Khargol Uzgurn |

Man, I feel like a dummy for misreading Snot's post. Gives a chance to see some tension in the group, though.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iron Vagabond DM |

AS DM Thron said the gameplay banter in the guildhall has no measure on success in getting into the game, but damn it's addictive.
I know, right?
Also, a (Primarily flavor) request- May I have a Staff of Minor Arcana?
Alternatively: May I take a second drawback (Naive) to gain the Rich Parents traits to grab either a wand of Summon Monster, Grease, or Magic Missile?
Also, I want your guys opinions- Which do you think would be a more viable trait for flavor- Noble Born (House Medvyed), or Sword Scion? Sword Scion, while fairly useless, fits more mechanically with the flavor, but fluff-wise, minimally. House Medvyed, meanwhile, fits more fluff-wise with Kaily, but mechanically it doesn't fit at all.

Theodric Rothnt |

Gird Medvyed wrote:
Also, a (Primarily flavor) request- May I have a Staff of Minor Arcana?
It would also happen to make a ton of sense for me to start off with a Bag of Holding Type III to represent where I put all of the tasty human-flavored snacks. We cool on that Thron? Yeah? I mean it makes a ton of sense for my character, how else is he going to lug around all of those corpses? Its for flavor! (Tasty human flavor, I might add)

Iron Vagabond DM |

Iron Vagabond DM wrote:Also, a (Primarily flavor) request- May I have a Staff of Minor Arcana?It would also happen to make a ton of sense for me to start off with a Bag of Holding Type III to represent where I put all of the tasty human-flavored snacks. We cool on that Thron? Yeah? I mean it makes a ton of sense for my character, how else is he going to lug around all of those corpses? Its for flavor! (Tasty human flavor, I might add)
Well, the primary reason there is because, she is, in fact, an aprentice spellcaster who is pretty much hastily rushed through her tutelage. AKA, almost the literal description of the staff. If not, I'd be cool with it, but I'm just making a request. And you can just stab the guy next door, you know, and eat their flesh. Isn't that difficult.

Andrezi the Wanderer |

No jealousy here. I would love a Bag of Holding Type III, so I thought I'd ask just like DM Vagabond. Otherwise I might have to buy a mule and cart for all the corpses. Far less useful.
Also, I'm going to be switching from Allaeron to Andrezi, as I don't like Allaeron's name and don't want it locked in place. Need to remove Andrezi's current profile still.. as his current form isn't the char submission.

Grautak |

No jealousy here. I would love a Bag of Holding Type III, so I thought I'd ask just like DM Vagabond. Otherwise I might have to buy a mule and cart for all the corpses. Far less useful.
Also, I'm going to be switching from Allaeron to Andrezi, as I don't like Allaeron's name and don't want it locked in place. Need to remove Andrezi's current profile still.. as his current form isn't the char submission.
j/k @ jealousy. Man I hope Dagru and I get picked. I am really starting to like this hobgoblin a lot.

Iron Vagabond DM |

Not a biggy in my opinion, although I would have PM'd the request to avoid the inevitable jealous banter.
Yeaaaah probably should have done that. (Wisdom of 7, here).
It's still an 8,000gp magic item though. A bit much for a starting character.
Valid point- Though, I forgot to mention to change it to CL 1, rather than 8. This reduces the price down to only 900 gp, rather than 8000 gp ((400*1*1)+(300*1*1)+(200*1*1) vs (400*1*8)+(300*1*8)+(200*1*8)). Also, the item appears to be overpriced, with The formula resulting in it costing 7200 gp rather than the listed 8000. Probably for the purpose of being more valuable when sold.
No jealousy here. I would love a Bag of Holding Type III, so I thought I'd ask just like DM Vagabond. Otherwise I might have to buy a mule and cart for all the corpses. Far less useful.
Yeah- Though, in my defense, I came up with Katlin in another kingmaker game that died rather quickly- And I stumbled on the staff of minor arcana while sifting through the OGC item list, noticed the fluff, and found that it fit her status rather well.

Andrezi the Wanderer |

Sadly, Staves, by the staff-creation rules, can't go below 8th-Caster Level without houserules. If you were allowed a 1st level staff (Which honestly I would think is a tad OP, though less so than an 8th CL one), you could purchase it (and only it) if you picked the Rich parents trait.
Honestly I wouldn't count on Thron saying yes - if he did, I'd be extremely surprised. Now, he does allow you to buy partially charged wands at 1st level, so thats an alternative. At 15g a charge, it ain't a bad idea.

Iron Vagabond DM |

Sadly, Staves, by the staff-creation rules, can't go below 8th-Caster Level without houserules. If you were allowed a 1st level staff (Which honestly I would think is a tad OP, though less so than an 8th CL one), you could purchase it (and only it) if you picked the Rich parents trait.
Honestly I wouldn't count on Thron saying yes - if he did, I'd be extremely surprised. Now, he does allow you to buy partially charged wands at 1st level, so thats an alternative. At 15g a charge, it ain't a bad idea.
Well I feel dumb. And, personally, if CL 1, then it wouldn't be that bad- It'll take four spell slots to refill the magic missiles, so if we don't spend much time to rest, it's effectively a clunky 2 charge wand. And I'd still like to get the other stuff, too.
Also- I need to get equipment sorted out soon. Then finish writing her backstory. Equipment will be somewhat difficult, due to her weak 6 strength giving her a carrying capaicty of 20 ibs. 23 with a masterwork backpack. And I still have to type up her background and decide between Sword Scion and Noble House (Meyned). Gah, not sure what to do...

Khargol Uzgurn |

Much as I hate to say it, I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I've had some stuff come up in the last day that had me start questioning whether or not I'd be able to handle adding another PbP to my roster and I now know the answer to that question. As such, I'm gonna have to leave y'all to it. Hope you all have fun!

DM Thron |

Also, a (Primarily flavor) request- May I have a Staff of Minor Arcana?Alternatively: May I take a second drawback (Naive) to gain the Rich Parents traits to grab either a wand of Summon Monster, Grease, or Magic Missile?
Nope on both counts. Though there is time to adjust your build should you desire to take that trait instead of another.

Kagehiro |


Dagru |

I was just reading though the Kingmaker players guide and saw this.
Your group of characters begins the Kingmaker Adventure
Path as one of four groups sent south into the Stolen Lands
to defeat bandits and, hopefully, to establish one of four
new nations in the River Kingdoms.
I think it would be interesting if multiple groups were competing with one another in kingmaker. I bet that would be intense. We have 22 of the 24 needed to make that happen.

Iron Vagabond DM |

Well, new delemia. I was already feeling somewhat trait-starved... Opressive Expectations was the most fluff and flavor drawback, but is kinda heafty, so will need a pretty heafty trait in order to counteract. If I don't take the Noble House trait, may I still state that I am of the Noble House anyway? Still not sure which to take- Sword Scion or Noble House, and I would still love your opinions. Reactionary actually fits really well with her. The only one that kinda doesn't fit is Princess, and even then, it actually fits rather well. Rich Parants provides a quick boost in power to help me through the early levels... I don't suppose I could re-train my traits at a later date, could I :P. Re-train it into something that would fit her more later on, as she grows up. Or, heck, even into Noble Born, showing how she's slightly more open with the fact at that point.
Also, DM, question- Your opinion on the retraining rules? I would love to re-train Toughness to Improved Initiative at a later date (It's primary purpose currently is to boost her hit points so that she doesn't die early on).

Vianella Orlovsky |

Late to the call, but here is my submission (and dot for interest). I may take a drawback and some third trait, and may change the subdomain, but the main points are here.
@Iron Vagabond DM: There is a Brevoy regional trait Issian Noble that might work for you.
You've also mentioned the Princess social trait (originally the Keleshite Princess trait but not labelled as such on the d20pfsrd site for legal purposes) and there is the Lesser Noble regional trait (originally Ustalavic Noble).
Me I wen't full bore. Noble Born (Orlovsky) campaign trait, Issian noble as my second trait, and the Noble Scion feat.

Andrea1 |

Withdrawing. I am just too intimidated by the Rping in the tavern and do believe that it will affect who is chosen. Which will become even more annoying if the game crumbles after the first month or so(I endured several Skull and Shackles games that were inundated with Tavern Rping with those games dying very quickly due to Dm/Player flakeout.)

DM Thron |

I was just reading though the Kingmaker players guide and saw this.
Your group of characters begins the Kingmaker Adventure
Path as one of four groups sent south into the Stolen Lands
to defeat bandits and, hopefully, to establish one of four
new nations in the River Kingdoms.I think it would be interesting if multiple groups were competing with one another in kingmaker. I bet that would be intense. We have 22 of the 24 needed to make that happen.
I had PLANNED on this being a surprise, but now that someone has brought it up, I suppose I can go ahead and announce PART of the changes I intend to make to the campaign.
I WILL be taking 2 groups worth of players out into the Stolen Lands, and they WILL be running in the same timeline. One path will be closer to the campaign as written, the other will be modified significantly. Obviously, as the game wears on, this will change the mid-late game entirely, which I had already planned to do.
Obviously, this will open a lot of doors for political intrigue, competition and/or alliances, etc. etc.
I am not going to say anything more on the changes I intend to make, but there you have it. Part 1 of the changes to the campaign, announced!

DM Thron |

Withdrawing. I am just too intimidated by the Rping in the tavern and do believe that it will affect who is chosen. Which will become even more annoying if the game crumbles after the first month or so(I endured several Skull and Shackles games that were inundated with Tavern Rping with those games dying very quickly due to Dm/Player flakeout.)

Vianella Orlovsky |

Vianella: That appears to be a 20 point buy build, unless I am mistaken. It would need adjusted down to 15. Otherwise, at first glance, it looks good.
Whoops. You are correct. Fixed (dropped dex by 2 [3 pts] and wis by 1 [2 pts]).
Also increased encumbrance to medium since I swapped armor to "Parade" which seems to fit her style. Still trying to decide between Sheltered and Vain for drawback.

Dagru |

Dagru wrote:I was just reading though the Kingmaker players guide and saw this.
Your group of characters begins the Kingmaker Adventure
Path as one of four groups sent south into the Stolen Lands
to defeat bandits and, hopefully, to establish one of four
new nations in the River Kingdoms.I think it would be interesting if multiple groups were competing with one another in kingmaker. I bet that would be intense. We have 22 of the 24 needed to make that happen.
I had PLANNED on this being a surprise, but now that someone has brought it up, I suppose I can go ahead and announce PART of the changes I intend to make to the campaign.
I WILL be taking 2 groups worth of players out into the Stolen Lands, and they WILL be running in the same timeline. One path will be closer to the campaign as written, the other will be modified significantly. Obviously, as the game wears on, this will change the mid-late game entirely, which I had already planned to do.
Obviously, this will open a lot of doors for political intrigue, competition and/or alliances, etc. etc.
I am not going to say anything more on the changes I intend to make, but there you have it. Part 1 of the changes to the campaign, announced!
AWESOME, I love the 2 headed campaign idea! Can't wait for the cut announcement.

Seth86 |

Erin Orlovsky
Erinyes tiefling rogue (swashbuckler) 1
LE Medium outsider (native)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . kukri -1 (1d4+1/18-20) or
. . kukri -1 (1d4/18-20) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1) or
. . kunai +1 (1d4+1)
Ranged blowgun +3 (1d2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
. . At will—deathwatch
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Two-weapon Fighting
Traits noble born - orlovsky, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +7, Disable Device +7, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +7, Fly +11, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +3; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal
Other Gear lamellar cuirass, blowgun, blowgun darts (10), dagger, kukri, kukri, kunai, kunai, kunai, kunai, kunai, kunai, bandolier, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, fishhook (2), flint and steel, hip flask, masterwork backpack, sewing needle, signal whistle, string or twine, thieves' tools, thread (50 ft.), whetstone, 17 gp, 2 cp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Being from a noble family, but also being who and what she is, she was sent to the Stolen Lands to make a new life, away from the family. Who saw her as a "shame" as a "black mark"
She was happy to leave. Best to get away from those that didn't want her there to start with. She is now here, to make a new life for herself
Pale, horned face, with black feathery wings. Lithe and agile. A bit brutish when it comes to saying what she thinks and how she feels

Oterisk |

Getting close to finished with my application, I have a question or three.
1. Heart of the Wilderness human racial trait has a +1 for every two levels to Survival. Although it doesn't specifically say, most of these things have a minimum 1 caveat, would you allow that +1 at level 1 for my character or should I just wait for level 2?
2. Pioneer trait gives a horse, would you allow such horse to be combat trained at the beginning, or would you rather not?
3. Is it a light or heavy horse? (I'd prefer light for story reasons)

Erimriel |

Obviously I'm not Thron, but there's enough history there that I can provide some likely answers to your questions (offered in light of recruitment ending tomorrow):
1. The alternate racial trait's verbiage is half of your character level, which would be a minimum of 1 (pretty much all other instances of 'half character level' abilities work that way as well)
2. A similar question was answered earlier in-thread, regarding a Druid companion.
FYI, any tricks your animal companions have the capacity for at the start can be pre-filled for free, as you would have had ample time to teach them. After game start will revert to actual skill checks.
3. Not sure. Probably light, though. It's silly they don't specify in the trait description, imo.

Oterisk |

2. A similar question was answered earlier in-thread, regarding a Druid companion.
Thron wrote:FYI, any tricks your animal companions have the capacity for at the start can be pre-filled for free, as you would have had ample time to teach them. After game start will revert to actual skill checks.
Thanks for that. I did see it, but since the trait horse isn't an animal companion, I'd figure I'd ask to make sure.
Also, is anyone else having trouble modifying their aliases? Paizo keeps giving me errors.