Rev Rosey |

Where we are:
Nothing from Chado for a week. I've poked the recruitment thread and offered to take any or all of him, Windstar and DSX. We may end up with a larger party than ideal, but that isn't really a problem as long as everyone is prepared to be pro-active.
Who's ready:
Tiberious (leader)
Aurix (defender)
Vondel (controller)
Anastria (striker)
Who's building
Aardvark putting together some kind of rogue. (striker)
Any new takers - build what you want or think sensible. No backgrounds of themes, 1st level pcs, one level 3 magic item to start, 100gp to buy whatever else you need.

Varis Shepherd |

Varis strides silently into the thread, looking around intently. He takes in all the posts, scrutinizes them for every detail, before he looks to the GM and speaks softly "Profile's done."
Comfortable that he has said all that needs to be said, he takes a position in the thread where he can watch everything. He remains on edge, ready to strike if the need arises.
I was going to make him cheerful, but realized that all my characters tend to be VERY verbal (as I'm sure Rev has noticed). I decided he would say little, and be somewhat brooding.

Rev Rosey |

@ Varis: The GM gazes silently at the woodland archer and nods slightly. Her senses tingle with the feeling that her monsters may soon be under attack from something - or someone - hidden in foliage.
Yup - I'd spotted the wordiness of your pcs, but then most of mine suffer from excess verbiage as well :)
@DSX - welcome! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Both of you, can you give some thought to why you are in Downholme. Feel free to ask if you need more information.
The last applies to anyone at any time.

DSXMachina |

With Downholme, what kind of era is it analogous to? From the picture it seems a bit 18th centuary or pre-industrial revolution Lancashire? Especially with the cloth industry, would they be mostly hand-looms?
Anyway, my initial thoughts are that she (Lucius?) would be in the town delivering bolts of cloth or a few sacks of wool for her parents who are hill/sheep farmers. Her eyes light up at being in the big town for the first time, unsupervised. Her brother having left the farm after an arguement with their father and feeling restrained, however no-one has really heard from him since. The rumour amongst the other local farms is that he joined an army (or at least a 'mercenary company').
Oh, I will be away from the 10-17th of February. Going to the lake district with friends and I am not sure of Internet access.

DSXMachina |

Here's my first run through on the character background.
Luce Winterscliffe was delighted; her father had broken his leg!
The peaks of Winters’ Cliff could be treacherous, especially after the un-seasonal sleet. Old Jarl had been up in the hills searching for one of his lost rams, the aging animal had taken flight during the storm and Jarl knew how dangerous the hills could be. He was honest, stout with a hearty sense of humour; everything a good farm-holder should be. The small group of farms that composed the hamlet, named after the peaks they sat upon, looked to him as their informal leader. Of course his stern, stoic ways sat better with the community than his children; all had a streak of stubbornness in them. In fact it was this that caused Luces’ older brother to leave home, word from the neighbours was that he had joined a mercenary company in Downholme.
The young man, Kyle, had an independent streak and innovative ideas about how things should be run. Constantly he clashed with his father; though the man was not unresponsive to new ideas - he had years of experience on his side and seen young fire-brands burn to ashes due to their concepts. Kyle left one night after a loud argument and Luce didn’t see from him again. Despite this Luce was happy at home; her mother and grand-mother had a large library and loved to read to the children. Many a long winters’ evening was spent at the fire-side listening to her old gran reading the hand-written manuscripts whilst they spun wool.
Old Jarl was grimly despondent; he had a good harvest of wool the second of the year. Which he felt could make a good price in the market with the forth-coming weather. The town was a few days away to the South-East on their rickety cart. She had been chosen to go take the goods to Downholme in her father’s stead. Giles, her younger brother at 14, was too immature, especially after the antics of last Harvester. The wool of their prize ewe, Coral, had not been the same since.
Luce could tell her mother was secretly pleased by the result, she knew Luce had turned down the local lads. Marriage was not on her mind at the moment and the rough young farmers cared more about their bellies and their herd than romance, music and heroic tales. Her ruddy faced mother, once the village beauty, had given her a bottle of wine and word of advice as she left for the town.
The journey to town for Luce was an amazing one, despite the fact she had traversed these roads many a time it was always in her fathers’ company. In fact she had not spent a night unsupervised on her infrequent visits to the town. With her new-found freedom, she was going to make the most of it. Her father had told her to seek out the owner of a reputable Inn to stay at and given her a bottle of his home-brewed elderberry wine (or sloe-gin?) to give to his old friend. Nobody expected her back soon; the sales of the wool would take a while.

Rev Rosey |

No one has stepped up to the clerical plate yet. If Luce goes bard, you will have two leaders (one melee, one probably ranged) and should be well covered. While it's nice to have a cleric, it's not essential at all. The healing role can be covered by any leader - and don't forget you can all self-heal to a limited extent.
About the theoretical legion - not so much. There is a completely valid army Tiberious could have been part of. Given his history, he will have left under a cloud, but it looks as if he'd been decommissioned before he committed his murder. All of this would have happened a long way to the south. Downholme is in the north and remote. The regular army doesn't bother with it much, leaving local militias to police the area.

DSXMachina |

I was putting together a Druid Shifter. She will have limited healing-properties, but not really anywhere near a bard. Trying to decide between the 2 types (comparatively);
LongFang = Regen 2 when bloodied (does this stay for the encounter or just that single time?)
Razorclaw = +1 feat, +2 speed(bloodied), +3 reflex (bloodied)
Thus I am leaning towards a Razor-claw. but Regen:2 could be huge!
If I have relative time I might see about a Bard; especially if we need one (I know of course any party can function, but...)

Anastria |

I am a multi class bard and thus can use majestic word (a healing power very similar to Tiberious's Inspiring word power) once per day. Tiberious can use inspiring word twice per encounter. Also we all get a second wind 1/ encounter where you can spend a healing surge. We should be ok. Though this is the largest party I've ever played in for 4e.

Rev Rosey |

@DSX - the regen remains until you are unbloodied. As far as I know, it kicks in again if you get bloodied again.
If you have a full leader and two who can provide a bit of healing, you should be fine. You have a reasonable number of healing surges between you and if one of the ritual casters takes Comrades' Succor as a ritual you can do some re-distribution.
Comrades' Succor
Ritual participants share their vitality and luck with one another.
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 150 gp
Key Skill: Heal (no check)Level: 1
Category: Restoration
Time: 5 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous
While performing this ritual, you and up to 5 participants in the ritual can choose to lose any number of healing surges and select another participant to gain an equal number of healing surges. No participant can have more healing surges than his or her daily maximum. Additionally, you or one participant must lose 1 healing surge when performing this ritual.
There are also potions.

DSXMachina |

Thanks for that Rev Rosey, I will probably still go for the Razor Claw. And probably the Druid, especially since I have Primal power book not the Arcane. Below is a quick Bard I cooked up
Virtue of Valour, Razorclaw Shifter.
STR - 8
DEX - 16
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 12
CHA - 17
HP 27 Surges:9
AC = 18
FORT = 12
REF = 15
WILL = 14
At will: - War Song Strike; Vicious Mockery
Encounter: - Shout of Triumph
Daily - Stirring Shout
Equip; Chain & light shield
Weirdly it is a bit better defensively than the Druid, but I am still looking to that primarily. And I also was thinking about the Bard multi-class, although something more suited to the stat array may word better. The other good thing with the druid is that they can cast rituals and get 1 unspecified one free. Thus I could take the above rather than 'Travelers' Camouflage', my original choice.

Rev Rosey |

Looks like we have the following then.
Aurix - dragonborn fighter, currently in the local militia, ex-gladiator and merc.
Tiberious - human warlord, currently in the local militia, framed and discharged from the regular army, murderer, but locally respected and tagged for more responsibility.
Anastria - eladrin warlock looking for adventure and fighting the demons of her past.
Varis - elf rogue, guardian of the flock.
Luce - Razorclaw shifter druid, cheery farm girl on the lookout for adventure and her brother.
Vondel - dwarf wizard, interested in the area and wanting to explore.
Does this sound about right to everyone?

Luce Winterscliffe |

Here she is a kind-hearted if slightly straight-forward lass, off for her first visit to town.
Still to do list
- Encumberance,
- thievery skill based off?,
- Armour modifier to skills?,
- thorn spray ENC power (in primal power book),
- feat - probably implement use, straightforward enough
- Appearance fluff
She should be quite good at making sure Varis get's his CA & SA, with all her slides.

Aurix "BattleAxe" Rhogar |

Aurix lumbers into the room, heavy-bladed battle-axe slung over his shoulder and shield strapped to his back as he eyes the others, snorts once, a wisp of smoke trailing from his nostrils, and then leans his bulk against the nearest wall, drawing out his handaxe to begin sharpening the curved blade with a whetstone.
He's the big strong type who has a deep seated dislike for nobility and an attitude torn between the Dragonborn norm of Honor and Glory as well as a secret love for the brutality of battle. He was 'recruited' for the Red Pit when he was quite young so the urge to fight and kill to protect himself was instilled at a young age.

Luce Winterscliffe |

On down the end of Commercial Street In Harrogate, where it meets Bower Road.
PHB1, MM3, DMG 1&2, Martial Power 2, Essentials and a couple of others, about £10 a pop.
'Oh man,' she thinks. 'I got fathers' wool sold, so I had to go out and celebrate. At least the money went to pay off the general store tab.' She reaches a shaky hand into a pocket and produces a mole--skin pouch; upending it on the table a couple of copper roll out. The sound causes the delicate throbbing in her head to worsen. 'Why do people drink, if this is the result?'
Carefully her clawed fingers move the coins back in the pouch, before they gently describing a whirling pattern to protect her from evil.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Anyone got a better idea for the colloquial term for halflings? I went for Half-Un's, because I couldn't think of anything better - that was respectful & warm but could be derogatory if they became too clannish. (Ie like most regional nick-names)
Also, hope the snow isn't too bad where you are Rosey. The inch or two has virtually gone on the roads here.

Luce Winterscliffe |

Yep, just wanted a colloquial term for them, especially as they and other groups will tend to be clannish rather than the cosmopolitan 'halflings'.
Anyway be careful on the ice, one of my friends broke her upper arm on the hills in Bingley in December - she should get the cast off in a couple of weeks. :(

![]() |

Purely for academic interest (and to help those not from these shores with pronunciation) - really - I present to you a cornucopia of Yorkshire jokes.
Yorkshire man takes his cat to the vet.
Yorkshireman: "Ayup, lad, I need to talk to thee about me cat."
Vet: "Is it a tom ?"
Yorkshireman: "Nay, I've browt it wi' us."
A Yorkshireman's dog dies and as it was a favourite pet he decides to have a gold statue made by a jeweller to remember the dog by.
Yorkshireman: "Can tha mek us a gold statue of yon dog?"
Jeweller: "Do you want it 18 carat?"
Yorkshireman: "No I want it chewin' a bone, yer daft begger!"
A Yorkshireman's wife dies and the widower decides that her headstone should have the words "She were Thine" engraved on it.
He calls the stone mason, who assures him that the headstone will be ready a few days after the funeral. True to his word the stone mason calls the widower to say that the headstone is ready and would he like to come and have a look.
When the widower gets there he takes one look at the stone to see that it's been engraved "She were Thin".
He explodes - good grief, man, you've left the flamin' "e" out!
The stone mason apologises and assures the poor widower that it will be rectified the following morning.
Next day comes and the widower returns to the stone mason - "There you go sir, I've put the "e" on the stone for you"..
The widower looks at the stone and then reads out aloud - "E, She were Thin".
Bloke from Barnsley with a sore backside asks chemist "Nah then lad, does tha sell arse cream?"
Chemist replies "Aye, Magnum or Cornetto?"