DM Thron |

Welcome to my recruitment for yet another Kingmaker campaign! For those of you who do not know me, here is some information about myself:
I am a full time nurse, and I work night shift at a local hospital. 12 hour shifts. Loads of fun. Been married for almost 2 years. I travel to visit relatives frequently. However, I still, situation pending, find the time to try to post once per day in the games I am currently in. The only things that really hold me up are if I have little to contribute to the scene or any of the above RL obstacles getting in the way, though I do my best to minimize such occurrences. A lot of the time I post from a mobile device. I am not a grammatical genius, nor am I a typing beast. I will make mistakes, so I won't hold you to any unrealistic standards regarding the English language, but the better you write and easier your post is to read, the better.
I like to keep things moving at a decent pace, and as such, will be looking for posts from people at least once per day, exceptions being the weekends. If you have nothing to really contribute to the current scene for the moment, please say so out of character and I will be fine with that. If things are ready to progress in-game, and we are waiting for actions from someone, I will post out of character a request for that individual to act, and if 24 hours pass, I reserve the right to DMPC that characters actions for the round, or move the scene along without their input. This applies to noncombat scenes as well. Most PbP’s die due to a decline in posting frequency, and I do not want to see a game I start fail in that regard. I will advance the scene, DMPC’ing characters as necessary, to keep this game moving. If ANYONE shows a recurring issue with lack of interaction with no legitimate reason, I reserve the right to remove that player and refill their spot as I see fit.
Note: There are several people that I have played in PbP’s with in the past (or currently) that are likely to apply. I am not going to lie, I will likely show them some preference in regards to acceptance. I say this up front not to discourage new applicants, but to be fully honest with all of you. However, I have yet to decide on how many people I plan to accept, but it is likely in the realm of five. If there are outstanding characters presented that outshine all others (in my humble opinion), then I will not let them sit on the side lines.
Combat maps will be provided by an off-site page called Roll20. I am not a master of its use, but I am growing more comfortable with it by the day and prefer it over other methods. If you have issues using this website for the game, then perhaps this is not the game for you either. A lot of what takes place in Kingmaker relies on good maps, so I am going to require the use of this site for them, and will not be taking extra effort to post them elsewhere. To sum up: Roll20 use is a requirement.
Campaign Specific Notes: I have ran this campaign through, completely, for my table group. I have decided for this PbP to make some changes, to the story-line at times, but primarily to the Kingdom Building aspect of the game. In short: no, you will not have ABSOLUTE control of what gets built in the cities. You will still be able to have control over a lot of details regarding the kingdom you found, but the fine details are going to be handled by myself as the DM. However, I will be open to player input when that time comes. But the full breakdown of this will come later, and should not be an immediate issue.
So, if you are fine with what you've read so far, I invite you to apply! Here are the character creation rules to follow:
Starting Level: 1st level
Stats: 15 Point Buy. I know this may seem low, but I want to make the PC’s rely on each other to succeed, as well as keep the game as balanced as possible.
Alignment: I am going to be allowing any alignment here, though I am expecting every character to have something that motivates them to take part in the campaign. Also, I am a firm believer that an Evil character does NOT have to be maniacal. In fact, true villainy comes in a form that makes the masses love them. If you elect to play an evil character, they stand a far better chance at acceptance if they play well with others. Also, your character will be accountable for their actions. If you are caught committing a crime, expect to be pursued and/or punished. Granted, this being a Kingmaker campaign…this could lead to all sorts of trouble if you don’t govern yourselves adequately…
HP: Max for 1st level; after that, you can either roll upon leveling up or take the average.
Classes: Core Material available on the SRD will be accepted, minus Gunslinger. Sorry, not a big fan.
Races: All races except the following will be okay: Ratfolk, Tengu, Grippli, Samsarans, Strix, Vishkanyas, or Wayangs. If you choose to play something monstrous, for example: a Kobold, explain why you are tolerated in civilized lands.
Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks.
Traits: Two, one being a campaign trait. So with a drawback you have potential for three traits. Campaign traits can be found a multitude of places. If you have to ask where to find them…well…consider that a sign that you likely shouldn’t apply.
Wealth: Max starting wealth.
Downtime: This campaign BEGS for the use of Downtime Rules, and as such, I strongly encourage each player to have SOMETHING beyond adventuring they would pursue in a day-to-day existence. Open a shop, tavern, inn. Form a guild of mercenaries. Begin building the nation’s army. Craft items! If you have a reasonable RP tie to do something, it is very doubtful I will say no!
Submitting a Character:
Create a profile/alias and include relevant information and mechanics inside. I’m going to be asking that character submissions follow this format, stolen from Jelani. You don’t have to follow that exactly; as long as it’s not a nightmare to read and the information is all there, I’ll be content.
Be sure to include the following in your profile, preferably at the bottom and in spoilers:
Description - Please provide a description of your character as if someone were seeing them for the first time. If you have a picture reference, please include it.
Personality - Self explanatory I hope.
Background - Your character is not a hero of great renown, at least not yet. Feel free to go as in depth as you'd like on this section, but keep in mind that you are level one, and while above the cut of your average soldier or town guard, you haven't done any great wonders yet. Also, I am not blind to the fact that this AP has been out for ages, and many of its features are not so secret. If you have knowledge of the campaign, I invite you to have your character be FROM Restov, Brevoy, the River Kingdoms, or have traveled the Stolen Lands themselves, and you can incorporate some tidbits of this knowledge in your background. However, I do ask that you do your best not to use out of game knowledge to drive character actions. If I suspect any metagaming to be taking place, I will put an end to it in my own, most likely harsh, means. Also, if you go this route, I expect you to include at least 1 rank in Knowledge (Local) in your character to represent this added insight. In this section, include why and how you came to receive an invitation to the gathering in Restov.
Your characters will be able to interact prior to game start in the Gameplay Thread, partly as a way to have fun and pass the time, partly to let you display your character’s personalities. Participation in this pre-game banter in no way will impact your eligibility or likelihood of acceptance. It is not a requirement, and the person with the highest post count has equal chance of acceptance to the game as someone who does not take part. The pre-game RP will be taking place wholly within the guildhall, as described in the thread. Feel free to take some liberties with NPC’s of your own design, but do not expect any responses from me in that thread, as it is purely there to provide the applicants with a venue to entertain themselves while the recruitment process is under way.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Recruitment will be open until February 10th, and I will post my decisions by Noon EST on the 12th.

DM Thron |

I should also note the following:
Not all encounters necessarily need to be solved by bloodshed. In fact, it would behoove you, from time to time, to practice some diplomatic relations.
This isn't to say that the group that forms won't just beat down and crush any opposition, but I am also open to groups that try to solve things diplomatically.
Allies can be found in the strangest of places...

Deylinarr |

Remiandiv/Zeltresh here......definitely dotting for interest. Two off-the-cuff ideas that i'll be fleshing out over the next few days:
- a cleric of Abadar excited to get in on the 'ground floor' of a rising new kingdom (with maybe a little bard mixed in)
- or modifying this guy to meet the generation rules: a Halfling who wields larger-than-him weapons with an even bigger chip on his shoulder.
will think both through and come up with a single submission shortly.

DM Thron |

How are you looking to handle the different leadership roles? Are you figuring on having PCs fill as many of them as possible, or having npcs fill in holes that the party can't/doesn't want to fill?
That will develop in game, and will fall under the changes to the Kingdom Aspect of the game I mentioned previously. I would simply suggest the following:
Build you a character you would enjoy. If it is selected, then it's role in the party/kingdom will develop organically with the game.

Tanner Nielsen |

Hey DM Thron! Question for you -
I have a concept in mind, along the lines of the Hell Knight Commander. Bring order to the wilderness and cleanse the heretic kind of stuff. However, the prestige class does not have great synergy with the fighter (who doesn't need a good Charisma score for five levels) or the paladin (the abilities don't stack). Would you, pray tell, be open to a 'law neutral paladin' that replaces 'good' with 'lawful' and 'evil' with 'chaos'? Otherwise the class would be unchanged. Thanks!

DM Thron |

Hey DM Thron! Question for you -
I have a concept in mind, along the lines of the Hell Knight Commander. Bring order to the wilderness and cleanse the heretic kind of stuff. However, the prestige class does not have great synergy with the fighter (who doesn't need a good Charisma score for five levels) or the paladin (the abilities don't stack). Would you, pray tell, be open to a 'law neutral paladin' that replaces 'good' with 'lawful' and 'evil' with 'chaos'? Otherwise the class would be unchanged. Thanks!
While my table top group does have a house rule regarding something very similar to this, it is going to be far simpler for me to require classes to be played as written. This will reduce the likelihood of stumbling into a rules quagmire of combinations that were not intended.

DM Thron |

Remiandiv/Zeltresh here......definitely dotting for interest. Two off-the-cuff ideas that i'll be fleshing out over the next few days:
- a cleric of Abadar excited to get in on the 'ground floor' of a rising new kingdom (with maybe a little bard mixed in)
- or modifying this guy to meet the generation rules: a Halfling who wields larger-than-him weapons with an even bigger chip on his shoulder.will think both through and come up with a single submission shortly.
Vincent says hello Zeltresh!

Narruk "The Pebble" Rockscale |

First off, props for being a nurse. (My mom is one too, so I know how stressful a task that can be.)
Second, I doubt this little guy will get into the other game he's submitted for, so I figure it'd be handy to submit him here.
Behold, a kobold earthbender! (Technically Deepearth Sorcerer, but meh, same thing).
Also! For character theme purposes, I was wondering if I could take a couple spells that normally wouldn't be available to kobolds since they're race specific. Specifically, Mudball (goblin only) and Stone Shield (oread only). As I said, I only would like to grab them because they fit into Narruk's motif of earthen magic manipulation, but I wanted to ask before listing them in his sheet.

DM Thron |

First off, props for being a nurse. (My mom is one too, so I know how stressful a task that can be.)
Second, I doubt this little guy will get into the other game he's submitted for, so I figure it'd be handy to submit him here.
Behold, a kobold earthbender! (Technically Deepearth Sorcerer, but meh, same thing)
Just on a quick glance, it looks okay. He is listed as level 2, and has way more in starting gear than he should, but those are easy fixes. Make a few tweaks and add the rest of the profile, but otherwise it is a good start!

LessPopMoreFizz |
Because it's from a monster book, I want to be sure to clear this: any problem with a Goblin Winged Marauder Alchemist?

DM Thron |

Because it's from a monster book, I want to be sure to clear this: any problem with a Goblin Winged Marauder Alchemist?
It is on the SRD, so it is allowed. However, I will repeat:
If you play something monstrous, such as a kobold or goblin, explain why you are tolerated in society.
Furthermore, you will need a strong reason as to why the Swordlords sent you an invitation to this gathering. This could pose a particular problem for goblins, who shun writing!

DM Thron |

Yes, it is a bit long. But that is because in the 20 days that the recruitment will be open, I am going to be working 11 of them. During those days/nights, my ability to really review applications will be limited, so I wanted to give myself plenty of time to be able to look through them all adequately.

Khargol Uzgurn |

I have here a half-orc Inquisitor of Abadar from a Kingmaker game a long time ago that never went anywhere. I'd like to go ahead and put in the running. Some things will need to be finagled with but the stats should already be to your requirements. I'll look over everything else when I get home from work and have access to HeroLab; this is mainly just to get the thread dotted.

DM Crustypeanut |

Damnit Thron, why'd you have to start a new campaign just when college starts for me? XD
..Of course I'll be submitting a character for this.
For those who aren't aware, Thron's an excellent DM, and I'm in a few other campaigns with him as well. His RotR has been a blast so far, and I've only gotten two players killed with my shenanigans! (One was me, so that doesn't count)

Tanner Nielsen |

Tanner Nielsen wrote:While my table top group does have a house rule regarding something very similar to this, it is going to be far simpler for me to require classes to be played as written. This will reduce the likelihood of stumbling into a rules quagmire of combinations that were not intended.Hey DM Thron! Question for you -
I have a concept in mind, along the lines of the Hell Knight Commander. Bring order to the wilderness and cleanse the heretic kind of stuff. However, the prestige class does not have great synergy with the fighter (who doesn't need a good Charisma score for five levels) or the paladin (the abilities don't stack). Would you, pray tell, be open to a 'law neutral paladin' that replaces 'good' with 'lawful' and 'evil' with 'chaos'? Otherwise the class would be unchanged. Thanks!
Fair enough. I will go with an inquisitor, likely of Abadar or some other law-and-order deity.

Mackenzie Kavanaugh |

Furthermore, you will need a strong reason as to why the Swordlords sent you an invitation to this gathering. This could pose a particular problem for goblins, who shun writing!
I'm not LessPopMoreFizz, but....
"Lupow has invitation, see?!" The goblin holds up a somewhat crumpled letter inviting a Sir Osric Kowalski to meet with the Swordlords of Restov about a commission exploring the untamed Stolen Lands to the south.
Looking rather quite dubiously at the green-skinned creature before him, the clerk replies with a shake of his head, "This is addressed to a Sir Osric Kowalski."
"Oh yes! Is very nice of Bigwigs not to steal Lupow's name! Lupow knows Bigwigs are very much wanting to have experienced goblin adventurer!" His grin is far too wide and toothy, and yet the goblin remains perfectly well behaved, rather than trying to split the clerk open with the over-sized horsechopper he's carrying, and indeed lifts it up to place on the desk, "Need to uh... check this before seeing Bigwigs, yes? You take special care!"

DM Thron |

I have here a half-orc Inquisitor of Abadar from a Kingmaker game a long time ago that never went anywhere. I'd like to go ahead and put in the running. Some things will need to be finagled with but the stats should already be to your requirements. I'll look over everything else when I get home from work and have access to HeroLab; this is mainly just to get the thread dotted.
Actually, he appears to be a 20 point buy, rather than a 15. If I have done my math wrong my apologies, but in my dried-out-contacts state, it appears to be 20. But there is plenty of time to get the fine touches done and the rest of the alias complete.

DM Thron |

DM Thron wrote:Furthermore, you will need a strong reason as to why the Swordlords sent you an invitation to this gathering. This could pose a particular problem for goblins, who shun writing!I'm not LessPopMoreFizz, but....
"Lupow has invitation, see?!" The goblin holds up a somewhat crumpled letter inviting a Sir Osric Kowalski to meet with the Swordlords of Restov about a commission exploring the untamed Stolen Lands to the south.
Looking rather quite dubiously at the green-skinned creature before him, the clerk replies with a shake of his head, "This is addressed to a Sir Osric Kowalski."
"Oh yes! Is very nice of Bigwigs not to steal Lupow's name! Lupow knows Bigwigs are very much wanting to have experienced goblin adventurer!" His grin is far too wide and toothy, and yet the goblin remains perfectly well behaved, rather than trying to split the clerk open with the over-sized horsechopper he's carrying, and indeed lifts it up to place on the desk, "Need to uh... check this before seeing Bigwigs, yes? You take special care!"
Heh. I enjoy goblin shenanigans. However, you would need to clarify who this Sir Osric Kowalski is, why HE is not the one present, and not the victim of foul play...etc. etc. etc. Basically, proof man...they need PROOF!

Mackenzie Kavanaugh |

Heh. I enjoy goblin shenanigans. However, you would need to clarify who this Sir Osric Kowalski is, why HE is not the one present, and not the victim of foul play...etc. etc. etc. Basically, proof man...they need PROOF!
Yeah, I rather enjoy their shenanigans too, I was just offering a bit of a setup for how a goblin might have gotten hold of an invitation. It's not my submission though, so it's up to anyone actually submitting a goblin to going into further detail. I am entirely certain that Sir Osric is in perfect health and has simply found himself suffering from an overabundance of faith in Iomedae and has headed off to fight demons in Mendev. Surely nothing bad could have happened to him that would have prevented his attendance, right?

DM Thron |

Ah, to be a king. Not many of my relatives have done that. Well, except that one gold, but he's kinda... weird.
Tik-Tik is either a Wizard or an Alchemist, and a character I'm used to hearing "Sorry, but no" too. I understand why. He's quite unusual.
Ah...monstrous races...
I give kudos to the desire and creativity required to play one. Hell, I myself have aspirations of one day playing an Imp Sorcerer...one day...
As such, I'm going to go ahead and okay this APPLICATION, but in no way am I saying that it is in the campaign yet. I am just willing to allow it to be a contender for acceptance.
However, if you are SERIOUSLY trying to submit this character, then you would have to follow the rules for Monsters as PCs. As such, he would not start out with any class levels, being a CR 1 creature.
You would basically be playing a pseudodragon straight up from the beastiary. That means no vocalization beyond chirps, hisses, growls, and purrs, but can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature up to 60 feet and with Line of Effect. You would start out only understanding/speaking Draconic. These are all serious limitations you would have to try hard to overcome.
Basically, you are fighting an uphill battle. But it is not impossible. I would strongly, STRONGLY encourage you to consider a different character, but if you can prove to me this character is a contender, then I WILL consider it fairly.
But, as with the goblin, you need to also be able to provide a proper invitation to the gathering, as well as a background story as to how and why you received the invitation. But that is standard to all the submissions, but for monstrous/non-core races, it is a bit harder of a challenge.

Narruk "The Pebble" Rockscale |

Tweaked, should be all set.
Male Kobold Sorcerer 1
LN Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Deity: Gozreh Homeland: Brevoy
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12 Touch 11 Flat-footed 12
HP 6/6
Fort +0 Ref +0 Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff -1 (1d4-2/x2)
Ranged Sling +1 (1d3-2/x2)
Special Tremor (+5 vs trip, 30', 7/day)
Spells Known
0th (at will) - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st (4/day) - Expeditious Excavation, Mudball
Str 6, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 9
Sorcerer Bloodline Deep Earth
Feats Spell Focus (Earth School)
Traits Rostlander, Reactionary
Skills Spellcraft +4, Stealth +10
Languages Draconic
Combat Gear Quarterstaff, Sling, Bullets (10)
Trail Rations (5 days)
Silk Rope (50')
Tanglefoot Bag
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
10 gp 4 sp
As if dealt a strange hand by fate, Narruk was given the chance to do so with the arrival of a strange girl at his tribe warren. A noble child out on a hunt with her brother, the girl was separated from her hunting party and hopelessly lost. Feeling the vibrations of the girl through the earth above him, Narruk ventured to the surface and confronted the noble girl, earning her trust with his broken common and leading her safely back home. Overjoyed at her return, the noble family was shocked to learn that a frail little kobold had braved the wilderness to bring their daughter back, earning their favor. Narruk took up residence on the grounds of the noble family, tending to the gardens thanks to his connection with the earth and occasionally taking time to teach the noble girl various things he'd learned on his own, such as how to tap into arcane energies and meditating.
When the noble family received news of the effort to colonize the Stolen Lands, Narruk felt the voices of the earth spirits speak to him once more, directing him back home. Much to the sadness of the girl he'd rescued, befriended and taught, Narruk volunteered to join the expedition into the wilderness to populate it, with the good word of the noble family to vouch for his talents. Narruk knows that more than just the Rockscale tribe thrive in the Stolen Lands, and he hopes that if he has some say in the development of this new nation, he might be able to finally create a home for his kind that doesn't rely on kobolds digging in the dirt to survive. Narruk has volunteered for the expedition as an arcane expert, nature guide and hopeful liaison between the arriving settlers and the established kobold tribes.

Azten |

Telepathy bypasses the language barriers quite easily, actually. I'm quite eager to try Tik-Tik out.
how will ability scores be handled? I have a 3rd party write up in his profile that actually makes him quite a bit weaker than normal pseudodragons, but more in line with other player character races.

Phntm888 |
I'm currently playing in a face to face Kingmaker game (book 3), and I'm enjoying the Kingdom Building aspect of it (we're using the Ultimate Campaign rules, which did much better than the ones in the book I've been told). I'd be interested in seeing how you do the Kingdom Building differently.
I'm trying to decide on a concept. Once I've got it figure out, I'll post it.

DM Thron |

Telepathy bypasses the language barriers quite easily, actually. I'm quite eager to try Tik-Tik out.
how will ability scores be handled? I have a 3rd party write up in his profile that actually makes him quite a bit weaker than normal pseudodragons, but more in line with other player character races.
He would only be able to telepathically communicate and understand Draconic, unless I am missing something about it. It would have the base stats of a pseudo dragon, which are less than 15 point buy but offset by various abilities.
Also, upon another reading, it does appear that they CAN speak in Draconic by default. So that kind of helps. But as, even in Life, some concepts just can't be conveyed accurately from one language to another, I am going to say the same applies to Telepathy until proven otherwise. So telepathic communication is still language dependent.

Azten |

"They often only vocalize in chirps, hisses, growls, and purrs, but can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature."
I read two things. One, they can talk and two, they have the Telepathy special ability, which allows communication despite what languages are understood. A sort of universal translation method.
And if it weren't for the poison, I'd prefer getting an actual point buy. Actually, if I have to use the exact stats from the bestiary, I can't play him as an Alchemist or a Wizard(Cantrips are nice, but...), my classes of choice for him.

DM Thron |

Basically what I'm going on is, if you are familiar, it would be like a certain scene from the show Heroes, when Matt Parkman is trying to read Noah's mind but can't because he is thinking in Japanese. Heh.
And I see what you are saying about the stats...
Let me brainstorm, but if I were you I would strongly consider an alternative.

A Golden Time |

I am very much interested. I have personally only gone through the first book on a tabletop game in person ( and a little bit of the second book). I had a great time while it lasted. I feel like this campaign could be due for a lot of good political intrigue.
Will you be trying to incorporate political intrigue in the campaign?

DM Thron |

I am very much interested. I have personally only gone through the first book on a tabletop game in person ( and a little bit of the second book). I had a great time while it lasted. I feel like this campaign could be due for a lot of good political intrigue.
Will you be trying to incorporate political intrigue in the campaign?
As much as the PC's will allow. In my table top game, there were various alliances formed, civil wars, assassination attempts, political delegations, and more!

Jek Jer |

A Golden Time wrote:As much as the PC's will allow. In my table top game, there were various alliances formed, civil wars, assassination attempts, political delegations, and more!I am very much interested. I have personally only gone through the first book on a tabletop game in person ( and a little bit of the second book). I had a great time while it lasted. I feel like this campaign could be due for a lot of good political intrigue.
Will you be trying to incorporate political intrigue in the campaign?
Yes. Perfect. Maybe setting up some alliances could help with money. And Then More Alliances. maybe Hired for an Assassination or two. Money.