DaWay's PFS Quest for Perfection
Game Master
Having just completed a couple GMing scenarios and finishing the last one this week I am looking to start up two more. I will be taking one group through each of them. Please note that I personally am not good with maps and unless someone steps up and creates them I will default to the theater of the minds eye and rely on description to take care of them. The scenarios I am recruiting for are:
The Quest for Perfection pts I, II, and III ( tier 1-2 or 4-5)
Reign of Winter AP: The Snows of Summer (tier 1-2)
This is going to be first come first served, please make sure your characters are PFS legal. My cut off per table is 6. Also each scenario should take somewhere between 3-6 weeks and the AP about 2-3 months so be prepared for the time commitment. I also would like everyone to post once daily on the weekdays and once on the weekends. Recruitment will close after an adequate amount of players to fill the table has been received.
I look forward to seeing your submissions. Happy Gaming!
Wreck for lvl4 fighter. Can do part1and2 of qfp. Part 3 only for fun.
Just need to add his new gear that i bought from last quest.
Hi :) Ciarra is a lvl 3 aasimar cleric.
I've never played online before but it sounds like fun.
Heya Daway. Hi Wreck.
I'm interested in Quest for Perfection, but I'm not sure I'll play Maps yet. Other possibilities are Maximo (3rd level Paladin/Bard) or a new character, perhaps a Druid or Cavalier.
I'm definitely interested in Reign of Winter as an Ulfen rogue.
He isn't quite your stereotypical Ulfen and he doesn't sing. I'll be explaining why once I get his backstory and kinks worked out.
Nice to meet you folks!
I'm tempted to play Maps again with Wreck. We kicked part III's teeth in. However, I'm thinking Maximo would be better served with that ending boon, and I plan on running Part III myself soon.
DaWay, since Reign of Winter is a Tier 1-2 adventure path, it can be replayed for credit with a level 1 character, correct?
Esme 4th blight Druid dotting for massive interest QFP at tier 4-5!
Updating today should be done in 4 hours.
Hey, GM DaWay!
I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring for Snows of Summer. Kelvor of the Shundar-Quah will seek the answer to the mystery of the terrible snows the southlands are facing!
Unlike previously, I'll be playing Kelvor as himself (as opposed to a reskinned Valeros): a 2nd level earthbreaker-wielding two-handed weapon fighter.
Welcome to all, i hope it goes well for all and everyone makes it to the finish :-)
DaWay, this is Fung. I ran Wreck and Maps on QfP III, and I vouch for them! They are good players, with good posting frequency! I played alongside Esmerelda in First Steps, she's good too!
I actually just ran Snows of Summer for my friends last Friday! Took me about 7 hours face-to-face, but was pretty easy to adapt to PFS... I just...
Hi DaWay
Zinkio can do part II and III for credit and I for fun.
Ready for tier 4-5
I can post once per day (except during GenCon)
I'm down for the Reign of Winter AP, my druid Boomkin is almost done but if you want to start asap I have a wizard ready to go.
LOL hey there Maps, Wreck and Aesh.
Hello hello. Whole crew almost :-P
I have a Witch or an Inquisitor available for Quest for Perfection. I could play whoever fits best with the party makeup.
Inquisitor looks interesting :-) but that's just me
So it looks lily we have the following crews
QfP @ upper tier
Deane Beman
Boom kin
Quest for Perfection crew. This is your team unless people who are in want to switch out characters. I will start this later today/tonight.
Reign of Winter Crew still waiting for one more entry. Though if you were looking to get started tonight. I can always include my character who will be recieving the GM credit. It's your decision.
Woot ! Looking forward to it :-)
Btw, my friend, she's playing ciara, i did inform her. Her phone buggy, so she might only reply tonight. It's 14:40 here in south Africa
Yeah it's 5:42 AM here in Seattle, WA. I wouldn't worry about not replying until later tonight too much, I still have a full day of work ahead of me.
I'm fine with waiting for one more if everyone else is.
I'd also like to change my class to inquisitor if possible.
Backstory fits it rather better.
Depends on whether or not we get somebody else who wants to play a rogue.
Let's wait for another. At least a a bit longer.
If you're willing to have a brand-spankin' new PFS character, I could come up with something without too much trouble. I was thinking of a half-orc oracle (ancestor or metal) or a gnome alchemist (grenadier). Any preference from the GM or players already in the group?
Hail all! I'm ready to get going and set off on a new adventure :D
"Salutations, fellow Pathfinder! Maximo Interresante, at your service."
This is Maps other character - 3rd level Paladin/Bard, all ready to go for QfP. He's a little loony, but can handle himself.
Alie is a 4 th level pfs sorcerer, if you'd like another in QfP, DM. I've been in a few of your games before and I'd be up for another!
Just to be clear, is everyone in RoW okay with me being an inquisitor rather than rogue?
His thing is an abhorrent hate of slavery due to being a slave for most of his life.
I felt that the concept works better as an inquisitor than a rogue.
For RoW we're all level 1 right? Boomkin is a little bit busy, so I'll just use my wizard. Another entry would be good, preferably someone that could heal.
Hey, I ran Lecky too on QfP III! :p Good luck guys!
@Korlungr: No problem for me. That fits fine with Kelvor's thinking.
@Lecky: Kelvor is a Fighter2.
Pedwiddle my character is brand new as well, so it should be fine.
Oracle sounds better in my opinion as you might be able to do a bit of healing. Ultimately it's up to you though.
I made this character for a First Steps run through but will happily duplicate her for Part 1 of Reign of Winter.
So for Reign of Winter we have:
Korlungr: Inquisitor1
Kelvor: Fighter2
Benevolence: Oracle of Life1
Boomkin: Wiz1 (correct?)
Pedwiddle: ??
A second hitter might be nice. Or a rogue to flank with Kelvor.
Finishing this one up for RoW...should be done in the next couple of hours.
I would be happy to stand aside on Quest for Perfection in favor of Allie. She and another character of mine were in a stalled game not too long ago...I'm playing in a handful of other PFS games so I don't mind stepping down so that she can have a chance to play.
No Deane, you take it. I thought there were only five applicants when I posted but there were six. I'm in a ton of games, too. Please, you go, I insist!
Or you can both have a slot. I think 7 is the maximum per scenario anyways. I just hope they will be challenging enough. Will be able to post the final lists and start game play threads in about 2 or 3 hours.
DM, if seven is too many, that's fine. Dont stress about it. Looks like you have a good balanced crew with the original six.
Something to note about Benevolence:
In addition to casting CLW, and channeling she also has 16hp, 18 strength and is proficient with the nodachi.
Turns out being a mighty Tien warrior reincarnated into the Raptorscale Linorm tribe is pretty good.
Well, it's kinda confusing with this many names, but i would like to apply for Reign of Winter if there's a slot available. The QFP low tier would work too.
Benevolence wrote: Something to note about Benevolence:
In addition to casting CLW, and channeling she also has 16hp, 18 strength and is proficient with the nodachi.
Turns out being a mighty Tien warrior reincarnated into the Raptorscale Linorm tribe is pretty good.
QfP @ upper tier
Maximo Interresante
(Deane Beman)
Alie Saechel
Korlungr: Inquisitor 1
Kelvor of the Shundar-Quah: Fighter 2
(Lecky): Wizard 1
Benevolence: Oracle 1
Booram Sandyfoot:
Baltazar Swiftfoot:
Quest for Perfection crew, the Discussion tab is open. Please check in.
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