DM Jesse's Temple of Elemental Evil PbP, Pathfinder style

Game Master Jesse Heinig

Current map: The Temple of Elemental Evil (dungeon level 1)

Campaign document

Swag bag

Current Party XP Total: 7,560

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Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

(Nobody tell Bahamut)

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Fezzik - Level 3

HP: +6+3(con)
Feat: Iron Will
Bonus: Armor Training - -1 to armor check penalty/ +1 max dex
Skills: Perception +1, Knowledge (engineering) +1

Were we using background skills?

Female Human Cleric 3 (Pelor) | hp 24/24 | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Channel Pos. 5/7 | Touch of Glory 5/5 | PoP 1/1
Fezzik Faststrike wrote:

Fezzik - Level 3

Were we using background skills?

Yep--it's confirmed near the top of the campaign document.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Ah, I see that now, thanks. Looks like I need to redo my skills, lol.

Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9

Does anyone have 50 gp I can borrow?

Now that I can make things, I can use pretty much all of my hoard to make a thing that is certainly worth making, but I need a lousy 50 gp (and 16 hours) to make it.

Yes, I am being vague. Yes, it will be worth it. =)

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

I have made no notes of additional gold ever going to Zinnath. I might be wrong in not having done so, but it is what it is.

What's in the swag bag? I can't view it from here?

I have the 70gp for my tools. If I have other loot listed in the swag bag, of course you are welcome to it.

Why wouldn't I want my minions appropriately equipped to do their jobs after all?

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

Checked swagbag on my iPhone. It needs the recent stuff added.

We need to sell/distribute stuff. A couple things, I dunno what they are: "Phylactery of Freedom?" "Staff of Striking?"

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

The swag bag is a mess. Is the DM the only one with access to edit?

From what I can tell from our discussion after finishing the moat house: (p13 of Discussion and p30 of Gameplay)

So Bat's claiming the +1 chain shirt, the phylactery of freedom, and using her 20% discount to buy her +1 reliquary buckler for 1,124 gp from Verbobonc.

+1 heavy steel shield and +1 half-plate goes to Domeric

Staff of Striking - Kyrie didn't want, not sure if Avendryl or Bat does.

+1 enchantment for Fezzik's Lg MW Cold-Iron Greatsword - 4k and 4 days (done)

A wand of CLW - 750 (was available - assuming we purchased)

Four potions of CLW from St Cuthbert 200gp + 200gp if staying 4 days for sword for 8 potions total. (assuming we purchased)

MW CI heavy flail for SK - 630gp? (have to wait until we get to Nulb or can have non-MW made now (30gp) and transform later or order from Verbobonc (504gp)) (I think we waited on this)

+1 reliquary buckler for Bat - 1,124 gp from Verbobonc (ordered)

Lg Breastplate for Fezzik - (400gp)[+150 if MW or is it cheaper casting the spell?] (will have to retcon as I forgot we were going this route)

Assuming max costs - 7,304gp

Anything ordered from Verbobonc takes 10 days.

There was also this: The chest contains 3,000 gold pieces, six vials of alchemist's fire, six vials of antitoxin, two potions of cure light wounds (caster level 1), and two scrolls of magic missile (caster level 1). from Burne after we first returned from moat house. Not sure if it made it to the swag bag. I know I spent 500 gp on my sword and Zinnath got his tools and a harness but I didn't see the cost. I also know we used at least 1 of the potions.

Additionally around that time, we sold a 500 peridot and an 800 dagger to the jewel. I'm assuming the dagger is the "ornamental dagger" listed in the swag bag but I don't see the gem (I'm assuming it was already removed). We should probably leave it on list and just mark it "sold" to remove confusion.

After we cleared the moat house the DM stated: "you sell off as much jewelry as you can and make the trade for various goods" - but I'm not exactly sure what that entailed since I don't think anything was changed in swag bag.

At the time, I calculated: Assuming everything with a listed value is sold from the swag bag, it looks like we have about 8650 gp. However, the first list I created after the battle with the cleric showed a total value of 10,816.

We also need to indicate who is carrying what.

Character Sheet High Elf Order of Scribes Wizard 6 | HP 21/32 | AC 13 (16 - Mage Armor) | Initiative +3 | Passive Perception 14| Saves: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +7, Wis +4, Cha +0 | Conditions: None | Spell Slots: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 1/3, 3rd - 2/3

No desire for the staff of striking on my part.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

And now the loot from the troll!

Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9

You know I totally glossed over that. I wrote down my bustier, but I just assumed someone else put the rest of that on the loot sheet?

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

Sorry, the swag bag is pretty badly disorganized. I'd be happy to give edit privs to anyone who wants to clean it up, as long as you don't, y'know, suddenly "discover" 100,000 gp worth of gems or something. ;)

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

Not me, I can’t really edit it easily, and can only view on my iPhone.

Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9

And I can't get googledocs from where I do most of my gaming. =((

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Unless someone else really wants to, I'll do it. I promise I won't skim (much).

Female Human Cleric 3 (Pelor) | hp 24/24 | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Channel Pos. 5/7 | Touch of Glory 5/5 | PoP 1/1

Thanks, Fezzik.

As far as I can recall, Bataleigha's claimed the +1 chain shirt, phylactery of freedom, used her 20% discount on her new +1 reliquary buckler, and plans to spent 300 gp to make her heavy mace masterwork ASAP.

She's also got several boxes of regular crossbow bolts stashed under her bed back at the Inn of the Welcome Wench...but she doesn't want to talk about that.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

You're nominated Fezzik!

We need to get the stuff that is distributed onto people's individual characters, rather than in the loot box, and compile all of the money!

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil


Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9

With that said, I'd like to recommend that some people that did not get items beforehand (like me) be compensated with extra gold.

Also, it might be good if we just build in 8 hours of inactivity per day, if possible, so we can convert whatever gold we may have into magic items.

We all can benefit from wondrous items of + ability, but there are other options as well.

While its true that 8 hours a day is not that much, if we keep to that schedule, I'm sure that we can accomplish a good deal!

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

There is also nothing keeping you from spending a day or two in Nulb to do accounting, buy new gear, and make magic items. While the Waterside Hostel isn't the safest place around, if you take reasonable precautions and move in groups you won't be robbed, and you can use Otis' smithy to do item creation.

There's a point in the adventure where it's possible to turn on a ticking clock, but you're a long way from it - you can take a few days here and there if you wan.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

Stat items are always nice. Really, most of the crap I'd want is probably more expensive than the money we have.

I figure we'll find rings, and amulets, and wands, and staves at some point. Odds are, we'll need to try and buy the rods I might want, but not yet.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

I'll work on it over the next few days. I was going to have a running list of what we have found, sold, used, and spent. I'd also have a list for each of us for what we've received so we can make sure we're spreading the wealth. That said I think I'd like to keep a group pool of gold.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

I'm all for some sort of group pool for expenses: tolls, bribes, hookers, etc.

Character Sheet High Elf Order of Scribes Wizard 6 | HP 21/32 | AC 13 (16 - Mage Armor) | Initiative +3 | Passive Perception 14| Saves: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +7, Wis +4, Cha +0 | Conditions: None | Spell Slots: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 1/3, 3rd - 2/3

A group find is a good idea. Something we usually do in my home games to cover utility/group benefit items like curative wands and such.

Fezzik, thanks for jumping on the grenade and handling the loot list. I'll give it a look when I get home.

Character Sheet High Elf Order of Scribes Wizard 6 | HP 21/32 | AC 13 (16 - Mage Armor) | Initiative +3 | Passive Perception 14| Saves: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +7, Wis +4, Cha +0 | Conditions: None | Spell Slots: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 1/3, 3rd - 2/3

Looks like the only thing there that I'd be interested in is cold hard cash.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

@DM - can you clarify this:

After we cleared the moat house the DM stated: "you sell off as much jewelry as you can and make the trade for various goods" - but I'm not exactly sure what that entailed since I don't think anything was changed in swag bag.

Did we liquidate everything?

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

I believe you decided to liquidate everything but I don't think anyone actually transferred the gold to their sheets. Basically that was fallout from the discussion about whether you can sell jewelry and trade goods at full value (you can).

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Ok, that's what I thought. FYI, I'm about half-way through the thread.

Some additional questions:

How are we handling mundane equipment, especially the hoard of weapons and armor we found in the dungeon of the moat house?

We got a dagger of venom off of Gremag which seems to be valued at 8302. At the time, no one wanted it. How do you want to handle the sale if we decide to?

Zinnath - how much was your harness and tools?

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

Burne's Badgers will take the mundane arms and armor off your hands (at the usual half price), to help stock up in case the militia needs to be raised in Hommlet (an increasing possibility as events show that there are threats on the rise).

Selling a dagger of venom in Nulb is easy. That place is a hive of scum and villainy. You can get the usual 50% rate and nobody will ask any questions.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

The tools were 30. 5 for the harness.

Is that a Pathfinder dagger of venom or and old school one where you filled it with poison? If the latter, it’s at least a +1 weapon, and while we may not use poison, we could fill it with holy water for attacking undead, or just leave it empty. Any of you bipeds could keep a +1 dagger.

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

It's considered a PF version.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

We'd be better off selling it for 4151 then. Could buy multiple +1 weapons.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)


Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

This weekend is my S.O.'s birthday and I'll be out of town celebrating that, so I might not update until Tuesday.

This should, of course, give you plenty of time to update your treasure list and divvy up money and make purchases. :)

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Ok, I need to take a break. 1st pass of swag bag is done so everyone review please to let me know it looks ok. Currently looks like we have about 9100 gp.

A few things of note:
- still need to sell Dagger of Venom (+4151)
- need to determine who is carrying items with ?
- need value of Staff of Striking to sell
- need value of Phylactery of Freedom
- need to identify the divine scroll from ghoul lair

I still plan on listing what each of us has taken/spent so we can try to even things out.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

I can’t find anything that describes what those two items do, or their value. One place might have implied that the staff, beyond everything else, is a +3 quarterstaff. That can’t be right.

Campaign maps: Jade Regent | Kingmaker | The Temple of Elemental Evil

The phylactery is like a ring of freedom of movement that occupies the headband slot and only functions for clerics, so base value is 40k(!).

The staff is an oddball 1st edition item that I need to reconstruct when I have time with my laptop. :)

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

Hmmm,sounds like 20k gp in the bank to me, haha!

Female Human Cleric 3 (Pelor) | hp 24/24 | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Channel Pos. 5/7 | Touch of Glory 5/5 | PoP 1/1

40k you say? I'd say that's just become Bat's 401(k)! :D

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Wow 40k! That will really throw off my idea on how to keep things balanced. Once I get the next part set up, we will have to agree on a value for it.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

Cash splits easily!

Character Sheet High Elf Order of Scribes Wizard 6 | HP 21/32 | AC 13 (16 - Mage Armor) | Initiative +3 | Passive Perception 14| Saves: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +7, Wis +4, Cha +0 | Conditions: None | Spell Slots: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 1/3, 3rd - 2/3

Agreed. Sounds like a sell and divide to me.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

I totally disagree. This is a valuable item we won't be able to afford for a long time. We need to keep it.

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

If I was the cleric, I would prefer a +2 Wisdom item in my headband slot, but Bat can speak for herself I guess.

Lg Half-Ogre Fighter 3 HP 34/34 | AC 17 T 11 FF 15 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | CMB +8 CMD 19 | Speed 30ft Init +4 Perc +4 Darkvision 60'

Hmm, good point. I hadn't thought about that aspect of it.

Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9

Freedom of movement just isn't so common a need that it would justify passing up 20k in other resources.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Paladin 2/Bloodrager 1 (AC: 23 [T: 23 FF: 10] | HP: 31/31 (0NL) F+9, R+3, W+5) | Init: +1 |Perc: +7) Bloodrage: 6/6 LoH: 3/3
Kyrie, the Remorseless wrote:


Freedom of movement just isn't so common a need that it would justify passing up 20k in other resources.

Until you get grabbed and swallow attempts happen... after all Bat does a lot of the healing; its good to make her survivable.

That being said, I'd probably lean towards +2 wis headband instead if its available and there are enough resources in the villages/towns we have visited to sell that pricey of item.

Female Human Cleric 3 (Pelor) | hp 24/24 | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Channel Pos. 5/7 | Touch of Glory 5/5 | PoP 1/1

I'm good with selling the phylactery. Bat's a relatively low-Wisdom cleric (14), so that +2 Wis would help.

Scarab Sages

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
Zinnath the Scary wrote:
Cash splits easily!

I'd just like to chime in that I passed on most (all, I think) of the magical loot we found so others could use it. Now that I can start to craft things, I'd like to close that wealth disparity.

I mean, I can make two 1st-level pearls of power a day. The obvious benefits to the spellcaststers with us are...uh, obvious! =)

Male Dragon - AC: 22 (17 TCH, 17 FF); SR: 13; Init: +8; CMB: +7 CMD: 16; F:+5* R:+11* W:+8*; HP:44/44; Perception +12*; (60’ Darkvision)

No benefit to me with the pearls, but it’s not all about me.

”The hell it isn’t!”

Shut up you!

As an aside on the math, for folks that took items out of loot: I propose counting their value at 50%, just as if we had sold the item. No reason to penalize someone just because we found something useful for them.

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