DM Jesse Heinig |

I'm on the road every day this weekend, and I'm currently having trouble with my laptop, so I'm using my iPad, which means I can't access maps or read the module. Update Monday.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Hey @Silver Knight, I need to make an icon for you on the map, so you should pick a picture for your alias.
If you're new to the PF boards, go to "My Account" in the upper right, sign in again, scroll down to "Messageboard Aliases" and select "Edit" next to the alias that needs a picture.

Zinnath the Scary |

Fezzik looks around, satisfied that they eliminated the ghouls quickly. He freezes when Zinnath tells him to hold still, concerned there is something he can't see. He flinches when the small dragon lands on his shoulder but is relieved when he figures out that Zinnath just wanted a ride. He moves around the room as directed.
Play your cards right, and I'll start taking ranks in Ride and the Mounted Combat feats!

DM Jesse Heinig |

@SK, you should be able to move your token now.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Happy 4th of July to my fellow U.S.A. gamers!
I won't be able to post anything tomorrow due to lack of internet access (and likely an overdose of hotdogs, ribs, and beer).

Zinnath the Scary |

Enjoy, Zinnath! Try not to scare the other vacationers! ;)
Didn't do any scaring on vacation, but last night I scared the crap outta my 7 year old.
Scenario: Son was excessively tired, grumpy, and had been cooped up in the car for 12 hours.
Son says something about having a bad dream about a giant that was eating kids.
I say something about knowing who that giant was.
Son asks "who?"
I respond, "me."
Much crying ensues, because now tired, grumpy son is convinced his dad might eat him.
Wife was NOT happy with me having to deal with this situation.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Heh. WB Zinnath.
I'm a little confused as to where we are game-wise and map-wise. If we're where my token now is (and at the two small room Fezzik mentioned in his last post), we may as well open those doors and check what's inside just to be thorough.

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You should've replied:
Wife: "Don't scare the 7 year old!"
Dad: *self-righteously puts hand to chest* "I can't help it if I'm so very big and scary!
And also a dragon..."

Zinnath the Scary |

Sooo, we're gonna make 3rd level here reasonably soon!
Can I open the discussion of slightly morphing my character to being what he is really intended to be?
BLUF: I'm ok if the group has concerns with what I propose and wants me to stick with the base character as is.
When we make 3rd level, I would like to use the Monsters as PCs rules as Paizo has them written.
A Faerie Dragon is a CR 2 critter. That would mean with the party at 3rd level, If I was a Faerie Dragon with 1 class level, then we are considered even. I would choose Rogue for that level.
When the party reaches 4th level, I would take a level of Sorcerer. (and have the casting abilities of a 4th level sorcerer)
When the party is half way to 5th level, I would take a level of Arcane Trickster (I will meet all of the standard prereqs)
When the party reaches 5th level, and for the next 9 levels, I would continue in Arcane Trickster.
When we were starting out at 1st level, I know there were objections to me starting with that CR 2, and I understood it then. Now we're further downstream, so I'm asking about a retcon.
Again, if the answer is "no," I'm good with it. I'm just asking.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

I'm fine with it, but what is the CR of a mouthy, tiny, winged lizard? :)

Zinnath the Scary |

I'm fine with it, but what is the CR of a mouthy, tiny, winged lizard? :)
That's a good question, if we see any, we should check it out!

DM Jesse Heinig |

As long as nobody in the group feels like they're getting cheated, I don't particularly mind.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Keep hording the cash. Next level I'm taking the crafting feat, and we can tally ho then.
Cool. Bat will be able to cast masterwork transformation (or whatever that spell's called) when we level as well.

Zinnath the Scary |

Which crafting feat are you taking? There's a load of stuff in that swag bag that we need to just liquidate. I don't believe I have ever added any cash straight to Zinnath, because we've not done a real distribution, right? We bought some stuff from party funds, and no real swag has been anything that would even fit me, so I haven't bothered.
I propose we start selling the crap out of stuff we don't need and condensing that swag bag, so we can actually get some gear! And I don't necessarily mean gear for me, I mean gear for my minions!

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Agree with Zinnath. Sell that comfy dragon horde! Who needs it?
I'm assuming the new guys get an equal share since they took the places of Deko and Enoby.
Pretty sure the only thing of any real value Bat took was the magic shield. She's hoarding crossbow bolts under her bed at the inn, though (gods know why).

Zinnath the Scary |

Agree with Zinnath. Sell that comfy dragon horde! Who needs it?
Wait what?
Did the new guys join us with a level 2 WBL? I'm not opposed to whatever Kyrie, Fez, and Bat believe is reasonable on this.
We head out tomorrow morning to a state park for a family reunion for a week. I expect it to be virtually impossible to find the internet while I am gone.

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Craft Wonderous Item is probably the best feat there is. It says I can get spells from a 3rd party source, so with Bats helping, we can get +stats stuff for everyone.
Yeah, I meant keep hording the -gold-. I assumed that was obvious. =p
Um, this is gonna make me sound like a dirty, dirty grungy hippy communist layabout, but I propose that we keep the money in one pile, and just use it to make what we think would do the best good. Like, if someone doens't mind forgoing a few hundred gold so that means that altogether we have enough to get Fezzik belt of Yet Even MOAR strength (Or Zinnath a head band of Now I'm Even MOAR teh Cuteness!), then why not? 400 gold laying in my purse doesn't do us any good.
Just tossing out ideas. IMHO. YMMV.
Also, I have some training most days next week, so I too will be sparse.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

Wait what?
Did the new guys join us with a level 2 WBL? I'm not opposed to whatever Kyrie, Fez, and Bat believe is reasonable on this.
We started with just shy of what would be starting wealth for a 2nd level character (900 gp vs. 1000 gp)

Zinnath the Scary |

Zinnath the Scary wrote:We started with just shy of what would be starting wealth for a 2nd level character (900 gp vs. 1000 gp)Wait what?
Did the new guys join us with a level 2 WBL? I'm not opposed to whatever Kyrie, Fez, and Bat believe is reasonable on this.
Not bad then, because like we have some +1 things around. I don't have them, but the group does.
We've quite a bit of loot then. Burns's bounty was 3000, we have items, more jewelry, and lots of stuff.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Now is a good time to part out the treasure, sell what you don't want, and place orders for items that have to be shipped from Verbobonc (which will, unfortunately, take about ten days). Then we can clear the swag bag file and start anew for the next phase of adventure!
Feel free to do a little RP in Hommlet or visit anyone you want to visit. If you're champing at the bit for the next part, just take care of the loot distribution and then we can move to Nulb!

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Craft Wonderous Item is probably the best feat there is. It says I can get spells from a 3rd party source, so with Bats helping, we can get +stats stuff for everyone.
Yeah, I meant keep hording the -gold-. I assumed that was obvious. =p
I'm not sure that is necessarily a great idea. Remember it takes time.
Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours. Potions and scrolls are an exception to this rule; they can take as little as 2 hours to create (if their base price is 250 gp or less). Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item. The character must spend the gold at the beginning of the construction process. Regardless of the time needed for construction, a caster can create no more than one magic item per day. This process can be accelerated to 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price (or fraction thereof) by increasing the DC to create the item by 5.
So potions.. yeah, probably a good thing to do with some down time. Wonderous items? Maybe. 16 hourss to create a bag of holding. 8 hours to create a +1 armor.
Those ability increasers you mentioned? 32 hours to create a headband or belt of ability +2. So 4 days basically. And 2000gp.
So how much time do we have?
Um, this is gonna make me sound like a dirty, dirty grungy hippy communist layabout, but I propose that we keep the money in one pile, and just use it to make what we think would do the best good. Like, if someone doens't mind forgoing a few hundred gold so that means that altogether we have enough to get Fezzik belt of Yet Even MOAR strength (Or Zinnath a head band of Now I'm Even MOAR teh Cuteness!), then why not? 400 gold laying in my purse doesn't do us any good.
Depends on the group, and the characters. Bunch of individual mercs? Yeah they are going to want to keep their own coin/credits/etc. A company? Could range anywhere from "all in one pile" to "everyone keeps their loot but adds to the company pool".
All that said, I'm perfectly fine with just dumping the all loot into 'party treasure' to make the best use of it.

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Looking through the swag as of now, I'd be willing to wear the +1 half plate since Fezzik is too Large for it. And the +1 heavy steel shield would be useful too (I only use a longsword).
I would tend to think that getting everyone, that is going to be attacking in non-magical fashion, a magical weapon would be a good start. We'll get more creatures that may have magical weapons DR as we go along I assume.
Also getting a backup cold iron weapon for those attackers would be good.
As well as a group adamantine weapon, preferably one that Fezzik can use.... do damage to walls, constructs, etc.
And the Create Potion feat would be handy. Couple of hours get get cure potions. Later, being able to create potions of fly? Hot diggity.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Unlike many APs, you are not currently pressed for time. Once in the temple proper there is the chance that you might spend days at a time there, but there's not necessarily an inexorable ticking clock unless certain events occur.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

We've quite a bit of loot then. Burns's bounty was 3000....
Is this a thing? I don't see it on the swag list.
Also, I think the +1 heavy steel shield on the list was claimed by Bat, but I wouldn't mind giving it up, as technically we cleric types should use bucklers to have a hand free for spellcasting.
Bat was planning on getting a reliquary shield at some point in the near future. A +1 reliquary buckler would cost 1,405 gp if my math's right.
Hmmm...if Bat wore the +1 chain shirt, she'd have the same armor bonus but her speed would bump up to 30 ft. Heh, probably should've given the swag bag a closer look--I'll grab the magic chain shirt if no one objects. And if the reliquary shield doesn't break the bank, I'll be happy with those two updates before we move on.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

Being one of the new guys, I really don't have an opinion on the loot distribution.

Fezzik Faststrike |

At our last trip to town I asked:
at 20% off, MW full plate for me would cost 2520. If that's something I can do and the group is ok with the cost, I'll do that. I don't anticipate being able to find armor that I can use. If no one will be able to enhance it later, I'll have to wait.
And in the game thread I posted:
He asks if it would be possible to have a set of masterwork full plate made for him.
But didn't get a response from either.
So gm, is that something I can do?

DM Jesse Heinig |

Not locally, but Elmo's brother Otis, in Nulb, is a master smith.

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That's fine... didn't see a 'used by' column. :)
Also, I think the +1 heavy steel shield on the list was claimed by Bat, but I wouldn't mind giving it up, as technically we cleric types should use bucklers to have a hand free for spellcasting.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Hmm, must have only previewed and not submitted my post yesterday.
Ok, so I'll wait until we get to Nulb for my MW Full plate. It didn't seem realistic to me that I could "mail-order" armor.
Assuming we don't get the 20% discount that Rufus mentioned earlier, it will cost 3150gp.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Let's figure out the swag bag so we can move on:
+1 Chain shirt - Bat
Dagger of venom - Domeric ;) (honestly, not sure if anyone can use it)
4 magic arrows - Enoby? assume gone otherwise Avendryl
Staff of striking - Kyrie (jic) or Avendryl
Phylactery of freedom - Bat (not sure if Domeric can use it)
+1 half-plate - Domeric
Arcane scroll - Kyrie?
I don't see that we identified the vials or divine scroll from ghouls.
Sell everything else that the jeweler will buy; possibly keeping a few of the valuable pieces of jewelry for easier transport?
I think we should buy as many healing potions as we can before leaving town.