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No benefit to me with the pearls,
Gah! You're right!
Man, I was so hoping to give you an endless supply of snowballs. It just seemed thematic. =p
Is there something you can use?

Zinnath the Scary |

There is, but it’s more expensive. Don’t worry, I can use acid orbs all day long! And with sneak attack damage they’ll be decent, not amazing, but decent. As we gain more levels, my attacks should get better.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Great job on the swag bag Fezzik! It cracks me up seeing you doing math and being intelligent in the discussion thread compared to your PC.
Lol, thanks. Just wait until he starts dividing up the gold. He has trouble adding and only has so many fingers and toes.
"1 for you, 1 for me, 2 for you, 1, 2 for me, 3 for you, 1, 2, 3 for me" :)
As an aside on the math, for folks that took items out of loot: I propose counting their value at 50%, just as if we had sold the item. No reason to penalize someone just because we found something useful for them
My concern here is it would count against those who didn't find something useful. As an example, if we found a +1 long sword and 2 people wanted one. The person who got the sword would only be out 1007.5 while the second person would have to spend 2015 to get one. I think we need to use 100% of the value or else those who have to manufacture items will pay 2x as much as those who find items they can use.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Sorry work was busy so I don't get any more done.
@Kyrie - I don't have a problem with you making some pearls. We have 9k before selling the dagger, staff, and possibly Bat's headband thing.
So far I'm the big spender at 4500 for my sword. LG breastplate is 400 if normal. I think Domeric would be next depending on how everyone wants to value found items.

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My concern here is it would count against those who didn't find something useful. As an example, if we found a +1 long sword and 2 people wanted one. The person who got the sword would only be out 1007.5 while the second person would have to spend 2015 to get one. I think we need to use 100% of the value or else those who have to manufacture items will pay 2x as much as those who find items they can use.
I'll concur with this. We'll probably find more than we craft anyway.
While it's most "fair" to keep track of what everyone gets, that's also hella work. Some thoughts:
1) For now, we could just give me that 9K, knowing that I'll be making pearls, and some of those pearls will go to Bats, because the more CLW you have, the happier a party you have. =) Then we just split the take from selling the other things equally.
2) Moving forward, we just do a "share" out.
Magic items that we find are given out according to who best can use them,
but then the gold we find is split amongst the people that didn't get items.
Items not wanted are sold and split evenly.
Potions are just handed out based on need and not kept track of.
That's...probably an awful idea. Just spitballing ideas. =)

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A wand would be better than pearls for CLW - far cheaper for couple of wands than a couple of pearls. Yes, its limited supply.
I'd just treat the gold from items not wanted as a 'gold found' and split it in the same manner.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

At 15 gp a charge, a wand or two of CLW is a fine investment.

Fezzik Faststrike |

A couple of things about splitting the gold and distributing it:
1. Everyone will have to make sure to update their sheet regularly and track their own spending.
2. It could delay people getting more expensive items as they would have to save up or borrow from others which then could lead to a tracking issue.
3. Everyone will have to pitch-in to buy group items like a wand of CLW.
I was out yesterday so didn't have time to work on swag bag. I'll try to finish it at lunch today.

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At 15 gp a charge, a wand or two of CLW is a fine investment.
Is that it? We have consensus that 1st level pearls of power are wasted on divine casters? =3

Zinnath the Scary |

A wand is 750gp for 50 charges, so yeah, 15gp each.
9k seems a lot to spend on something like those right now. That's a lot of +1 weapons and armor in that amount of money!

DM Jesse Heinig |

I see you've been busy in my absence!
Anyway I'm back from traveling now.
My comments about the phylactery echo those that came up earlier: Usually clerics have a better use for their head slot. If Fezzik could use it he wouldn't get hit by another hold spell... but he can't unless he takes a cleric level, which seems like a bad plan.
Ok, staff of striking: This special weapon has 20 charges. Each time it hits it uses a charge and inflicts +1d6 damage. Expending 2 charges inflicts +2d6 damage, and expending 3 charges inflicts +3d6 damage. When all of the charges are exhausted, it is a masterwork/masterwork staff. I'm ballparking its value at 4,500 gp.

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Does it have any intrinsic bonuses?
(Either way, it seems like a bad investment. 4500 for a weapons that can only be used 20 times is kinda steep. Obviously we'd rather make sure the wizard had four more pearls of power. =3)

DM Jesse Heinig |

No intrinsic bonuses other than being a masterwork staff. Basically it's just "blow a bunch of charges to do a ton of damage on a hit."

Avendryl Silvermoon |

All for selling the staff. We'd get more mileage out of a wand of scorching ray for the same value.

Zinnath the Scary |

I was going to make snappy suggestions on the items I need. +1 claw thingies, +1 tail thingie, and other silly things.
Over time Z probably is interested in +CHA, +DEX, certain Metamagic Rods, wands, scrolls, and AC items. Oh, and some thiefy items.
No rush though. Great gear for my minions is useful too.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

Much like Zinnath, I would be looking for Dex and Cha items as well, along with a AC boosters and perhaps a magic bow.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Any full divine caster (cleric, druid, oracle, shaman, etc.).

Zinnath the Scary |

GM, this discussion of magic items got me to considering what magic slots I should have.
Perusing the Animal Archive leads me to conclude I should likely have: Armor, belt(saddle), chest, eyes, headband, neck, 2 rings, shoulders, and wrist.
No feet slot, no head slot, no body slot, and no hands slot.
Does that work for you?
I don’t expect to use the armor slot, but I do think it’s one a dragon would have.
Knowing which slots I have will help me with considering my magic item choices. Especially if we have a crafter or two in the party!

DM Jesse Heinig |

Works for me, and I agree that custom armor should be doable.

Zinnath the Scary |

Let it be known that I’m not opposed to spending 1k go for making two pearls of power. A great way for the prepared casters to pull back that useful first level spell, just not really for CLW is all.
Once we see how much cash is out there, I’ll see if there is anything that Zinnath wants made for him.
Back to the subject of credit for taking found items. If we find an item worth 4000. Why not let someone take it as 2000 of their share of the loot? If we divided the cash value up evenly, what’s the difference between selling it to our and selling it to a merchant for 2000?

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I'd be ok with more than just two pearls of power!
I'm looking for armor, weapons, str, con and cha boosts. :)
For me, I'm fine with trying to keep gold levels equal between found gear and distributed gold. I'm willing to pitch in.
Right now I am probably the heaviest on gold through equipment, so wouldn't really look for anything else at this time.
I do have a google sheet that has breakouts of totals for each party member as far as worth of equipment that they have. Doesn't do gold, but could do that too.

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

I'll be without internet access for the next few days (though it's possible I'll check in briefly Saturday). Please bot my PC as needed in my absence; I should be back on Tuesday.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Finally got into the site. Swag bag should be done as I envisioned it. Let me know what you think. I still think found items should be valued at 100% so that's what the sheet shows right now. See below for my reasoning:
If we find an item worth 4000. Why not let someone take it as 2000 of their share of the loot? If we divided the cash value up evenly, what’s the difference between selling it to our and selling it to a merchant for 2000?
So let's say along with that 4k item, we found 10k gold. If we value the item at 2k, we would then give the rest of us 2k of gold. But if somebody wanted to buy a similar item, they would still need another 2k. Assuming the first person didn't get another item, after finding another 2k of gold each, the first person would have the item and 2k gold and the second person would only have the item that cost them 4k to make.

DM Jesse Heinig |

Once you guys figure out your splits, proceed back to IC so you can spend cash. Of note:
* The phylactery is too valuable to sell in Nulb. Otis will arrange to sell it in Verbobonc, but it will take about 10 days turnaround to get the money. It might be better to figure out "We want to buy x, y, and z with the proceeds" and roll it into one order, so it's shipped to Verbobonc, sold, and items purchased and brought back with any change all in one go.
* You can easily sell most of the other stuff - jewelry, dagger of venom, etc. - and nobody in Nulb will care where you got it.
* You still need to make arrangements to decide where you're staying in Nulb and how to find the way to the source of all the evil cultists.

Fezzik Faststrike |

Fyi - there's a divine scroll that I didn't see that we identified.
Assuming the 4500 for the staff is full value, selling it and the dagger adds 6500 which gives us almost 16k to spend in Nulb and 20k in verbobonc.
We should look at getting a magic weapon for everyone who needs one. Other than some pearls, what else do we want? Is Fezzik sticking with breastplate for the module?

Zinnath the Scary |

Obviously, there's no need for a magic weapon for me, hahaha.
If there were more big items we wanted, we could send more to Verbobonc as well, right?
I attach the following, but I want to reiterate that I really need nothing yet. The money can be best spent on the warriors of the party.
My current wish list is:
Eyes of the Eagle - 2500 gp (1250 if we make it)
Cloak of Elvenkind - 2500 gp (1250 if we make it)
Goggles of Minute Seeing - 2500 gp (1250 if we make it)
Handy Haversack - 2000 gp (1000 if we make it)
CHA +2 - 4000 gp (2000 gp if we make it)
DEX +2 - 4000 gp (2000 gp if we make it)
Other things the party will want/need:
Wands (of anything we feel we might want repeatedly) Kyrie can also use them
Rings of Protection - we'll find them eventually, I'm sure
Amulets of Natural Armor - we'll find them eventually, I'm sure
Bracers of Amor - we'll find them eventually, I'm sure
My later wish list:
Pages of Spell Knowledge (I) - 1000 gp (500 gp if we make it) - I could use several of these (Kyrie can give me more spells!) No hurry, I don't get too many spells per day yet.
Ring of Wizardry (I) - (20,000 gp) probably not worth the gold
Metamagic Rods (none really needed yet that are affordable)
Staves (not useful yet, we can't recharge them)

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Finally got into the site. Swag bag should be done as I envisioned it. Let me know what you think. I still think found items should be valued at 100% so that's what the sheet shows right now. See below for my reasoning:
Zinnath wrote:If we find an item worth 4000. Why not let someone take it as 2000 of their share of the loot? If we divided the cash value up evenly, what’s the difference between selling it to our and selling it to a merchant for 2000?So let's say along with that 4k item, we found 10k gold. If we value the item at 2k, we would then give the rest of us 2k of gold. But if somebody wanted to buy a similar item, they would still need another 2k. Assuming the first person didn't get another item, after finding another 2k of gold each, the first person would have the item and 2k gold and the second person would only have the item that cost them 4k to make.
I agree with Fezzik on this.

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As we're tossing out ideas of where to spend money, I'll just leave this here for to meditate upon.
Things I can make for everyone:
Cloaks of Protection +1 (full price: 1000gp, so 1/day)
Thingys of +stat (+2 is 4K, so they take time)
Things I can make for the party:
Handy Haversack (FP: 2K)
Things for me:
Pearls of Power (1st lvl, 1K)
Bracers of Armor+1(?) (1K)
(Oooo! Clear Spindle Ioun Stone is only 4K! And a Dusty Rose Prism [+1 insight bonus to AC] is 5K!)

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

Bataleigha will take a +1 heavy mace ordered from Nulb or Verbobonc. She could use a 1st-level pearl of power for when she ends up swapping out all her real spells for CLWs.
I also notice there is or was a wand of CLW already on the swag page somewhere, so I'll be adding that to Bat's sheet next week.
As for accommodations in Nulb, Bat will go with whatever place Otis or his brother recommend.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

Best bets for Avendryl would either be a magic bow or something to boost the old AC, be that a ring of protection, magic armor, or whatever.

Zinnath the Scary |

Or amulet of natural armor, which Kyrie can make as well for half price.
As an aside, Kyrie can keep making things while we are traveling, but she does it at like 1/4 the normal rate.

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Id rather give ac to the melee instead of the ranged. Yes, sometimes the ranged get flanked, etc. but mostly its the front line that is keeping things off the ranged folks

Zinnath the Scary |

Headed out of town for a funeral in my wife's family. Will be back in town Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning.
No promises about my ability to log in during the time we're out of town.

Fezzik Faststrike |

So it looks like we want to send the Phylactery of freedom to Verbobonc to be sold (+20k gp)
Then ordering:
Bat - +1 Heavy Mace (-2012 gp)
Avendryl - +1 Short Box (-2035 gp)
I don't need any other weapons now. Are there any other wands we need, maybe with support spells? What about scrolls of spells Kyrie wants to add to her spell book? Otherwise, it looks like we just want the remaining funds to use for item creation.
In Nulb, we want to sell the Staff of Striking (+2250) and the Dagger of Venom (+4151 gp)
Then purchase/create:
Fezzik - Lg MW Breastplate (-550 gp)
Kyrie - 2 pearls of power (-2k gp)
Bat - 1 pearl of power (-1k gp)
Does anyone need anything transformed to MW?
Maybe next on the creation list should be Cloaks of resistance?
As far as a place to stay, unless Otis has a suggestion, it looks like The Waterside Hostel is the only option. I would say we need to keep someone on watch around the clock with no fewer than 2 people in the room at all times. I'm assuming that Kyrie would do her item creation here.

Avendryl Silvermoon |

I wouldn't mind having my thieve's tools and rapier made MW, otherwise I'm good.
Once I have the +1 Shortbow in hand, I wouldn't be opposed to selling off my MW Shortbow to offset some of the costs of creating the other masterwork items.

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Um, I was actually hoping for 4 pearls of power. That would greatly alleviate my reliance on the Force Missiles, which currently are half the damage of the MMs, and that discrepancy will become greater in time.
Yes, then we can concentrate on Cloaks of Prot and items of +2 to stuff and things.
I suggest that we take that as determined by our activity level. If we're engaged in active spelunking, then I'll churn out cloaks until we all have one. If we have time to kill, then I'll focus down on items of +2 attribute.
(And it's okay to have a lot of money set aside for this. That will let us continue to get more things even if we plateau our earnings.)

Fezzik Faststrike |

I'm ok with you making 4 for yourself. I'll be at 5100 spent after my new armor so your 4k will put a dent in catching you up. Did you want to make all of them before we moved on, or we you planning to do some as we explored? I see items take 4x as long if done while adventuring.

DM Jesse Heinig |

So basically I just need to know how many days you want to spend in town working on stuff before you head out again.
Otis doesn't have room to put you all up at his shop, and it would also seem a little suspicious, but he will second the recommendation that if you stay at the Waterside Hostel you should definitely barricade the door, put a shutter on the window, and always have someone on watch.
When you send the phylactery to Verbobonc for sale you can also order stuff with the proceeds of that sale and it will come back to you with whatever change you have.

DM Jesse Heinig |

She can (there's a FAQ about this). Do remember that a magic item's caster level affects how easy it is to dispel or destroy it, though!

DM Jesse Heinig |

I'm ready to continue whenever you're done with the bookkeeping. :)

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Kyrie cares not for what other mages do with their parlor tricks!
Are we just waiting for Fezzik to assign the loot? Can we suggest things?
If I can get 5000gp now, that should keep me in work for awhile. I'll whip out a few pearls before shifting to cloaks, and maybe one item of +2 happy things. If I need more, I'll say so.
(Of note, I propose that when I give someone an item that I created, if they could give me what it costs, not only will that keep the gold level even, it will also make sure that I always have resources on hand to make them more things! When I hit levels 5-6ish we can start to talk about improving things to higher levels. =)

DM Jesse Heinig |

Fezzik, is everything settled and ready to spend cash?

Bataleigha Silvercrest |

From what I can tell, Bat'll need at least two days to masterwork-ize stuff ( her mace and Zinnath's 'tools' on Day One; Avendryl's rapier and 'professional equipment' on Day 2).
She'll suggest getting 3 rooms: one for herself and Kyrie (ladies), one for Avendryl and Domeric (men), and one for Fezzik and Zinnath (big & small).