Sword of Heironeous

Silver Knight's page

199 posts. Organized Play character for thzero.

Full Name

Silver Knight




Paladin 2/Bloodrager 1 (AC: 23 [T: 23 FF: 10] | HP: 31/31 (0NL) F+9, R+3, W+5) | Init: +1 |Perc: +7) Bloodrage: 6/6 LoH: 3/3




6'1" 195




Lawful Good




xp: 340





Homepage URL

Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14

Strength 17
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma 14

About Silver Knight

Domeric Vara
Male human bloodrager 1/paladin (oath of vengeance) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 15, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 60)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +1; Senses Perception +7
AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 23 (+9 armor, +4 shield; +2 deflection vs. evil)
hp 31 (3d10+11)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5; +2 resistance vs. evil
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20) or
heavy flail +6 (1d10+4/19-20) or
longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20) or
mwk longsword +8 (1d8+3/19-20) or
spiked gauntlet +6 (1d4+3)
Special Attacks bloodrage (6 rounds/day), hellfire strike (flaming, 3/day), smite evil 1/day (+2 attack and AC, +2 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
At will—detect evil
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack, Shield Focus, Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Traits seeker
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 to jump), Craft (armor) +2, Craft (weapons) +2, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +6, Heal +4, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +7, Profession (merchant) +4, Profession (soldier) +4, Sense Motive +5, Survival +4
Languages Common
SQ hero points, lay on hands 3/day (1d6)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, alchemist's fire (3), holy water (2), holy water (3), vermin repellent[UE] (2); Other Gear +1 half-plate, splint mail, +1 heavy steel shield, heavy steel shield, arrows (20), dagger, heavy flail, longsword, mwk longsword, spiked gauntlet, ioun torch ioun stone[APG], adventurer's sash, bedroll, bell, blanket[APG], brush, shaving (0.1 lb), canteen[UE], chalk (10), climber's kit, cup, shaving (0.2 lb), earplugs[APG], flint and steel, garlic tablets (6), hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, journal[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], measuring cord (10 ft.), mess kit[UE], mirror, powder[APG] (2), sack, sack, shaving powder (one shave) (0.01 lb) (50), signal whistle, soap, straight razor (0.2 lb), string or twine[APG], sunrod, tindertwig (2), trail rations (5), waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, weapon cord[APG], whetstone, wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 3 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp
Special Abilities
Bloodrage (6 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Hellfire Strike (flaming, 3/day) (Su) As a swift action, melee attacks gain flaming for 1 rd.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Lay on Hands (1d6 hit points, 3/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +2 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.
A fairly tall man with a fair complexion but tanned from being outside constantly, brilliant blue eyes and blonde hair trimmed short. His face is handsome with its patrician nose that lends a noble cast to his features and a ready smile surrounded by a well cared for blonde beard. A wide and firm stances carries him about his business with long strides.

He is outfitted in a well cared for full plate armor; a blue tassel of horsehair flutters from the helm. A tabbard of white, trimmed with gold embroidery, and emblazoned with a long sword in front of a stylized sunburst is gathered at the waist by a belt. A gray cape is about his shoulders, held in place by a broach in the form of two lions. From a swordbelt across his hips is a sheathed longsword. A dagger hilt protrudes from his right boot top of a pair of sturdy boots.

As his father was a merchant in the town of Verbobonc. He excelled at military matters and did not show interest in merchantile matters, but was more concerned about justice and honor. This lead him to the worship of Heironeous which caused a rift between him and his father. He sought out a temple of Heironeous and pledged his sword in service, becoming a paladin.

Traits on scale of 1-10.
Disposition Friendly, Cheerful.
Courtesy 8; Friendly and outgoing.
Valor 10; This is something he strives for. Justice and honor, law above chaos.
Self-sacrifice 8; Willing to place himself in the line of fire for innocents.
Generosity 7; Help the poor.
Optimism 8; No challenge is unsurmountable.
Forgiveness 8; Of course he is the trusting sort.
Patience 8.
Helpfulness 7.
Temper 2.
Curiosity 7; Are there more innocents to be saved?
Cheerfulness 7.
Honesty 8; Goes without saying.
Loyalty 8.
Materialism 4; Only enough to keep himself equiped and outfitted to fight evil.

Honor Beliefs:
Failure: There is no failure, either succeed or seek death.
Debts: All debts of honor or vengeance are repaid.
Cowardice: The highest dishonor.
Mercy: Display mercy to the innocents and those that ask.


[dice=attack, inspire]1d20+8+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, inspire]1d8+3+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, bless]1d20+8+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, bless]1d8+3[/dice]

[dice=attack, inspire, bless]1d20+8+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, inspire, bless]1d8+3+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack]1d20+8+-1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack]1d8+3+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, inspire]1d20+8+-1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, inspire]1d8+3+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, bless]1d20+8+-1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, bless]1d8+3+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, inspire, bless]1d20+8+-1+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, inspire, bless]1d8+3+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack]1d20+8+-1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack]1d8+3+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, inspire]1d20+8+-1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, inspire]1d8+3+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, bless]1d20+8+-1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, bless]1d8+3+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, inspire, bless]1d20+8+-1+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, inspire, bless]1d8+3+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage]1d20+8+-1+2[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage]1d8+3+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, inspire]1d20+8+-1+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, inspire]1d8+3+2+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, bless]1d8+3+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, inspire, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, inspire, bless]1d8+3+2+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, smite]1d20+8+-1+2[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, smite]1d8+3+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, smite, inspire]1d20+8+-1+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, smite, inspire]1d8+3+2+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, smite, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, smite, bless]1d8+3+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, smite, inspire, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, smite, inspire, bless]1d8+3+2+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, smite]1d20+8+-1+2+2[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, smite]1d8+3+2+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, smite, inspire]1d20+8+-1+2+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, smite, inspire]1d8+3+2+2+2+1[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, smite, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+2+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, smite, bless]1d8+3+2+2+2[/dice]

[dice=attack, power attack, rage, smite, inspire, bless]1d20+8+-1+2+2+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, power attack, rage, smite, inspire, bless]1d8+3+2+2+2+1[/dice]