DM Davy Jones |

These pirates were obviously down on their luck - most of their gear is worthless. One of the common pirates however seems to have squirreled away a masterwork shortsword.
Anyone else?

Ayre |

I assume the boarding pike is at least MW? so a MW short sword and pike?

Nymph |

Is the boarding pike worth looting? If so Nymph loots that :3

Yuki Okano |

Dex check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Keeping hold of her bow, Yuki loots the rest of the officer's body while Nymph grabs the boarding pike.

Galean "Rafter" Santiago |

Galean looks at the albatross swoop over in the air, just as Nymph nearly decapitates the sailor. Having nothing to do, the albatross lands on the railing, and looks with empty eyes at the slaughter for a couple of seconds before disappearing.
Galean looks at the carnage, and says calmly at Nymph, "You know what? Remind me not to get on your bad side. Just saying." He goes on to the wheel of the other ship, and begins familiarizing himself with it, brushing his fingers on the rods, and notices the marks and indentations from the previous navigator, getting a feel of the ship, losing himself in a daydream.
Upon seeing Harrigan appear out with a heart in his hand, Galean swiftly lets go, and decides to go to the side of the poop deck and unceremoniously empty his guts.
A heart?! Seriously?, he thinks, after emptying his stomach overboard, narrowly missing a lucky shark.
Gazing over his companions spreading over the loot, he feels content with the pirate's life once more, and moves back to holding the wheel.

Nymph |

"Don't forsake those who allow us to exist and you won't." Nymph says serenely, perfectly content at the moment while being completely soaked in her second favorite bodily fluid.

DM Davy Jones |

Ayre, you got a 15 on your Appraise check - I'd go check out the Appraise skill description. On a side note Appraise is a weird skill.
The sailors are all carrying a shortsword, a heavy crossbow and a set of leather armor, and 13 gold each. The officer had the boarding pike, two shortswords, a chain shirt, a heavy crossbow, and some rather nice clothing embroidered with small pearls. You each have a chance to squirrel away two items, the gold is .
The rest of the sailors seem to be giving up and the merchant ship is now yours!
Captain Harrigan and the officers take care of the crew and laugh aloud as they revel in the new freedom - which means it's time to party!
Kroop breaks out a fine feast and there's much celebrating, and the regular booty is divided.
You get 2100gp to divide amongst yourselves, and the captain rewards your quick capture of the sterncastle with three potions of cure moderate wounds and a potion of invisibility.
Harrigan praises Nymph's and Ayre's loyalty and tosses them a amulet of natural armor +1 and a short sword +1 as a reward for warning him of the pirate about to kill him. Apparently Nymph's indiscretion is all forgiven with the victory.
The party goes on for almost 36 hours, and of course no work is performed. You've can take up to 5 ship's actions each.

Yuki Okano |

DM, in your spoiler the part about gold is cut off.
"Hey Ayre, any of this stuff magical?" Yuki asks as she tries to decide what loot to grab.
Can we tell what's masterwork by looking at it?
I think we should split the gold evenly at 525gp a piece. As for dividing the magical items, I think Nymph should take at least one of the healing potions, and the rest be divided by whoever benefits the most from it.
GM, any masterwork armor available in the Quartermaster shop? Any Longbow (+1 Str)? Masterwork Thieves Tools?
Moreover, do we get all our stuff back now?
Yuki will shop once I have a clearer idea of our financial standing.

DM Davy Jones |

Apologies, that means you can gather the gold easily and it doesn't count as a looted item. Knowing something is masterwork from a simple glance takes Appraisal or the relevant craft or profession skill.
There was a list of all the gear in the armory store described by Grok earlier, but in short - yes, masterwork leather armor and two masterwork bucklers; no there are no longbows - crossbows are the preferred weaponry of the Wormwood; yes there are masterwork thieves tools.
Patience regarding your gear (although I wouldn't attempt to buy any back)! Much will be revealed soon.

Yuki Okano |

It looks like we're fresh out of Detect Magic.
Appraise Officer boarding pike: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Appraise Officer shortsword: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Appraise Officer chain shirt: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Appraise Officer clothing: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Yuki is still going to shop, I'm just waiting to see if the other players have an opinion on how to split the loot.

DM Davy Jones |

If you want to take one of your ship's actions to take 20 on appraise you can.

Yuki Okano |

If possible, Yuki would like to appraise one of the shortswords, the chain shirt, and the clothing by taking 20 for three ship actions. If she can only pick one of those then 1d2 ⇒ 1, she'll just take 20 on the shortsword.
Her next action will be to shop, once she has a better idea of how much money the group has through appraising.

Ayre |

Ayre will take 20 over several days to appraise and spellcraft it all
who is taking the amulet and SS

Galean "Rafter" Santiago |

Galean will happily collect his share of the loot, and spend quite some time just playing around with the coins.
Rounding up his crewmates, he says, excitedly, "Ha! That was a good run! Is it like that every time? What will you do with the other ship?", he asks the questions, as he energetically moves from one place to another.
As the party starts, he drinks more than his fair share, probably gets in a friendly fistfight, drinks more again, falls uncouncious, and then wakes up again and keeps drinking, being cheeky with the fact that he's too young for a hangover. As the party dies down, he heads to the Shop.

DM Davy Jones |

The only magical item is the boarding pike: a boarding pike of repelling.
This +1 boarding pike (Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea 18) is an 8-foot-long pole topped with a tapered metal spearpoint and a backward-facing hook, used to draw vessels closer together or repel boarders. A metal skull caps the butt of the pike. On command, a boarding pike of repelling can be extended as a swift action, giving its wielder a reach of 20 feet for 1 round. While the pike is extended, the wielder does not threaten adjacent creatures or creatures up to 15 feet away. A boarding pike of repelling can also be extended in this way to draw vessels closer together for boarding.
The two shortswords taken from the officer are masterwork in quality, and everything else is normal. The clothing (assuming you straight stripped the corpse of the officer) is worth 75 gp.
Notate what you're going to buy if you buy something!

Yuki Okano |

Yuki wouldn't mind having the short sword +1 if Nymph is going to use the magical boarding pike. If she gets the magical short sword, she'll try to sell both MW short swords. If not, she'll keep one.
Between partying and appraising, Yuki coaxes Grok to open the Quartermaster shop.
Yuki sells the following for the group:
Nice clothing +75gp
Adding that to 2100 and dividing by 4, that's 543.75gp each.
Yuki sells the following from her personal inventory:
Leather armor +5gp
Light crossbow +17.5gp
10 bolts .5gp
Yuki buys:
40 arrows 2gp
MW Thieves Tools 100gp
1 Alchemist Fire 20gp

Ayre |

Nymph you should take the amulet of NA as well please confirm
Fm are there any other arcane casters that have spell books? Are there scrolls available to purchase?

Nymph |

Yeah, I'll take the NA, don't really want the like though, and sorry for my absence, RL occurred.

Nymph |

Nah, you guys can keep em or sell em.

DM Davy Jones |

Nymph's class biases her towards battleaxes in case you all didn't know! Ayre: no and no. Remember you have multiple Ship's actions! Ayre has used one to appraise, Yuki has used one to shop, and Galean has used one to shop but hasn't published his purchases yet; and you can explore the Man's Promise - in case any good loot was missed or you want to look for someplace to stow away gear.
If you need a shopping list, here's Grok's description.

Nymph |

Will hopefully post Nymph's stuff tonight, sorry for the delay.

Ayre |

Ayre will spend two of his evenings scribing scrolls 2 level 1's one appraising and one shopping where he will buy the scroll of magic missile and then his last evening scribing that spell to his book

Galean "Rafter" Santiago |

Galean would just browse the shop, curious about the stick of holyness, but then realizes he probably can't use it. What are the rules on exploring the new ship? Same as nighttime actions on ours?
Galean leaves the shop, drunken pirates shouting left and right, and decides to board the Man's Promise. Attempting to sneak on board, Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 After passing a bottle to a pirate, he quietly boards the Man's Promise, looking with awe at the other ship.
Galean decides to spend some time analyzing the middle deck of the Man's promise, looking in every nook and cranny. Taking 20 for a result of 30.
Exploring the Sterncastle
After deciding that he found all there is to find in the middle deck, I swear, we must've searched The Wormwood's middle deck at least 5 times, hoping to find something new... Galean moves to try and search the Sterncastle. Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 Moving as quietly as a relatively quiet pirate, he isn't spotted by anyone, and resumes investigating the Sterncastle, putting the most attention in finding and, well, looting the captain's cabin. Again, taking 20 for a result of 30.
Exploring the Aft Deck.
Sneaking out of the forecastle, he ducks behind the mast, Nearly got me!, as Master Scourge looks in his direction, waving a flagon and shouting uncoherently.
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Crawling on the deck, he again takes his time to make sure he knows all there is to know about the new ship. You never know when something is going to be rotten or wonky, and poof, you lose the ship.
Exploring the mid... Foredeck.
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 Either stupidly lucky or luckily stupid, Galean isn't noticed once again, as his pathetic attempts at subterfuge land him crawling along the foredeck. I've been here for hours. Seriously. I thought somebody would've noticed me missing. Apparently noone cares. Or they're too drunk and uncouncious. Either is bad., he thinks to himself as he takes mental note of everything there is to see on the foredeck.
Not wishing to push his luck further, Galean jumps back on The Wormwood, takes a small swig of Rum and begins relating all the information to his friends, lying down on the deck and relaxing. I kind of like this way of life... When I'm a captain, though, we're going to buy better rum. Ha! Screw buying! We'll plunder it!, he thinks, watching the sun set for a second time since the party started, gazing towards the sunset's path on the calm ocean.

Yuki Okano |

Ok, Yuki is keeping the +1 short sword, selling both masterwork short swords (310 total) and the boarding pike (for however much it's worth).
Unless there is someone else we should influence, Yuki will just party with those crew members who are friendly or helpful.

DM Davy Jones |

B1. Main Deck: Two 10-foot-square hatches sit in the deck forward of the mainmast and open onto the middle hold. Between the hatches and mast, a steep set of wooden steps descends into the middle deck (area B8) 15 feet below.
B2. Foredeck: The foredeck rises 10 feet above the main deck. The ship’s nameplate on the hull reads Man’s Promise.
B3. Aft Deck: The aft deck sits 10 feet above the main deck, and steps lead up to an even higher deck behind the mizzenmast. The ship’s wheel stands just before the rail overlooking the main deck.
B4. Sterncastle: This high deck sits behind the mizzenmast, 20 feet above the main deck. A pair of light ballistas sit upon this deck, next to a box containing a dozen ballista bolts.
B5. Ship’s Boats: Two ship’s boats, a cutter and a gig (see the Skull & Shackles Player’s Guide for statistics), hang from davits on the gunwales just forward of the aft deck. The boats are lashed to the ship and require three DC 10 Profession (sailor) checks or Dexterity checks to launch. Each such check is a full-round action. Each ship’s boat has four oars and a single mast. The cutter can carry up to 12 Medium passengers, while the gig can carry up to 8 Medium passengers.
B6. Officers’ Quarters: This tidy cabin has two portholes to allow light and fresh air to enter. A hefty trap door sits in the floor, leading to the middle deck (area B8).
B7a. Captain’s Storage: These small storerooms do not have doors, but are separated by sliding walls that can also be removed and made into a folding table. The starboard compartment contains a small writing desk and a couple of chests.
B8. Middle Deck and Armory: The middle hold of the Man’s Promise is currently empty, though the weapon racks along the walls only need to be restocked to turn this hold into a working armory. Steps behind the foremast descend into the main hold (area B12). A second set of stairs against the aft bulkhead lead up to the main deck (area B1).
B9. Crew Berths: Ten supporting pillars behind the mainmast fill this spacious compartment, with room for over a score of hammocks.
B10. Galley: This sizable galley contains a large stove against the aft bulkhead and a single porthole in the starboard wall. In one corner, a derrick stands next to a trap door that opens into the secure storage below (area B13). The door is locked with a huge, good padlock. It takes a full round to raise or lower the line on the derrick, which can lift up to 200 pounds of cargo. The galley has been stocked for the journey to Port Peril, but the food is scant at best.
B11. Cook’s Cabin: This filthy cabin contains two dirty hammocks and a single porthole in the port wall. A rickety ladder ascends to a trap door in the ceiling, leading to the captain’s cabin (area B7).
B12. Main Hold: Essentially empty after being looted by the crew of the Wormwood, the main hold of the Man’s Promise contains a large water barrel secured to the starboard wall. Stairs behind the foremast lead up to the middle deck (area B8), while a trap door near the mainmast leads to the bilges, which contains two bilge pumps, forward and aft.
B13. Secure Storage: This large compartment aft of the main hold is locked with a good lock, but is presently empty.
Galean's explorations of the ship give him a complete overview of the ship, and he also finds a few interesting things hidden away: a brass knife, a bayonet and a prosthetic leg - what that's doing laying around he's not sure. But tucked away in the middle hold he finds the motherlode - a nautical chart of the Shackles.
Everyone ready?

DM Davy Jones |

In a city you could sell it for 2,154 gp; but the Quartermaster does not have that much gold available - you could trade for other things.
All right, you scurvy tars! You’ve done a right good job by me—we’ve got a second ship now, and she’s quite a prize from the looks of her. But I still have only one crew. So here’s the plan—the Wormwood will sail on to our planned destination with our new shipmates here, while Mr. Plugg will pick a skeleton crew to sail the Man’s Promise to Port Peril, where she’ll be worth a pretty penny as salvage.
As for these fine fellows here—Harrigan gestures at the remainder of the captured ship’s crew—some of them will no doubt be worth a hefty ransom from their families back in Azir.And for the rest, if the life of a pirate’s not for them, they can spend the rest of their lives at sea!
To make his point, Harrigan grabs one of the Rahadoumi sailors and throws her overboard to the accompaniment of cheers and laughter from the Wormwood’s crew. As the unfortunate woman sinks beneath the waves, many of the remaining sailors scramble to swear their loyalty to Harrigan. The officers are led belowdecks and the crew begins to disperse to their daily tasks.
Plugg and Scourge consult with each other eagerly. And they smile as they select the crew. The Rahadoumi merchantman was well-crewed, and Plugg and Scourge pick their cronies to man the ship - along with one of the Rahadoumi who surrendered to you, Sandara, Rosie, Cog and Samms, Tibbs, Jack, Ratline, Tilly and Shivikah. You see Kroop getting bundled aboard with Owlbear too.
Grok, tearful at being parted from all of you, manages to slip your gear back into your sea chests as you're hustled aboard.
Last chance to shop!

Yuki Okano |

Alright, we'll hold on to the boarding pike then. Yuki will put it her locker or another safe place as necessary.
Everyone gets 77.5 additional gp for selling the masterwork short swords and dividing by 4.
"Thanks Grok, but how much will give me for this stuff?" Yuki asks, selling back what Grok returns to her, as she's already replaced it.
Buckler +7.5 gp
Sack +5cp
Thieves' Tools +15gp
Ready to move forward.

DM Davy Jones |

No takers? Very well then!
As the Man’s Promise sets sail, acting captain Mr. Plugg and his first mate Master Scourge gather the crew together for an impromptu conference.
Mr. Plugg looks around and smiles.
Well, I hope you all enjoyed your little breaking in period, today is a glorious new era. The rules are the same, but we're gonna make it a bit more predictable to ease your life. We're even shorter of crew since some of the best sailors here get to be officers.
A few of their favorites smile broadly in return.
But some of you will learn to behave, not like before. There won't be any gentle corrections. If you screw up now, it's the cat - we don't have any room for error. And we don't have time to be handing out new assignments each morning.
You keep the same jobs you had before on the [i]Wormwood[i], Galean, Yuki and Nymph are swabs, Ayre is the cook's mate, but Nymph gets the bilges - by herself. Yuki gets to Swab the Decks and Galean gets to catch rats. but you will have to work a good deal harder, as the crew is smaller.
From now on, the DC to avoid fatigue for a daily task increases by +2, and you must now make DC 8 Constitution checks to avoid fatigue for those tasks where no fatigue chance previously existed.
Roll you Daily Tasks!

Yuki Okano |

Hmm, we really should do something about this situation now, I wonder what the others think...
Str check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Distracted by her own thoughts, Yuki finds herself very tired at the end of the day.
Not that it would have helped here, but can we still get the +4 for working diligently?

Ayre |

1d100 ⇒ 72 Kroop is drunk!
1d6 ⇒ 1
1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 4 = 21 cooking+ working diligently
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
flavor coming
Ayre walks into the mess and finds Kroop sprawled over a barrel of potatoes
Kroop! Kroop!
mumble mumble
Ayre looks around. OK Potato and turtle soup it is! Ayre bangs around for a while slicing potatoes and turtle, which he takes the time to tenderize by slamming a pot on it next to Kroops head, eventually he stirs
What the hells? Doncha knowsh you goshta ushe extra peppersh? He says before he stumbles off to get seasoning which he tosses into the stew haphazardly

Galean "Rafter" Santiago |

Auto-succeed on Rat-catching, Survival.
Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Galean decides to bait the rats with a piece of jerky stolen from the kitchens. After about half an hour of utter ratpocalypse, he decides he's done enough rat-catching for a day, sits down looking at the sea. Every couple of minutes he hits the deck with his boot, shouting, "Gotcha!"
Man. This is boooring. he thinks, taking a plank and starting to carve stuff in it. "Daaamn raats!"
Taking a small break, he then decides to stuff his pocket with some rat carcasses and go around the ship to look for places to explore.
GM, pick an area that would be reasonable to be explored? As long as it's not the middle deck. Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
His shouts continue to the evening, and he goes up to throw away a rather immense amount of dead rats, grinning widely at Acting Mister Plugg.
Do you need a Perform roll for the whole thing?

DM Davy Jones |

Galean, you don't find anything significantly changed other than the transport has some supplies in it from the Wormwood and any boxed cargo is gone.
You are able to determine that the lock for the officer's quarters trapdoor is of good quality. (Disable Device DC 30)

Nymph |

Sorry, will post when I get home in a bit. Followed by an explanation, once again, sorry.

DM Davy Jones |

No worries, no explanation needed for a day's absence I don't think either.

Nymph |

Strength: 1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 2 + 4 = 17
Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Just posting so as not to hold everything up.

DM Davy Jones |

Yuki and Nymph each get a rope bash at the end of the day watch, and Plugg - styling himself Captain Plugg now, calls you all together.
There'll be no lollygagging or drunkenness on this ship! So you're all banned on the main deck before dusk if you aren't on duty. The following sailors get the night watch: Badger, Aretta, Fipps, Chumlett, Jape, Maheem, Syl, Narwhal.
He glares at all of you.
The rest of you below decks!
As you file below decks you see the Wormwood's sails drop below the horizon.
Roll Survival!

Nymph |

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Wait, we get a rope bash for being fatigued now?

DM Davy Jones |

Scourge really doesn't like you? Sorry, forgot you did that to avoid fatigue, you can skip the rope bash. Yuki still gets hit however!
You're supposed to be heading north, towards Port Peril, but when you look at the stars outside the port holes on the deck you're certain you're heading south.

Galean "Rafter" Santiago |

Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25 Noticing the ship heading in the wrong direction, Galean looks at the others, whispering conspiratively, "We seem to be heading the other way from our port. Anyone has any idea what's on the other side? I know about Sargava, but that's about all I know about this place. What's Plugg doing, and why is he calling himself Captain?"
That arse can't tell the difference between a gybe and a hank, what the hell is he thinking..., he thinks, trying to figure out the direction of the ship.
Knowledge(Geography) for notable places and directions from where we are.: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Apparently, thar be dragins.

Nymph |

"Taking the ship for himself obviously." Nymph muses half-asleep while curled up near exhausted from her work next to Tilly.