DM NomadSage's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

Part IV: A History of Ashes

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M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Please take the attack. Segang would have struck anyway. That is not being a jerk. The guy is facing a strength 20 raging barbarian with DR. He needs a break not me. :) (I hope lol )

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

That's priceless

Dark Archive

Heard there was a tornado spotted near you Mr. DM. Be watchful. I hope the weather stays nice for you.

Female Human Cleric 2

I'm withdrawing from this game, effective immediately. I want it understood that it's nothing that happened in here, but I don't feel I can continue.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Sorry to see you go, Rose, and I wish you well.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

So sorry to see you go. Hope to play with you again.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

That's a real shame, Rosa.

I wish you all the best.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Well that sucks to hear. I hope it isn't serious whatever it is.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Loathe as I am to say it, we might need to recruit someone to replace Rosa. :-\ Preferably a dedicated healer.

As for disguises, I would recommend something thematic to make it look like we're a gang of some sort. Hopefully, that will help throw off Barvasi's investigation into who is going to be stealing that pseudodragon... Though I doubt he'll have too much trouble pointing the finger at us.

How does everyone feel about briefly becoming part of the Red Dragon Gang? :p Membership comes with a disguise marked with a small red dragon crest. Throw in some Oriental weapons from the market, and we're good to go. ^^

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Well I can play at being a healer if you want. I was gonna go support-ish anyhow. But I think I know someone if we want to recruit.

Well if we're going in all disguised, we might as well all go and start tearing up the place, Segang included.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Going in through the front door, hacking and slashing, might not be the wisest course.

We don't know how many troops Barvasi keeps on hand.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Well, I was thinking of having me and Segang just be distractions while the rest of you get the dragon.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Hmmm... If Segang is up for that plan...?

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Well, it would be better than standing around I think.

I'll ponder recruiting this week, but if Demitri takes on more of a healing role, I'm happy to continue with 5. Let me know if you have opinions one way or the other.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Witches can cast healing spells...brew potions, even.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)


Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

5 players is probably a more manageable group ... I'm game staying as we are and recognizing that we'll need to invest in potions and wands a bit.

Not having channels in combat will be the most impactive miss, I believe.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

I like 5, but will miss Rosa.

My thoughts are that we send in people with stealth with maybe a small distraction - Demitri and I fight? if needed.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I have built up a resistance to iocaine poison, Demitri. Does anybody want a peanut?

I'm down with the plan, but the bruisers and the witch will be ready to swoop in.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Yep, I love it when a plan comes together.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

So Dimitri's Hannibal, Segang is obviously B.A., Segang is likely Face'man', that leaves...

Murdock and Amy for Melianthe and me. o_o;

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Sounds about right.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

So, Mel... Which one do you want to be? ^^;

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Who the heck was Amy? I pity the fool. I'll be Billy Preston and take all the keyboard solos.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Amy was the journalist who befriended the A-Team and wrote all their positive press in the first couple of seasons, in addition to alerting them to / helping them with cases. ^^

Okay, just to clarify the "plan"... confirm you're going with Mel's guideline? What specific hour do you want to make the push? Also, besides Seren, any other preparations?


M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

I am back from a long and fun weekend in Atlanta where I attended the world's larges knife and blade show - wow, just wow. I did not know just a thing existed. And then I went to the last day of the Georgia Renaissance Fair. Lots of fun and lots of driving, but not lots of internet. So sorry for my silence. I can post from my phone but its quite the pain.

What I thought we would do is go go back later that night/early morning to try to spring the pseudo dragon. From person experience (I used to own a bar) bar/party people still must sleep, but just get started much later than the rest of us. I would guess thing will begin to quite down at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning and be quite settled just before sun up.

My thought is that our rogues try to sneak in with the rest of the party close enough to act as muscle, but if guards are absent, which I doubt, I am good with all of us trying to go in.

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

How about we (Absinthe and Seren) climb up the back side of the boat, while you all approach from the front, a touch belligerent, but not violent, trying to get the attention of the maximum number of guards on the boat. We'll see if we can get through the double doors and spring the pseudo dragon and bolt. If we encounter folks or the dragon isn't there, we'll come back to the main deck and message you to determine our way forward from there (either attack or regroup).

Anyone else?

Note, I'm moved out of my house and will soon be moving to Ohio ... I'm pretty good and keeping up with my ridiculously oversized phone, but if there's some delays over the next couple weeks as we close on the new house and get settled, you'll know why

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

That sounds just like what I was wanting to do Seren.

Good luck with the move. Where are you moving to in Ohio? And where from? And why? You can't bait me lie that and expect me not to bite. :)

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

To Dayton from Warner Robins, Georgia because the Air Force said so :)

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Dayton. Wright-Patterson? AFRL? I do some work with AFRL now and again.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I was thinking 3 am as well, Segang. My friend happens to be in the ATL for a commercial shoot; I advised him to go to Shelter for clubbing. :)

Regarding the plan, I think the less the guards see, the better. I can throw them off with ventriloquism.

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

Air Force Life Cycle Management Center

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

I'm okay with this plan. ^^

Good luck on the move, Seren!

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

I am camping and canoeing with scouts this weekend. Will check back in late Sunday.

Okay, have fun! Standard Summer slowdown with the game... I'll try to keep things moving, but no worries if y'all are out & about.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Do we have a current map? :)

Not anything newer than the big overview of Eel's End, really... which I think I already sent. I can re-send it later today if needed.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

The game's been a lot of fun, but I'm going to bow out. There are persons I no longer want to play with. Have a grand time.

Well, crap... =( With the loss of both divines, the party is a little hamstrung. I can reopen recruiting... any suggestions?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Please re-open recruiting. We can have someone sent from the citadel to back us up, someone from the citadel who decided to follow us because we were acting suspicious or maybe a dragon-fancier who caught word that a pseudodragon is being mistreated or something. ^^;

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

And a small comment on current IC events: Woot!

Anything else at the tavern or are you ready to move on? The next scene will be a week or so in the future, so post if you have plans/ideas.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I'd like to report to the Field Marshall and explain the pseudodragon situation. We could get static from Barvasi for the

Hehe... do you want to resolve that IC or as an OOC sidebar?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

We'll only get trouble with that jerk if he finds out it was us... o_o; I don't think the marshall needs to know we were engaged in, uh, 'extracurricular activities'.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Just the same Segang will try to avoid that side of town completely for a while. :)

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4


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