M6 to ATTACK the Sirens.
Turn summary will come tonight when I come back from work. However, RP to explain things:
The world is granted a boon by He-Who-Gives-Life-to-the-Land. Summoning the immense energies of his fecundity, and harnessing the blessings of the World Tree, Fraemaour casts his power liberally across the world that all might prosper.
"My fellow gods, I have seen fit to grant unto all of you a boon that my people might grow as well. Use my gift wisely and prosper."
Yet that is not all that Fraemaour contends with this Cycle. No, he has an enemy to placcate, and a danegeld to pay.
"Earth Shaker, Orc Lord!" calls Fraemaour from across the skies. "Accept my Grasvolk wisemen to teach your Goblin kin and these barrels of my medd to satisfy your thrist. I have evacuated my conquests along the Eastern Isles as well, that you might retain them. In return for this, I demand a pledge of non-aggression against Iazamaz as long as I declare it enforced, non-interference in Darjuu, and peace with me for 2 cycles of the world. If you do not accept, then you have declared war upon me."
OOC: More to come when I come home.

rcrantz |

Celios, the Flame of Enlightenment
Power roll: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 3, 2, 5) = 22 + 127 (religion) + 0 (last turn) = 139
Science gained: 48 (16 volcanic settlements); new total: 48.
Settlement at A3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 13); decrease population from 4 to 3. New power total: 125.
Settlement at A2. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. ADVANCE (gain 2 science). New power total: 124. New science total: 50.
Settlement at A4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). New power total: 123. New science total: 56.
Settlement at A5. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 63.
Settlement at A6. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 70.
Settlement at A7. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 77.
Settlement at A8. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 84.
Settlement at A9. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 91.
Settlement at A10. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 119.
Settlement at A11. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 8). New power total: 111.
Settlement at B3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). New power total: 110. New science total: 95.
Settlement at B4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). New power total: 109. New science total: 101.
Settlement at B5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3). New power total: 105.
Settlement at B6. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 108.
Settlement at B7. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 115.
Settlement at B8. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 122.
Settlement at B9. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 129.
Settlement at B10. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 136.
Settlement at C2. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). New power total: 104. New science total: 140.
Settlement at C3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). New power total: 103. New science total: 144.
Settlement at C4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). New power total: 102. New science total: 149.
Settlement at C5. GROW (cost:1); increase population from 4 to 5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). New power total: 101. New science total: 154.
Settlement at C6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). New science total: 160.
Settlement at C7. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 97.
Settlement at B11. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 8). New power total: 89.
Settlement at D3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). New power total: 88. New science total: 164.
Armies at A3. Move x10 to B4.
Armies at A5. Move x5 to B5.
Armies at A6. Move x5 to B6.
Armies at A10. Move x4 to A11.
Armies at B3. Move x9 to C3.
Armies at B5. Move x9 to C5.
Armies at B11. Move x7 to B12.
Miracle at B12. INSPIRE ARMY (cost: 11). New power total: 77.
Armies at B12. Move x19 to D14 via C13.
Armies at C2. Move x4 to D2.
Armies at C3. Move x8 to D3.
Armies at C6. Move x3 to C5.
Armies at C7. Move x4 to C6.
Science Spends. Religion to 7 (22 points; 142 points remain). Armor to 13 (23 points; 119 points remain). Armor to 14 (23 points; 96 points remain). Armor to 15 (24 points; 73 points remain). Armor to 16 (24 points; 49 points remain). Armor to 17 (25 points; 24 points remain).
Miracle at A13. ALTER BIOME (cost: 4), forest into scrubland. New power total: 73.
Miracle at B13. ALTER BIOME x2 (cost: 8), jungle into forest, forest into scrubland. New power total: 65.
Miracle at B13. RAISE TERRAIN (cost: 4), flatland into hills. New power total: 61.
Miracle at A3. ALTER BIOME (cost: 3), crater into volcano. New power total: 58.
Miracle at A2. ALTER BIOME (cost: 3), barren into crater. New power total: 55.
Miracle at C2. RAISE TERRAIN (cost: 3), flatland into hills. New power total: 52.
Miracle at C5. ALTER BIOME x3 (cost: 9), forest into scrubland, scrubland into barrens, barrens into crater. New power total: 43.
Miracle at A7. ALTER BIOME x3 (cost: 9), scrubland into barrens, barrens into crater, crater into volcano. New power total: 34.
Miracle at B8. LOWER TERRAIN (cost: 3), mountain into hills. New power total: 31.
Miracle at C6. ALTER BIOME x4 (cost: 12), forest into scrubland, scrubland into barren, barren into crater, crater into volcano. New power total: 19.
Miracle at D3. ALTER BIOME x3 (cost: 9), forest into scrubland, scrubland into barren, barren into crater. New power total: 10.
Miracle at B11. ALTER BIOME x3 (cost: 9), forest into scrubland, scrubland into barren, barren into crater. New power total: 1.
A2: 2
A3: 3
A4: 6
A5: 7 (3 shields)
A6: 7 (3 shields)
A7: 7 (3 shields)
A8: 7 (3 shields)
A9: 7 (3 shields)
A10: 7 (3 shields)
A11: 7 (3 shields)
B3: 4
B4: 6
B5: 6
B6: 7 (3 shields)
B7: 7 (3 shields)
B8: 7 (3 shields)
B9: 7 (3 shields)
B10: 7 (3 shields)
B11: 7 (3 shields)
C2: 4
C3: 4
C4: 5
C5: 5
C6: 6
C7: 6
D3: 4
A11: 4
B4: 10
B5: 5
B6: 5
B12: 19
C3: 9
C5: 12
C6: 7
D2: 4
D3: 8
Agriculture: 4
Armor: 17
Religion: 7
Seafaring: 4
Survival: 7
Weaponry: 11
Total: 50
Terrain Alterations
New scrublands: A13, B13.
New craters: A2, C5, D3, B11.
New volcanoes: A3, A7, C6.
New hills: B13, C2, B8.
Power remaining: 1
Science remaining: 24
It is unclear whether this is the continued work of Celios, or simply the result of the dynamo he has set in motion, but the lands of the Western Continent, once relatively verdant and peaceful, continue to dry up at an alarming rate. Magma flow is common, and the toxic fumes of so much molten rock spread across the Wayfarers' lands, polluting the plantlife--those that do not wither and die twist and become strange new mutations.
The Wayfarers themselves continue to spread throughout the land in their endless quest for novel experiences--they evidently find a satisfactory outlet in the crafting of illusions to deceive their foes. Armies they encounter on the field often find that they are fighting apparitions rather than creatures of flesh and bone: the Ghosts of the Western Continent.

Malkleth |

Grotar, He Who Shakes the Earth
POWER ROLL: 6d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3) = 16+ 78 religion + 2 last turn - 20 turn order= 76 power
Science gained: 6 (2 volcanic settlements) + 0 (last turn) = 6 science
Settlement at A13: CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3) Power 76-3=73.
Settlement at B13: GROW (Cost: 1) pop 3->4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). Power 73-1=72, Science 10.
Settlement at L3. GROW (cost: 1) pop 2->3. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 72-5=67.
Settlement at M4. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 2). Power 67-2=65
Settlement at O4: CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3) Power 65-3=62.
Settlement at P2: FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). Power 62+3=65.
Settlement at P4: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 16.
Settlement at P5. GROW (Cost: 1) pop 3->4. CREATE 1 ARMY (cost: 2), Power 65-3=62.
Settlement at P6. GROW (Cost: 1) pop 4->5. FESTIVAL (gain 3 power), Power 62-1+3=64.
Settlement at Q1: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 22.
Settlement at Q2: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 28.
Settlement at Q3: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 34.
Settlement at Q4: ADVANCE (gain 4 science). Science 38.
Settlement at Q5: FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). Power 64+3=67.
Settlement at Q6: FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). Power 67+3=70.
Settlement at Q7: GROW (Cost: 2) pop 4->5. FESTIVAL (gain 3 power); Power 61-2+3=68.
Settlement at S6. GROW (Cost: 2) pop 4->5. FESTIVAL (gain 3 power). Power 68-2+3=69.
Settlement at S7. ADVANCE (gain 3 science). Science 41.
Science Spends: Armor to 4 (20 points; 21 points remain). Religion to 6 (20 points, 1 points remain).
Miracle: Smite x9 the 9 UTA armies attacking L3 (cost: 54 power). 68-54=8 power remaining.
Miracle: Inspire City: L3. L3: CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 14 power). 0 power remaining.
Army moves:
A13: 6 armies, ATTACK MERMAIDS in A14.
M4: 3 armies
N3: 3 armies RETREAT to M4.
O4: 3 armies MOVE to M4.
P5: 1 army ATTACKS O6.
P8: 4 armies ATTACK O7.
Q7: 8 armies
R4: 3 armies MOVE to Q6
S3: 3 armies MOVE to S1 and WARP to C12.
Settlements Summary:
A13: 6 pop
B13: 4 pop
L3: 3 pop
M4: 3 pop
O4: 5 pop
P2: 5 pop
P4: 6 pop
P5: 4 pop
P6: 4 pop
Q1: 6 pop
Q2: 6 pop
Q4: 4 pop
Q3: 5 pop
Q5: 5 pop
Q6: 5 pop
Q7: 5 pop
S6: 5 pop
S7: 3 pop
Armies Summary:
C12: 3
M4: 7, plus whatever retreats from N3.
N3: 3 RETREAT to M4
Q6: 3
Q7: 8
Armor: +1, to 4, Religion +1, to 6.
Remaining Science: 1
Remaining Power: 0
Population: 84
Settlements: 18
Armies: 40
The goblin tribes lurking in the western lands take to the sea, hunting mermaids with harpoons and battle cries!
In the east, the forces of Grotar work feverishly. Word of the New World to the west draws more explorers, and cities celebrate the flow of silver snd slaves coming from the victories there. New fleets sail to the goblin outpost, while the Conquistadors already there face counterattacks from angry natives. In one outpost, defenses are prepared to slaughter the native attackers, while in the second, so recently taken, an approaching army of aboriginals is swallowed up by a massive earthquake. Taking this as divine inspiration, conquistador armies, buoyed by enslaved native soldiers, rush out to spread the Word of Grotar to the benighted natives in their quaint, peaceful cities.
Toward the south, the priests of Grotar flog the warlords into pausing their assaults on the pathetic cities, and armies turn to retake that what was stolen. Grotar replies to the emissary of Celios, messages authored in tumbling stones and cracked earth, "I find your offer acceptable. In return for adjusting those lands, I shall ensure that none of your hunters in the western and southern seas are troubled by my slaves. There is prey enough for both of us there." And to the god of grass, the stones speak, "Grotar accepts your tribute, and your terms. You shall have your peace, and my slaves will leave their blades unstained as you ask... so long as your shapeless mush of a vassal deity or his goopy followers trouble me not, nor his worthless, mewling prey or the prey's droning, tedious servants."
Darjuu receives a less amiable reply, cruel laughter and "Come and get me, if you dare. My slaves are not made so that they melt in the rain. But perhaps you should throw a few buckets at your southern border, fool godling, before your rains dry up."

Fraemaour |

Turn edit: ADVANCE K9 (9), I6 (6), 15 more science. Forgot to advance those two. My mistake.
Turn summary for the above:
Settlements: 25. M9 (6), M10 (5), L12 (9), L10 (4), L9 (7), K13 (5), K12 (9), K11 (9), K10 (9), K9 (9), K8 (9), J8 (7), J11 (3), J12 (7), J13 (9), I13 (9), I12 (9), I8 (9), I9 (8), I6 (6), H6 (7), G12 (8), G7 Axis Mundi (3), G6 (5) F13 (8), F11 (9), F6 (6).
Worshippers: 194.
Power: 0. Science: 15.
Terrain alterations:
F11, J13, K11, G6, HG, I6, I8 all to Hilly Scrubland.
4GV armies ATTACKING Mermaids at F16. 4 GV armies ATTACKING the Kraken at L15. 9GV armies ATTACKING the Sirens at M6.
2GV armies back to F11.

Alosvalophos |

Turn 13 Concludes
The Progress of War
Mermaids +1 +1
Kraken +4 +3
Sirens +2 +1
Combat at F16.
Fraemaour:4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 4) = 12
Mermaids:7d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5) = 30
Inconclusive. Fraemaour loses 1, kills 2.
Fraemaour:3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) = 9
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 2, 4) = 18
Inconclusive. Fraemaour kills 3 more.
Fraemaour:4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 3) = 13
Mermaids:2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
Fraemaour kills the Mermaids with 4 armies surviving at F16. +7 points.
Combat at L15
Fraemaour:4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 5) = 17
Kraken:6d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 4) = 23
Fraemaour kills the Kraken without loss. +25 points. 4 armies at L15.
Combat at M6:
Fraemaour:9d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 1) = 31
Sirens:3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1) = 5
9 armies survive at M6 after killing without loss. +10 points.
Total: Fraemaour: +42 points.
Combat A14:
Grotar:6d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 6, 3, 5) = 23
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 5, 4) = 19
Grotar kills without loss. 6 armies at A14. +10 points.
Combat at M4:
Utanaphor has weapons and armour +7, Grotar has weapons +2 and armour +4.
Utatnaphor:7d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3) = 24
Grotar:7d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2) = 17
Utatnaphor kills without loss at M4. +21 points for Utatnaphor and a tile of 1 population.
Edit: Paizo screwed up for me. Isaw my mistake here and put the other armies from this. However, paizo erased my post and I can't back the totals. The results of the edits were Grotar killed 1 of Uta's guys.
Combat at N3 v. the 1 force left behind from the retreat.
Utatnaphor:5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5, 4) = 25
Grotar:1d6 ⇒ 5
Utatnaphor kills without loss at N3. +3 points for Uta.
Points: Utatnaphor: 27. Grotar: 13 points.
Note: Grotar, only two escape with retreat, not all 3.
Otherwise, Grotar conquers:
J2: 3 pop + 4 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
J3: 4 pop + 4 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
K2: 3 pop + 4 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
L2: 2 pop + 3 armies + the 1 tha attacked it.
L4: 1 pop + 2 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
O6: 1 pop + 2 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
O7: 2 pop + 2 armies + the 1 that attacked it.
Combat at R8:
Darjuu has armour +2 and weapons +4. Iazamaz has armour +8 and weapons +5
Iazamaz:10d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 6, 5, 3, 6, 1, 6, 2) = 34
Darjuu:2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8
Darjuu kills 1. Iazamaz conquers R8 with 9 armies, gaining a settlement of 2 population.
Darjuu: +3 points. Iazamaz: +6 points.
The map will now be updated.
I6 was never terrain altered.

Alosvalophos |

You have religion +6, not religion +5
Also, you can't jump two tiles to attack Darjuu. You have to use inspire army. I am casting it for you so I don't have to mess with the map again. Next time, don't do it.
I am taking all your remaining power for that as a penalty.
Also, please write a turn summary as I said last turn. It makes it extremely difficult to change the map to accomodate your turn if you do not give me something easy to go by.
More updates to the map to come. I've Utat and Celios to finish up and then the new turn will start.

Alosvalophos |

B5 is 5, not 6, as it was 3 beforehand + growth + bounty.
Ditto with several others. Double check for me to be sure, but I think you misread your pop totals on a few tiles.
Turn 14 Begins
Heaven is silent. An evil omen?
Last Turn Advantage Modifier:
1. +35 power.
2. +30 power.
3. +25 power.
4. +20 power.
5. +0 power.
6. -20 power.
7. -25 power.
40 pop is the new disadvantage limit as the power totals are now becoming significant.
En guarde

rcrantz |

Celios, the Flame of Enlightenment
Power Roll: 6d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 2, 2, 1) = 17 + 157 religion + 1 last turn + 35 First = 210 Power
Science: 57 (19 volcanic settlements) + 12 last turn = 69
NB. since I screwed up population counts last turn I definitely had less than 24 science remaining. The number was definitely more than 12 but I figured I'd deduct 12 from myself for screwing up and also so I don't have to actually recalculate last turn.
Settlement at A2. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 3 to 4. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 13); decrease population from 4 to 3. New power total: 196.
Settler at A2. Move to A1. CREATE SETTLEMENT at A1.
Settlement at A1. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 196.
Settlement at A3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). New power total: 195. New science total: 74.
Settlement at A4. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 81.
Settlement at A5. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 88.
Settlement at A6. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 95.
Settlement at A7. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 102.
Settlement at A8. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 109.
Settlement at A9. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 116.
Settlement at A10. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 123.
Settlement at B3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). New power total: 194. New science total: 128.
Settlement at B4. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). New science total: 134.
Settlement at B5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). New science total: 140. New power total: 193.
Settlement at B6. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 147.
Settlement at B7. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 154.
Settlement at B8. CREATE 5 ARMIES (cost: 5). New power total: 188.
Settlement at B9. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 184.
Settlement at B10. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 180.
Settlement at B11. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 14); decrease population from 7 to 6. New power total: 166.
Settler at B11. Move to C10. CREATE SETTLEMENT.
Settlement at C10. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 166.
Settlement at C2. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 161.
Settlement at C3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 4 to 5. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3). New power total: 157.
Settlement at C4. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3). New power total: 153.
Settlement at C5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 14); decrease population from 6 to 5. New power total: 138.
Settler at C5. Move to D5. CREATE SETTLEMENT.
Settlement at D5. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 138.
Settlement at C6. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). New power total: 134.
Settlement at C7. CREATE 5 ARMIES (cost: 5). New power total: 129.
Settlement at D3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 5 to 6. CREATE SETTLER (cost: 15); decrease population from 6 to 5.
Settler at D3. Move to E3. CREATE SETTLEMENT.
Settlement at E3. GROW (cost: 1); increase population from 1 to 2. FESTIVAL (gain 1 power). New power total: 138.
Science Spends. Weaponry to 12 (25 points; 129 points remain). Weaponry to 13 (26 points; 103 points remain). Weaponry to 14 (26 points; 77 points remain). Weaponry to 15 (27 points; 50 points remain). Weaponry to 16 (27 points; 23 points remain).
Miracle at B10. INSPIRE CITY (cost: 10). New power total: 128.
Settlement at B10. ADVANCE (gain 7 science). New science total: 30.
Science Spends. Weaponry to 17 (28 points; 2 points remain).
Armies at B4. Move x4 to C4.
Armies at B5. Move x5 to C5.
Armies at B6. Move x5 to C6.
Armies at B8. Move x5 to C9.
Armies at B9. Move x4 to B10.
Armies at B10. Move x4 to C10.
Armies at C2. Move x4 to D2.
Armies at C3. Move x12 to C3.
Armies at C5. Move x12 to D4.
Armies at C6. Move x11 to D5.
Armies at C7. Move x5 to C6.
Armies at D2. Move x4 to E1.
Miracle at E1. Inspire Army (cost: 12). New power total: 116.
Armies at E1. Move x4 to F1, ATTACK Mermaid.
Armies at D3. Move x4 to E4, ATTACK Mermaid. Move x4 to E3; they will be DRAWN INTO COMBAT with Sirens at F3, barring outside intervention.
Armies at D14. Move x9 to D15, ATTACK Mermaid. Move x10 to E17; they will be DRAWN INTO COMBAT with Sirens at F18, barring outside intervention.
Miracle at C6. INSPIRE CITY (cost: 10). New power total: 106.
Settlement at C6. MAGIC SHIELD x4 (cost: 12). New power total: 94.
Miracle at C7. INSPIRE CITY (cost: 10). New power total: 84.
Settlement at C7. MAGIC SHIELD x4 (cost: 12). New power total: 72.
Miracle at B10. INSPIRE CITY x4 (cost: 40). New power total: 32.
Settlement at B10. ADVANCE x4 (gain 28 science). New science total: 30
Science Spend. Armor to 18 (28 points; 2 points remain).
Miracle at C7. INSPIRE CITY x2 (cost: 20). New power total: 12.
Settlement at C7. CREATE 10 ARMIES (cost: 10). New power total: 2.
Turn Summary
A1: 2
A2: 3
A3: 5
A4: 7
A5: 7 (3 shields)
A6: 7 (3 shields)
A7: 7 (3 shields)
A8: 7 (3 shields)
A9: 7 (3 shields)
A10: 7 (3 shields)
A11: 7 (3 shields)
B3: 5
B4: 6
B5: 6
B6: 7 (3 shields)
B7: 7 (3 shields)
B8: 7 (3 shields)
B9: 7 (3 shields)
B10: 7 (3 shields)
B11: 6 (3 shields)
C2: 5
C3: 5
C4: 6
C5: 5
C6: 7 (4 shields)
C7: 7 (4 shields)
C10: 2
D2: 2
D5: 2
E3: 2
A11: 4
B10: 4
C4: 10
C5: 5
C6:: 10
C7: 10
C9: 5
C10: 4
D2: 4
D3: 12
D4: 12
D5: 11
F1: 4, ATTACKing Mermaids
E4: 4, ATTACKing Mermaids
E3: 4, ADJACENT to Sirens
D15: 9, ATTACKing Mermaids
E17: 10, ADJACENT to Sirens
Agriculture: 4
Armor: 18
Religion: 7
Seafaring: 4
Survival: 7
Weaponry: 17
Total: 57
Power remaining: 2
Science remaining: 2
The Wayfarers continue their maritime hunting expeditions, and the ranks of their armies swell and move towards their expanding borders. The desiccation and corruption of the land has slowed, for now, but who can say when the fiery trickster god will grow tired of these strange new wetlands his people have claimed? Perhaps the entire western continent will be a fiery waste ere the age is through.

Alosvalophos |

For Warlord. This turn will be considered processed last for the sake of last turn advantage modifier, absent any sort of bonus/disadvantage.
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 2) = 9 - remember, Warlord, I changed it so gods kept their max dice roll + 61 power = 70 power + 33 from religion = 103.
Okay. Good amount of stuff!
Currently, I have 24 advancements. That means with discovery, my advancement costs are /2 and begin at 12.
Thus with my 36 + 6 from volcanoes science, I shall invest...
BUY: Survival +3 (12), Agriculture +4, (13), Survival +4 (13) 4 science left.
CREATE Settler at Q19. Cost: 11. New pop: 2
92 power left.
Move that P19 and settle.
GROW SETTLEMENT at Q19. Cost: (2 pop -4 ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 3.
GROW SETTLEMENT at P19. Cost: (1 pop -4 ag 3 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 2.
90 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at Q19. Cost: 12/2 = 6. New pop: 1.
84 power left.
Move settler to O19. Inspire Settler (cost 11) and move that settler to N19 to settle.
73 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at N19. Cost: (1 pop -4 ag 3dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 2.
72 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at N19. Cost: 13. New pop: 1. Move that settler to M19 and settle.
59 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M19. Cost: (1 pop -4ag 3 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 2.
58 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at S16. Cost: (4 pop -4ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 5
GROW SETTLEMENT at S17. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4
GROW SETTLEMENT at S18. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 2 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4
GROW SETTLEMENT at S19. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 4 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4
GROW SETTLEMENT at R16. Cost: (5 pop -4ag 5 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 6
GROW SETTLEMENT at R17. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 0 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4
GROW SETTLEMENT at R18. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 3 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4.
GROW SETTLEMENT at R19. Cost: (4 pop -4ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT at Q16. Cost: (4 pop -4ag 1 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 5.
GROW SETTLEMENT at Q18. Cost: (3 pop -4ag 0 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 4.
Cost together: 10.
48 power left.
ADVANCE: S16 (5), S17 (4), S18 (4), S19 (4), R16 (6), R17 (4), R18 (4), R19 (5), Q16 (5), and Q18 (4) = 45.
BUY: Religion +4 (14), Religion +5 (14) = 28. 17 left.
CREATE SETTLER at M19. Cost: 14/2 = 7. New pop: 1. Move that settler to N18.
41 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at N18. Cost: (1 pop -4 ag 4 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 2.
40 power left.
CREATE SETTLER at N18. Cost: 15. New pop: 1. Move that settler to M17 and settle.
25 power left.
GROW SETTLEMENT at M17. Cost: (1 pop -4 ag 4 dif-4 surv) 1. New pop: 2.
Cast miracle: Alter terrain at L18 to Crater. Cost: 7.
16 power left and held in reserve.
Turn summary:
Settlements: 16. S16 (5), S17 (4), S18 (4), S19 (4), R16 (6), R17 (4), R18 (4), R19 (5), Q16 (5), Q18 (4), Q19 (3), P19 (1), N19 (1), N18 (1), M19 (1), and M17 (2).
Worshippers: 54.
Power: 16. Science: 17.
Armies: None.
Agriculture +4
Armor +9
Religion +5
Seafaring +1
Survival +4
Weapons +6
Terrain: L18 to Crater.

Alosvalophos |

Obnoxious Correction
Well kiss my butt in Macy's window, I forgot one more thing with Grotar v. Utatnaphor:
Grotar was on Wetlands.
This means he has +1/+1. Sadly, this was also the square in wihch Paizo ate my post, destroying my capacity to keep a record of the roll.
I have to redo the combat. My apologies to both combatants, but this nullifies the previous roll. Depending on the results, I will consider how to make amends for this. My apologies again.
Utanaphor has weapons and armour +7, Grotar has weapons +2 and armour +4.
Grotar has +2 armies from the retreat and +1/+1 from Wetlands. This means he has weapons +3 and armour +5 for this round of combat. 2 + 5 = = 7 9 - 5 = 4. 5 and above kill.
Uta:7d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2) = 20
Gro:18d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 4, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2) = 63
Uta kills 7, Grotar kills 3.
Round 2:
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 4) = 15
Gro4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 3) = 15
Uta kills 4, Grotar kills 1.
Total: Grotar kills 4 of 7 +12 points (+9 points updated).
Uta kills 9 of 9 +27 points (+6 points updated).
Uta conquers that tile with 3 armies now.
+5 power to Uta to accomodate the inconvenience of this as he got the short-stick on this. Not like he needs it! (Mr. nearly 300 power in reserve.)

Malkleth |

Grotar, He Who Shakes the Earth
POWER ROLL: 6d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1) = 14+ 98 religion + 6 gift + 30 turn order= 148 power
Science gained: 6 (2 volcanic settlements) + 1 (last turn) + 23 gift = 30 science
Settlement at A13: CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 3) Power 148-4=144.
Settlement at B13: GROW (Cost: 2) pop 4->5. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 3). Power 144-6=138.
Settlement at J2: GROW (cost: 1) pop 3->4. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 138-5=133.
Settlement at J3: GROW (Cost: 1) pop 4->5. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 6). Power 133-7=126.
Settlement at K2: GROW (cost: 1) pop 3->4. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 2). Power 126-3=123.
Settlement at L2. GROW (cost: 1) pop 2->3. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 123-5=118
Settlement at L3. GROW (cost: 1) pop 3->4. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 118-5=113.
Settlement at L4. GROW (cost: 1) pop 1->2. CREATE 2 ARMIES (cost: 2). Power 113-3=110.
Settlement at O4: CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3) Power 110-3=107.
Settlement at O6: GROW (cost: 1) pop 1->2. CREATE 1 ARMY (cost: 1). Power 107-2=105.
Settlement at O7: GROW (cost: 1) pop 2->3. ADVANCE (gain 3 science). Power 105-1=104. Science 33.
Settlement at P2: GROW (cost: 3) pop 5->6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Power 104-3=101. Science 39.
Settlement at P4: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 45.
Settlement at P5. GROW (Cost: 1) pop 4->5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). Power 101-1=100. Science 50.
Settlement at P6. GROW (Cost: 2) pop 5->6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Power 100-2=98. Science 56.
Settlement at Q1: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 62.
Settlement at Q2: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 68.
Settlement at Q3: ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Science 74.
Settlement at Q4: GROW (Cost: 1) pop 4->5. ADVANCE (gain 5 science). Power 98-1=97. Science 79.
Settlement at Q5: GROW (cost: 3) pop 5->6. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 97-7=90.
Settlement at Q6: GROW (cost: 3) pop 5->6. ADVANCE (gain 6 science). Power 90-3=87. Science 85.
Settlement at Q7: GROW (Cost: 3) pop 5->6. CREATE 4 ARMIES (cost: 4). Power 87-6=81.
Settlement at S6. GROW (Cost: 3) pop 5->6. CREATE 3 ARMIES (cost: 3). Power 81-6=75.
Settlement at S7. GROW (Cost: 1) pop 3->4. ADVANCE (gain 4 science). Power 75-1=74 Science 89.
Science Spends:
Armor to 5 (13 points; 76 points remain).
Armor to 6 (14 points, 62 points remain).
Armor to 7 (14 points, 48 points remain).
Armor to 8 (15 points, 33 points remain).
Armor to 9 (15 points, 18 points remain).
Armor to 10 (16 points, 2 points remain).
Army moves:
A13: 4 armies, MOVE to D16.
A14: 6 armies, ATTACK KRAKEN in C17.
B13: 4 armies, MOVE to D16.
C12: 3 armies, MOVE to C14.
J2: 7 armies, ATTACK UTA in J4.
J3: 8 armies, ATTACK UTA in J4.
K2: 7 armies, ATTACK UTA at J1.
L2: 6 armies, ATTACK UTA at K1.
L3: 2 armies, ATTACK UTA in J4.
L4: 5 armies, ATTACK UTA at J5.
O4: 3 armies, ATTACK UTA at M4
O6: 4 armies, ATTACK UTA at M4
O7: 6 armies, ATTACK UTA at M4
Q5: 4 armies, MOVE to S7.
Q6: 3 armies
Q7:12 armies
S6: 3 armies
Settlements Summary:
Settlements Summary:
A13: 6 pop
B13: 5 pop
J2: 4 pop
J3: 5 pop
K2: 4 pop
L2: 3 pop
L3: 4 pop
L4: 2 pop
O4: 6 pop
O6: 2 pop
O7: 3 pop
P2: 6 pop
P4: 6 pop
P5: 5 pop
P6: 6 pop
Q1: 6 pop
Q2: 6 pop
Q3: 6 pop
Q4: 5 pop
Q5: 6 pop
Q6: 6 pop
Q7: 6 pop
S6: 6 pop
S7: 4 pop
Armies Summary:
C14: 3
D16: 8
Q6: 3
S6: 3
S7: 4
SMITE 5 UTA armies in N3, cost 35. Power 74-35=39.
SMITE 4 armies in K3, Cost 28. Power 39-28=11.
SMITE 1 army in I4, Cost 7. Power 11-7=4 power remains.
Armor: +6, to 10
Remaining Science: 2
Remaining Power: 4
Population: 98
Settlements: 24
Armies: 87
The glorious goblin whaling fleets seek larger prey in the southern seas! They are joined my more explorers from those distant cities, linked by magic warps.
In the east, guided by their odd tutors, the forge-masters turn their production into overdrive. Black smoke of goblin forges churn out thick armor for use in the war against the natives of the New World.
In that new world, bloody-minded warlords raise fresh armies of conquistadors, attracted by easy living supported the multitude of native slaves, and seek fresh lands to bring under their banners. The earth shakes under the might of his armies, despite the native offensive that - at great cost - overwhelmed their initial seat of power. Boats take to the sea in an effort to reclaim it, and armies pour forth from conquered, hellish cities to bring the Word of Grotar to the unenlightened natives.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

Gathering Power 6d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 6) = 14
Power: 14 + 266 (Last turn) + 72 (Religion) = 352
G1 Pop 3
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 4
End G1 Pop 4
H1 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 3 (Agri + 9, Forest +3 flat +1)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 9
End H1 Pop 9
I1 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 6 (Agri + 9 flat +1)
Create Army Power Used: 12 Armies Created: 6
End I1 Pop 9
J1 Pop 8
Create Army Power Used: 8 Armies Created: 4
End J1 Pop 8
K1 Pop 4
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 3
End K1 Pop 5
H2 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 7 (Agri + 9)
Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
End H2 Pop 9
I2 Pop 4
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9 flat +1)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 5
End I2 Pop 5
H3 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 4 (Agri + 9 Forest +3)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 9
End H3 Pop 9
I3 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 7 (Agri + 9)
Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
End I3 Pop 9
H4 Pop 5
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 6
End H4 Pop 6
I4 Pop 3
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 4
End I4 Pop 4
J4 Pop 8
Grow City Power Used: 7 (Agri + 9)
Create Army Power Used: 10 Armies Created: 5
End J4 Pop 9
M4 Pop 1
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 2
End M4 Pop 2
J5 Pop 3
Grow City Power Used: 1 (Agri + 9)
Advance! Power Used: 0 (Survival +5) Science Gain: 4
End J5 Pop 4
Power Remaining: 263
Okay, now for the part I was hoping to use elsewhere.
K1 PU: 12 Smites: 2
J4 PU: 42 Smites: 7
J5 PU: 35 Smites: 5
Power Remaining: 174
{i]Inspire City![/i]
I1 Create Army Power Used: 12 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
Power Remaining: 56
Move Armies
I1 to J1
I3 to J3 (Yes, ALL OF THEM.)
I4 to J4
H2 to J2 Inspire!
N3 to O4
M4 to L4
K3 to L3 Since they lollygagged around and didn't attack last turn
Power Remaining: 46
Settlements: G1 4, I1 9, J1 8, K1 5, H2 9, I2 5, H3 9, I3 9, H4 6, I4 4, J4 9, M4 2, J5 4
J1 20, Defending
K1 6, Defending
J2 6, Attacking
J3 42, Attacking
L3 4, Attacking
H4 4, Sitting this one out
J4 13, Defending
L4 3, Attacking
O4 5, Attacking
Turn in Progress!

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

Arg! Cut me off
Here it is from the Inspiring Miracles again.
Power Remaining: 174
Inspire City!
I1 Create Army Power Used: 12 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
I3 Create Army Power Used: 6 Armies Created: 6
Power Remaining: 40
Move Armies
I1 to J1
I3 to J3 (Yes, ALL OF THEM.)
I4 to J4
H2 to J2 Inspire!
N3 to O4
M4 to L4
K3 to L3 Since they lollygagged around and didn't attack last turn
Power Remaining: 30
Science! 43 + 1 (Last Turn) + 3 (Volcano) = 47
Advancement gain: ARmor + 8 +9 (18 Sci, 18 Sci
Science remaining: 7
Settlements: G1 4, I1 9, J1 8, K1 5, H2 9, I2 5, H3 9, I3 9, H4 6, I4 4, J4 9, M4 2, J5 4
J1 20, Defending
K1 6, Defending
J2 6, Attacking
J3 48, Attacking
L3 4, Attacking
H4 4, Sitting this one out
J4 13, Defending
L4 3, Attacking
O4 5, Attacking
Power Remaining: 30 - 25 = 5
Fire swells up from the ground in the cities of the Sphinx, attacking the interlopers and burning them to ash. Armies are raised with surprising quickness, marching on the foul foe. Learning from the beatings their armies have taken, the Lords commission new, better armor for their troops, hoping to stem the tide of goblins.

Fraemaour |

20 power from moving 4th + 195 from religion + 6d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 6, 6, 2) = 27 = 242.
15 science + 3 = 18.
The nitty grits:
Cast OBLITERATE on J3. Cost: 3 + 20 = 23.
Cast OBLITERATE again on J3. Cost: 3 + 20 = 23.
ONE MORE TIME: Cast OBLITERATE on J3. Cost: 3 + 20 = 23
69 power together.
The result of obliterate should be to destroy the settlement (sorry Grotar) and kill 48/2 = 24/2 = 12/2 = 6 all but 6 of Uta's armies.
MOVE the 2GV armies from F5 and 3GV armies from H5 to G3.
Then INSPIRE FORCES on that combined army of 5GV at G3 (cost 10 + 2 = 12).
161 left.
Split the army so that:
1 goes off to G1 (through F2 electing not to warp) to ATTACK the undefended settlement.
1 army goes off to G2.
The remaining 3 armies ATTACK H2.
CREATE ARMIES: 7/3 = 4 + 1 (scrub) = 5 at a cost of 5 (hills) at H6.
156 left.
CREATE ARMIES: 5/2 = 3 + 1 (scrub) = 4 at a cost of 4 (hills) at G6.
CREATE 3x ARMIES at I6. Cost: 6.
Move 12 GV armies from H6 to H5, all 7 armies from I6 to H5, and 11 armies from G6 to H5.
Cast INSPIRE FORCES on this combined army of 30 GV armies. Cost: 10 = 1 = 11.
Now split the army after the following:
10 ATTACk I5.
10 attack H3 (through G4).
SMITE the 6x armies from Uta attacking J2. 4 + 7 = 11 * 6 = 66.
69 power left (giggity).
SMITE the 3x armies from Uta attacking L4. 3 + 7 = 10 * 3 = 30.
GROW SETTLEMENT at G6. Cost: (5 -5ag) 1. New pop: 6.
38 power left.
ADVANCE: M9 (6), M10 (5), L12 (9), L10 (4), L9 (7), K13 (5), K12 (9), K11 (9), K10 (9), K9 (9), K8 (9), J8 (7), J11 (3), J12 (7), J13 (9), I13 (9), I12 (9), I8 (9), I9 (8), G12 (8), G7 axis mundi (3), F13 (8), F11 (9), F6 (6) = 176 + 15 = 188.
BUY: Weapons +15 27, Weapons +16 27, Weapons +17 28, Weapons +18 28, +Weapons +19 (29) = 139.
GIFT 49 science to Grotar. Some weregeld to go with that Danegeld (see below).
ALTER: P5, P6, and Q6 from crater to Volcano. Costs:
3 + 3 = 6.
4 + 3 = 7
4 + 3 = 7
20 all together.
ALTER: I6 from wetlands to scrublands. Then RAISE terrain to hills. 3 + 3 + 3 = 9.
9 power left and kept in reserve.
MOVE 9GV armies from G7 to F5.
MOVE 9GV armies from M6 to L5.
Move 5GV armies from H7 to H6.
ATTACK the Mermaids at L15 with 2x armies from L15.
ATTACK the Mermaids at M15 with 2x armies from L15.
SACRIFICE the 4GV armies at J6 gaining 4 power. Also sacrifice 1 at H7.
14 power left.
Cast INSPIRE FORCES at the 1 Army at G2 (10 +4). Move that army into H1 to ATTACK it!
0 power left.
TUrn summary:
Settlements: 25. M9 (6), M10 (5), L12 (9), L10 (4), L9 (7), K13 (5), K12 (9), K11 (9), K10 (9), K9 (9), K8 (9), J8 (7), J11 (3), J12 (7), J13 (9), I13 (9), I12 (9), I8 (9), I9 (8), I6 (6), H6 (7), G12 (8), G7 Axis Mundi (3), G6 (6) F13 (8), F11 (9), F6 (6).
Worshippers: 196.
Power: 0. Science: 0.
New advancements: Weapons +15 27, Weapons +16 27, Weapons +17 28, Weapons +18 28, +Weapons +19 (29) = 139.
Terrain alterations: I6 to Hilly Scrub, P5, P6, and Q6 to volcanoes.
MOVE 9GV armies from G7 to F5.
MOVE 9GV armies from M6 to L5.
Move 5GV armies from H7 to H6.
Kill 1 from H7.
V. Uta:
1 army ATTACKING the undefended settlement at G1.
1 army ATTACKING the undefended settlement at H1.
3 armies ATTACKING the undefended settlement at H2.
10 ATTACk I5.
10 attack H3
ATTACK the Mermaids at L15 with 2x armies from L15.
ATTACK the Mermaids at M15 with 2x armies from L15.
Otherwise, hold in place.
My obliterates have wiped out J3 but for 6 armies of Uta. Meanwhile, my smites have destroyed all Uta's attackers at J2 and L4.
Carried aloft on stratospheric gales from distant lands, a sky-blackening swarm of vegetative pods at last descend over the armies of Utatnaphor and Grotar. As the air pressure increases with their descent and warms them, they burst and release a steaming liquid that becomes an aerosol mere feet above the ground. Within moments, the ground is swamped with a pea-soup coloured fog, within which is nothing less than agony and terror.
The mist is a blistering agent of terrible efficacy. Within mere seconds of exposure the most vulnerable areas of the body--the eyes, the nose, the ears, the mouth--are beset with the howling agony of enormous pustules that do not even grant the mercy of death by choking, but pop with scalding liquid so that asphyxiation is never achieved. The skin follows soon thereafter--protected or unprotected, it matters not--as flesh is first boiled, then liquified, by the terrible toxin unleashed. Only after minutes of this does the pain finally cause death, by which time even the muscle tissue underneath began to be assaulted, such that the corpses that laid strewn across the land--hundreds of thousands of Syphinx and Goblins--are mangled masses of gooey flesh.
Not a single man is spared this gruesome fate in the area of strongest attack (J2). In other areas, the winds work to restrict the chemical assault to only the armies of the Syphinx, saving the Goblin by the divine intervention of Fraemaour.
"Utatnaphor," calls Fraemaour, "it is the way of the world that I ally with Grotar to destroy you. I would beg your pardon, but I would not insult you through false apologies. Instead, I shall pronounce: vae victis.
"I shall not pursue you as you shall no longer be a threat to me. Depart from these Northern Lands."
"As for you, Grotar: I offer you a weregeld for those who were victims of the assault amongst your ranks. This should pay for the goblin lives sufficiently, I assume? Nay - I am even more generous. Take these volcanoes that you might need no longer my knowledge, but instead learn from the fiery earth yourself."

Fraemaour |

"Most superb," responds Fraemaour as he eyes the destruction he wrought and the destruction still to come from the armies of Grotar.
"Celios," calls the god through the trumpets of the grass. "I have 25 barrels of medd to the same of your fire water, to be delivered on the next cycle, if Grotar's hordes emerge victorious but for in the far North where they face twenty legions.
"Do we have a wager?"
OOC: 25 power if Grotar conquers the other lands, but fails to conquer J1.

Iazamaz, he who walks among us |

Iazamaz oversees the destruction of the world, bitter and sorrowful as war wages on. The deaths, the killing. the terrible atrocity. it is simply too much for the god. The gods speaks to the rest of the pantheon, bitter and angry
"say you so that the world was once in peace, now it faces nothing but war. I myself have soaked my hands in the blood of the innocent. It is too much. too much to for me to bear. Your tear each other at the flesh and rend each other with terrible war. Bitter. Bitter am I. weary of the conflict cruel irony of which you dance in. I myself am no different. My peacekeeper are nothing but murderers. IF THE NEW WORLD IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR, SO BE IT.BUT I WILL NO LONGER PARTAKE OF THIS MADNESS." Iazamaz falls silent, then continues
" perhaps you will all be content with the ruins of a world."
He vanishes, giving no time to for the others to reply.
He reappears to his people, much darker than usual, his face slowly melting.
"my people" He begins.
"For too long have I allowed all of you to fall under more powerful beings. Foolish was I think that there would be hope for peace.The air is filled with ash much thicker than that of our native lands.Our patrons crush and trample those who seek to uproot them. and we too, take the live of those who oppose us. no more.NO MORE I SAY FOR TODAY WE SHALL NOT TAKE PART IN ANY OF IT"
He smiles, bitterly.
"Ashes,flesh to dust
Fills the air of which we breathe
Our lungs burn likewise"
The ethereals are silent but for a moment, then they start a song on their instruments. A solemn song, the notes hang bitter, and sorrowful. It is not a song one can describe easily. It is many songs, the songs of the cultists, the sphnixes,the wayfarers,the minoans, the Velmoru and grasvolks and even those civilsations that have left before the ethereals, the goblins, and orizaba. It is mant songs, yet no song in particular.It rises to cresendo then stops. All is silent, and the ethereals are no more
Turn summary
Sacrificing The population of all settlements and armies

Alosvalophos |

Turn 14 concludes
The Progress of War
Mermaids +1 +1
Kraken +4 +3
Sirens +2 +1
Celios has armour 18 and weapons 17.
Celios:4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 1) = 13
Mermaid:1d6 ⇒ 2
Celios kills the Mermaid. +7 points.
Celios:4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 6) = 12
Mermaid:1d6 ⇒ 4
Celios kills the Mermaid. +7 points.
E3 pulled to F3:
Celios:4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 2) = 14
Sirens:2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
Celios kills the Sirens: 10 points.
Celios:9d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6, 3, 6, 2) = 30
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 6, 4) = 26
Celios loses 2. +7 points.
E17 pulled to F18:
Celios:10d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 5, 4, 6) = 42
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 4, 4) = 17
Celios loses 1. +7 points.
Together: Celios: 38 points.
Grotar has armour 10 and weapons 2, Kraken +4 and +3. Both kill/die on minimum.
Grotar:12d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5, 6, 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 2, 6, 2) = 48
Kraken:6d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 6, 5, 6) = 26
Grotar kills the kraken, losing 1 army. Grotar: 25 points.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 4, 3) = 15
The Mermaids kill Fraemaour's army, suffering 2 deaths.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6
Mermaids:5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 1, 3) = 12
Fraemaour kills 1.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
Mermaids:4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 1) = 8
Fraemaour kills 1.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
Mermaids:3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4) = 12
Fraemaour kills 1.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
Mermaids:2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
Fraemaour kills.
Fraemaour:2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
Mermaids:1d6 ⇒ 1
Fraemaour kills the Mermaid at M15. Fraemaour: 7 points.
Fraemaour weapons 19 and armour 14, Utatnaphor has weapons 7 and armour 9. Fraemaour kills on 2, dies on 6. Uta kills on 6 and dies on 2.
Fraemaour:10d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 5, 1, 5, 2) = 35
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 2) = 8
Fraemaour conquers without loss, gaining H4 (3 pop) with 10 armies.
Fraemaour: 12 points.
Fraemaour also conquers G1, H1, H2, I5, and I5.

Alosvalophos |

Grotar has armour 10 and weapons 2, Utatnaphor has weapons 7 and armour 9. Grotar kills on 2, dies on 6; Uta kills on 6, dies on 6.
Grotar:8d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 2) = 30
Uta:6d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 6) = 16
Grotar kills 2, Uta kills 1.
Grotar:6d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5) = 21
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 3) = 16
Uta kills 1.
Grotar:4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 4) = 21
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 4) = 12
Grotar kills 2.
Grotar:4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 3) = 9
Uta:2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12
Uta kills the remaining 2.
Points: Grotar: 12. Uta: 12.
Uta retains K1 with 2 armies.
Grotar:14d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 6, 5, 1, 6, 4, 2, 2, 2, 6, 2, 3) = 51
Uta:20d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 2, 6) = 64
Grotar kills 3, Uta kills 5.
Grotar:4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 4) = 17
Uta:17d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 6, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 4) = 68
Uta kills the remaining 2.
Points: Grotar: 9. Uta: 39.
Uta retains J1 with 17 armies.
Grotar:20d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 6, 3, 6, 5, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 4, 5) = 80
Uta:13d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3) = 50
CORRECTION: Grotar kills 5, Uta kills 2.
Grotar:16d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6, 3, 1, 2, 6, 3, 2, 6) = 59
Uta:12d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 1, 2) = 34 - Taking away last 4 rolls to compensate for error.
Grotar kills 4, Uta kills 3.
Grotar:10d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 6) = 32
Uta:4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 4) = 20
Grotar kills 1.
Grotar:10d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 3, 6, 6, 5, 1, 2, 5) = 38
Uta:3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3) = 8
Grotar kills 2.
Grotar:10d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 3, 3, 1, 4, 1, 4, 2) = 31
Uta:1d6 ⇒ 5
Grotar kills the last 1.
Grotar conquers J4, a tile with 4 population + 4 new armies due to his domain.
Points: Grotar: 39. Uta: 9.
Point totals: Grotar: 60. Uta: 60.
Grotar also conquers M4 uncontested with 13 armies.

The Black Vizier |

The depths churned with an unearthly, abyssal might--maelstroms form cliff-sides amidst the sea-surface, and tsunami consume stray isles. The time has at last arrived. The sea god shall
"Arise, o! Leviathan! Once you were a god, a thing of blood and wood - Itzpapalotl. Now you are a glory of the water itself, Great Tyrant of the Waters! Majesty of Might!"
The beast is a monstrosity the likes of which the world has never seen. Breeching the waters, it massive form briefly blots out the sun before smashing the waters with such bulk that the oceans shudder from the injury so inflicted upon their surface. Miles long and covered in an inky ichor slickening the surface of a thick, horny carapace surrounding a muscled, whip-like body, terminating in a jutting jaw lined with ten thousand rows of man-high teeth, it resembles the abominable combination of a sea-turtle, whale, shark, and sea-dragon combined. Were it not for its bulk, such a description would be impossible for nothing in the natural world dares to defy its might, nor draws closer than ten miles from it.
NPC: The Leviathan arrives on the scene. The Leviathan is worth 50 points to kill, but it shall be massively difficult to do. It has 15 armies with war and all gods will face it at kill on 6, die on 2. It is also immune to miracles. Moreover, if the players do not kill it by the end of the game, each player will be penalized a loss of points between 50 and 20 as determined by dice roll.

Attiliax |

"I can abide this no more!" shouts Attiliax with a voice that echoes in the shattering blast of his descent to the world below. In rebellion to his fathers wishes, he shall proceed to the world of gods and mortals to do war with the Black Vizier who has angered him so!
His appearance is that of a giant, stone soldier sat atop a chariot driven by a legion of Centaur warriors, and accompanied by a cohort of his brother celestial sons. Their massive forms are yet dwarfed by the great Leviathan, and yet their majesty is a terror to behold, endowed as they are with the cosmic power of the Overgod, Alosvalophos.
"Your Leviathan shall fall before my strength interloper! BEHOLD! My chariot defies your seas and I draw nigh your abomination! The time will come that I shall slay it and you cannot act against me!"
NPC: Attiliax enters the game! He is worth 40 to kill, has 10 armies with war, and like the Leviathan, must be fought at a 1/6 disadvantage without the aid of miracles. He shall progress to the Leviathan over the next five turns. If he is not stopped he will kill the Leviathan, costing an even more expensive penalty starting at 75 points down to 40 as determined by dice rolls. If the Leviathan should be killed and Attiliax is not, Attiliax will take his vengeance upon the gods and cast armaggedon as the last action to take place in the game.
He is accompanied by a huge host of Centaur warriors serving as his steeds and cohorts of celestial sons. Celestials sons kill on 3, die on 4 and have 5 armies a piece with war. They are worth 15 points per kill. The Centaurs are as in the first round, save that are in vastly bigger numbers and are immune to obliterates (but not other miracles).
Even if combat is engaged, the entire retinue will advance closer and cloesr to the Leviathan each turn.
En guarde