Luce Winterscliffe |

Yes, had a great time - bought loads of games and dice (for the first time in many a year). Unfortunately we didn't manage to get a game in, maybe next time.
360GP each with Party Pool of 100GP, provided we can find a collector (Jangi?), for the agate. Then we can see if we can sell the symbol of Torag to someone with a pure heart.

Luce Winterscliffe |

I have heard that the best radio version of LoTR was with the dwarves being Yorkshire Men/Miners rather than the usual Scottish dwarves. I think it was a BBC Radio version?
Although generally my group runs dwarves as being medieval Jewish people & elves as Japanese feudal Lords.
Back on topic; whoops IC post 'week = he seeks' typo!

Luce Winterscliffe |

I do love the lilting sounds of the valley, boyo.
Translating: 'Now t' spend some of this brass, I ain't e'en got me Sunday best. Then me and Mr Brewerson could talk 'bout goblins. Maybe 'e could e'en ask t' progress about t' shard, git some answers that week.'
Now to spend some money, I haven't got any nice clothes. Then to see Vondal about the goblins. We could find 'the Progress' and maybe ask about the meteorite shard he found. He might get some answers.

Varis Shepherd |

Sounds good to me (the dazed part at least). Having enemies provide CA, makes it easier for my Rogue Archer to get Sneak Attack, without having to find cover. Granted after they are prone they will be harder to hit, but we can work together to rinse and repeat when they get up.

Rev Rosey |

Made contact with Tiberious and Aurix. Both will be pulling out at the moment at least. Real life and absence of internet will do that to a person. Or people, in this case.
That leaves us with a party of 4.
Varis - ranged striker
Vondal - ranged AoE
Luce - melee striker and ranged stuff
Zero's bod.
Worth advertising for another do you think?

Bluenose |
Rev Rosey asked me to put him up in this thread, so my candidate is Sigvard Lodbrok Ingvarsson, wandering warrior-poet and specialist in hitting people with sharp objects and then making up impromptu poetry to describe their failings as warriors. He could work as a fighter or as a bard (probably a Skald), although since he's not originally a D&D character I might need some tweaking. Since he's made himself a little unpopular with certain powerful people back home (something about making up poetry that isn't entirely flattering about people, seducing their daughters, and commenting on the ugliness of their wives) he's decided a change of scenery would be good for his health, and is wandering around looking for some trouble to get into.

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ragleblarg, and here I was wanting to play the Bard XD
I'll talk to RC for you.
Once again i am tempted to work with the module I have, its for lvls 2-4, but not sure if I can will myself to devote that much time to it! ; ;
edit: Welcome to Commander Caine, I read your story, heh its sort of interesting getting a chance to play with people who I've read about.

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hmmm I'm already playing a defender but if you guys need one, I've been considering making a stout dwarven knight, Kendall Steelshod.
edit: Yeah, you probably need a good defender, unless I hear otherwise, or if RCF wants it, I'll go for a Knight, I know essentials classes are lighter on the mechanics, but I'll give it a go anyway.

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Zerombr, I was thinking of a possible link to my character for your dwarf fighter - perhaps you could be in the employ of my father and tasked with sending me back to do my duty in the brewery business - but also under instruction to use persuasion rather than force. Assuming you have a low CHA and lousy social skills, that would be a laugh and possibly good for some roleplaying, especially as Vondal is enjoying himself too much as an adventurer. So you join the party, not to watch over me specifically, but to continue working on persuading me to go home. I just put this out thee for you to take or leave, but it's a reasonable reason for joining the party and might be fun.

Rev Rosey |

You all know my views on play what you want first and foremost. Of course it helps to have a bit of balance, but you're all experienced and good players. You'll find your way out of trouble if you have to.
Once you've sorted out who you're all playing I'll take a look and see about getting you going again.

Commander Caine |

edit: Welcome to Commander Caine, I read your story, heh its sort of interesting getting a chance to play with people who I've read about.
I feel flattered by this.
However, I intend to revise Caine's background by making him a failed Paladin Aspirant whose failure compelled him to join the army to hide his disgrace from his family. This made him accept dangerous assignments. But the years of war had taken their toll and the stress of seeing many of his men die for the greed of other men sickened him. He deserted his command to lead the life of an adventurer, so that he can fight for causes more worthy than greed.
EDIT: reading the game thread now; and i think Caine will be using a fullblade.

Rev Rosey |

Equipment as follows for incomers:
One each of level 1, 2, 3 magic items plus an additional 600 to spend on what you will. The original team started with a bonus level 3 magic item, and did reasonably well out of their last adventure (for once), so this seems a fair compromise.
We didn't build with themes as two of the original players had no access to DDI. If any of you want to add one in at this point, go ahead. Likewise, background. Not in use with original build, but OK now.
Anything fancy you want, please check first, particularly if you're buying pets.
Ring Biter is a perfectly good name for a spear.
This is a pre-industrial world and you're not in a very sophisticated part of it. Most races are tolerated, but dragonborn and tieflings are rather rare. Elves and Eladrin are recognised and respected rather reluctantly. Dwarves tend to be even more clannish than usual. Shardminds and such are unknown. The basic population is human and halfling, with a sprinkling of shifters. Shifters get a bit of respect. This is sheep country.
The ruling family are the Sarathame Kings. They made an ages old pact with the fey which still holds. It is high summer and time for the annual Progress - where the King and the Veiled One traverse the boundaries. During this period, anyone can ask a boon of the King and it will be granted. At a price.

Rev Rosey |

getting a +1 quick fullblade (level 3 item); +1 dwarven chainmail (level 2 item); and amulet of protection +1 (level 1 item).
@ Rev, will you allow the Disgraced Noble theme from the Book of Vile Darkness?
Yes, as long as you're not intending to play him like an evil psycho which wouldn't fit in at all well.

Luce Winterscliffe |

I'll add a background, actually I don't have DDi either (don't really like subscriptions) - so I'll pass on the theme for now.
As far as the loot division/ money goes. We were splitting it Group#+1 ways with the extra forming a party pool for reagents, healing potions,...whatever. But this is flexible.
The Safewing Amulet went to Tiberious & we still need to find a buyer for the Torag statue.

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Commander Caine wrote:getting a +1 quick fullblade (level 3 item); +1 dwarven chainmail (level 2 item); and amulet of protection +1 (level 1 item).
@ Rev, will you allow the Disgraced Noble theme from the Book of Vile Darkness?
Yes, as long as you're not intending to play him like an evil psycho which wouldn't fit in at all well.
That said, the Noble theme (i.e. not disgraced) has very good synergies with Warlord.