Lynn Warhaven |

"Yes, please show me to that trader." Lynn requests.
Once there she asks "Hello good sir. I'd like to purchase a light crossbow and some bolts. But I'm short of coins. What would you give me for this golden ring?"
Ring collected from one of the dead guys.

DM Raltus |

"No such items I have, spears and shields, clubs and nets."
The trader will give you 115gp for the ring though.
Millorn will join Lynn as she goes to the trader, upon her request from the trader Millorn produces a light crossbow from his pack and hands it to Lynn.
"Millorn not using, Lady can use, thank you for not killing Millorn."
I have updated the loot list. Do you have Detect Magic Lynn?

DM Raltus |

For those who are still at Lann’s home a Drya appears and motions for you to follow her, she leads you to Lynn, Lann and the Chief’s home.
As Lann leads you into the Chiefs receiving area, you are greeted by a much hunched looking Mongrel. Her hair is greasy and hangs long down the right side of her head, the left side being bare; she nods at Lann who does the same. After on a few moments the door opens and you are taken into a 10’ round room. A very large Mongrelman sits on a chair of parts in front of you, his face looks like that of a mouse, teeth in points and scraggly looking grey hair unkempt. His left eye is pure white and he turns his head to get a better look at the group as they enter.
”Welcome, thank you for helping my people. Why is it that you have come to be in our home? Lann has told me some but I want to hear it from you.” His speech is slow and has a slight lisp to it.

Lynn Warhaven |

"If by home you mean this whole realm under the surface then it is because the Demons erupted from the ground in Kenabres. This shortly ripped open the ground and had us fall into your home while the Storm King fought Terendelev and killed her." Lynn gives a very brief recap of events. Being reminded of the death of the dragon brings the sadness back to her face.

DM Raltus |

The Chieftain will consider your words, taking a moment to consult with Lann and The long haired woman. While they are away you are free to look about the room, they have gone into another portion of the house. Upon the wall looks like a coat or arms or a family symbol, there is a large bat with ruby eyes in it. remember what you found, it is on the loot list
After 10 minutes or so the Chief, Lann and the woman return. The Chief stands infront of the group.
"I chief Sull of the Northern tribe, will give you passage across the Dark Lake to the southern side. Once there head south to the known entrance to the surface, be weary as the Southern tribe, THOSE TRAITORS!" The Chief gets loud and angry when he talks about the Southern Tribe. "They have aligned with the humans, and attacked my people killing them when they see them. I will send Lann with you to the Surface, to talk with your leadership about a truce."
Lann looks at his Chief with shock and apprehension at first but calms in a few moments.
"What else can I do for you before you go? You are free to return here if needs be, just signal us if you need to return across the lake."

DM Raltus |

Lann will step up and answer the question.
"Ones like those we found in the western caves, with the spore-cougher." Lann's eyes light up a bit once he says that, "Chieftain the spore-cougher has been slain in the western tunnels, we need fear it no longer. We did not find any trail of your son though, I will have more of our people go and look."

Aniva Tirablade_NPC |

Aniva enters the room, looking tired but wanting to say something.
"The bodies of the false Iomedae Knights are secure on the southern beach, once we are ready to go we can still take them if you guys want too. The have been stripped of their possessions, we could keep the Chain mail."

Lynn Warhaven |

"Twenty tough fighters armed and armored, or twenty including old and cildren?" Lynn continues "Because you know, twenty is about three to five times the number we have. Depending of whom you count as able to fight."

Lynn Warhaven |

"Yes, no need to give the possessions of these traitors back to their family. This could serve the good cause of fighting the demons instead." Lynn replies to Aniva.
After a moment of thought she adds to the chieftain "Also what does your son look like? It would be a shame if we would find him in the southern village and kill him. Son of the chieftain missing sounds a lot like black mail potential. If he has shown no habit of getting lost so far then that's the first I would look."

Lynn Warhaven |

With the prospect of serious combat lying before them Lynn takes out the two unknown potions and tries to find out what they are.
Spellcraft Potion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Spellcraft Potion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Lynn Warhaven |

"Then an open assault with only the few of us is out of the question." Lynn concludes. "Are you interested in sending warriors with us to solve that problem? I mean if the others that are with me are interested in such a raid too."

Lynn Warhaven |

"Or he might have been in the large cave where we fell down into this subterranean world- not far from the campsite. That would have been his doom. Then he'd be under the many falling down to their death or crushed by rocks from above." Lynn adds. This is hopeless. If he'd been with the evil tribe there'd been at least a chance to find and save him. But if he's just one of these many dead lying in the rubble of this horrible event that started all of this.
"I'm going to turn in for the night. Maybe Shelyn will give my mind some rest from all this in my dreams. Can someone lead me back to that place we waited earlier please?"

DM Raltus |

Lann looks at those gathered and leads you back to his place, as he is leading you out the Chief walks over.
"I am going to gift you this for letting me know about my son, even if it means he will not return."
He hands you a very heavy looking Mace, it appears to be made of scrap but looks solid.
"I only ask that you use this to bash in the skull of at least 1 of the traitors!" With that done he walks back into his home and closes the door.
+1 Heavy Mace

Lynn Warhaven |

Lynn follows Lann and prepares herself for bedtime. Mostly that's geting out of the armor, brushing teeth and setting up the bedroll.
"Do you need a blanket? I have a spare." she asks Iko as he brought nothing with him as he fell down here.

Iko_ |

Iko who has been silently watching the exchange till Lynn comes and offers a blanket. He bows low and says. "Thank you Lynn, that wull be most appreciated."
He then takes the blanket and folds it nicely on the floor where he sits and mediates with his legs crossed before him and his temple sword balanced upon it,

DM Raltus |

You won't be able to trade it here.
The night passes uneventful, in the morning Lann is cooking breakfast no one is able to determine what it is he is cooking and it might be better to not ask.
"So you leave today for the south, to get back to the surface? Chief Sull wants me to accompany you, to talk with your leadership, maybe about a truce."
Aniva, Horgus and Aravashnial are all awake and eating. Horgus makes a disgusted face behind Lann's back, Aniva yawns and Aravashnial sips at something hot from a clay mug. Millorn is no where to be seen.

Lynn Warhaven |

"As I understand it it's not our people that attack you but our traitors that work together with your traitors. But I guess that can be taken care of. Either by doing it ourself or by telling our people of the traitors to get them hunted down and executed." Lynn tells.
She casts create water to fill her mug and eats from the trail rations she brought. She is far to cautious to eat something that might be infested with some demonic parasites.

DM Raltus |

As everyone is eating, one of the most hideous looking Mongrelmen shows up to talk with Lann.
Horgus nearly falls on his back as the Mongrel taps him on the shoulder to move by Horgus.
"We have run into an issue with these surface dwellers stuff. They have a wagon and we cannot get it over there by our boats." His speech is very slow and almost snake like.
Lann turns to the group.
"How attached to the wagon are you? It will be difficult to get it through to the surface if I remember correctly."