DM Thron's Kingmaker Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Thron

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CG is a good alignment for this AP, so that isn't very surprising.

Lawful types can be quite nice too though. I'd really like to play an arcanist in this AP, but if that was off the table, a paladin/warpriest of Abadar would be next on my list.

Je'grick is male. Chumana, the snake, is female.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well I guess I will create something tonight and submit it.

Such enthusiasm! :p

Sovereign Court

The Gird profile is setup just for this application now, so any possible confusion for DM should be gone.

Gird is also a Half-Elf.

DM Thron, what sources are we allowed to use for building our character? I'm re-building Khargol so I can be sure he is how I'd like him to be and there is a trait called Truth's Agent from Ultimate Campaign that I believe would fit him very well.

With your permission, I'd like to make that one of my trait choices.

Speaking as one of the players Thron's played with before, as long as its from a Paizo source its good to go, unless he specifically banned it in the character creation thread. (Or common sense, like monster characters, and even then some of you almost got away with it! Heh)

Considering your trait is a simple Social trait from the Ultimate Campaign, I'm 99.999999% sure you're fine. And in the case of that .000001% chance I'm wrong, then Thron just doesn't like you.

;P (You're fine!)

I'm glad you're so confident, DM Crustypeanut! I'm going to ahead and enter it as a character choice then and I'll change it once DM Thron lets me know for sure.

That being the case, Khargol should be finished and ready for final submission, DM Thron, and I've posted an entry on the gameplay thread for him. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any of the information on the profile. Thank you!

Heh, Chaotic Good is being inundated. I am also surprised at the number of non-core races as well. Have to say, I'm impressed!

If I can search it and find it on the SRD, it is allowed unless I have explicitly stated otherwise here in thread.

Dagru is entering the mix... build, story, and submission coming

Made a few changes to Snotboogie's sheet, mainly added a drawback/trait, and futzed around a little with skills.

He has a Foul Brand (Hand), because his left hand is branded with the symbol of Urgathoa; a remnant from his infancy about which he is very self-conscious.

Other than that, added Profession:Brewer and futzed around with some things. Let me know if anything looks out of place.

Still debating whether I want to keep the Grenadier archetype or dump it, as well as whether I want to add Preservationist (which would require giving up Grenadier) and/or Goblin Fire Bomber(which wouldn't). But that's almost entirely crunch stuff. Snotboogie as a persona is complete. :)

And because no good Goblin should go without his own rhyme, but now is certainly not the time for it in the RP thread...

Mix, and Bubble
Boil and Brew!
Snotboogies Draughts
Give Power To YOU!

Mix, and Boil
Bubbles and Fumes!
Snotboogie Throw...
Things go BOOMS!

Good day all,

DM Thron I present Dagru. His background,pPersonality, character sheet and description are developed. I will still complete an add on story for Dagru the Infiltrator before Feb 10.

Will try listing things out another way, see what kind of role spectrum we're working with. If I miss any one or get something wrong, feel free to call me out. There's probably a lot of multi-functional class submissions that are built to emulate a certain style of play that I'll no doubt overlook. Just point it out for me. I'll address it in any following updated lists.

Also, I'm going to regard "skilled" as anything with 6+ skill ranks per level. As above, if you've elected to dump Int and shift your focus far away from high skill ranks, let me know.

Also 2.0: I'm not marking down dots and interesteds at this point. If someone has submitted a character to Thron via PM, I'll obviously miss those too.


  • Erimriel —— Chaotic Good female aasimar (angelkin) Brawler
  • Gramlag —— Neutral Good male dwarf Fighter
  • Jek Jer —— Lawful Neutral male kobold Ranger
  • Morvan Fellis —— Chaotic Good male human Swashbuckler
  • Rockne Coonak —— Chaotic Good halfling male Barbarian (Titan Mauler)


  • Andrea —— Neutral female human Cleric of Urgathoa
  • Ederzand —— Neutral Good male aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae
  • Je'grik —— Neutral Evil male nagaji Druid (Naga Aspirant)
  • Sorry. —— Lawful Evil female human Oracle of the Void (Dual-Cursed)


  • Allaeron —— Neutral Evil male bloodmarked skinwalker (werebat) Witch
  • Narruk "The Pebble" Rockscale —— Lawful Neutral male kobold Sorcerer
  • Qahnaarin —— True Neutral [no gender] ghoran Sorcerer (Verdant)
  • Serafina Trimble —— Lawful Evil female human Sorcerer
  • Snotboogie —— Chaotic Neutral male goblin Alchemist (Grenadier; Winged Marauder)


  • Dagru —— Lawful Neutral male hobgoblin Investigator (Infiltrator)
  • Gromar Grimale —— Chaotic Good male gnome Bard (Soundstriker)
  • Olo Dudley —— Neutral Good male halfling Bard
  • Yandasana Fethen —— Lawful Good female half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
  • Yuki Tsune —— Chaotic Good female kitsune Rogue
  • Zayna Amjad —— Neutral Good female human Bard (Dervish of Dawn)


  • Gird Medvyed —— Chaotic Good male human Inquisitor of Milani
  • Janek Lebeda —— Chaotic Good male human Warpriest of Cayden Cailean
  • Khargol Uzgurn —— Lawful Neutral male half-orc Inquisitor of Abadar

    Looks like a decent distribution thus far.

  • is it too late to enter a submission for consideration?

    DM Thron is keeping submission open until Feb 10th, if I recall, so you still have a couple weeks.

    Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

    Hmm Dagru- would you be open to having a brother? I was thinking of submitting a Hobgoblin Fell Rider. We could adjust history to reflect our desire to carve out a place for we hobgoblins who wish to live in peace with our neighbors.

    Jrcmarine, a brother would be an interesting addition so I like the idea. Put out your idea to fit what I have so far so we can put it together.

    Description and personality added.

    Just checking in to let you all know that I will review all submissions posted since my last review after my current work stretch.

    Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

    Dagru wrote:

    Jrcmarine, a brother would be an interesting addition so I like the idea. Put out your idea to fit what I have so far so we can put it together.

    Workng on it! Will post later tonight.

    there are certainly alot of cool entries showing up here, the noise in the guild hall in the game play thread is cool too, this is going to be a long wait till selecion though

    Well...submission rate has slowed a bunch. I will keep an eye on it and adjust the closing date as I feel necessary.

    Well holy carp, I hope I'm not too late!
    My apologies, I'm here with a character concept that will need your consideration before even being considered-

    Primary, a girl, a savent in the Arcane Arts, bearly old enough to adventure as of yet- 14 years of age.

    Born and raised in academia, she's the bastard child of a Noblewoman and a Elf Man. Her father desired for her to, one day, become a mighty warrior... but she was weak. She wasn't one for combat, ever. Her mother was... Not particularly nice, though she never noticed.

    Her father's pressure bored on her to grow stronger, yet her ability was weak, and she held no interest in the art of combat. She tried to continue with her fighting, but always failed to even meet the basics...
    So, one day, she ran. She ran and didn't stop until she collapsed on the ground, her feet bloody as her shoes broke down as she ran. And even then, she continued to try, until she couldn't stand anymore, and blacked out.

    She awoke in the tower of a Wizard, who sought to keep her in safety. He kept her in his home, and taught her the Arcane arts as practice for himself... And she picked them up. Quickly. What took many wizards years took mere months for her. She was swift to learn, swift to understand.

    Her father worried, in this time. He sought her. He sook to find her, to apologies for the worry he caused her...

    She didn't know this. For when she found posters looking for her, she worried. She didn't want to go back. She didn't want to leave.

    Meanwhile, her master worried. She, in a mere years time, learned wizardry to an incredible degree... It was just... Unnerving, to him. She, on a whole, was.

    There was a letter- He had been hired to go and deal with the bandit problem in a nearby country, in return for granting him a kingdom.

    He told her, she was mighty enough that she could handle this task- Return after performing it, and he will continue teaching her.

    Knowing it was a escape, a hope of not being known, she took it, gladly, and with a smile.

    Functionally, this would be a Teleportaion Conjurer, built using the Child Rules, but without the NPC class restriction. She'll have 20 Int, so the quick pick-up isn't that bad.

    Crunch completed! Whew! Will post a backstory tomorrow as well as make any corrections to the profile that you deem necessary DM.

    Good to see my brother, Grautak, join along side me in our quest to open up a goblinoid territory within the River Kingdoms.

    I'd like to submit Belinda here for consideration. She's a master summoner; I know you specifically didn't care for synthesists, but I hoped this would be okay.

    Also, I didn't see it clarified in the thread anywhere - average starting gold for class?

    Home from work. Before I pass out, I am going to do a very VERY quick skim of the new submissions.

    Dagru: Looks good so far.

    Iron Vagabond: If you can link me on the SRD the various rules you are referencing, as well as a stat block for me to review, I will look it over and let you know.

    Grautak: Get some fluff on there and then it looks okay.

    Belinda: Stats look okay. Saw no physical description of the eidolon. Saw no mention of how you received an invitation to gathering.

    Mackenzie Kavanaugh wrote:
    Lawful types can be quite nice too though. I'd really like to play an arcanist in this AP, but if that was off the table, a paladin/warpriest of Abadar would be next on my list.

    Arcanist is allowed. Feel free to submit an official character!

    Planning on writing up her backstory, description, and personality today and putting another post in the gameplay thread after class.

    Man...DM Thron, I feel bad for you. This is not a decision I'd wanna have to make.

    Hehehe new portrait. Fits him better I'd say.

    DM Thron wrote:
    Mackenzie Kavanaugh wrote:
    Lawful types can be quite nice too though. I'd really like to play an arcanist in this AP, but if that was off the table, a paladin/warpriest of Abadar would be next on my list.
    Arcanist is allowed. Feel free to submit an official character!

    I know, I'm just waiting to be accepted/rejected in another recruitment first before submitting. I don't want to be accepted into two different campaigns with essentially the same character concept.

    DM Thron - Added a description for Creeper, as well as a short background on the name and an alias. Also worked the invitation into her background. Best of luck with your decision; I can't imagine it will be an easy one, but I'm excited for the chance to be a part of this adventure.

    Looks like Mackenzie got into the other Kingmaker game.

    As did I. So, I will remove myself from consideration for this one. I've enjoyed RPing with everyone, and I hope this campaign goes well. Best of luck to everyone for getting in!

    Yeah, I'll go ahead and just stick with that campaign for now, but I remain interested in how this one develops, since I would like to actually GM this again at some point. (I GMed it face-to-face once, and I would like to think I could do much better with experience, but I'm also enjoying reading up on all of the ingenuity other GMs have brought to the Kingmaker AP.)

    Congrats to the two of ya for getting into those games!

    And Crunchy Bits are done for Katlin Cart (Actually Mayned, but she won't mention it).

    Will post in the discussion thread soon enough- And will post her background in a while.

    Anyway, as to the Young Character Rules, Here is a link. I do request that you waive the NPC class requirement (20 Intelligence should mean that she should be able to pick it up easily), and I'll still go with the regular ability score adjustments for young characters.

    Alright- backstory complete and a couple of stat and trait changes and alignment change based on the story. I don't think a lawful creature would have the story I have, so I changed alignment to Neutral. I will confirm with Dagru that he is good with our story and then make any adjustments. But we should be good.

    Kaitlin: I suppose the young character is okay. One of those rules I hadn't seen on the SRD before, but interesting to look over. Anywho, the stats appear kosher. Post me some proper fluff and should be a complete submission.

    Although your 6 strength does bring me to make this very important point: ENCUMBRANCE MATTERS! Make sure you have it calculated and plainly visible on your sheet. 50 coins of any type weighs 1 pound. If you carry it on your person, note it's weight and add it to your carried weight. If you have coins stored elsewhere, NOTE WHERE YOU STORED IT!

    Also, since it would seem I run the risk of losing applicants to other games with a long recruitment period, I am going to reel in the cut off date considerably. Especially since we have a fairly stout list to choose from and my job is going to be tough enough as is.


    I will post my selections for the game on January 31st, after I have reviewed all the applications that make it in prior to the cut off.

    That gives anyone still on the fence about applying, or those who have submitted but need to add finishing touches, a little over three more days to do so.

    hope to have it done by friday :)

    I'm going to withdraw my interest. Just found out I'll be having more work added to my schedule, and this was already a stretch for me. Good luck guys, happy gaming!

    Good day DM Thron, I made a few changes to Dagru that make more since and function better for group travel. Submission complete

    Grautak is now also complete.

    DM Thron- will you be allowing the Leadership feat at some point in the game?

    Sovereign Court

    Nice character sheet Dagru... easy to read.

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