DM Raltus Demon Slaying (Inactive)

Game Master Raltus

Book 2 Maps l Gear Spread sheet l Hand outs

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Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Are you shrinking that things?" Lynn asks curious.

Human Paladin 3

They might be baby head eaters.

Millorn looks at what Lynn and Don are talking about, "Millorn eats them, they good keep Millorn alive."

Millorn starts packing his gear up, his back pack has a few holes in it and the smaller items he puts in keep falling out till he stuffs a ratty bed roll in the bottom. He then stands up and smiles at Lynn, the smile is a bit unnerving as he still looks a bit unhinged.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

"Lets just hope that Lord Hulrun is dead other wise bringing this ... Dwarf back to the surface might bring us some ire."

Aniva moves over in the bed of the Cart and Aravashnial blindly moves over as well.

Aravashnial and Millorn begin to talk about magical theory and just how the world wound was opened and is still being powered.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Now then again: Onward. Hopefully the right way this time." Lynn tells and moves on past the cave.

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

Iko gets to his feet and shakes off the last of the effects. "That was... unpleasant. But thankfully it looks like all was taken care of. Where to now?"

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Tink fiddles with SteelGate and soon the construct is back to pulling the cart

Human Paladin 3

Indeed, I fear for the city though.

A steeply inclined tunnel leads upward to the north, its walls
lined with numerous nooks, handholds, and dozens of iron
pitons that have been driven into the walls long ago.

The Pitons allow characters who are walking to ascend the tunnel almost like a ladder was there.

The tunnel opens into a large cavern, about seventy feet
across. Cylindrical rock formations along the walls arch up to
make a dome like chamber, but the walls and floor are riddled
with cracks. At the center of the cave, a stone tower that may
once have reached the fifty-foot-high ceiling has collapsed
onto its side.

As you enter this room a noise can be heard, it sounds like it is coming from the far end of the room.

Human Paladin 3

Could have enemies. Don holds his Earthbreaker ready

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Wanna go and check?" Lynn asks.

Human Paladin 3

Let us! Don will advance with Lynn.

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

iko drws his temple sword and stands as a second defence. Midway behind Lynn and Don and the rest of the group.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn moves towards the noise checking what might be the source.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

As Lynn gets closer she sees the backs of two humanoid creatures, they are hunched over a rock pile and look to be digging. As she creeps closer Lynn sees a third humanoid that appears to be buried under some rocks.

The humanoids don't seem to notice Lynn as they are intent on their digging.

Engineering DC 10:

The rock pile looks like it was once a house of some sort and with all the Demons bursting out of the ground it has caused earth quakes throughout the city.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
"Hey there. What are you digging out of that collapsed building?" Lynn asks wondering how many buildings and stuff are - or were - standing underground.

Human Paladin 3

Maybe survivors like us.

One of the humanoids gets up and looks? at the group, from this distance 50ft or so The face doesn't look like a face but a bunch of tumors all over where the eyes and mouth should be. A second one gets up and puts a overly large clawed hand on the first one. The second humanoids face is half Elven and half lizard with dark green scales.

"Be on your way, we want no trouble. We are just helping a friend out." Calls the half Elven half lizard humanoid.

Human Paladin 3

Lizard elves? Are there lizard people up here so there are half-elves and half-orcs?

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Maybe we can help?" Lynn asks. This looks totally wrong. I can't imagine elves with Lizardfolk. But who knows.

The tumor faced humanoid starts to make some noise and point a delicate hand at you. The other one again holds the female looking humanoid back.

"What are lizard people? Also what are you doing down here? These tunnels are not safe since the earth quakes."

The Male Humanoid points the female one back to keep an eye on their digging.

"My name is Lann, I live down here. A friend is trapped under the rock over there." He indicates behind him.

"we want no trouble but if you are willing to help we could use it. I have nothing to offer you in return."

HP 35/35 l AC 12 (T 12, FF 10) l F +3 R +3 W +7 l Ini +2 Perc +7

"Lizard elves? What are you talking about?"

Aravashnial says from the back of the cart, turning his blood stained clothed eyes toward all the talking.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

"Bunch of mutants, probably the ones who are responsible for the missing stuff from the city." Horgus says with disgust in his voice.

Short Sword +3 (1d6+3), Short Bow +5(1d6+1)
HP 5/17 l AC 14 (T 11, FF 11) l F +1 R +6 W +1 l Ini +7 Perc +5

"Fascinating, I have never seen anything like them and I have been a great many places." Aniva hobbles off the back of the cart.

If you move closer

The tumor faced female has a couple of boards that she is wedging into between a very large rock and the smaller ones surrounding it. You can hear a faint voice coming from behind the rock.

DC 25 Str Check to move the large stone 6 people can help.

Millorn has fallen asleep in the back of the cart.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn takes a board (+2 Bonus like crowbar?) and helps with the attempt to move the stone.
Strength: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12
At least it's good enough to aid ;)

Both Lann and the Tumor Faced woman help as well, leaning into their boards.

just going to give them a flat +2 for each.

Human Paladin 3

Don flexes his muscles and gets to ork with the boards.
Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Hurrr..Hurrr.... Don pulls a muscle.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Hey Tink, can you send your construct over to help here?" Lynn asks.

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

"I shall endeavour to help."

Strength: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Wow I am terrible. I start pushing it the wrong way.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"I can't send him to do anything, he is his own. I simply provide him a body. You could ask him yourself as well." Tink says before turning to SteelGate, "SteelGate?" as he walks over to the rocks to try help, Strength: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

SteelGate walks up and leans on one of the planks, attempting to help life the rocks, Str: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"That isn't working. Let's try again together on three. One, two, three!" Lynn tells.
Strength: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 2 = 20

After a few tries you manage to get the boulder like rock away from the collapse without causing further issues. Out crawls a humanoid male, his "hands?" are large and his fingers look like shovel spades, he has horns like a goat on his head, eyes of pale green, he his hunched over with knees that go backwards. He nods his thanks to the group, then moves over towards the female.

Lann looks in the small pocket of rock and shakes his head.

"Crel could have been crushed, thank you all for helping. Why is it that you humans and others are below the surface? No one ventures down in to Mongrel territory." Lann then moves to check on the rescued man.

"What caused all the earth quakes?"

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"The demons attacked the city. Kenabres has fallen, Terendelev is dead and we fell into the darkness as the earthquake ripped open the ground. That's the short version." Lynn tells the depressing tale.

Human Paladin 3

Yes, things are very bad up there no doubt but we want to get back up and see if there are any survivors we can aid. Or flee the city if need be.

Lann runs a finger down the scaly side of his face, with the large hand.

"This is bad news, it all makes sense now really. We must tell the Chief about this, make sure we are ready in case."

Lann will go and check to make sure the woman and Crel are ok and ready to travel.

"We are heading back to our town, once there we can direct you to the surface if you are willing to accompany us."

The NPCs all murmur to get out from underground although Horgus does look disgusted at the 3 gathered.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"That's a good offer. I'll come along." Lynn replies. "I guess you agree?" she asks turning to the others.

Human Paladin 3

Getting to the surface is really important, so let us follow for now.

I cannot see any posts

Human Paladin 3

Hello, sometimes dots and new post notifications are lost.

was the board glitch

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

All posts in all boards where gone.

"Ummm, can we go now? Because we would get back to daylight rather now than later." Lynn ushers the strange humanoids onwards.

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

Iko says "To know the road ahead, ask those returning."

Lann nods as the party agrees to follow them along. Lann and the woman help Crel up and assist him with walking along, after what feels like forever because of the cart only just fitting through at some spots and at others it has to be forced on through the 2 groups come to an impasse.

Ahead, a wide chasm splits the tunnel floor. The floating rock
dust in the air and the groans as the tunnel walls settle indicate
that the tunnel split recently.

Crel and the woman sink to the ground upon seeing the chasm. Lann turns to the group, his voice filled with dismay.

"This.. this is new.. How are we to cross this? Crel is in no condition to climb and you have wounded as well."

The Chasm is 10 feet across, 70 feet wide and 30 feet deep. There is no way to go around, DC 15 to climb the walls down and up.

HP 35/35 l AC 12 (T 12, FF 10) l F +3 R +3 W +7 l Ini +2 Perc +7

"What is it? Why have we stopped again? We need to move faster to get to the surface." Aravashnial turns his head to "look" at the issue.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

Horgus throws his hands up in frustration
"Big hole in the ground now? What else can go wrong down here? I just want to sit in my arm chair and check my ledgers."

Aniva has fallen asleep in the wagon, pack in with everyones packs.

Millorn moves down from the wagon and looks all around the chasm.

"Millorn can float light as air, not long though, not carry much, Move sleeping woman over that probably it." The dwarf scratches at his beard in thought.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Great." Lynn voices her frustration at another set back.

Someone with high Acrobatics to jump over? One of the dragon scales could levitate. With a rope to pull over this would solve that.

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

"Maybe to go up, we must go down yes."

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