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Radavel wrote:Rev, my copy of the character builder is not up to date, so I'll just type the stats up to conform with what I want for my character.Rad, send me the file and I'll put him through the latest version to make sure he's accurate. There are quite a few changes and errata.
Thanks Rev. I'll send it to you ASAP.

Commander Caine |

"Commander Caine, reporting for duty, ma'am."
For Rev
I intend to revise Caine's background by making him a failed Paladin Aspirant whose failure compelled him to join the army to hide his disgrace from his family. This made him accept dangerous assignments. But the years of war had taken their toll and the stress of seeing many of his men die for the greed of other men sickened him. He deserted his command to lead the life of an adventurer, so that he can fight for causes more worthy than greed.

Luce Winterscliffe |

-The Dalesland (FR) Regional trait - (re-roll Nature Checks & +1 initiative) or
-Birth (Blessed) - +2 to Insight.
The second might be more interesting, "A man approached the Farm as Luce mother gave birth. A hard storm blew outside, though not unknown in the high hills this seemed to have the ferocity of only the forgotten storms. Heavy the rain fell, the old woman (Luce's Maternal Gran) thought this was ill-omen and so the birth was difficult. A loud banging upon the shutters, Old Jarl cursed whomever had forgotten to lock them tight.
'Outside, a robed figure stood. Despite the weather he seemed remarkably untouched, but Old Jarl invited him inside anyway. The mans (?) mere presence seemed to ease the birth. Afterwards as the pre-dawn light fell across the mountains he(it?) rose and said some words over the infant. No-one saw him leave and the storm still raged.'
Fey or Progress who was he...?

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I do believe I may have to either train Diplomacy or change my background trait to do so, it's interesting how a character can grow into a role.
I just like the idea of playing a true knight, always speaking courteously, talking of measure, mettle, valor and glory.
The main reason I trained Intimidate is because I also like the idea of knightly bearing being as such, plus it lets me get access to a rather nice class ability, heh.

Sigvard Ingvarsson |

"Goodness!" exclaims Vondal, otherwise preparing to dismiss a peasant superstition. "Sir, might I ask, can you possibly express your current situation compared to when you were living?"
"Well, I'm a bit dead, but otherwise everything is fine. How are you?"
Sigvard's voice test.
"G'day, cobbers. I'm Sigvard the Viking, and it's great to be with such a nice bunch of blokes and sheilas. Let's have a rippin' good time, okay?"
Perhaps not.

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I'll give a looksee when I get home, or sometime over the weekend.
All this talk about accents, made me want to share something.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Not even sure what themes are. I always like the 'heroes tale' type one. Young Adventurer and a call to arms. But something where she is becoming in tune with the lands, possibly a sort of a conduit with the spirit of the land. Classic farmer rising up to be a protector for her people?

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Well, a theme is a bit like your job skills, and what they give you is a few useful bonues (most often to skills) and access to additional powers (mostly as swap-outs with existing powers, but you get one bonus power).
A few look quite druid-y, so I'll run them by you. It depends a bit how you want Luce to operate, more as a stand-back blaster or a melee combatant:
- Primal Guardian. This is a DS theme, but probably works fine elsewhere and for a druid (since they don't have divine classes in DS). It is a primal warrior sort of thing, empahasising elemental power. The free power is Mark of Thunder, which is melee power which marks the target.
- Elemental Priest. Also a DS theme, more stand-offish as the powers are ranged and primarily conjurations (i.e. you summon a spirit). The free power is Spirit of Athas, which conjures a spirit that does a bit of damage and provides a buff to defences for those standing next to it.
- Fey Beast Tamer. You get a fey beast companion, a bit like a beast-tamer ranger.
- Animal Master. You get a trained small animal, who can do things like distract (providing combat advantage).
- Earthforger. You sort-of become an eatrh elemental. The bonus poer is Panoply of Stone, a burst 1 power that does a bit of damage and gives you damage resistance.
- Firecrafter. The fire version of Earthforger. The bonus power is Blazing Corona, which gives you a damaging heat aura.
- Oracle of the Evil Eye. You have some sort of link to the formorians. You get the Evil Eye power, so that if the target hits you they take some damage.
- You can also be a wererat, werebear of werewolf, but I'm not sure they add much over your existing beast form powers.
Those are a selection, anyway.

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Explorer- always know north, +5 to avoid becoming lost, get an encounter to ignore difficult terrain
Primordial adept gives a cold or encounter close blast, also lets you know Promordial
Seer gives you Cast Fortune, which lets you pre-roll an ally's next 3 d20 rolls.
Tuathan would be pretty good, but you're not technically human I think?
Werewolf looks pretty good, I dunno how it compares to what you already have, here's a spoiler about part of it
Wolf Shape
Loosing the beast within triggers a sudden, painful transformation into a menacing wolf.
Encounter Polymorph
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You change from your humanoid form to a beast form—a wolf—that lasts until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can end the form as a minor action and shift 1 square. While you are in beast form, you can’t use weapon or implement attack powers that lack the beast form keyword, although you can sustain such powers.
While in this form, you have low-light vision. The form is your size, and it doesn’t otherwise change your game statistics or movement modes. Your equipment becomes part of the form, but you drop anything you are holding, except implements you can use. You continue to gain the benefits of the equipment you wear, except a shield.
You can use the properties and the powers of implements as well as magic items you wear, but not the properties or the powers of weapons or the powers of wondrous items. While equipment is part of the form, it cannot be removed, and anything in a container that is part of your form is inaccessible.
Until the form ends, you can use the secondary power at will.
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Encounter Beast Form
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One creature
Attack: Highest ability modifier + 3 vs. AC
Level 11: Highest ability modifier + 6
Level 21: Highest ability modifier + 9
Hit: 1d10 + highest ability modifier damage.
Level 21: 2d10 + highest ability modifier damage.
Special: You can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Werewolf Utility 2 Wolf's Vitality
Anger courses through your veins and lends a fierce strength to your legs.
Encounter Beast Form, Healing
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must have started this turn bloodied.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your speed increases by 1 while you are in beast form. In addition, while you are bloodied and in beast form, you have regeneration 2.
Level 11: Regeneration 4.
Level 21: Regeneration 6.