Fezzik Faststrike |

@Bat - I thought you were buying a +1 heavy mace from Verbobonc in which case you don't need to make your current one MW unless you have something else in mind.
Re: gold distribution - I think it's cleaner and easier to leave the gold in a pool that I can track on the swag bag. If you want something, post it, and I'll adjust the spreadsheet when DM gives the ok.
If we are distributing all of the gold, everyone will be responsible for tracking it on their character sheets including what they've received, spent, lent, or borrowed. I really don't want to do that for everyone.
But we need to move forward on this. I'd like to take a vote on how to handle the gold. Pool it or distribute it?
I vote pool it.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

I'm going to vote Pool It for a couple of reasons:
1) Because that's what Fezzik wants, and he did most of the work on the Swag Bag.
2) Because I trust folks won't go overboard. As for being seen as greedy...I don't think that'll be a problem. Once Bat gets her mace enchanted, she'll be good to go for the foreseeable future; her next 'need' might be an upgrade in armor, but I think that's still a ways down the road. I'll be OK with everyone else digging into the gold reserves in the meantime.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Ok. This discussion can wrap up while we move forward in game. Thank you for your patience, everyone.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Big thanks to the boards for putting my post on the wrong thread.

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I would count that against Bat not you. How many pearls are you making for yourself before we leave and are you creating one for Bat too?
Fair 'nuff.
How much time do I have? For today? For the next few days?
Oooo! Now that I got curious and filled my browser with a billion tabs about Magic Item creation, I see that I can work -twice- as hard, if I add +5 to the DC. Since I can only fail on a 1 for lvl 1 magic items, like Pearls, I'll start to do that. Yes, at least one will be for Bats.
GM: Tell me when you want me to roll.

DM Jesse Heinig |

As I noted before, you can easily spend a week in town without worrying about a timetable. In fact, the non-casters could probably spend some time doing Gather Info (diplomacy) checks to get local rumors and try to find out more about the local forces of evil.
Roll once you're ready to make an item! If you're starting with a pearl, roll the first one right now! :D

DM Jesse Heinig |

*pencils in rust monster for early appearance*

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As I noted before, you can easily spend a week in town without worrying about a timetable. In fact, the non-casters could probably spend some time doing Gather Info (diplomacy) checks to get local rumors and try to find out more about the local forces of evil.
Can we do this guys??? Puh-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE???? Pretty Please? Pretty please with sugar and cream and MSG on top??? You won't regret it!
Now that we're away from the peanut gallery, we can get down to brass tax.
I'll be invoking the rule that I can double my work at a +5 modifier to the Spellcraft roll for some of these. Right now I'll spend my first 8 hours making two pearls of power, 1st level. The DC is 5(base) +1 (spell level) +5 (double work) = 11.
Spellcraft!: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Spellcraft!: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
I'll spend more time once I know that I have it.

Zinnath the Scary |

Magic item creators: don’t roll your checks, just take 10. There’s even a FAQ on it!
I vote to pool it, for now.
Once the warriors get the basics, then we can look at doling it out and i’ll take a cut then. I’m betting we find some usable things as well.
I mentioned it before, but I fear it got lost in the shuffle:
If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours' worth of work.
So, buy up lots of magic item creation stuff and let the casters keep working while we’re on the trail!

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Magic item creators: don’t roll your checks, just take 10. There’s even a FAQ on it!
OH! Well that changes things now! =)

DM Jesse Heinig |

I just got home from a trip and my S.O. went back to work today, and the store where she works was robbed while she was the only person on shift. She's uninjured but in shock.
I will try to update tomorrow.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

Holy crap!
Good to hear that she's uninjured, Jesse. Take care of her, we'll be here when you can make it back.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Holy crap!
Good to hear that she's uninjured, Jesse. Take care of her, we'll be here when you can make it back.
My thoughts exactly. You hear about these things on the news but never think it will happen to you or someone you know. I imagine that could take some time to get over.

Fezzik Faststrike |

I'm not sure that it really matters, but are the rooms all on the same side of the hallway or are there rooms on both sides? If on both sides, I'd like Fezzik in the room across the hall from Kyrie. Also, are they on the first floor?

DM Jesse Heinig |

The hostel is one story only, but a sprawling structure with several side chambers all connected by haphazard passages - like it used to be a barn, which then had a room added, and then was built upon further...
You are put in a small section that has three rooms, one on each side of the hall and one at the end of the hall.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Swampy riverside village, so yes.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Fun factoid: The Old Faith in Greyhawk, also known as the Old Kerk of the Perrenland, is a loose assembly of Flan nature gods. Pelor is one of them! So technically, Bat is a cleric of the Old Faith, and would have something in common to talk about with Jaroo, the druid of the grove in Hommlet.

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Items created: (Take 10 in item creation = 20. With +5 from going fast, these are all below it.)
Days 1: 1 pearl Kyrie, 1 pearl Bats.
Day 2: Cloak of prot, Silver Knight and Zinnath.
Day 3: Cloak of prot, Fezzik and Bats.
Day 4: Cloak of prot, Kyrie and Aven
Day 5: 2 pearls, Kyrie
Day 6: Start item +2
Day 7: finish item +2
(total cost: 7K)
Everyone gets a cloak of protection +1! =D
I know everyone wants a thing that's +2 to stats. But we only have time for one. I can take suggestions, we can vote on it, or we can go with my gut. And my gut says....
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2...for Fezzik.
Wait wut?
Think about it. The only time we came close to TPK was when Fezzik was held. So long as he makes Will saves, we stay alive. With the Cloak he gets +2 net on Will saves. (And I have to be 3 times the level of the cloak, so I can't make cloaks +2 until 6th level.) Hence, I think it's best to shore up that weakness than try and buff a strength.
Also, Fezzik worked so hard on the loot bag, it seems right that he gets some phat swag out of it. =D
Also also, I'm looking forward to the RP that happens when we give it to him. I may make him an item of +Intelligence later just to see what happens. =)

Fezzik Faststrike |

Hmm, interesting thought. Those items combined with my Iron Will feat would get me up to +6 on saves. I'm ok with that if everyone else is.
I was just trying to calculate how long it would take Otis to make MW Breastplate. Unless I'm missing something, the price is 550 gp which is 5500 sp with a DC of 16. Assuming a craft skill of 10 and a roll of 20, he could only get 480 done which means it would take 10 weeks to make! Is that right?

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Ditto. I think I tried to make a character that could, legitmately, craft starting gear for him and hte party. After working out how long it would take to make a new piece I just dumped those points into something else. ^_^
I think having our slugger have +6 on Will saves is a good thing to have. =)

DM Jesse Heinig |

So, not to alarm anyone, but Otis is 10th level. His crafting bonus is waaaay over +10.

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Sooo, that's what? Like, 8 weeks? ^_^
It looks like we're done here. Everyone make sure to take your free stuff.
Um....sorry, I was so focused on all my crafting stuff I totally forgot what we were doing in this town. Let's go...do. The...thing! =D

DM Jesse Heinig |

Otis' craft check is high enough that he can make a large MW breastplate in 2 weeks. (He has lots of ranks, masterwork tools, an Aid bonus from his apprentices, and spells.)
If we assume that he started when you arrived in town, and you spent a week making magic items, he can have it ready in one more week for you!
Or you can just have him take the week to make a regular large breastplate and then have Bat magic into MW.

Fezzik Faststrike |

I'm good with normal and Bat can transform it later. Are we good with the items Kyrie made? I'll update the bag when I get a chance. Anyone want to carry anything in the bag?
@GM - can we identify the scroll on line 103?

DM Jesse Heinig |

Bat can use read magic on the scroll during your time in town; it's a scroll of hide from undead (caster level 6).

Fezzik Faststrike |

Updated bag. I assumed we sold dagger and staff. Please review.
Also, there are some potions and scrolls to be claimed and added to character sheets. Post what you are taking and I'll update bag.
Did Bat get her buckler?

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Mmmmrmph. This may just be me, but I get an awful feeling in my gut spending any more than the barest minimum of time, either IC or OOC, looking for traps on doors.
Just opening a door can bog down a PBP, and, all things considered, I'm perfectly fine just doing without it. Traps are usually in obvious places, like chests and things, and I can't remember the last time I was in a party that got hit with a trap just on a random door. If it's a door that leads from a boss's lair and might be a treasure room, sure, but a vault door is still more like a chest lid than just a room's door.
Anyway, I guess I'm just saying that if you are Fezzik or Silver Knight, and you wanna open a door, I'm giving you permission to just do it, and if it's trapped you get to scowl at me as hard as you want. ^_^

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Did Bat get her buckler?
Yeah, got that with my Burne Discount before we left Hommlet.
21 new posts, and the library wi-fi's spotty and goblins are in the Paizo servers! What I've seen looks good, though; lead on, Kyrie and Avendryl!
Oh--swag bag related issue: I assume Bat masterworked thieves' tools for Zinnath and Avendryl. I believe the cost is 70 gp apiece.

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While yes traps are often in certain places, they are also often in places where you aren't expecting them.
Certainly run in to traps on doors, even random ones, middle of hallways, in entire rooms, etc. I've run into a lot of those in D&D/Pathfinder modules of late, lots in 3rd party material... it all depends on the type of games someone has been playing.
However, detect evil and detect magic isn't about the door. Evil is less useful on a door, magic can show a magical trap. However, detect evil and magic CAN tell you what is beyond the door unless its a one foot stone door or 1" lead door of course.
That being said, I'd hate to get bogged down with trap finding.
Before entering a room, opening a door, we should have a standard that the GM just handles.
Detect evil, detect magic, check for traps.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Before entering a room, opening a door, we should have a standard that the GM just handles.
Detect evil, detect magic, check for traps.
I'm good with this as SOP. I think taking 20 on perception gives us 29. We could also assume Bat casts guidance first for a 30. So any door we come across, the GM can tell us the results so we can act accordingly and move things along.