DM Raltus |

Lann looks at Crel and Drya touching both on the shoulders he then starts to climb down the chasm.
"I will get to the other side then you can throw me a rope."
Climb down: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Climb up: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Lann's large hands help him deftly climb down then back up the chasm wall. Upon the other side he turns back, keeping a careful eye on the group as he left his wounded friend behind.

Lynn Warhaven |

"Someone told something about a dragon scale that let's you levitate? That would make things a lot easier. And I have another rope With two of them and some creative binding it should be possible to get the cart across. For we still have some people here who can't walk on their own. So who can levitate?" Lynn asks.

DM Raltus |

Lann pulls on the Rope, moving Don and Aravashnial along, as they get to the other side Aravashnial hands Don his staff.
"I have imbued this item with the power of levitation if we move quickly we can get everyone across."
The spell text says you cannot move horizontally, I am going to rule other wise. Aravashnial can do this for 6 Minutes up to 600 lbs, Millorn 3 minutes, 300 lbs and the Scale is 20 minutes 2000 lbs since it is max caster level of 20th.

DM Raltus |

As Don steps in to the Cart he touches the middle of the cart with the pristine scale from Terendelev, The cart lifts off the group 2 feet and just hovers there. Don takes up the rope and everyone on the other side pulls the cart over last.
About an hour has passed since everything was organized and set up to move the wounded across the chasm. Once on the other side Crel seems to feel more apt to move, he and Drya and Lann pick up the pace losing the slower Cart for a few minutes before Lann returns grim faced.
"Ahead we are approaching the lair of the Spore-cougher, we all together should be able to kill it and get by with minimal difficulty."
Lann is refering to a Basidirond
Lann looks back towards the way ahead, "If we are luckier it will be off hunting else where"

DM Raltus |

The tunnel opens into a circular cavern, roughly forty feet in diameter. Thick sheets of fungus grow in the cave, and several tunnels branch off. All of these save one in the north wall lead downward; the northern one leads upward. What appear to be two dead bodies lie on the ground in the middle of the cave, next to a strange heap of ropy green fungus.
One of the bodies is right next to the creature, impaled by a green rope through the neck; the other is closer to the opposite side of the cave, on all fours like he was being sick. If you get closer you can see blood, mucus and a green spore on the ground.
The men are wearing tabards of Iomedae, they are wearing fine suits of mail Masterwork, a potion is found on the body further in the cave while the impaled one has a scroll. They carry 129 gp in currency between them. They both carry glaives and spiked gauntlets as weapons. The impaled man has his left hand clenched around an object.
It is an unholy symbol of Baphomet, it is worth 50gp. The eyes are Tiny red gem stones.
Scroll of Cause Fear
Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Lynn Warhaven |

"Good idea. Do you have a spare bow or crosssbow?" Lynn asks. She casts detect magic and tries to identify what's around from afar.
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Spellcraft Scroll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Spellcraft Potion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Lynn Warhaven |

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
"Ok, if that thing was once alive it is no more. It didn't even flinch as it was shot at and it looks smashed anyway." Lynn states and moves closer. As still nothing moves she collects the items she detected as magic and one of the spiked gauntlets.
"Does anyone know what that thing is?" she asks holding up the unholy symbol.

Horgus Gwerm_ NPC |

"Is it safe to come in?"
You can hear Horgus and the rest of those in toe coming up the tunnel passage, you can also see the torches that are being carried.
K. Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
"That is not good, I have heard of the Cultists being around here but never had proof."
Horgus turns to Aravashnial and Aniva, "I assume you two know about the rumors?"

Aniva Tirablade_NPC |

Aniva hobbles up with the help of Millorn,
"Yes Irabeth said they were about but couldn't root them out. Staunton Vhane is supposed to be their leader but no one knows where he went after he fled the fight with Irabeth."

Aravashnial_NPC |

"I always knew they were here, so many of our major movements have been leaked lately. The Rift Wardens never had issues but the regular crusaders would get attacked when they arrived at a Secret location. This confirms it, there must be more of them down here somewhere."
Aravashnial touches the unholy symbol.

Lynn Warhaven |

"Maybe you're happy in your club of those who know, but would someone care to explain what you are talking about?" Lynn comments slightly irritated.
No one so far told what the symbol actually is or what that cult is about.

DM Raltus |

Aniva looks at Lynn, "The Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth. They Follow Baphomet, so right now your holding a symbol dedicated to his worship. These men were Templars. Odd that they weren't seen in the or routed out before they could make it underground."
None of the NPCs have seen the men yet, they know about the Templars but not these men

DM Raltus |

With what Lynn said Aniva, Aravashnial and Horgus all turn towards her.
Lann has been standing silent behind the rest of the group, moving forward now.
"We have seen these people before. Their numbers increasing more so, they have taken up with the southern Mongrel tribe. My tribe has nothing to do with them."

Lynn Warhaven |

"So you want to share the cart with those dead bodies of cultists who died in their own vomit?" Lynn asks.
To Don she replies "You want to come back down here once we're out? Or where do you hope to find an Iomedaean cleric"

Lynn Warhaven |

Lynn cuts the green rope and grabs the man by his chain mail. Dragging him over she heaves him on the cart. "Now imagine how it would be if we wouldn't have this guy's cart with us."
Lynn takes a look at the other guy where to grab him to not smear herself with the slime he stands in. She grabs him at the neck lifting him out of it and dragging him onto the cart too.
I checked again and I remembered right. Only the NPCs introduced themself. None of us players ever told anyone their names.

Iko_ |

Iko listens silently at the exchange going on between everyone but keeps an eye out.
"We should not linger here. Danger is all around in this place."

DM Raltus |

As Lynn loads the bodies in, Horgus starts to walk, Aniva and Aravashnial ride in the cart as they are the most wounded. Aniva puts the rotted bed roll over top of them to make sure they don't have to be seen. She also removes the Iomedae tabards from them as well.
"Lann moves back to the front, we are close to Neat Holme, once we arrive let me talk to the guards. I will gain you audience with our Chieftain."

DM Raltus |

You walk for another 20 minutes before you encounter a roughly circular chamber, there is a large door and 3 more of the misshapen creatures before you.
"Hold up here, I will go ahead and Crel and Drya will stay here with you while I talk to the guards." Lann tells everyone.
Lann then leaves the group while Crel ties to move forward but is blocked by the mumbling Drya. Everyone can easily see him as he moves forward and the guards converge on him, they all smile or what looks like a smile on some of them and after about 10 minutes he returns.
"The Chieftain will see you in an hour of your time, I will take you to my home to rest up. The bodies of the dead will be taken to the far shore and left there for when you are to leave."
Drya and Lann help take Crel into the village, Lann points out his home to everyone and says he will be back in a bit once he has taken Crel to the healer.

DM Raltus |

A small, dark lake ripples in the center of this two-hundredfoot-
wide cavern, the walls and ceiling aglow with thick sheets
of luminescent fungi. In the center of the lake, over two dozen
low stone buildings cluster on a rocky one-hundred-foot-wide
island. Lights glow in the windows of the buildings, giving
the settlement an almost welcoming look. Rafts made of
mismatched planks of timber bob along the length of a crooked
pier at the lake’s closest shore.
No Map sorry
Lann's home looks like debris and other items that were discarded were make into what looks like a house from the surface. It is rather large inside and there is a fire in the hearth.
Lann returns after about 25 minutes.
"I am sorry for my delay, Seer Opoli wished to ask more of the happenings on the surface. She will be present when you talk to the Chieftain. You can rest up here for a bit if you wish, there is a trader in town as well if you have things you wish to buy."
Aniva and Aravashnial are lead inside by Millorn who has taken to them both and tended too. Horgus looks disgusted and wipes what may pass for a chair off before sitting on it.