DM NomadSage's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

Part IV: A History of Ashes

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Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Mel is already living in a tunnel somewheres, although I figured she earns a living as a doctor. (which isn't a Profession! Huh.)

I didn't reply immediately to Segang's trait question because it seemed borderline absurd. Why would your traits suddenly change? Your hardships via Lamm made you who you are... that doesn't go away just because he's dead.

Now, if you want to retrain them, like with a feat, you can make an effort to do that with time/expense/role-playing.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

He meant for the dockside avenger trait I believe. The one that gives you more HP when Lamm dies.

Well, if that's what you meant, then yes.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

And that is what I meant. I do not recall all of them, but my trait specifically says it changes after Lamm is dead. I was thinking more than one did. I try not to be absurd too often. :)

Now if that was not the real Lamm then answering my question might give away something I should not know...

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Zellara seemed satisfied, and she was a Harrow reader. *shrug*

It was the real Lamm... =)

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

It does seem a little strange to have a trait that changes after the first set of encounters. I have no knowledge/history of this AP but based in the players guide and trait I figured Lamm would have been a long running protagonist.

IC Segang is pretty happy to have him dead of course, so not complaining. Now I need another ghost to show up and tell me what to do next. :)

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

I too was a bit surprised, although I thought Lamm was more the bad guy for this first adventure. I had the split class thing based on taking up magic after we defeated Lamm (he being a sort of mental block). Happened quicker than expected so no real need to take extra rogue levels. Obviously the riots are the next big plot thread, just not sure what out piece is on it, other than survival.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Segang, I think you mean a long-running antagonist. :p

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Yep. That is what I meant.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Yeah, I was surprised as well. Kind of a pathetic old feller.

Maybe he'll come back as a lich. Which old lich? The wicked lich!

Yeah, Lamm's early exit is a small bone of contention in the AP forums from back in '08, but I think some of that is over-expectation for his role (or lack thereof) in the AP. Basically, the intent is to give the PCs a common background point to draw them together... you're strangers, but share a kindred bond. In short, the Lamm confrontation replaces the "you meet in a tavern" portion of the campaign.

And of course, there's always room for recurring villains later in the game! =)

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Yea, I thought he'd at least make it to the end of Book 1.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Guys? ^^; I know we're playing a pre-written module, but don't tempt the DM! He can make changes if he likes and add stuff in, and I'm sure no one wants to fight a Lamm who can use enervating touch and pass through walls... and has a personal grudge against me for skewering him like a sausage. o_o;

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Actually that does sound awesome...

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Yeah, because you weren't the one who killed him, it does. o_o; *terrified*

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

I don't think he'd discriminate if he actually came back. He'd kill us all. Just you first.

Female Human Cleric 2

Or last. Depends on how sadistic he gets in death.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Final Lammstination? Oh, actually, it would be I Know What You Did Last Summer...dockside location and all.

Female Human Cleric 2

One of these days I will make a character who actually qualifies as mostly sane. I hope. Maybe.


M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Do I need to point out that its usually not the best idea to allow the barbarian to be the face...

We're breaking ALL the paradigms!!

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Yea, I'm not any better at it. In fact I'm worse at it.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Witches aren't'd think we'd get Bluff, in order to deceive young pretties into biting poison apples, but we don't. Rosa is the diplomatic one, not to mention the actual charmer in a trio of enchanting ladies.

I just curse people. Misfortune. Slumber. Evil Eye soon enough. Neckties, concrete shoes... Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

And I'm going to be investing in Intimidate to qualify for the Nightmare Striker feat. ^^;

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Aagh! We're gonna have to be disarming while disarmed! o_o;

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Segang: Help the city? Yes. Help the city as government operatives? In Korvosa, which has Hellknights? Nuh-uh. :p

What do you know about Hellknights? ;p

Female Human Cleric 2

I /was/ kinda wondering why you guys were going on about this in front of the captain.

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

@Rosa: No way! Whispering all the way.

@Nomadicc: I know to keep well away from them when they can see me.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

We'd know there are Hellknights in town, yah?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

We should. We saw some in the streets when we were sneaking around with the kids.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

I mean, wouldn't we know that they are part of the police force of Korvosa? I recall this to be part of the Player's Guide. Common knowledge, no?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

I'd expect so. Most Hellknights are not known for being subtle.

And suddenly... *crickets*!

Where did everyone go?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Well, I'm here, waiting for something to happen. Weren't we going to be taken to the citadel? ^^;

Sure, but the convo ended rather abruptly. I'll move us along...

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

So, we've got a lot of cash on our hands all of a sudden. How were we dividing it again? Did we have one share more reserved in addition to the share each party member gets, as a group fund?

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

I recall no discussion of a group fund. Might be a good idea, but I do not think it discussed. Once Segang can afford a masterwork Earthbreaker he will be happy to discuss such ideas, and we should be there now with these most recent funds. But catch him fast and get him to agree before he starts thinking about a strength bow. :)

1500 more gold, and that coffer has to be worth something, yes?

With the city in turmoil can Segang find his weapon for sale?

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

I'm cool with our main muscle-man getting a shiny, powerful new weapon. ^^ If normal trade is too heavily disrupted, maybe the thieves' guilds will have one. Just uh... Just wipe off the blood and don't ask questions, h'mkay? :p

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Not much gear that I need at the moment. We can always pick up a Wand of CLW for healing backup, as witches can cast it.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Yea, so can inquisitors. A few wands wouldn't hurt for this group. I also would like a new spiffy longsword too.

M Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Urban) HP 132/159,(Rage HP=189) l DR 5/10 Nonlethal and Resist Fire 3: INIT +2, Perc. +13, AC 22/T:14/FF:18, Saves= Fort+13/16, Ref +7, Will +7/+12 with rage

Selling all the stuff that was not useful to to the party and with the current silver and the coffer we have 546 gold each. 468 gold each if we take Absinthe's advise and cut out a 7th share for party needs. Do we need a discussion of loot division? I recommend a 6 way division and promise to be generous in funding future party needs like a Cure Light Wounds wand.

Or better yet, lets go ahead and buy said wand now, for a cost of 750 IF available. That leaves 421 gold each.

Segang needs 340 to buy that shiny hammer in the window of the Masterwork Weapons shop, so he will be happy. The next thing he wants is a masterwork strength bow, but he will have to save his gold pieces as that will set him back 700 gold. Maybe he will find one of those.

Chelish Inquisitor 8 - HP: 67/67 - AC 24, T:13, FF:21 Fort: +10, Reflex: + 5, Will: +10 Perception: +15 (Effects:)

Yea, we should get the wand definitely. I'm gonna use some of my share to get a masterwork breastplate is available.

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

Thirded on the wand.

Gender Fluid Half-elf Shadowcaster 5/Veiled Illusionist 4//HP: 38/46 AC: 13 (17 w/MA), F:4 R:6 W:7 (+2 ench), Init: +3, Perception: +12
  • Active spells: Mage Armor, Veil
  • Spells remaining: Clr Spry x2, Frcd Quiet. M Arm, vent, laugh, det tht, create pit, stone disc, invis, hyp pat, twi haze, dispel, major image, haste, fly, Sh Ench, DD, Shad Conj, PK, Sh Inv , Sh Evoc x2, Br Ench, Teleport
  • Binding Darkness: 9/9, Veil Pool: 7/10, Pearl: 1/1, Extend Rod: 3/3
  • ***HARROW POINTS***: 4

Buy the wand

Female Tiefling Rogue 8 / Brawler 2; Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12; AC 25 (+5 Dex., +4 armour, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +4 Shield); AC +1 vs. traps; hp 88; Fort +7; Ref +14; Will +2

Buy two of them!

Female Dusk Elf Witch (Deception)/Level 10
HP 49/49 AC 15* (mage armor) Per +16 Init +7 F +6 R +6 W +9

One will last us long enough to level up and gain more loot, I reckon, and we do have three people with healing abilities.

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