DM Raltus Demon Slaying (Inactive)

Game Master Raltus

Book 2 Maps l Gear Spread sheet l Hand outs

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Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"It has proven useful in transporting the injured." Tink says matter-of-factly. "How much would it help if we could disassemble it?" he asks, still eating

Human Paladin 3

Well, if we can patch up the injured woman's leg and the wizard's face we can probably do without. We haven't had the chance to really tend to their injuries.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"If it's only the sea passage then we can simply levitate it again and pull it after the boat." Lynn comments without even looking up from her cup.

Human Paladin 3

That is right, forgot about the scale.

Both Mongrel men look at you confused.

"How will a scale help you?" Lann asks.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn takes out the silver scale of the dragon looking at it longingly. "These scales are the parting gifts of Terendelev. They are magic."

Human Paladin 3

One of these can allow a person to float in the air. We used it once to make the wagon float to get over a chasm.

Items in the shop:+1 arrows (8), +1 buckler, ring of protection +1,
earth elemental gem. Plus other mundane things

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

"I can help mend the woman's leg. I have very rudimentary skills in tending the sick. Not like a cleric unfortunately but I would like to help." Iko says with a nod.

Human Paladin 3

Every little bit helps

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

DM Told it's beyond CLW or I could have patched her up before going to bed.

"I'd like to go past the shop. The shopkeeper had some interesting items I'd like to know the prices for." Lynn tells.

It will take a regeneration

Human Paladin 3

Give her a gun leg

Lann and the new Mongrel excuse themselves to go meet with the Chieftain and to allow everyone to pack and do whatever last minute things they need too.

Aravashnial will spend his time in quite meditation, Aniva talking with Horgus quietly about the surface and what they may expect.

The Shop with Lynn

"Great Chieftain Sull has told me to offer our wares at 25% off, what is it Miss that you would like to purchase?"

Costs just so it makes this a bit faster
Ring of Protection 1500 gp
Buckler +1 750 gp
Arrows +1 (8) 368 gp
Earth Elemental Gem 1600 gp

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"That is really nice of you and Chieftain Sull but this is so far above what money I have that I will take a pass this time. Thank you." Lynn leaves and meets with the others again.

She rolls up her bed stuff and readies herself to leave.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Put everything in the cart and let's move. We're not getting any younger here." Lynn spurs the crew on. "Bring us to the boat please and ferry us over please."

Human Paladin 3

Don helps the wounded into the boat and gets in.

Lann and Drya help you load everything you have brought into the wagon, once SteelGate has it pulled to the edge of the water Drya leaves the group.

"This will be my first trip to the surface that we are not hiding, I will follow your leads on what to do."

Horgus again avoids the man and Aravashnial has learned to not call them odd names. Aniva chats with Lann about the surface and what to expect.

Millorn approaches the party.

"Millorn stay here, study demonic energies in peace, Mongrels help Millorn. Once done maybe return to surface and bring any help Millorn can."

2 guides are prepared to help you move across the lake and return the boats once you have been dropped off.

so your plan is to use the scale to levitate the cart? Someone will have to ride in the cart. Please lay out your plan and it will happen as you say

The black waters are still as class, the reflection of your light sources appear like small suns this far from the village.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn feels uncomfortable. Heavy armor and water don't mix well. "Don, will you take care of the cart?" Lynn asks. She hands him one end of her 50ft rope. Then she carefully gets into the boat holding the other end.

Human Paladin 3

Don follows Lynn's suggestion and helps levitate the cart.

Take care Millorn. Stay alive so we can meet again.

After everyone gets ready and set up to move the wagon across the lake, more of the Mongrelmen you hadn't met yet come out to see the "People from above."

A group of about 15 gather at the top of the shore and watch the sight, Aniva waves back at the Mongrelmen, the ride is about 20 minutes across the still lake. The black water looks like onyx and every now and then you can see a small light dart around in the water before going out. On the far side, Lann and someone else get out of the boats to pull them ashore. Lann helps with pulling cart to shore as well.

"This is it, the Chief said we could come back if needed. We need only throw a lighted stone into the water to signal a boat." Lann says to those gathered, the other Mongrelmen turn and row back to their village.

The shore is big enough that you can set up a marching order and move people around to get them inline to get on to the cart. There is enough of a rise though that it will be easier to pull the wagon up empty first though.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn gets out of the boat. She is relieved to have solid ground under her feet. After telling the ones who return goodbye she asks Lann "How far is it to this northern tribe's village."

Human Paladin 3

Don helps pull up the wagon and will take the lead.

Lann looks down the tunnel to where the light stops, then back at the group.

"It is about a 25 minute walk or so, we would be slowed if not for your wagon. I will tell you that I am a bit nervous about this though, the traitors were always violent prior to this and I can imagine they are more so now. Please do no hesitate to kill them if they prove they do not wish to talk."

Everyone loads up in the wagon, Aniva and Aravashnial in the back, Horgus on the drivers perch. Marching order?

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn rolls up the rope and packs it away. As this is now in a broader area she takes the back of the treck checking warily the environment while they walk - leaving the front to Don and the Construct. "Good to know what to expect."
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Iko will stay up front as well with Don and SteelGate. After about 15 minutes the tunnel starts to narrow considerably to the point that the cart is to large to get through, just beyond this area though the torch light plays over worked stone, the marks of chisels and picks is visible.

HP 35/35 l AC 12 (T 12, FF 10) l F +3 R +3 W +7 l Ini +2 Perc +7

"Why have we stopped are we at the traitors den already?" Aravashnial looks around sightless

Short Sword +3 (1d6+3), Short Bow +5(1d6+1)
HP 5/17 l AC 14 (T 11, FF 11) l F +1 R +6 W +1 l Ini +7 Perc +5

Aniva puts a hand on the Elfs shoulder, "We have come to an narrow tunnel, we may have to walk from here on out."

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

Horgus looks at Tink then back at the tunnel.

"You still want to take this with you? I can just give you one once we are up on the surface and I am safe."

Human Paladin 3

We'll have to leave the wagon. No doubt things will get too narrow when we get into their village.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Well, that's the end of comfy travel and taking everything along we find." Lynn comments and climbs over the wagon to the front to take a look what awaits them.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"ANother wagon is all well and good, but I would like to take all this back with me as well and I can't carry it all. So either we come back or someone helps SteelGate and me carry it all."

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"You're free to come back here whenever you want." Lynn states dripping with irony. "Just don't expect me to come along just to rescue your collection of garbage."
What do you have on the cart besides wounded and dead persons we bring along?

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

check thinks gear list in profile

Human Paladin 3

Let us carry as much as we can in our packs. Don shoulders some.

Short Sword +3 (1d6+3), Short Bow +5(1d6+1)
HP 5/17 l AC 14 (T 11, FF 11) l F +1 R +6 W +1 l Ini +7 Perc +5

"We can always come back after finding out way to the surface"

"My people would recover this and keep it safe, I will shoulder some of your items though if you wish." Lann looks at the cart.

"Maybe leave the bodies behind?"

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn takes a look at the stuff in the cart. She takes a look at Tink and the Steel Construct. "Between you two it should be no problem to carry that stuff."

Human Paladin 3

Leaving the bodies sounds prudent.

Lann and Horgus will help unload the bodies, dumping them back into the water. Horgus still doesn't appear to like the man? but being forced to worked for survival will change people a bit. Once the bodies are unloaded and Tink and SteelGate are loaded up the party proceeds.

Iko being the lightest takes point

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Iko slinks down the tunnels, after a while he returns to the group.

"There is an opening about 100m up the tunnel, a couple of guards, I couldn't make out what they were as it was to dark." Iko says

Male half-elf unchained monk 6 Mythic 1; HP 64/92; Init +4; low-light vision; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments; Perception +13

"Perhaps we could reason with them to let us through?" Iko continues.

I'm back :)

well played haha

"I don't think so, they only tolerated us before because they were scared of my Chieftain, we can try if you would like but I suspect they will be hostile. I will remain behind in the shadows though so as to not cause issues."

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

"I am a bit of a diplomat if I do say so myself, I just don't want to be stabbed, so if someone else stood in front of me I could try to talk." Horgus looks a little hesitant at his words.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"If you want to try diplomacy it would be more effective for us to stand behind you. Diplomacy is hard to do when it is obvious to everyone that you're afraid." Lynn comments Horgus suggestion. "Also we gave the Chieftain the promise to bash someone's head in with that mace. Could as well start here with that."

Human Paladin 3

I'll stand beside Horgus as bodyguard if we actually want to talk.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

Horgus looks up at the large man in armor, nodding.

"We did give him a promise, well you did yes, I just want to make it through this alive."

Short Sword +3 (1d6+3), Short Bow +5(1d6+1)
HP 5/17 l AC 14 (T 11, FF 11) l F +1 R +6 W +1 l Ini +7 Perc +5

"Chicken s!+*!" Aniva mutters under her breath.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Also what number is a couple of guards? Two or ten?" Lynn wants to know.

3 whispers a disembodied voice

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"We can for sure try talking our way out of this." Lynn replies to Horgus. Standing back she offers "After you."

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