Luce Winterscliffe |

Luce stands there gasping slightly; with concern she looks to the stout knight. Then it dawns on her it's best to act now as the hidden goblin squeaks.
"Aye you tha can be a collection, if tha will ta. But one thing we're not be doing with. And that's any more raids on t' lands - burning of t' farmsteads or any more of that daft-ness." She shouts commandingly. "You are not a group of lummox's, if you want food or cash - you'll have t' do summat for it."
"Now, one of you come down 'ere and we can discuss it." Luce calls. "We ain't gonna 'urt ye. T'were Kings fault and he's paying for it." The forth-right Lass calls out to them.
So the purpose of our visit here was for us to see why the goblins were raiding. Do we want to talk to them, make peace and maybe escort an envoy to the wandering Lord to secure a peace treaty.

Rev DM |

There is some scuffling and the same voice can be heard muttering to his comrades. Fragments of the conversation float down to the waiting companions.
"... not as though we liked Urgog's ways ... bloody shiny spider ... make them promise not to gut us ... give us your shirt then ..."
Finally, a pair of goblins appear, one bare-chested and clutching his shirt in a gesture of truce.
"Right. We're surrendering. Best all round. This here's Grupnok and he says he's got plans to open a goblin market."
"We've got skills," confirms Grupnok. He seems undaunted by the companions and brighter than his own comrade.

Luce Winterscliffe |

"Good to hear it. I'm Luce Winterscliffe, we've come from Downholme. Now glad t' meet you." Her demeanour is slightly gruff but friendly, she opens her hands to show there is no weapons there. (Even though she needs no weapons). However Luce doesn't remove her own shirt as a gesture of truce, she's much too shy to do that.
Rocking back on her heels she looks to the others.

Kendall Steelshod |

Unconscious for the rights of Justice!
Will gladly take a short rest after we bind this badboy!
Wiping the blood from his eyes, the knight eyes the two goblins, "Best you make the most of this chance, to turn aside raiding and thieving ways. Been noted that goblins have the makings of good smiths and miners, the people of this land could be of benefit for your services." He starts binding up Urgog, "Your supposed 'king' is bound for worse environs, you would not want to follow him."
He casts a warning eye at the two, "We would rather leave without further issue at hand, you see us to the exit, we will leave in peace, and you shall not see us again unless you approach the town....or make me come out here again."
Kendall gives them the crook eye.
Intimidate Just to keep them honest
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Rev DM |

"Hold on a moment."
Grupnok kneels beside Urgog's prone form and rummages in his belt. "Thought so," he says triumphantly, pulling out a piece of strange, glassy and blue-glowing stone. He offers it to Kendall.
"That spider only showed up when this got mined. Can't say I want it around here. Don't know what it is, and don't want to. Got enough to do rebuilding."
"Urgog's big and stupid, but kicking out the rightful heir wasn't much like him."

Luce Winterscliffe |

Luce nods to Vondal to have a look at it, remembering that he wanted meteor-rock. Thus maybe it was similar, or at least her could use his identifying magicks. "Charming rock?"
"Do we want t' find The Progress? Maybe if t' goblin lads get a representative before 'im, they can stop t' nonsense and get graftin' like a reet proper men." Luce wonders.

Luce Winterscliffe |

"Tha' think it has proper magick effect. If Urgog t'weren't really t' sort to go kicking out reet proper heirs, then maybe t' spider or t' rock changed 'im." Luce asks Vondal hoping he has some weirding-way of finding out what the thing does.
"Til we find out, I propose we don't bring 'im to your justice." she looks to the pair of dwarves knowing their dislike for the creature and the probability that summary execution is impending. Turns out Luce can be soft hearted under the practical exterior.

Rev DM |

Vondal's eyes gleam as he runs and expert eye (to say nothing of hands) over the new piece of artifact. It is immediate apparent to him that the shard is made of the same strange rock as the larger chunk found among the tainted halflings. He could even postulate that the same distorting effect was at work her - albeit to a milder degree. What he cannot do is identify anything useful about the stuff.
Grupnok looks at his fallen leader with some sympathy.
"Leave him with us if you like. He won't come to harm. Urgog's just an idiot and we've got a few of them. Now in a properly organised society, he wouldn't be in any position of power at all, and if things go right here from now on, he'll never be in that position again."
He looks straightforwardly at Luce. "Goblins have enough trouble without bringing more down on their heads. We're not popular. Muglok was forward thinking and most of us would like him back if you can find him. Getting the Progress to approve his claim would help a lot. Might make a real place for ourselves then."
I'm quietly hoping things will start to ease off a bit towards the end of this week. No promises, alas as the school I have a contract with has a nasty habit of springing surprises and I'm not really in a position to turn down cold hard cash.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Luce nods straight-forwardly; "So where did thee see Muglok last? Or did Urgog 'see' him?" she asks not quite being able to remember what happened after he left Downholme.
"Now we could find, Muglok and take him t' see The Progress. But, like what would we gain? Promises of no more raids? And suumat more substantial?" Luce's words shows that she obviously cares about the hills and their inhabitants.
Doing her best Columbo impression, she taps her head remembering just one more thing; "By t' by, have tha' saw any gnolls around? We met 'un up by t' rift, it t'weren't only of it's kind and we'd rather not have 'em around t' hills raiding."

Rev DM |

Grupnok shakes his head.
"I can't help with Muglok. He was driven out and if I know him, he'll have hunted for work somewhere to earn enough to find the Progress. I can guarantee no more raids though. You can tell the farmers round here not to worry. We'll stay out of their way. Don't know how you'll make them trust that promise though."
"Gnolls are bad news for everyone except other gnolls. I don't know about that. We've been a bit caught up in internal politics. But I can find out. Might help earn a bit of well-wishing if we do. Got to be practical if you're a goblin."

Luce Winterscliffe |

"Reet, I 'eard he were working for Old Botham I think. Tho' he might have been going by Muglor at t' time." Luce says thinking back to the party of Downholme. "Course we don't know where 'e is at moment. Said 'e'd be going back t' woods to wait for Progress."

Kendall Steelshod |

Kendall scowls, "I have no intention on leaving the same scum here that I had just put down. You clearly have shown that you have thrown your lot behind him once, and just so easily may do so again. He will be properly accused, and a magistrate will most likely order his death."
The dour knight looks down at Urgog, "Justice will be served, the people will feel at ease."
Short rest, ago-go, back at high Hp and very happy for it

Luce Winterscliffe |

Luce looks between the goblins and Kendall; "Reet," she half sighs trying to be diplomatic. "why don't we say this..."
She pauses trying to come up with a fair and ecumenical solution to benefit everyone. "Why don't we take Urgog t' Progress or a Magistrate. Whilst on t' way we'll see if we can find Muglok, to verify 'is claim."
Raising a hand to try and calm things down and seem fair; "But we can take a representative w' us. Grupnok, ya can choose one of t' boys t' join us. He can show that we are fair and reet 'onest, that we won't be cruel t' Urgog."

Luce Winterscliffe |

Luce looks slightly sheepish, something she has practised for many years whilst looking after the flock. She knows what the dwarves feel for the goblins, that they should be exterminated. And the Varis Wolfsbane doesn't like any predators on his mountains, so not help there. Her gaze flicks to Sigvard, hoping he might back up her play?

Sigvard Ingvarsson |

"Have you skills you could trade with the farmers for? Leaving them alone is one thing, but helping them and being paid for it is better for all." Sigvard sounds slightly distracted, and you hear him mutter something else after his interjection. "What in Midgard rhymes with Spanglefang? Stupid name."