Den of the Slave Takers (4e)

Game Master Rev Rosey

4e adventures in the Chaos Scar set in Yorkshire turned up to 11.

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HP: 23/25 | AC: 14 | FORT: 11 | REF: 13 | WILL: 16 | Eladrin Warlock 1

I'm curious, what is the green line on the current map?

Looks at characters stats and hangs head in shame :P


The green line is the image of Torog on the wall of the building. It glows.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Yep, that's why Luce suggested keeping away - or those with Arcana or decent INT to have a look.

Most of the games I play we 'roll' for stats; so if the roll goes bad you might have to dump all stats :P

Anyway, hope the rehersal goes well Rosey.

Male Human 2nd Level Resourceful Warlord

Im confused on the marching order haha neways sorry bout tardiness I am starting new job and having a bunch pf crap shoved into my head lol

Hope things improve for you soon Tiberious.

I'll take a look at the marching order.

HP: 23/25 | AC: 14 | FORT: 11 | REF: 13 | WILL: 16 | Eladrin Warlock 1

I don't appear to be in the Initiative order?


Glurk. Good catch. Copy/paste error which I'm correcting now.[/ooc]

I have tried to suppress this but. " Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1? " " I think I am B2 " together: " It's crumbling time! "

Of course I blame my hoard of children who are watching Bananas in pajamas...

Edit: My wife has pointed out that people in other parts of the world may be deprived of the crazy concept of large animated banana twins who almost exclusively dress in pajamas and enjoy chasing and catching animated teddy bears... If that's the case I an truly sorry. (Animated as in alive moving and talking. Though the newest version is drawn.)



This made my morning.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

The song was always a favourite when I was at primary school, 'cause you could scream out the lyrics (without getting shouted at). :)

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Hope that was alright Tiberious. Was thinking of using the Cmdr Strike on Luce but didn't know where to slide B2 & Aurix damage is better. Hopefully that hits with the -3 def.


Doesn't hit because it was B1 that had the lowered defenses, but seemed like a very sane set of actions to me.

By the way, in case anyone is interested, I have a blog here which ruminates on drama and gaming with occasional forays into other areas. Please don't feel under any obligation :)

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Picked up the Forgotten Realms book @ lunch (for cheap). :)

Coincidence since I am replaying Baldurs Gate.

Rev Rosey, I was thinking that Luces Totem, could be a small fetish. A snuff box carved into an animals shape (to be determined) and filled with a mixture of herbs ("good for all ills and reet good in stew") The box was given to her by her grandmother and handed down over the generations, made of some mixture of silver/wood/bone? I'll get it polished and written up, just trying to get a bit of a feel for it.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Just one thing all, you should all have an AP (apart from me & Vondal -who spent ours). As you get 1 every 2 completed challenges - thus Aurix you do have 1.

The Exchange


I just saw this message on Rev's blog

"Any players in any of my games checking in here - I am not abandoning you, I just can't get into the site."

so you all know whats up.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Thanks, yes; last night was terrible.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Hopefully with B1's lowered Ref that may hit him.


It did :)

HP: 23/25 | AC: 14 | FORT: 11 | REF: 13 | WILL: 16 | Eladrin Warlock 1

I'm really sorry to say that I'm dropping out of this game. Due to new time constraints in RL I have to cut back on my PBP gaming.


I'm sorry to lose you, but hope you've enjoyed yourself.

If this continues and you want to come back in, let me know and I'll work something out for you.

HP: 23/25 | AC: 14 | FORT: 11 | REF: 13 | WILL: 16 | Eladrin Warlock 1

Thanks. It's been great, unfortunately I made the mistake of taking a one month holiday... The guys that covered for me did their best I'm sure but the back log of work is insane.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

So sorry to see you go, hope the back-log is easy to clear and we could see Anna again. Anyway your writing has been an asset and you'll be missed.


Speaking of continuing, you are coming to the end of this short adventure (not immediately, but you don't have much more to deal with). I love these characters and would be very happy to keep going with them if there are any takers.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Yep, really enjoying it and would love to continue with Luce.

4th Ed works really well with pbp, not just cause we have a great gm.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Sure, I'd be happy to continue.

Male Dragonborn Fighter (Guardian): 2

i'm in as well.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 2 (AC: 18, F: 14, R: 18, W: 15 | HP: 20/30 [7/7 surges] | AP: 0 | Init: +5 [+11] | Passives I: 19, P: 21)

I have no problems continuing on with Varis, and would be hard-pressed to turn down a Rev Rosey game.

Male Human 2nd Level Resourceful Warlord

I'm having alot of fun with tiberious just wish I could give this the attention it really deserves I'm happy to continue if you all can stand me being slow


Great :) I'll start hunting around for your next outing then.

I have no problem with you being slow, Tiberious. As long as you're not worried about being able to keep up, we can deal with that quite happily. Most games find their own pace.

The Exchange

Vondal wrote:
Am I the only one to find the idea of an angry mushroom faintly ludicrous?

The Goombas would like to have a word with you.

Male Dragonborn Fighter (Guardian): 2

Just as a question DM have we gotten close to leveling, Tiberious keeps mentioning it to me but I can't seem to find it on the PBP maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. :)


Yes, you have. You will level up at the end of this encounter.

(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

Oooh jake, more reason not to die horribly to the spore-men.


(29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

I have put a party pool spoiler in Luce's profile, as I noticed we haven't split items. That is if Anastria left the items with us? I also put the herbal formulae in Luces' ritual book, that's if she can use it without the Alchemist Feat.

Party Pool

  • An agate carved into the shape of a gnoll devouring a sheep (60GP)
  • Silver Coins (40GP)
  • Safewing Amulet +1
    +1 to Fort/Ref/Will
    When falling, you reduce the distance fallen (for the purpose of calculating damage) by a number of feet equal to 10 × the amulet’s enhancement bonus. You always land on your feet after a fall.

    Luce & Aurix already have an Amulet, so it's up for grabs with he rest.

  • Human

    Good plan.

    Technically Luce needs the Alchemist's feat, but if she's a ritual caster already, I'll accept that as a decent substitute.

    HP: 23/25 | AC: 14 | FORT: 11 | REF: 13 | WILL: 16 | Eladrin Warlock 1

    Ooo ouch no standard action TEoNT. These guys look tough!

    (29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

    Another stupid question, but what is the penalty for using improvised attack (ie. punch)? That you therefore are not proficient in. I can see you don't get the weapon proficieny bonus, but there's no bonus for unarmed/improvised anyway (unless that's your build?).

    At least it seems easier than the AoO in 3ed, but....?

    Male Dragonborn Fighter (Guardian): 2

    as far as i know, minus 4 attack penalty with a d4 damage.

    (29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

    where does it say -4? i know that was the case in 3rd but under the feats section it doesn't really specify the non-proficiency penalty?

    EDIT: I know this seems irrelevant, but if I can do OA's (if they run past me) I have no weapons to hand.

    Male Dragonborn Fighter (Guardian): 2

    shrugs, im just used to Pathfinder rules, apparently no -4 this time.

    Male Wood Elf Rogue 2 (AC: 18, F: 14, R: 18, W: 15 | HP: 20/30 [7/7 surges] | AP: 0 | Init: +5 [+11] | Passives I: 19, P: 21)

    The penalty for an improvised attack (unarmed strike for non-monks), is no penalty, just a lack of bonus. All weapon attacks use the weapon's proficiency bonus (+2 for most non-blades, +3 for most blades). Improvised weapons get no bonus.

    This plays off the fact that most AC's will be higher than the other 3 defenses (as implements also do not get a proficiency bonus). Implement powers get no bonus, hit lower DCs, Weapon attacks get bonus, hit higher DCs. Improvised get no bonus, but hit higher DCs, thus the "penalty".


    Thanks, so it's more carrot rather than stick. In AD&D it was -4/-3/-2 depending on your class (with an extra -1 for Bladesingers).

    Sorry Tiberious, I should have chill winded you away, then done the Thorn Spray. Damn brain going iffy. Sorry about the -3 to defenses.

    (29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

    Funny post from one of my friends (Ruth) on facebook. Thought you might appreciate this;

    "So Theo asked my mam about dowry (hopefully joking) and this was her response... toooo funny.....:

    'I have given careful consideration to an appropriate dowry taking into account the age of the subject,her good character, sunny disposition, she has her own teeth & comes from a strong line of fertile women. I admit she has a tendency to voice forceful opinions, but, i think with, tender care & avoiding harmful substances this would decrease. My advice would be to reduce red meat, avoid alcohol & provide small daily doses of chocolate(increase during a full moon).

    After careful research a dowry of 2 camels & 3 goats seems a fair offer which reflects the high regard placed upon the subject & the desire to achieve the happy state of matrimony clearly necessary to perpetuate your lineage..Having said this, I note grazing for livestock is not a premium on your land therefore I propose to offer 2 chihuahuas instead (does Barney count as 1/2?). This would surely enhance your stipend & wealth among your compatriots.

    Yours hopefully'"


    That sounds remarkably like a useful barter table from 1e :D

    "So, how many chickens for this battered dagger?"

    The Exchange

    No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

    Just to let you all know, I will be on holiday from this Tuesday for ten days. I doubt I'll have internet access.


    Have fun wherever you're going. I'll try and keep Vondal alive.

    (29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

    Have a lovely time, hope the weather stays nice.

    Luce Winterscliffe wrote:
    Have a lovely time, hope the weather stays nice.

    Hrmph. If it's anything like our neck of the woods, it won't be. I've seen about two hours of sun so far this May.


    Righty ho. Time for you all to level up.

    You are now pretty much at the end of your first adventure, bar mopping up and reward collection. Further outings await however.

    (29/31) Razorclaw Shifter Predator Druid

    Druids are quite interesting as they have a mix of ranged AoE or close combat single target effects. Luce has 2 feat options that both give +2 damage if she has CA. Although I think she will multi-class into Shaman as it gives the party a limited extra healing, as with Anastria leaving it reduces our healing.

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