Distant Worlds: Azlanti Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master Trailjava

Epic Fantasy in the Stars from the Streets of Magnimar to the coldness of Space.

Silver Crusade

I need the group to figure out how they know each other in Maginmar.

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14


HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One

Here! I'll be out of town until Monday morning, but I should be able to hop on briefly once a day or so.

This is a casual campaign so no worries about postings per day!

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

Nycah has been running a little alchemist's shop for a bit. He probably has a tiny storefront in the northern Dockway, and actually lives - rather more contentedly than most - in the Shadow.

Male Ratfolk Rouge/2

Nycah Moon, If you are running the alchemists shop, then I have probably bought some supplies from you in the past for poisons and the like.

GM Ash, I will try to have a full character sheet done tomorrow for you. I just got back home from 3 days of Gencon, so I'm going to sleep for a while.

thats fine

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Hi folks. Quite the menagerie we've got here.

I'm here. I'll have mine up soon. Just checking in after a long weekend at the beach.

Good Morning Adventurers ! Hope everyone had a great weekend, like a I stated before in the recruitment thread this a Casual game with no hardcore rule like post 4 times a day. What I do expect is everyone to have one to have fun and work together as a team (when possible). I plan on GMing with a different style for this game I will am trying a out different styles of posting for this so please be patient and give me feedback if I need it.
What I need from you all outside of any Crunch stuff left is a backstory for the group..are you Adventure Company or heros for hire?

So to kick the campaign off in a different way. I need you guys to to create level 20 PCs of your current PC's. Here are the guidelines for you.
1. You useing only Paizo sources etc for you builds..
2. You each have access to magic items based on this ...
a. 1 at level Major magic item
b. 2 level 15 & below magic items
c. enough consumables for a CR 20-25 fight..
d. Also make this as new alias with your name and the letter h so for example Amalgus(H)

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Holy Crud. Level 20. This is going to take a while. Wish I had Hero Lab now...

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Ok, here's what I've mapped out for Amalgus' racial abilities.

Mechanicus Race:

+2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Wis

Fire and Cold resist 5

Vulnerable to Electricity

Construct Traits: Low-light vision. Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (see the creature's description for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. Constructs can also be healed through spells such as make whole. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
Not at risk of death from massive damage.
A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
A construct is hard to destroy, and gains bonus hit points based on size.
Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Sentience: Unlike most constructs, Amalgus is vulnerable to charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms.

Self Repairing: Amalgus has Fast Healing equal to 1/2 it's character level and is not destroyed when it reaches 0 HP. Instead it uses the normal rules for characters at negative HP. Once Amalgus reaches -10 it is damaged beyond repair and is effectively dead. As a construct Amalgus cannot ever be resurrected or raised from the dead.

Shortwave Communication: as Telepathy with a range of 100 feet, but limited to mechanical constructs and creatures with the (mechanical) subtype. In addition, this allows Amalgus to sense the location of creatures it can communicate with using this ability.

Sunlight Dependent: Amalgus is Sickened and loses it's Fast Healing ability after spending longer than one hour in areas without sunlight. After one day without sunlight, Amalgus becomes Fatigued. After one week without sunlight, Amalgus becomes Staggered. After one month without sunlight, Amalgus becomes Paralyzed. These conditions persist until Amalgus is able to spend at least one hour in direct sunlight. The Daylight spell (and similar effects) is treated as actual sunlight for the purposes of this ability, but no other light source does.

The Construct Traits package is pretty powerful, but I've added some vulnerabilities and alterations to balance it a little. The Self-repairing ability is added to try to deal with the fact that without it Amalgus can't be healed at all. The Sunlight Dependency trait is a pretty big limitation that might cause some issues if we're ever underground for extended periods, but I think it's thematically and mechanically interesting.

Gm, and group, please take a look and tell me what you think.

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

Getting time to level up to 20 will take me a day or two.

HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One

I'm mostly set but could use some clarification regarding items/money. What do your Magic Item rules refer to? Does it mean we only get 3 magic items total? What restrictions? What's the gold budget for mundane gear/consumables? Sorry if they're dumb questions; I'm used to a different method of gearing up. :-)

Hey guys change in plans I dont need the level 20 PC I am going with another direction! So let me know when everyone is up!

Male Ratfolk Rouge/2

Darn, I leveled myself up and I kick ridicules amounts of ass, assuming the enemy is not immune to sneak attacks. Anyway I added a link to a character sheet to my profile.

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

Ready when you are, Omnipresent Authority Figure

HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One


HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Assuming my race traits get a thumbs up, I'm ready also.

you are good

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

SO, Ernst is a customer of Nycah's. Cloaked, Amalgus, might you both be residents of the Shadow neighborhood?

HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One

The Cloaked One spends his days wandering around Magnimar preaching of doom. At night, he stays in the Shadow District slums. While the party probably doesn't know him personally, I'm sure that everyone's heard his doomsday ranting at some point. He's interested in the Dark Tapestry (space), Grotean artifacts, and ancient writings. Anything even remotely connected to those topics will attract him without fail.

[ooc]Think of him as the crazy sign-holding "The End Is Coming" guy but with a creepy vibe. Since the rest of the party is unusual as well, he's aware of you as well. He especially pays attention to the metal man (Amalgus) and the shadowy one (Nycah).

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Am I in magnamar also, or would you prefer the party meets me off-world?

I'm gonna be a bit slower... building a 20th level character with spells takes a looong time.

HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One
GM Ash wrote:
Hey guys change in plans I dont need the level 20 PC I am going with another direction! So let me know when everyone is up!

@Airon: The Level 20 PC isn't needed at the moment. :-)

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Don't suppose any of that stuff about the companion waking up in the shop has to do with me?

I honestly don't know how I would have got to Magnamar or what I would do there, or how long I've been there, so I'd appreciate any help I can get. Basically, whatever best helps further the plot I'm fine with.

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

Ernst, it looks like you are having trouble with the site's internal dice roller.

here's a guide that might help you with formatting your dice codes and other issues.

Male Ratfolk Rouge/2

Thanks Amalgus, I got it figured out.

Hey guys I should have of said this upfront so I am sorry for any misunderstanding. I am running this sandbox style, meaning I give you options to chose from such as explore the ship or talk more. I have a story to share with you but plan on doing it as YOU all pick and choose things. So just I thought I would let you know!

Happy Football Day

HP: 14/14 | AC: 18; T: 18; FF: 16; CMD: 13; MSD: 12; PSD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +4; Will: +3 | Init: +2; Perc: +2
Sameen / The Cloaked One

Hey everyone, I recently started GMing an AP, and it's taking up a lot more time than I realized. I'm having to significantly cut back in order to pick up the slack, and am afraid that I'm going to have to drop out of this game. Sorry I can't continue; it's been fun. Have fun in outer space!

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

Good luck and have fun, Cloaked.

ok have cloak have fun
sorry for not posting the more this week..lots of work

Hey guys life has gotten hectic so I will be retiring this game. Sorry it worked out this way for now.

Male Fetchling Wizard 2, init+2,AC12/12/10(16/16/14magearmor),F1/R2/W3, hp14

Thanks for running it, Ash. Please PM me if you get to a point where you could pick it back up.

Best O luck

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

It was fun while it lasted. Best of luck.

Male Ratfolk Rouge/2

ok, guess I will see you guys later then.

HP 50/50, Fast heal 3, AC 19, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Summon 9/10, Sunlight Dependant

GM, can you please move this game to Inactive in the Campaign Tab?

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