Luce Winterscliffe |

Tiberious' IC point reminds me, if in combat you wish to have Luce attack with Commander's Strike feel free to roll the attack yourself. If that is alright with the GM? That way you will get to roll and it won't hold up play.
The other thing I was thinking was creating a second Avatar for Luce in Beastform; if this would help the GM keep track better. Although I know your book-keeping is immaculate Rev Rosey.

Rev Rosey |

By all means roll for Commander's Strike any way you like. I'm all for keeping things moving.
Another avatar for Luce in beastie mode makes sense and would certainly help identify what she is and when. My book-keeping may be good, but my sense of direction is appalling. I cannot tell east from west or left from right. Be warned when the maps go up.

Luce Winterscliffe |

I believe it is their normal base attack (which should be in their profile) & for Luce in Beast-form can be her Beast Form At-Will. Although I will defer to the more experienced.
Had that in a real-life game, as I am the mapper (we are old school) I was telling the others that the entrance to the dungeon was to the west (it was on the right on the map!) and our group were walking around for hours (in RL & game time), before I spotted the error. The GM is one for verisimilitude therefore didn't say a thing about where I was going wrong.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Cart picture or Pen & Ink Cart, basically it's a simple tip-cart that's used to take goods to market.

Luce Winterscliffe |

My actual dungeon maps can be quite... unique, but generally they give a great indication of where we have been even if it does lose accuracy. Or course it gives the other players something to tease me about.
Yep, Betsy might have to be tethered soon/now so long as it's not certain that she heads off to the knackers yard.

Luce the Beast |

Here is the alternative 'Beast-Form' Alias. I will try to post in the alias that I will be in at the end of the post. (Ie if I start as human and turn to a wolf, then I will post as a wolf.) I might also try to vary the avatar to reflect the animal; which is easier with the new filters but there are still not lots of different species of creature.

Rev Rosey |

Arakan is one of Aardvark's characters in another pbp. Aubrey's Dark Sun campaign. He is a particularly cowardly bard and his run of bad dice rolls is the stuff of legend.
I have a warlock in the same pbp and she spends a lot of time either dragging Arakan back from the dead or watching him like a hawk to see that he doesn't run away.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Sorry about rushing off ahead (both IC & OoC), not sure if we are going into turn/round order. But IC it would probably be the sort of impulsive thing she would do, also tactically if she actually manages to get across it might be useful to have someone at both ends of the bridge.

Vondal Brewerson |

Or a great way to get cut off... But since we are hearing screams, it seems a perfectly valid thing to do in-character as one of the prisoners is your brother. And Vondal is right behind you. Well, somewhere behind you.
Ooo, that's weird, I've just lost the last week-and-a-half's play on this thread. I assume it will return anon. Oh wait, this is the discussion thread. All is explained.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Off topic - It's amazing how a good RL session can alter your perceptions of how a game is runnning. Just finished GMing a game and it's gone from meh (for me) to interesting. Which is especially nice as I usually spend an hour walking and mulling over the game.

![]() |

To me, 'that moment' is generally characterized by a lack of simple tactical combat, especially metagaming, and instead replaced with a real connection to a character.
I saw one of those in a game I ran in the actual first session, the distinctive differences in everyone, and how people started to mesh almost instantly.
When a player of a character can look at another's and go, "Yeah, that's CLASSIC (character name)" then you know you've got that attachment.
Heck one of my favorite characters has yet to do a single point of damage in 6 levels, and I know, that anytime I make a good remark or (non)combat action that really sinks in, I know everyone who has played with her, make that association too

Luce Winterscliffe |

Exactly. Although weirdly with this game, it's 9 sessions in and finally they have the first combat which seems to have brought together my GM'ing ideas. But the players all seem to be having a great time anyway, it's just me that's no really feeling the game's structure.
Whereas one of the last games started 'In-Media Res', which didn't work when none of the players know the system (or setting).

Luce Winterscliffe |

Since we have completed 2 combats now, just working out the party roles:
Tiberious - Leader, melee, healer.
Anastria - Striker, ranged, individual.
Varis - Striker, individual, Ranged or Switch hitter?
Aurix - Defender, melee.
Vondal - Controller, ranged, Area.
Luce - Controller, switch hitter?
Just trying to get a feel of our positions in a combat (when Luce doesn't do something stupid) and what Luce should do. As with her speed she is awesome at flanking for CA.

Aurix "BattleAxe" Rhogar |

The one thing I do wish I had changed about the character was the statblock since everyone seems to take advantage of minuses and putting extra points into other things. Charisma is sort of a useless stat for Fighters but I always felt bad by taking a minus just to make my other abilities a little better:/ sorry just thinking out loud.

Luce Winterscliffe |

I know, I always like having a half-decent CHA. But the good thing is even if your max stat is 2 points less it's only a -1 and that seems to make less difference, especially since defenses have 2 options.
No, a bit of my earlier statement was thinking of multi-classing or future role for Luce. She could be a good close-combat striker - especially with Tiberious 'Commanders Strike' alternatively she could be a decentish healer by going warden rather than Barbarian.

Rev Rosey |

I'm thoroughly enjoying this group - it's a blast to run and the characters are great.
I'm heroically busy today, but should have a little time this evening to move you all on.
Agreed on the stat dumping. I hate doing it as well.
Re Wardens - they are extremely potent. They have an extremely powerful class power which allows them to make a save at the start of their turn as well as at the end. So, if you're dazed, you can make a save against that at the beginning of your turn and then take a full turn. If you make the save of course. That came out clunky, but it's early for me and I'm about to hit a 9 hour set of rehearsals.