GM WhtKnt's Forge of Heroes (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

New heroes give their best to become the future of the Justice League, or perhaps a league of their own!

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Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10

Rigel quick-changes right on the floor, throwing up a barrier around the combatants.

Having found a place to change he does so. That will take at least a round.

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

With a word Voltage becomes living energy. He then flies with great speed back into the room and makes himself a target in the air to keep the villan from going for civilians. "Stop this now!" He calls out with a booming voice!

Standard action to alter form and then move back in and I will be near the ceiling over an area without anyone beneath me like a table set up for currently empty signing booths.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

"Buzz off, junior! The adults are talking," Killer Frost replies, sending three ice daggers your way to emphasize her point. Rigel sets up a defensive barrier around the pair of angry women. Straightjacket is changing. MINOTAR makes his announcement as security arrives on the scene, tasers drawn. Cheshire snarls a very unladylike reply to Killer Frost and moves toward the cowering Ms. Colbrande.

Voltage is up.

Cold Control vs. Voltage: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 (DC 27)

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:

"Buzz off, junior! The adults are talking," Killer Frost replies, sending three ice daggers your way to emphasize her point. Rigel sets up a defensive barrier around the pair of angry women. Straightjacket is changing. MINOTAR makes his announcement as security arrives on the scene, tasers drawn. Cheshire snarls a very unladylike reply to Killer Frost and moves toward the cowering Ms. Colbrande.

Voltage is up.

[dice=Cold Control vs. Voltage]1d20+10 (DC 27)

"Just to level set sweets, as moderately cute as you are. I am hundreds of years older than you, and you're bothering me. Maybe the "adults" could stand down? Maybe the "adults could stfu? Yeah, I know, right? Sucks when real people mess with your mojo, we get it. GO HOME!

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Voltage brings the Thunder! With a massive boom he repeats "Stop!" targeted at Killer Frost.

I am using Thunderstruck. It is Selective so I only hit Killer Frost.

Thunderstruck: DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude. Affliction vs Fortitude (One Degree: Dazed / Two Degrees: Stunned / Three Degrees: Incapacitated)

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Killer Frost Dodge: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Killer Frost Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Voltage's voice echoes through the convention center, but Frost stands defiant.

Rigel, Straitjacket, and MINOTAR are up!

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CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

Still behind the scenes (so to speak) MINOTAR attempts to use this to his advantage...he begins downloading as many maps of the convention center at high speed and moving down a back corridor that gets him closer to the action.

BASICALLY...Can MINOTAR sneak up in all of the commotion and get near one of the combatants in order to gain a surprise attack? Even if it means busting through a wall, or floor, or...something? He should be able to use any unsecured wireless security cameras and cell phone transmissions to attempt and triangulate something like this. I think?

Skill Flurry!
Perception(Awareness): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 -free action
Technology(INT): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 -standard action
Jack-of-all-trades(Expertise:Guerilla Tactics)-INT: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 - does not take an action!
Jack-of-all-trades(Athletics)-STR: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 - move action

Straightjacket gets changed into his costume, hides his clothes in a box of cleaning supplies, and heads towards the fracas expanding to his combat height on the way.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Apolgies. Got sidetracked with my wife's surgery and recovery.

As Straightjacket makes his change, MINOTAR runs some quick calculations. He is able to get into a position behind the curtained "wall" that forms the back of the signing booth.


Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:

Apolgies. Got sidetracked with my wife's surgery and recovery.

As Straightjacket makes his change, MINOTAR runs some quick calculations. He is able to get into a position behind the curtained "wall" that forms the back of the signing booth.


Rigel wants to create a sphere around Killer Frost (nonpermeable so that she will pass out); he will then fly her out of there.

Array = 5ranks Force Manip, 4 ranks Flight

Sphere: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 DC15

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Rigel forms a sphere of force about Killer Frost as Cheshire goes for her target. Her claws rake at Gemstone's arm, but the agile woman scrambles clear before they can connect. Suddenly, a thick vine wraps itself about Cheshire and lifts the assassin into the air! From the entranceway comes a female voice, "Unh-unh-uh! The lady and I have business!"

Cheshire vs. Gemstone: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 (DC 21)
Gemstone Dodge: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Killer Frost
Poison Ivy

GM Screen, pay no mind:
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

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[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Poison Ivy or back to me?

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

You're up. Poison Ivy's action was to send in the vine.

Straightjacket will attemtp to wrap up Cheshire when it's his go.

grab: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 (if that hits it is a critical) DC 18+5

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

That puts me close behind the person under attack? Correct? If so my first action on my turn will be to try and surprise grapple her and yank her out of sight quickly behind the curtain wall.

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Voltage focuses sends a powerful bolt of lightning at Cheshire.

I am going to power attack for 2.

Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24+2=26: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 - 2 = 24

Dark Archive

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Voltage blasts Cheshire with a vicious bolt of lightning but she easily dodges the attack. At the same time, Straightjacket attempts to coil about her, but Cheshire moves with superhuman agility as she evades the effort. MINOTAR, you are able to pull Gemstone to (relative) safety. Rigel, you have an action coming.

Cheshire Dodge: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34
Cheshire Parry: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

"Nimble little mynx aren't ya?"

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

Whispering to the captured individual, MINOTAUR tries not to panic the woman.

“Reassuring and Statement: Please do not worry or struggle, I’m with the JLA and am attempting to remove you from this situation and hopefully descalate the scuffle nearby. Please stay with me and do not speak. Nod your head if you understand.”

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Rigel, you have an action coming. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:
Rigel, you have an action coming. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

ALL me, I totally did not see that. Did Killer Frost pass out yet though? It is a determining factor of Rigel's next action.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Frosty is still awake at this point, but trapped.

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:
Frosty is still awake at this point, but trapped.

So in principle, Rigel should be able to expand the sphere to make the inner atomosphere thinner to knock her out faster ... right?

That is Rigel's action if approved.

Dark Archive

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

An interesting theory. Let's see if it works...

Killer Frost Fort Save (DC 20): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Killer Frost fights valiantly against passing out, but it's no use. As her air runs out, she begins to suffocate.

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:

An interesting theory. Let's see if it works...

[dice=Killer Frost Fort Save (DC 20)]1d20+8

Killer Frost fights valiantly against passing out, but it's no use. As her air runs out, she begins to suffocate.


Rigel will move the globe and the unconscious Frost further away from the battle - he will hold the environment as is for 20-30 seconds before releasing the globe.

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
Rigel Kentaurus wrote:
WhtKnt wrote:

An interesting theory. Let's see if it works...

[dice=Killer Frost Fort Save (DC 20)]1d20+8

Killer Frost fights valiantly against passing out, but it's no use. As her air runs out, she begins to suffocate.


Rigel will move the globe and the unconscious Frost further away from the battle - he will hold the environment as is for 20-30 seconds before releasing the globe.

and then he will very gently lay her down on the floor before returning to the fray ...

Dark Archive

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

That brings us back to Straightjacket. Sorry guys, it's been a rough couple of weeks.

Straightjacket continues to try and keep Cheshire busy with little hope of wrapping her up.

grab: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Cheshire Dodge: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

Cheshire continues to evade Straightjacket's attempts to grab her.

MINOTAR is up!

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

As long as the ex-villain remains calm and follows MINOTAR silently, he will quickly map a way out to the convention center's back loading docks, calling police and an ambulance to meet them there in case the woman is hurt or goes in to shock once her adrenaline wears off.

He then, reports to the others as well, silently.

"Statement: This is MINOTAR. I have the villains' target in possession and moving her out of the scuffle from the immediate vicinity. Let me know if you need assistance ASAP, and I will return post-haste once I have secured her safety."

If you need me to make any rolls for this, just let me know.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Cheshire slashes at the wine holding her, trying to sever it enough to get free, but Ivy responds by summoning even more vines to entangle the assassin.

Voltage is up!

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Voltage flies around and sends another bolt of lightning down at the villain. "It's over...give up." He calls down to her.

Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Are you targeting Cheshire or Ivy?

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

I am continuing to attack Cheshire.

Dark Archive

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Voltage turns up the heat on Cheshire, who cannot dodge the attack, bound as she is by Ivy's vines. Even so, she manages to resist the brunt of the attack (Cheshire is bruised -1). Rigel moves Killer Frost's globe out of range of the battle and releases the unconscious villainess.

Rigel, Straightjacket, and Minotaur are up!

Toughness (DC 24): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

SJ will try to grab Cheshire again now that she's been slowed down. That way he can hopefully choke her out and end the tussle.

grab: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

MINOTAR will keep moving Gemstone to a safer location, as far from the fighting as possible, and hopefully into the arms of a security detail from the Con at minimum or (hopefully) real police officers by this point. Once there, he will instruct them to remain radio silent and keep the woman safely hidden until he or another member of the League returns.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

This time, Straightjacket's grab is successful and he manages to tighten his grip around Cheshire as she struggles against Ivy's vines. MINOTAR moves Gemstone to a place of safety with the police before returning to the fray. Cheshire screams in anger and fights to get loose from the grasping vines and from Straightjacket, but she is unable to free herself. Ivy smiles to herself and turns to Gemstone, only to find her gone! Ivy growls something unintelligible and looks around to see where she may have escaped to.

The PCs are up!

Cheshire Escape: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

MINOTAR silently transmits to the others.

"Statement: Target is now safe and hidden! Returning to help."

He then scans the building plans and security footage for the shortest route to the building's roof.

Perception(Awareness): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 -free action
Technology(INT): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 -standard action

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10
WhtKnt wrote:

This time, Straightjacket's grab is successful and he manages to tighten his grip around Cheshire as she struggles against Ivy's vines. MINOTAR moves Gemstone to a place of safety with the police before returning to the fray. Cheshire screams in anger and fights to get loose from the grasping vines and from Straightjacket, but she is unable to free herself. Ivy smiles to herself and turns to Gemstone, only to find her gone! Ivy growls something unintelligible and looks around to see where she may have escaped to.

The PCs are up!

Rigel glares at Cheshire, clearly angry ...

"You get that the oxygen deprivation trick never gets old, right? For GL or for me? You're already contained, want me to just take you out of our misery?"

INTIMIDATE: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
PERSUADE: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Straightjacket will employ a chokehold to try and render Cheshire unconscious.

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Seeing Ivy turn to find Gemstone, Voltage releases another blast of Thunder into the area!

Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude. I hit only Chesire and Ivy with the effect.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Sorry, I got caught up in work and Christmas.

Cheshire scowls back at Rigel, but is clearly concerned. Straightjacket attempts to wrap Cheshire up, a task made easier by the fact that she is entangled in vines. (Cheshire is grappled by Straightjacket and is suffocating.) Ivy ignores the blast of thunder and begins to move out of the area in search of Gemstone.

Cheshire Wills save vs. Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Cheshire Dodge save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Cheshire Fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Ivy Dodge save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Ivy Fort save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Sorry, the PCs are up!

Straightjacket will maintain his grapple, trying to choke her out. This maintains chokehold.

Free action maintains grab. I have improved hold so her attempts to escape are at -5.

As my standard I'll apply strength damage to the hold. DC 17.

CONSTRUCT (PL8) Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 'Immune', Toughness 10, Will 6; Status:

If MINOTAR manages to get to the roof and make it quickly enough back to the fighting area from there, he will super leap-crash through the roof trying to hit Ivy as she attempts to move away from the scene.

Close Combat (Fighting): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

[dice=Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24]d20+9[/dice] or Thunderstruck (Innate, Incurable, Dimensional 1, Affects Incorporeal 2, Selective, Area= 30 ft radius): DC 19 Reflex followed by DC 19/14 Fortitude.
Acrobatics +11, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +8
Defenses: Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will 8
Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 5, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 2

Voltage joins in with M.I.N.O.T.A.R as he sends a bolt of lightning at Ivy.

Lightning Bolt vs Toughness DC 24: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Masculine Presenting Proto-Guardian Blue Ring Bearer - PL10

Is Ivy the target? Should Rigel make good on the Intimidation? Sorry gang, it's been months, kinda zero clue what should be next)

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Totally my fault. Yes, Ivy is the current target as she is attempting to find Gemstone.

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