Joran Vhane

Dorn Hammercrest's page

No posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 16
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 17
Charisma 10

About Dorn Hammercrest

Male Dwarf

Monk (flowing monk) 7/Unchained Rogue (acrobat, scout) 3

LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)

Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16


AC 24, touch 22, flat-footed 18 (+2 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 monk, +3 Wis)

hp 117 (10d8+37)

Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +9; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities, +2 vs. enchantments

Defensive Abilities defensive training, evasion

Speed 20 ft.

Melee unarmed strike +15/+10 (2d6+7) | +17/+12 vs giants or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +15/+15/+10 (2d6+7) | +17/+17/+12 vs giants

Special Attacks flurry of blows, second chance 1/day, sneak attack (unchained) +2d6

Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 10

Base Atk +7; CMB +14 (+20 trip) | +16 (+22 trip vs giants); CMD 30 (36 vs. bull rush, 32 vs. grapple, 32 vs. reposition, 38 vs. trip)

Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)

Traits broken, not beaten, orphaned by giants

Acrobatics +20 (+23 to jump)
Climb +10
Escape Artist +10
Fly +7
Know (history) +10 (+12 on checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies)
Know (religion) +5
Linguistics +6
Perception +16
Ride +10
Sense Motive +16
Sleight of Hand +10
Stealth +15
Survival +3 (+5 to track vs. humanoids of the Giant subtype)
Swim +8

Racial Modifiers lorekeeper[APG]

Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Giant, Undercommon

SQ elusive target, expert acrobat, flowing dodge, giant hunter[ARG], high jump, ki pool (6 points, cold iron, magic, silver), maneuver training, redirection, rock stepper[ARG], rogue talent (combat trick), slow fall 30 ft., unbalancing counter, wholeness of body (7 hit points)

Other Gear amulet of mighty fists +2, belt of incredible dexterity +4, bracers of armor +2, daredevil boots[ARG], gauntlet of the skilled maneuver (trip)[UE], headband of inspired wisdom +2, monk's robe, pauldrons of the serpent[UE], 600 gp

Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (6 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Elusive Target (Ex) At 5th level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk may spend 2 points from his ki pool to attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker's attack roll to halve damage from that attack. At 11th level and above, the flowing monk suffers no damag
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Expert Acrobat (Ex) Many skills have no armor check penalty when wearing light armor, +2 Acrobatics, Fly when not wearing armor.
Flowing Dodge (maximum +3) (Ex) At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces fast movement.
Flurry of Blows +7/+7/+2 (Ex) As full-rd action, higher BAB and combo unarmed/monk wep as if two-weapon fighting.
Giant Hunter +1 to attack/+2 to tracking Gain a bonus to attack and tracking vs. Giants.
Greater Trip Foes you trip provoke AoO when they are knocked prone.
High Jump (+7/+27 with ki point) (Ex) +7 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Pool (6/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Lorekeeper +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Mobility +4 to AC vs. AoO provoked by moving out of or through a threatened area.
Redirection (7/day, DC 16) (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round
Rock Stepper Ignore rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when taking 5 ft step.
Second Chance (1/day) (Ex) Reroll failed Acrobatics, Climb or Fly checks at -5.
Slow Fall 30 ft. (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Unbalancing Counter (DC 16) (Ex) At 2nd level, a flowing monk's attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk's next turn (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + Wisdom modifier negates). This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2
Wholeness of Body (7 hit points) (Su) Use 2 ki as a standard action to heal own wounds.

Dorn's Story

Somewhat of a wastrel in his youth, Dorn got into all manner of trouble... but, when the giants attacked everything changed quickly.

He was called home by his father, the head of a local monastery and his mother, a recent initiate there. Where his father was the epitome of strength his mother supremely agile.

He chose the middle path, which neither thought would amount to much... but, he could see the pride in their eyes. He dedicated himself to acquiring the best skills from each.

Another brutal incursion my the giants forced his parent to leave their mountain home and defend their home. Neither came back.

His training would never be truly complete, but in the most level headed of ways... he chose to leave the monastery and honor the memory of his parents and use the skills and talents they'd each imparted unto him.

He couldn't bring them back, but he could protect his people and save others from his orphaned fate.