About Idari "Lucky Strikes" LucienESVADIR, RUNE OF WHETSTONES RUNE 1:
MAGICAL RUNE RUNESMITH Usage drawn on a piercing or slashing weapon or unarmed Strike This serrated rune, when placed on a blade, ensures it will never go dull. On a successful Strike, the weapon deals an additional 2 persistent bleed damage per weapon damage die. Invocation The essence of sharpness is released outwards from the rune, dealing 2d6 slashing damage to a creature adjacent to the rune-bearer, with a basic Fortitude save. Level (+2) The damage of the invocation increases by 2d6. (4 bleed, 12d6) Background:
During the long, cold nights of winter, when the stars are clearest, Ilverani hold their night vigils. While the stars turn in the sky above, they act out plays of their histories, tales that remember betrayal and great disasters. The stars are both backdrop and the personification of their ancestors, played by beautiful actresses with magical starlight in their hair. Ice-blue colored eyes marvel as they search the stars for answers. The Northern climate creates contradictory commentary. Cold penetrating winds pursuing purchase about his personal property. His thick midnight blue cloak intermittently betraying his trust, revealing peeks of worn silver-blue colored full plate underneath. His long white hair deftly tied inside his midnight blue hood. Matching gloved hands rest quite contentedly on the Cold-iron crafted Elven curve blade at his side.
Idari Lucien is an Ilverani elf. The tall 6'6 220 pound warrior is a Twight light Speaker of his people. It is his duty to venture out into the world to further the cause of Diplomatic expectancy. Turning his hooded head to gaze upon the hostile lands of his birth, Idari Lucien sighs in acceptance his Patron's politely provided path for Her servant.
Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Ancestry Ilverani Elf Heritage Cavern Elf Background Story Collector Class Barbarian [Dandy] / [Twight light Speaker] 11 Deity Findeladlara Alignment ? Size M Traits Humanoid elf Perception(E)+15 Low-light Vision, Darkvision Languages Elven, Taldane, Diabolic, Draconic, Empyrean, Chthonian --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- AC (T) 30, Fort(M)+21 (Juggernaut), Ref(E)+17(+3) Bulwark, Will(E)+16 Resistances & Immunities
Class DC(E) 30
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Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats & Abilities
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Spell Attack Roll
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The power stories exude over the world has long fascinated you. No matter if they’re accurate historical accounts, distorted parables, or completely fictional constructions, the way tales can shape society is a kind of magic. In some cases, literal, occult magic! One tale that’s come back to modern lips of late is an ancient one indeed, the story of the elven hero Iyalirrin, an Ekujae bard who helped to create a ritual known as the anima invocation in his people’s pursuit against the devastations caused by Dahak in the aftermath of Earthfall. Other heroes rediscovered Iyalirrin’s story and the ritual a few short years ago, but it was Iyalirrin’s admiration of the art of storytelling that spoke more to you. Whether you came to this realization recently or if you’ve long known about the ancient elven hero’s admiration of spoken tales, you’ve devoted much of your adult life to the gathering and crafting of stories of your own. The way in which occult magic can manipulate the power of story is a particular obsession of yours, especially with a handy little trick you’ve learned that allows you to access power locked away in magic items you’d otherwise struggle to use. Simply by adjusting your story, the item’s story, or both... and then giving the tiniest little push of occult magic, you can unlock a wide range of magical tools. These same tricks, you’ve come to discover, also work well on demons—particularly when used to remind them of their sins and the shame their once-mortal souls may have held eons ago. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Occultism skill and the Demon Lore skill. You gain the Trick Magic Item skill feat, as well as the following reaction. OPPORTUNISTIC ACCUSATION [reaction]